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Chapter 17 fifteenth morning

The way of white clouds 奥修 11342Words 2018-03-20
May 24, 1974 share through your presence Beloved Master, this week, you told us that we should not worry about others, but most of us from the west have friends or relatives, and we want to share with them what we have found. How can we tell them about the disciples?How are we going to tell them about you?How can we explain that which cannot be explained, There are some things that cannot be said, that you cannot verbally share with them, but there is a way to share, and that is through your being.Be a disciple, that's the only way to tell others what a disciple is. If you are a sannyasin your whole being will tell the story that cannot be said, your whole way of life will tell the story that cannot be conceptualized.

Language is impotent, it cannot speak of the activity, it can only speak of the dead.You can say something about disciples, but that will not be true, how can you say anything about disciples?It is an inner flowering, it is an inner freedom, it is an inner ecstasy, a blessing. Of course you can share it, but that sharing will be through your being - the way you walk, the way you sit, the way you see, your eyes, your body and your breath.The stillness that surrounds you, the joy that radiates from you, and your vibration, they will see it, and only they will see it. Be a sannyasin -- that's the only way.What is a disciple?It is mind free.If you don't know what the mind is, it will be very difficult to understand a disciple.

The mind is the accumulated past.Everything you've ever experienced, everything you've ever known, everything you've ever lived, is accumulated in your memory.That accumulated past is the mind, so the mind is always dead because it belongs to the past, the mind is always dead, never alive, whenever something becomes dead it becomes a part of the mind, it is Like the dust accumulated by a traveler. You are here and now, and the mind is always in the past, the mind is your shadow following you. A disciple is to live in this moment free from the past, not to carry the past in the mind, not to be burdened by the past.Moment after moment, let go of the past as if it never existed, as if you were born anew, each moment fresh and young, put the past aside, don't collect dust.

If you accumulate dust, you will become less and less alive by the day, your consciousness will be covered, and your mirror-like essence will no longer reflect anything.The longer you live with the past, the more that mirror will be covered, it will become unreflective, and you will become less and less sensitive, and that is what actually happens. Discipleship means a breakthrough.It's no use seeing the past, knowing it because it's not there anymore, it's no use knowing it, it's a burden, so you put it aside, then you're here, right now This moment, right now, this very full moment.

Discipleship means not having time to live, not being influenced by the past, not being dragged away by the future, without the burden of the past, and without the desire for the future, discipleship is a life without goals, without purpose. If anyone says that discipleship is a means to divinity, he is talking nonsense.Discipleship is not about achieving something, discipleship is about living as if you have achieved everything, it is not a desire because whether you are desiring wealth, power...prestige, or desiring God or Mo Kesha (liberation), there is no difference.It makes no difference!The basic process remains the same, you are still desiring, and whenever you desire, the future enters, and whenever there is a future, it is just a projection of the past; whenever there is a future, it is just a projection of the past. It is the modified known, it has never been the unknown, how can you desire the unknown?That which you do not know, how can you desire it?

God cannot be desired, if you desire it is something else, because God is something unknown, how can you desire it?God is the unexperienced, how can you desire it? You can desire sex, you can desire power, you can desire ego -- because you have known them, you have known them for many, many lifetimes, but how can you desire God?How can you desire love?How can you desire ecstasy?You never knew them, so it is impossible to desire. That's why all scriptures and all Buddhas say: God happens to you when you have no desires.It is the moksha (liberation) that comes to you, not you going to the moksha, and you cannot go because you don't know.Nirvana happens to you when you have no desire.

A disciple is desireless, desireless means living in the present. Remember, the present is not part of time, the present is beyond time, and time only intervenes when you think in terms of the past or the future.This moment is not part of time, this moment is not recorded on your watch, because time is always moving into the future, it is always moving into the future, never here and now, it is from the past, and it moves to the future. The watch is a representation of your mind, it was never here!When you say it is here, it has moved away, as soon as you see it is there, it has become the past, and it keeps jumping from the past to the future.If you look at your watch carefully, you will see that it is not moving, it is jumping, the minute hand looks like it is moving because that jump is very slow, but you can see the second hand is jumping, it jumps from the past to The future, it is never here and now, that is the way of the mind.

