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Chapter 15 thirteenth morning

The way of white clouds 奥修 10977Words 2018-03-20
May 22, 1974 God is looking for you You told us very clearly yesterday that we need to follow Master's words completely, but we cannot ask you for every detail. How do we choose the right path when our mind is always looking for the easy way? The real problem is not asking the teacher, but how to become more meditative, because the body part of the teacher is not the most important.If you become more meditative, you can ask the teacher every moment. The presence of the body is not necessary, it is needed because you are not meditative. Because you are identified with your body, so, in your mind, the master is also identified with his body.Because you think you are a body, you also think the Master is a body.But the master is not a body, when I say the master is not a body, I mean he is not limited to time and space.

The problem is not to be in his presence, wherever you are, if you are meditating you are in his presence, even when the master has passed away, he can be consulted. Even today, the Buddha is still being consulted and that answer is received, not that the Buddha sits in a certain place to give you the answer, but when you go deep into meditation, you are the Buddha, your Buddha nature is will arise, and your Buddha-nature will answer you, so that the Buddha is no longer confined to any place.That means that for a blind man he cannot be found anywhere, but for a seeing man he is everywhere.

Wherever you are, you can have contact with your master.The way is not to go to the master, the way is to go within, and the deeper you go into yourself, the more you can penetrate the master. The answers will come and you will know and feel that the answers are not coming from your mind, there will be a totally different quality, and that quality will change absolutely, so there will be no confusion.When your mind is answering you feel that you are answering, when the mind is not there and you become meditative, then the answer is as if it is coming from someone else, not from you, and you can hear it.

That is the mystery of the Koran, Muhammad thought he heard it and he was right, if the Mohammedans think God is speaking then they are wrong.When Muhammad thought he heard the Koran, he was right, and when Mohammedans thought it was God speaking, they were wrong, no one was speaking. When your mind is still, there is an answer that arises from that depth of your being, so deep, so far beyond what you call your mind, that you feel you hear it, it comes to you, It is revealed to you. You always identify with the surface, and the answer comes from the depths.You don't know the depths of yourself, so you feel that God is answering, the Master is answering, and in a way you are right, because when the answer comes from the depths, it is from the Master.

Hindus have been saying that your real master is inside you, the outer master is just trying to bring out your inner master so that your inner master can start working.Whenever your inner master starts to function, the work of the outer master is done, and the outer is only a representation of the inner. I am your depths, once your depths start working, I don't need it, once I feel your depths have started answering you, I will stop answering you, all my answers are not really concerns All my answers to your question are concerned with how to create that response within you so that the depths within you can start speaking to you so that your own consciousness can become your master.

Be more meditative, be more silent, let more and more silence penetrate you. How to do?How to become more meditative? In a way, this cannot be done directly, because whatever you do directly, the mind intervenes.If you try to be silent, you cannot be.Because that's what the mind is trying to do.Where there is mind there is disturbance, mind is disturbance, mind is noise. So if you try to be silent, it's the mind trying to be silent, you're going to create more noise, and it's the noise that cares about the silence, so you're going to try, you're going to Think, you're going to do this or that, and then you'll become more and more restless.

You cannot do anything about silence, silence is already there, you just allow it to be. It is like sunlight, your windows are closed, you cannot bundle or bucket the sunlight into your house, you cannot!It would be foolish for you to try, yet many people are doing it.Just throw the windows open, throw the doors open, let the breeze blow, let the sun come in, invite it in, and you just wait. You cannot force, and whenever you force things will turn ugly.If one forces himself to be peaceful, his tranquility will be ugly, distorted, forced, artificial, only on the surface, and deep down there will be turmoil.

So what to do?Wait with an open mind, look at the trees, look at the parrots, listen to them, do nothing, whatever is happening around you, just be passively alert.The light on the water, the river flowing, the noise, the children playing, laughing, giggling, just be there, be a passive being, open, listen, see, don't think. Birds singing in the trees, making noises... you just listen, don't think, don't create second versions in your head of what's happening, just let it happen.Sooner or later you will feel that the mind has disappeared and a silence has come to you, and you will actually feel it descending on you, penetrating every orifice of your body, going deeper and deeper.

