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Chapter 16 fourteenth morning

The way of white clouds 奥修 14246Words 2018-03-20
May 23, 1974 both are required Beloved master, you once said that every child is born a god, but my two children are very different from birth, one of them is very quiet, like a god, but the other one seems to be not restricted by anything Disturbed before affected. How should I handle these two different children? This question asks a very basic question.Existence itself is divine, so where does evil come from?Where does that bad, that immoral and that unacceptable come from? Good is fine because we see it as synonymous with God—good is God.But where does that akusala come from?This question has puzzled mankind for centuries.As far as we can go back, this question has been on the minds of humans.

The logical solution, the solution that the mind can find, is to divide existence, to create a duality, to say that there is God and that is good, and that there is evil, devils, demons and Satan, and that is not good.The mind thinks that the problem is solved, all the bad things come from the devil, and all the good things come from God, but the problem is not solved, the problem is just pushed back, the problem still exists, you push it back One step, but it doesn't solve anything, because where did the devil come from?If God is the creator, then he must have created the devil in the first place, or God is not the supreme creator.

The devil has always existed, just as an enemy, or a hostile force, then both are eternal.So that conflict will go on forever, God cannot win, the devil will always be there to bother. This is the problem with Christian theology, Mohammedan theology and Jorgean theology, because all three follow the simple answer that the mind suggests, but the mind cannot solve it. There is another possibility, which does not come from the mind, which is very difficult for the mind to understand.That possibility arose in the East, especially in India, that possibility is that there is no devil, there is no basic duality, only God exists and no other power, and this is the philosophical meaning of non-dualism: only God exists.But we also see evil exists!

Hindus say that evil is in your interpretation, not in itself, and you say it is bad because you cannot understand it, or because you are disturbed by it.It is your attitude that makes it bad, or looks bad, there is no evil, evil cannot exist, only God exists, only divinity exists. Now I will answer your question with this background: Two children are born, one is good and the other is bad, why do you say one is good?Why do you say the other one is bad?Is it real or your interpretation? That one child is good, why?If the child is obedient, that child is good; if that child is not obedient, that child is not good.Those who obey you are good, and those who resist you are bad.Anything you say, one of them will accept it, if you say "sit quietly" that one will sit quietly, but the other one will disobey, will rebel, so the other one is not good, Here is your interpretation.You are not saying anything about children, you are talking about your mind.

Why is it good to be obedient?The truth is submissive kids are never brilliant, they're never sparkling, they're always dull.No obedient child has ever been a great scientist, or a great religionist, or a great poet, never has an obedient child ever been.Only the disobedient child has been a great inventor and creator, only the rebellious child has transcended the old to the new, to the unknown. But to the ego of the parent, a submissive child feels better because it helps your ego.When the child obeys you, obeys whatever you say, you feel good, when the child resists or rejects you, you feel bad.

But a real living child will be rebellious, why should he follow you?Who are you?Why should he follow you?Just because you're a dad?What did you do to be a father?You are just a channel, and that too is very unconscious. Your sex is not a conscious act, you are pushed into it by unconscious forces.The child is just an accident, you never expect it, you are not consciously aware of whom you are inviting, the child suddenly comes as a stranger, you become a father, but you are not the real father. When I say you become a father, it is a biological thing, you don't need it, not even a syringe can do that.You are not the real father because you are not conscious, you are not inviting, you are not asking for a special soul to come into the womb of your wife or your lover, you are not working on it.

When the child is born... how do you treat him?When you say that the little child should follow you, are you confident enough to say that you know the truth and that he must follow you?Are you confident enough to be sure that he says you have achieved something and the child must follow? You can force the child in your way, because the child is weak and you are strong, that is the only difference between you and your child, otherwise you are also childish, ignorant, you are not growing, you are not Maturity, you will be angry like a child, you will be jealous like a child, you will play with your toys like a child, your toys may be different, or bigger, that's all.

How is your life?where have you arrivedWhat wisdom have you got, so that the child has to follow you, has to say yes to whatever you ask? A real father will realize it, he will not impose anything on the child, he will let the child be himself, he will help the child to be himself, he will set the child free, because if he knows , he must know that it is only through freedom that inner growth occurs.If he experiences anything in life, he must know very well that experience requires freedom. The more free you are, the richer your experience is; the less free you are, the less likely you are to experience; There will be borrowed experiences, imitations, or shadows, but never the real thing, never the real thing.