"Now" is timeless, it is timeless, or you can call it eternity, you never left it, it was always there, you never entered it, you never got out of it, it just there. If your whole life is surrounded by the Now, if you can live in such a way, then you are a sannyasin, you have no desire, you do not even desire God. As soon as you desire God, you make God a commodity, then you will be exploited by priests, because that is what they sell; then you will be exploited by temples, churches or mosques, because they It's the store that sells that product.Disciples have nothing to do with temples and churches, because God is not a commodity.

What happens when you don't want?It doesn't mean you kill yourself or repress yourself, it doesn't mean you kill your desires, this has to be understood because it happens. The scriptures say that those who know say: when you have no desire, divinity will happen to you, then the mind will jump into it, just like a cat jumps on a mouse, and grabbing this no desire says: ok , if God can be achieved through no desire, then I am going to desire no desire, then this becomes desire, then again you are missing out.Then the disciple tries to become desireless, and this desireless state becomes a thing to be achieved in the future.

So what are you going to do?You can kill desire and think that you have become desireless, desirelessness is not the death of desire, because when desire dies, you die too, it seems subtle and difficult, if there is no desire, if You kill all desire, you also become dead, that's not how no desire happens.It is not the death of desire, but the transformation of desire. Desire to enter the future is a way of desire. Desire stays here and now, enjoying the moment. This is another way of desire. This way is no desire, because it does not move into the future. A man without desires is not dead, he is more alive than you, because his desires are centered in the here and now.If he is eating, you cannot imagine how happy he is, just eating normal food, just bread and butter, because his whole being is here, he is not just stuffing food in his mouth.