In the beginning it will only be for a few moments, because you are so used to thinking, you are addicted to thinking, just as a person is addicted to alcohol or drugs, there will only be gaps in a few moments, Then you start thinking again, you may start thinking about this silence that has come to you, you may start thinking: Oh!This is the silence that the Master has been talking about -- so you destroy it.You might start thinking: this is the silence that is spoken of in the Upanishad, it is the goal to be achieved, this is the silence that the poets have been talking about, the silence that is beyond understanding -- so you miss it.

The poet has entered, the master has entered, the Upanishad has entered...then you miss it, you lose it, then you are disturbed again; then you are not a passive; , you are not alert, then those singing birds are no longer there for you, your mind has stepped in, now, those beautiful trees are gone, the sun is no longer in the sky, the clouds are no longer floating, now You are no longer open, you are closed, your windows are closed and your doors are closed. Thought and thinking is a way of closing the mind, not thinking and non-thinking is a way of opening it.Whenever you are not thinking, you are open, whenever you are thinking, a wall is built, every thought becomes a brick, the whole process of thinking becomes a wall, and you hide behind the wall Back, there weeping - why doesn't the sun reach you?It's not about the sun, it's about you building walls around you.

To become more meditative, whenever you have any opportunity, any space, any time, let things happen around you, look deeply, be mindful, but don't be active, because to be active means to think.Sit quietly and let things happen and you will become peaceful. Then you will know that silence is not a quality of the mind, the mind cannot be made silent, silence is the quality of your inner soul or inner nature, it is always there, but because the mind is always chattering, you cannot hear it.Whenever you become passive, not thinking, you become aware of it, then you are unoccupied, and in that unoccupied moment meditation happens. So no matter what the situation is - sitting in the market place - don't think that the song of the bird is necessary, it doesn't have to be!Because the bustle of the market place is as beautiful as the singing of the birds, people are doing their work, talking, chatting, the noise is everywhere, you just sit there passively. Remember the word “passive,” and another word—“alert.” Passive alertness is the trick. Be passive, do nothing, just listen, listening is not an act, when you are listening you are not doing anything, your ears are always open.When you want to see, you have to open your eyes, at least you have to, and to listen, you don't even have to open your ears, the ears are always open, you are always listening, don't do anything, just listen . Don't comment, because when you comment, thoughts enter.A child is crying, don't say in yourself: why is he crying?Two people are fighting, don't say inside you: why are they fighting?Am I going to do something to keep them from fighting?No, you don't do anything, just listen to what is happening, just be with what is happening, and suddenly there is silence. This silence is totally different from the silence you can create.You can create silence, you can sit at home, close the door, and count with a rosary, and there will be silence, but that is not real silence, it is like giving a child a toy to play with, and he becomes He is very focused on his play, so he won't be too naughty. So parents use toys as a trick, just to keep the kid from being too naughty, give him a toy, and he'll sit in a corner and keep playing, and then the parents can go on with their own work and the rest of the day. There will be children making noise nearby.But the kid is not free from his naughtiness, his naughtiness is just turned towards the toys, that's all, the naughtiness is still there, the child is still the same, sooner or later he will get bored with those toys, get bored, and then he will drop them And resume naughty. The rosary is a toy for the elderly, just like you give a toy to a child, the child also gives the rosary to the elderly, so that they will not have some strange thoughts, they sit in a corner and continue to count their rosary, but They also get bored, they concentrate on reciting, but they also get bored, so they keep changing the rosary, and then they go to another master and ask for another mantra, because the original one doesn't work anymore, but the original one just now It worked pretty well at first. A lot of people come to me and they say: we have been doing mantras, at first it was helpful, but now it doesn't help anymore, now we don't feel much about it, it has become a boring The work, we do it becomes a duty, but that love is gone, if we don't do it, we feel like we lose something, but if we keep doing it, we don't gain anything. This is what addiction means: if you do it, you gain