Taking care of a child as a real father means giving him more and more freedom, making him more and more independent, letting him go into uncharted territory, into territory you have never known, he should go beyond you, he Should be ahead of you, he should be beyond all boundaries that you have ever known, he has to be helped, not forced, because once you start forcing, you are strangling, you are murdering the child. The mind needs freedom, it can only grow when it is free.If you are really a father, you will be happy when the child is rebellious, because no father likes to kill the child's heart.

But you are not the real father, you have your own disease, and when you force a child to follow you, you are just saying: you are going to dominate a person.You cannot do it in the world, but at least you can dominate the child, you can possess him.For this child, you become a politician, and you want to fulfill some unfulfilled desire through this child. - the desire to master others, the desire to be dictatorial.At least you can be a dictator over this child, he is so fragile, he is so young and helpless, he is so dependent on you, you can force him however you want, but by forcing you are strangling him, You are not giving birth to it, you are destroying it.

The obedient child will look good but he is dead, the rebellious child will look bad but he is alive. Because we ourselves miss life, we are against life, because we are dead, dead before we have died, because we always want to kill others.The way of killing others is subtle, you can kill in the name of love, you can kill in the name of compassion, you can kill in the name of service, you can kill in the name of some pretty things, but deep down, You are strangling. If you can understand this, you won't think about saying this child is good and that child is bad, don't explain!Everyone is unique, everyone is different, the divine creativity is so great that it never repeats itself. So, just say this: this kid is different from that kid.Don't say that this child is good and that child is bad. You don't know what is good and what is bad.This child is obedient, that child is disobedient, but no one knows what is good. Don't force it, if the child is naturally obedient, that's good, that's his nature, help him grow; if the child is rebellious, disobedient, that's his nature, help him grow, let the former Grow into a deep yes person, let the latter grow into a deep no person, but don't explain, because when you explain, you start destroying, saying yes is this It's in the nature of a child, it's in the nature of that child to say no, it needs both. If no one said "no," life would be dull, very uninteresting, and if everyone said "yes," it would be stupid and utterly uninteresting.People who say "no" are needed, that's the opposite pole.There is no point in conforming if there is no resistance, don't choose, just feel the difference and help, don't impose yourself on them, don't be violent. But every father is violent, every mother is violent, you can use violence because you are using violence in the name of love, no one will criticize you, because you say you love your children very much, so You have to hit him, you love him so much, so you have to correct him.You say that because you love him, you are trying to correct him, that you are preventing him from going astray. Can you be sure what is right and what is wrong?No one is sure, no one can be sure, because that phenomenon is: what is right one moment may not be right the next moment; correct. Life is a flow, changing every moment. So a real father or a real mother will give their child awareness, not the moral law, because the moral law is dead.You say: this is good, follow it!But the next moment, that thing turns out to be bad. What will the child do?The next moment the whole life changes, it is always changing, it is a constant change, and your moral law is fixed - you say this is good, this must be followed, then