A man who lives in the future can never eat well, he just stuffs food into it, he doesn't care about eating because his mind cares about the future, he lives in ambition, he can't eat well, he can To think about what he will eat tomorrow, but he can't really eat this moment, he can imagine what kind of food there is, or what he will eat tomorrow, but today is blank, empty, but unfortunately, every tomorrow It would all be today—he would miss his whole life. When he's having sex, he doesn't feel anything, he gets frustrated, but he thinks about other women he's going to grab in the future, and then the same thing happens to every woman, or every man , because that meeting is always here and now, and the mind is always moving. He cannot make love, he cannot eat well, he cannot enjoy the joy that nature gives, the joy that nature keeps showering around you.Just as in autumn the leaves fall silently from the trees, so joy falls silently every moment without making any noise around you.Everything is beautiful, everything is a blessing, but you are not "in". So a disciple does not mean a person who has killed his desires, a disciple is a person who brings all the power of his desires to the here and now, he lives completely, whatever he does, he is totally involved, nothing Without reservation, He is not divisive.When eating, he becomes the eating; when making love, he becomes love; when moving, he becomes the moving. Buddha once said, but very few people understood what he meant, that when you move, only the move exists, the mover does not exist; when you speak, only the speak exists, there is no speaker; When you are listening, only the listening exists without the listener; when you are observing, only the observing exists without the observer. That's how a sannyasin is, the activity becomes total, so the actor is lost in the activity, no one is standing behind, there is no division, you are totally moving, whatever the activity is, you are completely in that activity, then that enjoyment becomes perfect. So a disciple or a person without desire is not a person whose desire is dead, he is a person who brings all the power of desire, all the energy that can desire to the present moment, they do not run to the future , they turn completely into the present, his desire is centered in the here and now, he becomes a world, everything recedes into him, nothing runs into the future, because the future is false, it does not exist. If your desire moves into the future, it is like a river entering the desert, it will be lost, it will never reach the sea, it will never enjoy the ecstasy of the river meeting the sea.When a river reaches the sea, the whole river can feel that orgasm, that dance, that ecstasy, that blessing, but if a river goes into a desert and gets lost there, that ecstasy will not come, it will evaporate, It will die, there will be no communion with existence. When desire enters the future, the river of desire enters the desert, the future does not exist anywhere, it is always the present, the future is created by the mind, it is false, it is a dream, the disciple lives in the real In existence, instead of living in a dream, he enjoys the real existence! So this is something to keep in mind: I have insisted time and time again that the disciple was not an anti-life person, in fact, he was a life-affirming person.The disciple is not one who kills his whole real being and desires and becomes a dead thing, he is life in abundance, he is a great fountain of the living Lord. What is it like?Because this is subtle, so what exactly is it?Where is the difference? When you feel hungry, you start thinking about food. You never feel the hunger completely, otherwise it has its own beauty. A man who cannot feel hunger is dead.When there is hunger, that hunger is now, but you start thinking about food, and when food is there, you start thinking about other food that you are going to eat tomorrow. When hunger exists, a sannyasin or a person living in the present enjoys that hunger, he is completely hungry, he becomes that hunger, every cell of his body is waiting for food, as if it has not rained for a long time, The whole earth is waiting for the rain, every cell is praying, waiting and inviting; the whole body is waiting, inviting and enjoying that hunger, then there is food, he enjoys that food, that fulfillment comes from the whole being, It spreads to the whole body, the whole mind and the whole soul, and he goes to enjoy that fulfillment. Someone asked a Zen master: What is meditation?He said: When I feel hungry, I feel hungry; when I feel sleepy, I sleep. The questioner did not understand, he said: I am asking about meditation, not about you. The Zen master said: This is what we know about meditation.When I feel hungry, I feel hungry, without division; when I eat, I eat; when I feel sleepy, I sleep. There is no struggle with life, no resistance - surrender, float, become a white cloud.A disciple is a white cloud floating in the blue sky, enjoying every moment God gives, enjoying every grace that comes to him. If it is possible...it is indeed possible, this has happened to many people, this can happen to you too, just need a deep understanding, then there will be no accumulation of "karma", then you nothing will accumulate.You eat, you love, you do everything, but you do it so totally that no ego accumulates any memory from it.You never say: I did this.How can you say that?When that does exist, you are not there, so who can say: I did this? If you are with a sannyasin: you are hungry, so you eat?He will say: I am not hungry, I am not eating, it is the hunger that exists, it is the hunger that eats; there is no action on my part, I am not there, if you are not there, if the actor is not there, be Who