nothing, but if you don't do it, you feel like you lose something.That's how a smoker feels, if he smokes he knows he's not getting anything, he's just doing some kind of stupid job, it's just a stupid thing to do - to suck the smoke in and then spit it out.But that is also like a rosary, you take the smoke in and you let it out, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale it becomes a rosary, you keep counting, you can make it a mantra, when you When you inhale the smoke, you say: Namo; when you exhale, you also say: Namo.In doing so, it becomes a rosary. Anything you can keep repeating can become a mantra.The meaning of a mantra is to repeat a certain word, or a certain sound. A mantra helps the mind to focus. It is a kind of toy. For a short time in the beginning, you will feel good, because some whimsy stops. Well, because you're so focused, the mind doesn't work, it's a forced silence, it's not good, it's negative, it's not positive, it's like the silence that happens in a cemetery, it's The tranquility of death. But the silence I am talking about is totally different in quality, it is not a distraction, it is not a forced occupation, it is not a hypnosis of a mantra, it is a silence that happens to you, When you are passive and alert, not doing anything, not even counting your prayer beads, there is a silence that happens to you, which is totally passive but alert. Remember, I am emphasizing the word "alert" because passivity can become sleep, because you can become passive and go to sleep, sleep is not meditation, it is the same quality as sleep in terms of its passivity , but it also has a quality of sobriety, that is alertness.Be as relaxed as if you were sleeping, but at the same time be as alert as if you were awake. One of the qualities that sleep lacks is unconsciousness.You cannot become unconscious because meditation cannot be unconscious.There is another quality that you don't have when you are awake, and that is "occupied," because if you are occupied then the mind works, you are enclosed in thought. When you are awake there are two things: alert and unoccupied; and when you are sleeping there are two things: passivity and unconsciousness.There is one thing that comes from wakefulness, one thing that comes from sleep -- passivity and alertness, and their combination is meditation. If you add together the other two remaining qualities -- occupied and unconscious, then you are crazy.Those two factors -- possessed and unconscious -- make madness, make a madman.Passivity and alertness together make a meditative person, or a Buddha. You have these four factors, mix two of them and you will go crazy, but mix the other two and you will become meditative. This is something to remember: I have said over and over again that the peace and joy that permeates you when you open is not something you do, it is a letting go, it is a happening to you, It comes to you. People come to me and say: We're looking for God, how do we find Him?I told them: You can't approach him, you can't find him, because you don't know him, how can you recognize that he is God?You don't know him, how do you act?How are you going to choose that route?You don't know him, how can you decide if this is his house, if this is his residence?No you can't, you can't seek the divine, yet it doesn't need to, because the divine is always close to you, always in you, will come to you if you let him, he will come to you. God is looking for you, God is always looking for you, you don't need to seek, if you seek, you will miss, don't seek!Just be passive and alert so that when He comes, you are open. There have been many times when he knocked on your door and you were sound asleep, or even if you heard the knock, you interpreted it in your own way and thought: It was just the wind blowing. It's all very fast and strong, or you may think: maybe the stranger knocked on the wrong door, and he will walk away by himself without disturbing my sleep. Your interpretation is your enemy, you are a very good interpreter, whatever it is, you explain it immediately, your mind starts working, it starts to chew it up, you change it immediately, you will Give it a different color and you will give it a different meaning which has never existed before, and you will project yourself onto it and you will destroy it. Reality doesn't need any explanation, truth doesn't need any thinking about it, no one has ever reached truth through thinking, that's why the whole philosophy is false, it must be false, there can be no philosophy True, and they've been fighting, philosophers have been fighting, trying to prove their philosophy is true, there can't be any philosophy that's true, truth doesn't need philosophy, philosophy means thinking about what, of what To rationalize things, philosophy means to explain facts. Religion says: that yes, let it happen, all you can do is, please, don't bother with it, just let it happen. Be alert and passive, then there is no need to come to me, I will go to you.I have been to you many times, whenever