you become dead of.Life is changing all the time, and you are fixed on your moral law. That's why religious people look very lifeless, their eyes are empty, superficial, without depth, because depth is possible only when you flow with life. So, what gift should a father or a mother give their little one?Only awareness, they will make the children more aware, they will make the children free, they will tell them: go free, but be alert, even if you have to make mistakes, don't be afraid, because life also has to learn through mistakes , one also has to become more alert through mistakes, so don't be afraid, it's human to make mistakes. If you make a mistake with awareness, only one thing will happen: you will not make the same mistake over and over again, once you make a mistake, you will experience it, you will become alert to it, and then it will disappear , it will make you richer, and you will be more courageous.Just remember one thing, no matter what you go through, you have to become more conscious.When you say "yes", you have to be conscious of him saying it, and when you say "no", you have to be conscious of him saying it. Don't feel hurt when a child says "no" because who are you to fix a child?He comes through you, you are just a channel, don't become a dictator, love never commands with authority, if you never command, then the good or the bad will disappear, then you will love both, Your love will flow unconditionally, that's how God's love flows into the world - unconditionally. I heard someone tell a Sufi mystic, Junaid: There is a very evil person who comes to listen to your sermon, but you let him get so close to you, throw him out, he is not a good person. Junaid said: If God did not throw him out of this existence, who am I to throw him out?If God accepts him... I am not superior to God, God gave him life, God helped him to live, and that person is still young and fresh, he will live a long time, even longer than you, so I And who can decide? God gives energy to good people and bad people, that situation is very clear, as clear as crystal - for God, there is neither good nor bad, so when I say "God", I don't mean a person who sits in the sky People somewhere, that's an anthropocentric attitude: We imagine God in our own image.There is not a single person sitting there, God means the whole, the whole of existence. A bad man breathes as beautifully as a good man, sinners and saints alike are accepted by Being, which makes no distinctions, but because of dichotomous thinking—Christian, Mohammedan, or Christian thinking— — so we think in terms of conflict. There is a story: In ancient Israel, there was a town called Thorton, and the characters in that town were very abnormal—sexual reversion and homosexuality.So, it is said that God destroyed that town, and the whole town was destroyed, and there was a fire in the town, and everyone was burned to death. After many, many centuries, someone said to a Hasidic saint, a Hasidic mystic: When God destroys the town of Thornton, there must have been at least some good people in that town, and they were all destroyed too. .The questioner said: It is acceptable to say that the bad people are destroyed because they are bad, but why are the good people also destroyed? Look at our cunning minds, the Hasidic sage thought for a moment and said: He also destroys good people so that they can go to the underworld to testify that those bad people are bad - a very cunning way of saying, This is just to save face.What really happens is this: with God there is neither good nor bad, and when he creates, he creates both; and when he destroys, he destroys both—unconditionally. This attitude of good and bad is really stupid, a person who smokes becomes bad, a person who enjoys drinking becomes bad, a person who loves someone else's wife becomes bad, we think God is also sitting Calculate there and say: this person smokes, this person is an alcoholic, this person is promiscuous, let