will accumulate "karma"? That's what Krishna told Arjuna: Do whatever happens to you, whatever the situation calls for, just do it, forget the doer, don't think: I'm doing it; think: It's God Do it through me.This is another way of saying the same thing: God is working through me.I'm just a tool, a channel, I'm just a flute, empty in the middle, nothing substantial, God goes on singing, bringing new tunes, creating new songs - just a channel, a hollow A flute made of bamboo. The disciple is a hollow bamboo flute, a passage, he does not exist.Many things happen around him, many things happen through him, but he does not exist. Be a sannyasin because... because this is beautiful! This has to come to your mind: you have to share.You are here, and your mother, your wife, your husband and your children are waiting for you at home.Love is always shared. You're going to go back, you're going to go back with anything in sight, not a gift for your mother or for your wife, not some decorations, or something from the local estate - you're going to take some Unseen things go back. The invisible cannot be talked about because you are not carrying a philosophy, I am not giving you a philosophy, I am not giving you any ideology, I am giving you a different life A mode, a way of being. It is difficult to tell them, if they ask directly, it will be difficult, don't try to say something, because that will not help, it may create more problems, rather open up to them, So that they too can come and share with you, rather becoming more receptive.Be with them - laugh, enjoy, eat, meditate, invite them to share your being, the new way of life that is happening to you.Your "being", your whole being of laughter and enjoyment will become contagious - it will become like this!They will feel it. It's going to take some time, it's not going to be easy, it's going to be difficult, so be ready, ready to share, before you go. They don't necessarily understand, there will be misunderstandings in the beginning, more likely because they never think about it.It's something unknown.Whenever the unknown knocks at the door, the mind feels terrible, because the mind cannot classify it, the mind cannot cope with it, it is crushing and shocking.If the mind can classify something, put it in a corner and say: this is this, label it... and that's it, it's happy; if the mind can analyze a thing— —Divide it, cut it, penetrate it, understand it, and it will feel very happy. But a disciple cannot be categorized, it is not a category, it is a totally different quality of being, so no category exists for it, it cannot be analyzed, it cannot be broken into pieces, it is not a Mechanism, you can't take it apart, take the parts out and put them back together, no, it's an organic unity, if you analyze it, it doesn't exist anymore, so you will It can never be restored to its original form again, that is impossible. A disciple is a living force, it is organic, like a flower.If you go to analyze a flower, take every petal, cut it open, look inside, be content with your inquiry, and try to restore it to what it was, by that time the flower is gone , the petals are dead, they can never be brought back in the same way, because it is an organic unity, it is not a mechanical device. A disciple is a flowering, a flowering of human consciousness, just as a flower comes to a tree, that means the tree has reached a completion, sooner or later there will be fruit.The flower is just an indication that the tree is ready to bear fruit, the tree is ready, it has been achieved, the flower is the ecstasy of the tree before it begins to bear fruit, because fruit means fulfillment.The tree has come to its zenith, its highest point, it has reached the climax of its being.It feels happy, it is enjoying it, its existence is not in vain, now the fruit is about to appear, the tree feels ecstatic and blooms. Discipleship is a flowering and moksha (liberation) is its fruit, discipleship means now that your inner being, your inner tree has come to a point where it is about to jump or explode, before it happens, you Your whole being is enjoying it, you have achieved it, it is not a waste, you have waited many, many lifetimes and now it has come, such a long wait, so much patience...but it has meaning Yes, now you have achieved, you have reached, your whole being has blossomed. Indians chose red, orange and dark red as the colors of their disciples, which come from flowers.Green and red are the basic colors in nature, green is the tree, red is the flower. Your being has flowered, and soon it will bear fruit, and soon a seed will be born to carry this flowering with you. You want to share it with your lover, with your friends, with your wife, with your husband or with your family. It is good. How do you share it?It is beautiful, it is good, and it is a virtue to want to share something so beautiful, but you can only share if it has happened to you.If you just listen to me and you just think about flowers and you don't have flowers, then you can't share. If you just take my words, they won't be real flowers, because words can't be real, they are plastic flowers.You can carry them, you can give them to your friends, but there will be no fragrance in them, the words will not say what I tell you, they will convey nothing, through them will There will be no real communication. So if you want to share discipleship and meditation, you have to become meditative first, to get involved more and more deeply in this way of life.Be desireless, but when every desire comes you still enjoy it.When it happens, enjoy it with a gift or a grace, but never ask for it, never force it, never plan for it, never think about it, live fully, but never through Thought. Thought is a corrupting power, it corrupts