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Chapter 31 8. Representative of advanced culture

what is history 1 袁腾飞 3672Words 2018-03-20
During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Chinese culture was brilliant and brilliant, shining light on all neighbors.The reason is that the country is unified and strong, and the economy is prosperous, and the second is because of the enlightened and compatible cultural policies of the rulers of the Tang Dynasty.Thirdly, the exchanges among various nationalities in the country have also added a bold, lively and multi-ethnic color to Chinese culture. The Li Tang dynasty was very popular with Hu, so the Li Tang dynasty is characterized by an open, magnificent and colorful dynasty in Chinese history.The social atmosphere at that time was very open. Some princesses got married and lived for a period of time, and then they went back and told their father that it was not easy for me to change this son-in-law, so I changed it.It is very common for widows to remarry and women to divorce. The custom of binding women's feet only began in the Song Dynasty.In the Tang Dynasty, women rode horses when they went out. The most popular sport at that time was playing polo, and women could also participate.So if a woman wants to play polo, can her feet be bound?With bound feet, he couldn't even walk.

Scholars in the Tang Dynasty were not frail scholars either, it was only after the Song Dynasty that scholars were frail.From what the frontier poet said, "The general's horn bow cannot be controlled, and the iron armor of the general guard is hard to wear." It can be seen that he also put on the iron armor of the military guard to write these sentences, which is equivalent to a reporter accompanying the army.If you don’t have two talents, you can’t be a poet on the frontier. At that time, there were no cars and no bulletproof vests, and weak scholars went to the battlefield. Wouldn’t you do it?So this group of scholars is quite remarkable.

Other poets in the Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Shi Xian, Jiu Xian, and Jian Xian.He has learned swords for ten years before he got the name of Sword Immortal. This guy travels around the world alone, and he is not afraid of robbery.You try to rob him?You can see that in Li Bai's poems, there are many sentences such as wishing to cut Loulan from the waist.Moreover, the customs of the people in the Tang Dynasty at that time were "it is better to be a centurion than a scholar." Scholars especially wanted to make contributions, so the disposition and temper of a literati like him were related to the multi-ethnic color and cultural policies at that time.

The technology at that time, the first thing to talk about was engraving and printing and gunpowder. my country is the first country in the world to invent printing and gunpowder.The emergence of block printing in the Sui Dynasty was related to two traditional cultures in ancient China, one was seal cutting and the other was rubbings. Seal cutting is a seal carved in seal script.At the earliest time, the Chinese used knives to carve characters on tortoise shells, and later developed to carve on bamboo, copper and jade. The so-called rubbings are to first engrave characters on stones and make steles.Then brush a layer of ink on the stele, stick the paper on it, and after peeling it off, it is equivalent to copying the inscription on the stele. This piece of paper is called a rubbing.It can be said to be the earliest pirated version.It was these two traditional cultures that led to the emergence of woodblock printing.

Of course, woodblock printing seems very troublesome to us today, because as many pages as the book has, as many boards have to be made, and if one wrong word is engraved, it will be useless.If you think you have a new idea and want to revise the manuscript, you have to re-engrave it.Even so, block printing was much better than hand copying, so it was a great invention. Just as important as printing was the invention of gunpowder. Gunpowder was originally invented by alchemists. Taoist priests who wanted to become immortals made alchemy there, but the furnace exploded, and all Taoist priests became immortals at once.Once or twice, they summed up their experience, how to grow old and become immortals, and finally understood that sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal should never be smelted together, because they will explode when smelted together.In this way, gunpowder was invented, which is similar to the invention of X-rays and penicillin, unexpectedly.When gunpowder developed to the end of Tang Dynasty, it began to be used in military affairs.

Second, astronomical calendar.The monk and his party in the Tang Dynasty formulated the "Dayan Calendar". The monk and his party were a monk and an eminent monk of Tantric Buddhism, which is today's Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.The translation of ancient Chinese Buddhist scriptures into Chinese mainly relies on the four major translators. Except for Tang Sanzang, the remaining three are all foreigners: Vajra Wisdom, Shanwuwei and Kumarajiva.This group of monks is a disciple of King Kong Zhi, and he formulated the "Dayan Calendar".Another of his achievements is the first person in the world to use scientific methods to measure the length of the Earth's meridian.The meridian is the line of longitude. He measured this to compile the calendar, and the calendar is to guide agricultural production.As I said before, any research must be continued. If the great monk persisted in studying the latitude and longitude lines, he might be able to discover that the earth is round, and then Copernicus and Magellan would stop.Many technologies in ancient China were not studied in depth, and in the end they were used as wedding dresses and became the research experience of others.