you are peaceful, I go to you, so this is not a theory, many of you have even experienced it, but you will also explain it . People come to me and say: this morning in meditation I suddenly felt you, but I think it must be a projection of my mind, or they say: last night I suddenly felt a presence and I became Very alert, and then I thought, it must have been someone passing by me, or the wind had blown into the room and made the paper flutter, or maybe it was just a cat running past. So whatever I say, many of you already feel it, that's why I say it, otherwise I would never have said it. Don't explain, when you feel that, let it happen.If you let it happen, it will become more and more concrete, and it is likely that I will be as real in your experience as I am here, sometimes even more real, because it is up to you, and you let it be. Depending on how much of that real existence happens, your questions will be answered. Become more meditative then you will be closer to Me, once you become totally meditative you are me, then there is no difference. One more thing, the more you meditate, the less questions you will have to ask, the questions will disappear!Because questions belong to an unmeditated state of mind, they will be generated more in an unmeditated state, and one question answered, ten questions will come from that answer. The mind is a great questioning force, it goes on creating questions, you give the answer, the mind jumps on it, tears it apart, and creates more questions, the more you meditate, the more questions you have less. This may seem plausible to you, but it is true.I want to say: When there is a question, there is no answer; when there is no question, the answer is there.The answer comes only when you don't ask, and that non-question happens to you through meditation. Don't think that there are as many answers as there are questions, no, there is only one answer, there are thousands of questions, but only one answer, there are thousands of diseases, but there is only one medicine.There is only one and then everything is resolved, but the one cannot happen to you because you do not allow it to happen. You are so afraid of letting anything happen, this has to be learned, this is the only training I want you to do: let go of your fear, let go of your fear, let things happen. The river is flowing, don't push it!There is no need for this, it will flow by itself, you have to wait on the bank, let it flow, and if you are brave enough, then jump into the river and flow with it.Don't swim, because swimming means fighting -- just float. Of course, then you can't follow any goals, because your goals and the river's goals may not match, and you will have frustration. If you swim and fight, you can follow a goal, you can even swim against the current, then that fight will be greater.When you fight, your ego is strengthened, you are fighting the river and you feel alive, but that aliveness is short-lived, sooner or later you get tired, sooner or later you die, and the river takes you. On the banks of the Ganges, there are some villagers who take dead people and throw them into the Ganges, but when you are dead, it is useless to throw you into the river, because when you are dead, you will follow I floated down the river, but that was pointless because you no longer existed and all I did was throw you alive in the Ganges. If you can float alive, floating consciously, fully aware, then you will become the river, and whenever the river arrives, that is destiny, that is the goal, then you don't care where it goes, Every moment, the flow becomes ecstatic; every moment, the flow, the living, becomes the goal, then every moment is the goal.A means becomes an end, and a moment becomes a constant. Yes, you have to do exactly what the master says, maybe sometimes you can't actually ask him.Sooner or later the master will leave his body, then it will be impossible to actually ask him, better merge with him on a non-physical level, otherwise you will cry. My body could disappear at any moment!In fact there is no need to carry it anymore, this body exists for you.If you are not merging into my non-physical being, sooner or later you will become very depressed, sad, and miserable, and then it will be very difficult to integrate into me on a non-physical level. So I am giving up more and more physical contact with you in order to make you more alert and more aware that you have to dissolve into me on a non-physical level.You can dissolve, it is not difficult, become a little more meditative and it will start happening to you. man and woman; meditation and love Beloved Master, we have a few questions about feminine energy. Some people say that since they met you, although their physical desires continue, a normal man is no longer enough to satisfy them. Other women say they feel more loving since they met you. Godziford is said to have said that women cannot achieve except through men. Could you please tell us about the feminine energy? Yes, Godzford once said that women cannot