this person come, I want to see.If God is calculating trivial things, it is stupid, it comes from our little minds. For existence, there is no explanation and no division, and good and bad are human concepts, not divine ones. Every society has its own concept of good and bad, every age is changing, every age has its own concept of good and bad.Good and bad are relative, relative to society and culture, relative to us, but God is absolute, for him there is no distinction between good and bad. If you too are deep in meditation, then when thought disappears, there is no distinction, because good and bad are your thoughts. When you are silent, what is good?what is badAs soon as the idea of ​​good or bad arises, peace is lost.In deep meditation there is nothing, neither good nor bad. It is said that Lao Tzu once said that there is only a thin line between heaven and hell. In the meditator's mind, even if a single distinction arises, the whole world is divided. Meditation is no distinction, you just see, you see the whole, but you don't divide it.You don't say: this is ugly, that is beautiful; this is good, that is bad.You say nothing, you just exist, you say nothing, you make no distinctions, you are non-dual. In meditation you become God. People think that in meditation they will see God. This is wrong. No one can be seen.God is not an object, in meditation you become God because all distinctions disappear; in meditation you become one with the whole, because in meditation you cannot separate yourself from the whole, all The distinction is gone!You are so peaceful that you have no boundaries.Every boundary is a disturbance, you are so still, so there is no me, and there is no you; you are so still, so all boundaries are blurred, there is only oneness, there is only unity, that is what the Indians say The Brahma of God - that One, that Unity, that Ultimate Unity of Being. It is the mind that divides, that differentiates, that this is this, that is that.In meditation it is just that "is", which is not divided.When you are in meditation you are God, and only in meditation can you know unconditional love. If you are a father, your two children are just children, they are strangers, they come from an unknown world, they are going into an unknown existence, growing, maturing.From the love you give them, you share your life and your experience with them, but you don't force anything, and when you don't force, then which one is obedience and which one is disobedience?How can you decide which one is good and which one is bad when you don't force it? Now I have come to the last point. If you are not forcing, how can there be problems of obedience and disobedience?The whole phenomenon disappears, and then you can accept the other person—the child, the wife, the husband, or the friend—as it is, as a fact.If we can accept each other as it is, without any should, without any good or bad, then life in this moment becomes paradise. We reject, even if we accept someone, we only accept a part, we say: your eyes are good, but the rest is not good, is that acceptance?We say: Your behavior is very good, but others are not good, and others cannot be accepted. I only accept the good one, which means: I only accept the one that is in line with my ideals. You may not know how you are destroying each other, because whenever a parent tells a child: We only accept this part and no other part; What are you doing?You are creating divisions in other people's minds. When a father says: Don't do this, I don't accept this, I am angry with this; when he punishes a child because he thinks he has done something wrong -- what is he doing?When he praises the child, gives him a toy, gives him a flower, gives him candy, and says: You did a great job, you did something I really like - what is he doing?He is creating a division in the child. Gradually the child will also reject what the parents have rejected. He will become divided, he will become two