Third, medical progress.The full name of "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions" written by Sun Simiao is "Elbow Reserve Emergency Thousand Gold Prescriptions".It means the emergency thousand gold prescriptions that are spared behind the elbow.The ancients stuffed everything into their sleeves. Aren't they afraid that everything would come out with a flick of the sleeve?In fact, there is a pocket behind them, and everything is put in the pocket.Therefore, for emergency backup, it is to put Qianjinfang in this pocket, and put it together with the mobile phone, wallet, IC card, and bus card.Putting Qianjinfang and those important things together is for emergency.I have a heat stroke, so I quickly searched, what to eat, and bought it quickly according to the prescription.Don't make a mistake, buying berberine for heatstroke doesn't work.Sun Simiao lived to be 101 years old and is known as a god.He lived from the Northern Zhou Dynasty to the era of Wu Zetian, so when Wei Zheng wrote the history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty, he called him to ask, Lao Sun, what happened at that time?Lao Sun said that it was like seeing it with his own eyes. He had experienced this before, but it was not like seeing it with his own eyes.People in the Tang Dynasty had an average life expectancy of 29, and he had 101, so people in the Tang Dynasty said he was a god.This also proves that their trick works. You can live to 101 if you keep "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions" behind your elbows every day, and do as he does.In addition, the "Four Medical Codes" written by Yuan Dan Gonpo of Tubo also made some contributions.This is Tibetan medicine. Many Tibetan medicines today are called Yuandan Gonpo. Yuandan Gonpo is the ancestor of Tubo medicine who wrote the "Four Medical Codes".Then, "Tang Materia Medica", compiled by more than 20 people in the imperial court during the Tang Gaozong period, is the earliest pharmacopoeia promulgated by the state in the world.

The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical poetry. In literature, Tang poetry is divided into four periods: early, prosperous, middle and late.Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin, and Luo Binwang, the four great kings of poetry, are known as the Four Heroes of the Early Tang Dynasty.Landscape poets include Meng Haoran and Wang Wei. Wang Wei's famous line "The bright moon shines between the pines, and the clear spring rocks flow up." Created a realm where there are paintings in poems and poems in paintings. "Walk to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise" is particularly Zen.Wang Wei is a Buddhist, and his name is Majie. He took the word from a great Bodhisattva: Vimalakirti Bodhisattva.

Poets on the frontier include Gao Shi, Cen Shen, and Wang Changling. Most of them described the resentment and desolation on the frontier battlefield, the bravery of soldiers, and the suffering brought by war.That literary achievement is very high, much better than the lyrics of military songs in the army now. Then there are two legendary figures, Li Bai, a poet, and Du Fu, a poet.As the saying goes, Han Liuwen, Qianguang History, Su Xin Ci, and Li Du Poetry are the symbols of Chinese literature.As a scholar, if you want to learn to write articles, you should read Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, and you will not be afraid to travel all over the world after studying; if you study history, study Sima Qian's "Historical Records" or Sima Guang's, and you can become a politician after studying; Song Ci, learn from Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji, and if you learn it well, you can kill Fang Wenshan and Lin Xi; if you learn to write ancient poems, you must learn from Li Bai and Du Fu.

The creative level of Li Bai and Du Fu is different, Li Bai is a romantic poet, Du Fu is a realistic poet, because they live in different times.Li Bai's golden creative period was when the country was at its most powerful, singing and dancing everywhere, and most of the things he wrote about were flowers, wine, swords, songs, and the moon, with no limit to his freedom and ease.Du Fu's most famous poems were created at a terrible time. The Anshi Rebellion was eight years old, and they all caught up within one year, so they were particularly concerned about the country and the people.He said, "Suddenly it was reported outside the sword that Jibei was received, and his clothes were full of tears when he heard it for the first time." Received Jibei didn't care about your business, he cared about the country, and seeing that the battle was finally over, he was so happy that he cried.As soon as Li Bai wrote a poem, he was very romantic, "flying down three thousand feet", happy!As soon as Du Fu wrote it, he "rolled the three layers of grass on my house", depressed!Generally speaking, although Li Bai's poems also complained, they are basically about his own happiness, and this kid has nothing to worry about; while Du Fu just shed tears when he was sad, and he also shed tears when he saw his old classmates. , Seeing the petals fall, I also cry.It's like people nowadays are drunk when they drink alcohol, and those who are literary are drunk and martial arts are drunk. Li Bai is happy when he is drunk, and he overturns the table when he is happy; Du Fu is sad when he is drunk, and cries when he is sad.