everything, and it corrupts completely, because thought is cunning, it is human cunning, the more you think, the more cunning you become, you think that is clever, you Would think that is intelligence, it is not... because if there is intelligence, thought is not needed.Intelligence is enough, mind is not needed.You need thought because intelligence does not exist, if intelligence exists, then you react moment by moment, you don't need to think about what to do next, because when the next chip comes, that intelligence will Be present and you will respond naturally. The mirror never thinks: what should I do when another person comes to me?No need for this!Where there is a mirror, it reflects.If there is intelligence, you never think about the next problem, because when that problem comes, you have intelligence, that intelligence will reflect, you can depend on it. Because we don't have intelligence, we think about it. Thought is a substitute.The higher the intellect, the less thought there is, and when the intellect is perfect, there is no thought.A Buddha never thinks, there is no need for that!He reacts naturally to whatever life brings him. You think, because you can't rely on your ingenuity, so you have to plan ahead.What kind of life is that when the moment comes when you can follow that blueprint that you have prepared before?You are living from the past!That's why you make so many unnecessary mistakes, and everything becomes stale and lifeless, because you always act from the past.Life goes on, every moment is new, like a river, always changing, the change never stops, but you remain in the past. You carry a blueprint, and whenever life presents you with a problem, you search in your memory, find that blueprint, that plan, and act on it, so that you miss it.Life is always new, but blueprints are always old. Life is like birds flying in the air, they never leave a trace, they have no fixed route, when they fly by, the sky is as empty as before, it is not like the ground that people walk on, when people walk on , leaving footprints, the route is formed, life is like the sky, it will not leave any route. A disciple is like a bird flying in the air, not following any footprints, not following any paths, because there is no path.He acts, moment after moment, through his present intelligence, not through his past memories. Look!What we do is just the opposite. We make everything a plan. Even when a gentleman comes home from the office to figure out how to meet his wife, he has to plan in his heart and tell himself what he is going to do. This, he's going to touch his hand in such a way, he's going to give her a long kiss or something, why the need to plan it?Don't you have any love woo? If love is not there then planning is needed because you have no way of relying on yourself and you may forget completely.If you don't plan ahead, you may arrive home and completely forget that your wife has been waiting all day, preparing your food, doing your laundry, surrounded by your affairs, and loved by you surrounded by.She's been waiting and waiting and waiting and has gotten a little impatient and now you're finally home and you don't even look at her, you just sit in your chair and start reading your newspaper or you turn on the radio Or TV, as if Mrs. didn't exist. You're afraid of this because you might, so you plan, you try to remember, you have to remind yourself how to behave in front of your wife or your lover, this can't be without a plan What kind of love is love that responds naturally? If there is love, there is no need to think about it. The same is the case with intelligence. If intelligence is there, there is no need to think about it. Thought is a substitute. Mind is so clever and cunning that it can create an illusion that it is so clever and cunning.You can laugh an unreal smile, there is a smile that comes to your lips, it is just a fake smile, it is not connected to you at all, there is no bridge between you and it, it is not made by you What emerges from the center of your mind, it doesn't come from you, you just put it on, it's a mask, the mind can do that, and then gradually you just keep becoming more and more false, cunning means in your Create a false life around you. The disciple is real, if he smiles, his smile is from his essence; if he is angry, that anger is from his essence: if he loves, he loves from his essence.He is not fake, he is not a fake, he is real and you can trust it.If he loves, he really loves, if he is a friend, he is really a friend, if he is not, then you can trust him, he is not really, but he will not cheat. This is what I mean by a man of true virtue who is real, who is true, whatever exists, is real, he doesn't wear a mask, he doesn't use false powers, he lives with the real, remember : Only when you are real, you can come to the real, if you are false, you can never come to the real; if you are not real, then the world you see will also be is unreal, because the unreal can only be associated with the unreal.You are unreal, so the world becomes illusory -- maya, and if you are real, the world of illusory disappears, it becomes divine, it becomes real. The word "maya" is beautiful, it means that which can be measured.The mind is that measuring phenomenon. The mind goes on measuring something, labeling it in detail, analyzing it. The mind tries to measure everything. That's why the Hindus call the world 'maya' - that which can be measured by the mind. measured. What is your science?Your science is nothing but measurement. Hindus do not call science knowledge but anti-knowledge.It is not knowledge because that which is real cannot be measured, it cannot be measured, it is infinite, it has no beginning and no end.What is real cannot be measured, and