selves. You may have watched little children, they even punish themselves, they even tell themselves: Bobby, this is not good, you did something wrong.They start rejecting the part that was rejected by their parents and then there is a split and the rejected part becomes unconscious and becomes the repressed part and the accepted part becomes conscious and becomes conscience .Living like this, their whole life will become hell, because the rejected part and the accepted part will continue to fight, and then there will be constant turmoil. That rejected part cannot be destroyed, it is you and it is there!It's been working in you all the time, you may have pushed it into the dark, that's all, but once you've pushed some part of you into the dark, that part becomes stronger because it's in the dark. It works in the dark, you can't see it, you can't be aware of it, it will take its own revenge, every time there is a moment of vulnerability, when the conscious part of you is not that strong, it will come out and you Maybe 23 hours is fine, but one hour, when the conscious part gets tired, the unconscious part comes out and asserts itself. So saints have their moments of sinners, even saints have to take a vacation from their saintliness, they have to vacation sometimes.So don't be surprised if you catch a saint who happens to be on vacation, everyone has to.Unless a man is whole, he must be tired.If a person is whole, there is no weariness, because there is no other part which is constantly fighting, making trouble, asserting itself or taking revenge. So we have two words, one is "saint" and the other is "saint", a saint always has a sinner hidden in him, and a sage is complete, a sage cannot take a holiday, because he is always on a holiday, in his There is no rejected part in it, he lives as a whole, he acts every moment as a whole, he never rejects anything, he accepts himself completely.This rejection is created by the parents or society. A child has always been a discoverer, and of course he will use his own body to start his discovery. For him, the body is the closest to his existence. He cannot go to the moon, nor can he go to the moon. Everest, maybe one day he'll go, but the closest thing right now is his own body, he'll start to discover it, he'll touch his body, he'll enjoy it. To see a child touching his toes, to see him so happy, his happiness is even happier than your going to the moon.He found his body!He touches his toes, he enjoys it, brings it to his mouth, because that's how he finds out, he tastes it, smells it, touches it. When he came to his genitals, the parents began to worry. That was the parents’ worry. The child didn’t feel much, he didn’t make a distinction. To him, the toes and the genitals were the same, and he didn’t divide the body , the whole body exists, the fingers, eyes, nose, genitals and toes are all the same, and he does not divide which one is higher and which one is lower. Indians have divisions, and various cultural ministries of the world use divisions.Indians say: Never use your right hand to touch the part below the navel, because the part below the navel is dirty, use your left hand when touching the part below the navel, and use your hand when touching the part above the navel. right hand.The body is divided, that division goes into the mind, we think the right is good and the left is bad, so when you want to condemn someone, you say he is left because the left is bad. A child does not know which side is the left and which is the right. The child is complete, he is a unified whole, he does not know which is lower and which is higher. The body is a whole without divisions. He will find his genitals, and then the parents will be disturbed. When a child, whether it is a boy or a girl, touches the genitals, we immediately say: Don't touch it!We take their hands away and the little kid is shocked like you gave him an electric shock and he doesn't understand what you're doing. This happens