achieve except through men.He is right.He is right because the feminine energy is not the same as the masculine energy. It's as if someone said that only women can bear children.A man cannot beget a child, he can only conceive a child through a woman. The anatomy of a woman has a womb, but the anatomy of a man has no womb. He can conceive only through a woman.In spiritual birth, the same thing happens in reverse order, a woman is enlightened only through a man, and their spiritual energy is different, just as their physical structure is different.why?Why is it so? Remember, it's not a question of equality or inequality, it's because they are different.It doesn't mean that women are lower than men because they can't directly achieve it; it doesn't mean that they are lower than women because men can't directly bear children, they are different, there is no such thing as equality or inequality, there is no It's a fact of the matter of evaluation that they're just different. Why is it difficult for women to directly achieve enlightenment?Why can men directly achieve enlightenment? There are two ways to achieve enlightenment, there are basically only two ways, one is meditation; the other is love, you can also call them Ganayuga and Bhakti Yoga - the path of wisdom and the path of devotion , the basic way is only these two. Love needs others. Meditation can be done by oneself. A man can achieve through meditation, so he can achieve directly. He can be alone. Deep down, he is alone. It is natural for a man to be alone. It is difficult for a woman to be alone, very difficult, almost impossible, and her whole being is a deep loving drive.As far as love is concerned, the other is needed, how can you love if the other is not there?But if other people are not there, you can meditate, there is no problem. The feminine or feminine energy is meditative through love and the masculine energy is love through meditation. Buddha became a great loving force but that came through meditation. When the Buddha came back to his palace, naturally his wife was very angry because he didn't show up for 12 years.He disappeared one night without even saying a word to her, and fled like a coward while she was sleeping. In fact, the Buddha's wife, Yasuhara, would have let him go. She was a brave woman.If Buddha asks, she will let him go, then there will be no problem.But Buddha didn't ask, he was afraid that things would go wrong, he was afraid that she would start crying or something, but that fear was not because of her, that fear was within himself, he was afraid that if Yasuhara cried, he would be very It's hard to leave, the fear is always your own, it would be very cruel, but he can't be that cruel, so it's better to run away when his wife is sleeping, so he ran away, 12 years later he came back. Yasuhara asked many things, and one of the things she asked was: Tell me, whatever you have achieved there, can't you achieve it here?Is it not possible to live here with me?Now that you've achieved it, you can tell me. Buddha is said to be silent, but I answer for him: Buddha cannot achieve it, because a man who is in deep love...and he is deeply in love with Yasuhara, that is a very intimate relationship, if he is with Yasuhara It doesn't matter, if she is just an Indian lady, there is no relationship of love, then even if Buddha lives with her, it can be achieved, then there is really no problem, the other is only around, you are not related to him, If you are not related to him, the other does not exist, there is only a physical presence moving around. We are Buddhas who are in deep love, and when a man is in deep love, he struggles to reach meditation, and that is the difficulty.It's very difficult because when he's in love, whenever he sits still, the other person comes up in his head and his whole being starts to surround the other person, and that's a scary thing. things, so the Buddha fled. No one has ever talked about it before, but Buddha ran away from his home, from his wife, from his children, because he was true love.If you love someone, then when you have something to do, you may forget him, but when you have nothing to do, the other person will immediately arise in your mind, then there is no room for divinity to enter. When you have something to do, when you are working in the shop, or... if the Buddha is on the throne, no problem, he can forget Yasuhara, but whenever he has nothing to do, Yasuhara appears, that The void is filled with Yasuhara, then there is no passage through which the divinity can enter. A man cannot reach divinity through love, his whole energy is completely different from that of a woman, he must first attain meditation, then love will happen to him, then there is no problem, first he must attain divinity, then love also become divine. After 12 years Buddha came back and now there is no problem.Now in Yasuhara, God exists. In the past, Yasuhara’s existence was too strong, so it was difficult to find God. Now God is completely present, so there is no gap for Yasuhara. The