what is unreal can be measured. If it is measurable, then there will be reason and logic. If it is not measurable, then logic and reason will disappear. The mind is clever and cunning; it creates worlds of illusion. So what is a disciple?He is not a mind, on the contrary, he is naive, he is naive, like a little child, just born, with no past, no concept of future.A disciple is every moment a newborn child, the process is: every moment his past dies, whatever passes by he drops it, he discards it because it is already a dead thing , it is dust, there is no need to carry it, he cleans himself, his mirror becomes fresh again, he goes on cleaning that mirror, this cleaning, I call meditation. People ask me: when will we be able to drop meditation?You can't get rid of it, when you are not there, one day it will disappear, but you can't get rid of it, because you need to clean, you will always be dirty, every moment there will be dirt gathering, life is like this, every day One moment you need to bathe, you need to clean up, when you are not there then there is nothing...then there is no problem because there is no one left to get dirty, but when you are there meditation has to go on, it is kept A naive effort. See... if you are naive, you are not lacking in anything, if you can look at the sky with naive eyes, you become the sky.If you have a mind, you will start to measure, you will say: this is beautiful or not, or, the sky today is cloudy, or, the sky will be better tomorrow, or, the sky was more beautiful yesterday, you will start measuring. But if you are naive, if you are not a mind, just a real being, looking at the sky, there is nothing to say, nothing to think, the sky is there, you are also like a sky - inside Meeting with the outside, two spaces become one, there is no boundary, the observer becomes the observed, that's what Krishnamurti keeps saying: the observer becomes the observed.Both the outer and the inner lose their boundaries and become one. If you look at a tree with innocence, without weighing it with the mind, what happens?There is not two, there is no tree and you, somehow, the tree enters you and you enter the tree, only then will you know what the tree is.You look at the stars, you look at the river, you look at a row of birds flying in the sky...the boundaries are always merging, all divisions disappear, all differences disappear, then there will be unity. It is not the unity of the mind, it is not the unity of the philosophers, it is a completely different unity, you don't think it is one, you suddenly know it is one, you don't Say in the mind: This is one, because the Upanishad says so, because the Vedas say so.It is "one". If you have Vedas or Upanishas in your head, you are not naive, you are cunning, and the weighing goes on, you are still measuring with the mind or thinking, comparing.You're clever and cunning, but you don't have real intelligence, no matter how clever you are, a clever mind is mediocre, real intelligence is all we need. A child is born with real intelligence, but his mind is not sharp, he sees the world with clear eyes, his perception is very clear, not clouded. When I say that innocence is discipleship, I mean that the perception must be very clear, without the hindrance of thought.You have to watch, you have to become a watcher, you have to observe, but there must be no observer behind you. This innocence is possible, only this innocence can transcend time and space, only this innocence can reach the ultimate, the moksha - absolute freedom. Become a sannyasin -- an innocent, regenerated, cleansed, every moment into the unknown, then you can share. I would say this: the whole human education process, the whole culture and all the conditioning, is the opposite of that, it teaches you how to be cunning and clever, it teaches you mind, it never teaches you naivety, it teaches you to be Automation, the word must be remembered, makes you more and more automatic, because if you become more and more automatic, you become more efficient. Let's say you are learning to drive. At first it is difficult. The difficulty is not with driving: nor with the car or anything else. The difficulty is with you, because you have to be alert.In the beginning, you have to be very conscious because there is a danger, you have to continue to be aware of what you are doing, you have to be careful with the traffic, you have to be careful with the pedestrians, you have to be careful with the mechanisms, you have to be careful with the clutches and the gears and the tires and everything else每一样东西,你必须注意很多东西,因此你的头脑无法再继续它平常内在的喋喋不休,它必须保持警觉,这种情形会产生困难。 稍后,几天之后,你就变得很自动,你的手可以很灵活地操作,你的脚也可以很灵活地操作,车子和你已经成为一体,那么你的头脑就可以继续它内在的喋喋不休,没有问题,你的头脑是不需要的。 这就是我所说的自动化。如此一来,你的身体已经变成一个机械装置,它会自动产生作用,你只有在少数情况下才需要,在危急的情况下,你才需要,在危急的情况下,你的思想过程必须停止,突然间将会有一个震撼,你的整个身体将会颤抖,那么你的心神就必须在那里,你就必须警觉,但是这种情形很少,除了特殊情况之外,你都可以继续,你可以抽烟、唱歌甚至跟别人讲话,你可以听收音机,或者你可以继续你内在的讲话,或内在的对话,不需要你的“在”。 你已经变得自动化,但是这样比较有效率,如果你必须经常保持觉知,你就不能够很有效率,你就不能够进行很快,因为太快你无法觉知,就是因为有这个因素,就是因为人们并不觉知。所以他们过着无意识的生活。社会已经学到了一种诡计,使每一个人都变得越来越自动化,整个学校的教育只不过是要使你变得越来越自动化。语言、数学——每一样东西部变成自动化,你不必担心什么就可以做它,它变成机械式的。 当我说要变得天真,它意味着要解除自动化,它意味着:不论你做什么,你都要完全有意识地去做它。如果你在开车,那么你就只要开车,变成那个开车,其他什么事都不要做,不要继续内在的谈话,要深深地涉入,而且保持警觉。没有开车的人,只有那个开车,而且是完全有意识的。 它将会很困难,那就是为什么社会不想那么麻烦去这样做,只有个人能够经历这么费力的途径,做每一件事都保持有意识。渐渐地,你身体的自动化将会消失,你就会被解除自动化,那么你的天真就能够开花。 小孩子是天真的,因为对他来讲还没有什么事是自动化的,他尚未学习任何东西,他还没有被制约,但是不久我们就会制约他,他将会学习一些事情,然后就有越来越多头脑存在,而他本身就变得越来越少。本质越来越少,而头脑越来越多,那么他将会变成只是一部自动化机器,只是一个机械装置——很有效率、运作得很好、服务社会,但是他变成死的。 服务、帮助社会工作,但是不要变成自动化的,然而你已经变成自动化了,所以要使你自己解除自动化,渐渐地,带进更多的意识,不论你在做什么,你都要带进更多的意识,因为不论你在做什么,如果你的意识较少,它就变成自动化的。这就是自动化的方式:变得越来越没有意识,像机械一样地做事。 要变得越来越有意识,不要像机械一样地做,而是随时都要保持心神“在”,那么天真就会在你身上开花,那个天真是一件能够发生在一个人身上最伟大的事。 保持天真,那么你就是神性的;保持天真,那么你就变成神。 (full text)
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