many times, you instill in the child that certain parts of his body must be rejected, that the sexual part of the body is bad, and you create an emotion in his mind.The child will grow, but he will never be able to accept his sex organs.If you are not able to fully accept your body, then there will be difficulties, there will be troubles, because the child will grow up dreaming, he will get into sex, but there will be guilt... as if there is something wrong something going on, as if something was fundamentally wrong, he would condemn himself. Making love is the most beautiful thing in the world and he's blaming, he's feeling guilty, he can't make love fully, he can't get fully into each other, because he'll be withdrawn, half acting and half held, and it's going to create Conflict, and then love becomes a pain. This happens in all areas of life, everything becomes miserable because in everything the parents create a division: this is good, that is bad.That's why you are suffering -- because of your parents and society.Don't make your kids do the same thing again. It may be difficult because you yourself are divided, so you want to divide the child -- unconsciously!If you become alert...if you really meditate, you will become more alert, don't create the same schizophrenia in your little child, don't divide, don't make it a split, you have suffered enough Do not create the same suffering for your children. If you truly love, you will not divide him, because division creates pain, you will help him to be whole, because wholeness is divine, and wholeness gives the possibility of ecstasy, which opens the door to "peak experiences." How can you help a child stay whole?One thing: stay alert so you don't unwittingly divide him.Don't condemn, if you think it is harmful, then tell the child that it is harmful, but don't say it is bad, because when you say "harmful", you are stating a fact; when you say "bad" , you're bringing your values ​​in. Parents have to tell the child many things because the child does not know.You have to say: don't go near the fire, but you have to say: it is harmful, if you get burned, you will suffer, but it is up to you, what I have experienced is: whenever I get burned, I will suffer, I will communicate my experience to you, but if you still want to do it, you can do it - it is harmful. Tell him what's bad and what's good, but don't say good or bad.If you're alert you're going to drop the words "good" or "bad" because when you say good or bad you bring your values ​​to things and you tell him it's harmful but you still Allow him to be free, because your experience cannot become that of children, they will have to experience it themselves, and sometimes they will even have to do something harmful, only in this way can they grow, and sometimes they will have to degenerate and become Injured, only in this way, they can know.They have to go through a lot, they have to be hurt and scarred, but that's the only way a person can grow. If you protect a child too much, he will not grow, there are many people who remain a child, their mental age has not grown, they are still a child, their body is getting old, they may be 70 years old, but Their mental age is still around 7 because they are protected by most. Watch the very rich families, their little ones are so protected, they are not allowed any freedom, they have no chance to make mistakes, to experience, to go astray.At almost every moment someone followed them, sometimes a servant, sometimes a governess, and they were never alone.Then we look at their situation, almost all rich people bring up mediocre children, very stupid, great minds never come from rich families-very difficult, reformers never come from them, adventurers never come Not from them - impossible, because they are so protected that they never grow. As far as growth is concerned, unprotection is needed, protection is also needed, both are needed.Watch the gardener take care of his trees: he helps them, he protects them, but he still gives them freedom to grow in the sun, in the rain, in the storm.He will not bring these trees into the house to protect them from the storm, from the sun, and from the many dangers without.If you bring a tree inside it will die, a greenhouse plant is not natural and we all become greenhouse plants due to overprotective parents. Do not protect little children, nor leave them unprotected, follow them like a shadow, take care of them, keep them balanced, protect them whenever there is great danger that may endanger their lives, but when you Think things aren't that dangerous and you let them go.The more they grow, the more freedom you can give them.By the time the children are sexually mature, you should give them complete freedom, because nature has let them grow up now, so you don't need to worry too much, sometimes unexpected situations will happen, but it is worth it . Give the child a completeness so that he can feel your awareness, love him, tell him your experience, but don't try to make him follow your experience, don't force it, if he wants to follow, that's fine, If he doesn't want to follow, then you can wait, no need to rush. Becoming a father or becoming a mother is very difficult, the hardest thing in the world, yet people think it is the easiest. I heard about a woman who was driving home from the market. The taxi driver was crazy. He was driving very fast and dodging around. He could be in danger at any time.The woman was very nervous on the edge of the back seat. She told the driver from time to time: Don't drive so fast, I'm scared, but the driver didn't listen.Then he said: Listen!I have 12 small children waiting for me at home, what will happen to my 12 small children if something goes wrong? The driver replied: Are you telling me to be careful? It's hard to follow, he's saying: you have 12 kids yourself and you're not alert, but you tell me to be alert while driving! It is very easy to have many children, no problem, even animals can do it easily, but it is very difficult to be a mother, the most difficult thing in the world, and it is more difficult to be a father, because to be a mother is Naturally, being a father is not so natural. Fathers are a social phenomenon. In nature, they do not exist. They are created by us.Becoming a father is more difficult because it is not a natural instinct, it is difficult because it is the most creative act -- creating a human being. Be very alert, give more freedom, don't differentiate between good and bad, accept both, help both grow, soon this helping children grow will become a deep meditation for you, you I will also grow up with them, when your child becomes a "yes person" or a "no person"... because there used to be a beautiful "no person": Nietzsche is a "no person" man", but he is beautiful, the genius who said "no" is such a wonderful and beautiful phenomenon, the world would not be so rich without people like Nietzsche, who cannot say "yes", "yes ’ It was difficult for him, his whole being was ‘no’. Buddha was a "no man", he said: There is no Brahma, no soul, no world.You can't find a greater No-sayer, who leaves nothing, who says: nothing.He continues to say "no", and continues to exclude. For him, it is difficult to find a "yes"—almost impossible, but what a beautiful existence develops from that "no", that "no" must be very complete. . There are 'yes-sayers', devotees: Mira, Caitanya, or Jesus!Or Muhammad!These are the "yes people".So of course there are two forms of religion: one revolves around a 'no man' and the other revolves around a 'yes man', and you will belong to one or the other.If you are a "no person", then Buddhism will help you a lot; if you are a "yes person", then Buddhism will not help you at all, it will be destructive, But Christianity can help, Hinduism can help. 而这两者都需要,当我这样说,我的意思是说它们总是按比例存在,就好像男人和女人,他们的数目几乎总是相等的。世界被分成两半,一半男人,一半女人,大自然如何保持这个比例真的是一项奇迹,在每一个其他的层面,同样的比例也都被保持着,世界上总是有一半“说不的人”和一半“说是的人”,总是有一半能够遵循知识的途径,而有一半能够遵循爱的途径。