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Chapter 76 Can the leadership of the online world be transferred to reality?

For a long time, I have also worked as a network system administrator (SysOp, that is, System Operator).Because generally in Internet companies, the work of system administrators is prone to problems, so it is better to be an administrator in person. The so-called system administrator, in layman's terms, is the president of various groups and organizations in the online world, or the mayor of the town.On the Internet, if the chairman is a little negligent, it may immediately cause boring arguments, or be invaded by hackers. In short, the area under his jurisdiction will immediately fall into chaos.

As a system administrator, once I find out who is operating illegally on the network, I will immediately deprive him of his login qualifications, which is to prevent the intrusion of network hackers by taking such actions. Of course, even so, hackers will attack the website in other ways.If that's the case, I'd take the approach of meeting him in person and asking him "why would you do this?" About 10 years ago, I founded a "Reformation Forum" on the Internet.In the process, I learned from meeting most of the hackers directly that most of them are actually very honest people.

Some people may ask me, "Why do you have to take tough measures against such a good person?" Many people will tell me straightforwardly: "Your purpose is not here. If this is the case, why don't you change your thinking? How?" The people who said these words to me were not from the working class, but mostly high school teachers. I find it difficult to agree with most of their objections.So every time I do this kind of theory, I don't feel anything new.Because it is a discussion without new ideas, so as long as there is a little bit of conflict with my point of view, I will fight back mercilessly. In the virtual world like the Internet, we cannot see each other, so this kind of attack is also unscrupulous. of.

In this way, the "collective IQ" on the Internet can be formed, and more problems can be found.On the other hand, there are also some harmful things on the Internet that oppose collective IQ, that is, pursue ignorant politics.In short, in the online world, there are often such lunatics with the purpose of fooling the people. I just gave an example of it. What we need to think about here is, in the real world, what is the collective IQ of the Japanese? Unfortunately, as mentioned before, the collective IQ of the Japanese is dropping significantly.Because there is no such thing as a system administrator in the virtual network in the real world, and this is reflected in the virtual world, it has to be said that the collective IQ of the Japanese in the network world is also lower than that of other countries in the world.In a sense, it is very easy to elect network administrators or leaders in the network society. This is a soil where "network leadership" is easy to be born.

As the most experienced network administrator in Japan, I have not only met "Internet offenders", but also had face-to-face conversations with some very famous people.Through the conversation, I found that although many people are very honest and dull in reality, they are highly respected in the virtual online world. In the online world, they gather good opinions and have a high collective IQ.But such wisdom cannot be applied to the real Japanese society. Isn't this a problem? Another advantage of the Internet is that everyone in it is willing to change themselves.Among the members who are active in the forum I opened, many people said that "by participating in the forum, I have grown and exercised", and it is true.

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