However, the strength of these two people is not their personal emotions, but their demeanor.Not just any poet who turns tables and tears can write these poems.Li Bai's handsome and free and easy "the emperor can't get on the boat", and Du Fu's ambition of "being the top of the mountain and looking at the small mountains" are beyond the reach of ordinary people! The representative work of the mid-Tang Dynasty is Bai Juyi's "Allegorical Poems", and Bai Juyi's poems are intended to hurt people.But if you want to hurt someone, you must at least let him understand.He didn't understand you for a long time, what's your strength?When I first taught in middle school, it was very funny. Those kids were so annoying. I scolded them for being shameless. The kids all looked at me with their eyes open. What do you mean teacher?I said smelly shameless, now I understand!The teacher can't swear, so I finally found a word to express my mood!I am so shameless and I still don't understand, which makes me very depressed.Therefore, Bai Juyi's poems are in the language of working people, but although the language is vulgar, the artistic conception is not vulgar.Bai Juyi went to visit Li Bai's tomb, and wrote a six-line poem: "Li Bai's tomb by the quarrying river, surrounded by endless grass and clouds." The first line can be used as a tour guide, "Poor desolate long and poor spring bones, there was an earth-shattering article. But the poet How unlucky you are, you can’t fall into the ranks.” In just these six sentences, who dares to say that I wrote Li Bai better than Bai Juyi? Tomb, to bury such a great man.Therefore, Bai Juyi's poetic artistic conception is very high, and it is widely spread in Japan and South Korea (because they are too complicated to learn). In the late Tang Dynasty, Du Mu and Li Shangyin chanted epic poems.I personally think that the highest artistic achievements of Tang poetry are Li Du, Du Mu and Li Shangyin.They developed regulated poetry to the extreme, especially Li Shangyin. "The day in Lantian is warm and the jade produces smoke", "This feeling can be remembered, but it was already lost at the time," the emotions of these sentences are so delicate and complicated that no one can explain clearly.Don't believe the annotations in the book, it's all nonsense.He lamented the circumstances of his life, not lamented that he failed to find a partner, Xiao Lizi used things to talk about his own affairs. An intellectual in the Tang Dynasty lamented that he could not be an official, and wrote a poem: "Pengmen didn't know Qi Luoxiang, and planned to ask a good matchmaker to secretly hurt himself." Pity Shi Shijian for dressing up. Dare to praise the skill of the ten fingers, and lazy to draw the eyebrows longer." It is useless to draw your eyebrows long, no one will marry you, you can only sew clothes for others, "bitter hate every year Press the gold thread to make wedding clothes for others.” The beautiful clothes made by hard work every year are worn by other brides.On the surface, it seems to be about the clothing industry, but in fact it is about himself, because he can't be an official.When the ancients wrote poems, they didn’t directly say that it would be painful for me not to be an official.For example, the girl is in pain making clothes, so I am in pain; the buddy’s computer has a blue screen again, so I am in pain, and they all express symbolic meanings in this way.The same is true for Li Shangyin. Li Shangyin's epic poem is very well written. He wrote about Concubine Yang Gui and Tang Minghuang: "Overseas people heard that Kyushu was changed, and his life is uncertain. He heard that the tiger's brigade spread the night watchman, and there was no chicken man to report the dawn. Today, the six armies are stationed together. Ma, at that time Qixi was laughing at the cows. How can Siji be the emperor, not as good as the Lu family." You Tang Xuanzong has been emperor for forty years, the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, and you couldn't even keep your daughter-in-law. What the hell are you.How Siji is the emperor is not as good as Lu's family.He is not hurting the emperor, but the artistic conception is here, so whether the poetry is good or not depends on the artistic conception.
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