爱是在说“是”,而知识总是在说“不”,这个比例一直被自然所保持着。 所以如果你有两个小孩,其中一个是“说是的”,另一个是“说不的”,这刚好合乎那个比例!在你家里两者都有,这样是好的,你可以由他们创造出一个和谐,不要试着去摧毁那个“说不的”,也不要试着只是去帮那个“说是的”,要在这两者之间创造出一个和谐,这两个小孩是整个世界的代表,是阴和阳,是正反两极。在她们之间创造出一个和谐,那么你的家庭就真的是一个家庭、一个单位、一个和谐的单位。 不要解释,不要谴责,不要好像一个道德家一样一直判断,只要成为一个父亲或一个母亲,爱他们,接受他们,帮助他们成为他们自己。这是所有爱的基础:帮助别人成为他自己。如果你想要驾驭,那么你就不是在爱,你是在破坏。 爱加上静心就是我的口号 钟爱的师父,在西方我们的成长方法大部分倾向于做一些团体,比方说“面对面的团体”或心理剧。 在东方,虽然有一些追求者一起住在社区里,但是那个着重点似乎是在个人。 是否能够请你告诉我们关于这两种方式? 有两种成长的方法,你可以自己一个人来追求你的灵性成长,或者你也可以透过团体或透过学校来下功夫,即使在东方,这两种形式也都一直存在。苏菲宗派的方法是团体的方法,在印度也有团体的方法存在,但它并没有像在回教或苏菲宗派里那么普遍。 就数量来讲,目前的西方完全是团体指向的,这是一个新的现象,以前从来没有像现在的西方有这么多的团体方法,而且有那么多人透过团体方法来下功夫。 所以,就某方面而言,我们可以说东方仍然保持使用个人的努力,而西方正在成长朝向团体的方法,为什么会如此呢?这有什么差别呢?为什么会有这个差别呢? 唯有当你的自我来到一个点,要携带它变成一种负担,团体的方法才能够存在。当自我已经变得很负担,单独一个人的时候会很痛苦,那么团体的方法才会变得有意义,因为你可以将你的自我溶入团体里。 如果自我并没有很发展,那么个人的方法能够帮助你,你可以去到山上,你可以闭关,或者你也可以跟师父住在同一个社区,但是你单独一个人下功夫——你做你的静心,别人做他们的静心,你们不在一起下功夫。 在印度,印度教教徒从来不在团体中一起祈祷,团体祈祷是随着回教徒进入印度的。回教徒都在团体中一起祈祷,印度教教徒则总是单独祈祷,即使他们去到庙里,他们也会单独去,它是一个一对一的关系——你和你的神一对一。 如果自我没有被帮助成长到一个点,而变成一个负担,这是可能的。在印度,自我从来没有被帮助去成长,从最开始,我们就反对自我。所以你会成长自我,但是那个自我仍然保持很模糊——你保持谦虚,你并非真的是一位自我主义者,它在你里面还不是一个具有穿透力的高峰,它是平坦的地面。你是自我主义的,因为每一个人都必须如此,但你并不是一个绝对的自我主义者,你一直都认为这是错的,你一直都继续把你自己拉下来。在某些情况下,你可以被挑起,你的自我会变成一个顶峰,但是平常它并不是一个顶峰,它是平坦的地面。 在印度,自我就好像愤怒一样,如果有人惹你,你就会生气,如果没有人惹你,你就不会生气。在西方,自我已经变成一个永恒的东西,它并不像愤怒,它就像呼吸,不需要去挑起它——它就在那里,它是一个经常的现象。 因为有这个自我,所以团体就变得非常有帮助。在团体中,跟一个团体一起下功夫,把你自己溶入团体,你可以很容易就将自我摆在一旁。 那就是为什么不仅在宗教上,在政治上也一样,有一些现象只存在于西方,比方说法西斯主义能够存在于德国,它是西方最自我主义的国家,是最为西方的国家,全世界都找不到像德国人有那么强的自我,那就是为什么希特勒变得可能,因为每一个人都非常自我主义,所以每一个人都需要融合。 纳粹党的集会,有千千万万人一起行军,你可以失去你自己,在那里,你不需要成为你自己,你变成那个行军,那个在奏乐的乐队,那个音乐,那个声音,那个具有催眠力量的希特勒——那个具有特质的人格。每一个人都看着希特勒,整个在他周围的群众就好像是一个海洋,你变成只是一个波浪,你觉得很好,你觉得很新鲜,你觉得很年轻,你觉得很快乐,你忘掉你的痛苦、你的悲哀、你的寂寞和你的疏离,你并不是只有一个人,有这么广大的一个群众跟你在一起,你跟它在一起,你个人私有的烦恼消失了,突然间有一个敞开,你觉得很轻,好像在天上飞。 希特勒的成功并不是因为有一套非常有意义的哲学——他那一套哲学是荒谬的、幼稚的、不成熟的——也不是因为他能够说服德国人说他是对的……那并不是要点。艰难去说服德国人,那是最困难的事情之一,因为他们都是逻辑家,他们的头脑里有逻辑,每一方面都很理性,很难说服他们,所以他们不可能被希特勒所说服,不,他从来不想去说服他们,他创造出一个催眠的团体现象。 是那个说服了他们。 问题不在于希特勒说什么,问题在于当他们在团体里,在群众里,他门感觉到什么,它是如此的一个释下重担的经验,所以跟随这个人是有价值的。不论他说什么——对或锗,合不合乎逻辑,是否很愚蠢——反正跟随他觉得很好。他们本身觉得很无聊,他们想要被群众吸收,那就是为什么法西斯主义、纳粹主义和其他各种团体的疯狂在西方变得可能。 在东方,只有日本能够跟进,因为日本是德国在东方的对等物,跟德国同样的现象存在于日本,所以日本可以变成希特勒狂的同盟。 同样的情况也发生在其他领域,比方说在宗教方面或是在心理学方面,团体的静心在发生;在未来的一段长时间里,也只有团体的静心会发生。当100个人在一起,你会感到惊讶,尤其是那些不知道西方头脑的人,他们会感到惊讶,只是手拉着手,有100个人坐在一起,只是手拉着手,互相感觉对方,他们就觉得很高兴。 你不会觉得很高兴,印度人也不会觉得很高兴,他会说:多没意思!只是100个人围成一个圆圈坐着,手拉着手,这怎么会令人高兴?你怎么能够变成狂喜的?最多你只能够感觉别人的手在流汗。 但是在西方,如果有100个人手拉着手,他们就会觉得很高兴,很狂喜,为什么呢?因为即使只是手拉着手对自我来讲都非常不可能,甚至连太太和先生部不在一起,大家庭已经消失了——以前大家住在一起就好像一个团体。社会消失了,目前的西方并没有真正的社会存在,你大部分是单独行动。 我看到一个统计,在美国,平均每一个人在3年之内就会搬到另外一个城镇。一个住在印度乡下的人,他一直部住在那里,不只是他,他的家人和先人也都住在那里好几千年,他深深地扎根那块土地,他跟每一个人都认识,都有关连,每一个人也都认识他,他并不是一个陌生人,他并不是单独的,他以那个村子的一部分来生活,他一直都是如此,他生在那里,他也将会死在那里。 在美国,平均每隔3年,人们就会搬家,这是世界上曾经存在过的最游牧的文明,人们好像流浪汉,没有房子,没有家庭,没有所属的城镇,没有所属的村子,这事实上等于没有家。在3年之内,你怎么能够生根?不论你去到哪里,你都是一个陌生人,群众围绕着你,但是你跟他们并没有关连,整个担子都是个人的。 坐在一个团体里,在一个面对面的团体里,或是在一个成长团体里,互相碰触对方的身体,你就变成了那个团体的一部分。互相碰触对方的手,或是握住对方的手,或者只是躺在一起,或是身体叠在一起,你就会感觉到合一,有一种宗教性的快乐会发生。有100个人在跳舞,在互相碰触对方,大家打成一片,会让你有“合一”的感觉,他们能够融合,有一些片刻,自我会消失,那个融合就变成一件祈祷的事。 政客可以使用它来达到破坏的目的,宗教可以使用它来达到一种非常具有创造性的现象,它可以变成一种静心。 在东方,人们已经大部分生活在团体里,所以每当他们想要成为具有宗教性的,他们就会想要去到喜马拉雅山,围绕在他们周围的社会已经太多了,他们对他们自己还不感到腻,但是他们对社会己经腻了,这就是东西方的不同。 在西方,你对你自己已经腻了,你想要有一些桥梁——如何跟社会和跟别人沟通,如何创造出一个桥梁,如何走进别人里面,好让你能够忘掉自己。在东方,人们对社会已经腻了,他们跟社会生活在一起的时间太长了,周遭全部都是社会,使他们觉得没有任何自由,所以每当有人想要自由,想要宁静,他就会跑到喜马拉雅山上去。 在西方,你会跑进社会;在东方,你会逃离社会,那就是为什么有一些孤独的方法或个人的方法存在于东方,而团体的方法存在于西方。 我目前在做的是什么呢?因为我的方法是一种综合。在“动态静心”的前面几个步骤,你是团体的一部分,在后面的部分,团体消失了,你变成单独的,我之所以这样做有一个特殊的原因,因为现在东方和西方已经没有那么明显的区分,东方正在转向西方,而西方正在转向东方,到了这个世纪末了,将不会有东方,也不会有西方,东西方将会融合而成为一个世界。 这个地理上的分界已经存在太久了,它已经不能够再继续存在。科技已经将它溶解了,它已经不存在了,但是因为头脑旧有习惯的缘故,所以它还继续着,然而它的继续只是一个心理现象,事实上它已经不复存在了。到了这个世纪末了,将不会有东方,也不会有西方,只是一个世界,它已经是这样存在。那个能够看的人,他们能够看到它已经这样存在。 一个综合是需要的——团体和个人两者都需要。在刚开始的时候,你在一个团体里面下功夫,到了最后,你完全变成你自己。 从社会开始,再达到你自己,不要逃离社会,生活在社会里,但是不属于它,要跟别人关连,但是仍然保持单独。爱和静心:静心和爱。 任何以前所发生的并不是问题,任何将来要发生的也不是问题。如果你是一个男人,那么你就静心和爱;如果你是一个女人,你就爱和静心,不要在这两者之间作选择,爱加上静心就是我的口号。
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