woman is exactly the opposite. She cannot meditate because her whole being is an impulse towards someone else. She cannot be alone. Whenever she is alone she is in misery.So if you say: to be alone is bliss, to be alone is ecstasy, a woman cannot understand that there is this emphasis on aloneness everywhere in the world.Because too many suitors are men, say Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus or Mohammad, they all go into solitude, and only in solitude they achieve, they create that environment. Whenever a woman is alone, she feels pain, and when she has a lover, even if that lover is only in her head, she feels no joy at all. If someone is loving, if someone is loved, if love is around a woman, it nourishes her.It is a nourishment, it is a delicate food.Whenever a woman feels that love is not there, she starts longing, and that situation suffocates her, her whole being shrinks, so a woman can never imagine that being alone can be blissful. The feminine energy creates a path of love and devotion, even a divine lover, no need to find a physical lover.For Meera, Krishna is all right, there will be no problem, because for Meera, the other party already exists, he may not be there, Krishna may be just a myth, but for Meera Speaking, he exists, and the other party exists, so Mira feels very happy, she can dance, she can sing, and she has been nourished. The concept, idea, and feeling that the other party exists is love, and a woman will feel very satisfied because of this, she will feel very happy and alive, and only through this love can she achieve the unity of the lover and the loved one. The point of being one, then meditation happens. For the feminine energy, meditation can only happen in deep loving union, then she can be alone, then there is no problem, because now she can never be alone again.The lover has merged, now he is inside.Mira, Radha or Trisha, they all come through the lover, through Krishna or Jesus. This is my feeling: whenever a male suitor comes to me, his interest is in meditation; whenever a female suitor comes to me, her interest is in love.If I say that love can happen through meditation, then she will be interested in meditation, but her deep desire is love, and for a woman love is God. This difference has to be understood, has to be deeply understood, because everything depends on it, and Godziev is right. The feminine energy will love, and through love there will be a state of meditation, and there will be a flowering of samadhi.Satori will come, but deep down, the root is love, and the satori will become flowering.For the masculine energy, Satori is the root, samadhi is the root, meditation is the root, and then love will blossom, and that flowering will be love. When female suitors come to me, it's bound to happen that they will feel more loved, but then the actual partner will feel less fulfilled.Whenever there is a deep love, the essence partner always feels unsatisfied, because the essence partner can only satisfy the surrounding part, he cannot satisfy the center. That's why, in ancient countries like India, we never allow love, we only allow arranged marriages, because once love is allowed, sooner or later the physical partner will become unfulfilling, then there will be frustration . Now the whole West is disturbed, now there is no fulfillment at all, once you allow love then an ordinary human being cannot satisfy it.He can satisfy sex, he can satisfy the superficial part, but he cannot satisfy the deep part.Once that depth works, once you disturb the depth, then only God can be satisfied, no one else can be satisfied. So when female suitors come to me, they are shaken deep down, they start to feel a new urge, a new love arises, but now their husband, their boyfriend or It is their partner who has not been able to satisfy it, now it can only be satisfied by a higher quality being, as it must be. So, either your boyfriend or your husband has to become more meditative and produce a higher quality of being... Only then will he be able to satisfy her, otherwise the relationship will be broken, the bridge will not be maintained, You have to find a new friend, or if it is not possible to find a new friend, like Meera, then you have to love the divinity, then forget the body part, because now it is not suitable you. The same happens in a different way with male suitors, when they come to me they become more meditative and as they become more meditative the bridge between them and their old partner is shaken , or even break up, and now their girlfriends or their wives have to grow up, or their relationship hits the rocks, it can't last. 记住,我们所有的关系,我们所谓的关系,都是一种互相调整,如果其中一个人改变,那个调整就破裂了,不管是变好或变坏,那并不是要点,人们来到我这里说:如果静心能够产生较高的品质,那么那个关系为什么会破裂?问题不在那里,本来的关系是两个人之间按照他们原来样子的一种互相调整,现在其中一个改变了,另外一个就必须跟着他成长,否则将会有麻烦,事情将会变得虚假。 每当一个男人在这里,他会变得更静心,他变得越静心,他就越想单独??但是这样的活,他的太大或他的爱人将会受到打扰。如果她不了解,她将会开始制造麻烦,如果她了解,那么就没有问题,但是那个了解唯有当她的爱成长才会出现,如果她觉得更具有爱心,那么她能够让她的朋友单独,她会保护他的单独,她会试着去照顾,使事情不会受打扰,这就是她的爱。 如果这个男人觉得……如果佛陀觉得雅秀哈拉在保护或照顾,使他的静心不受打扰,使他的宁静受到帮助,那么就不需要逃离这个雅秀哈拉,但是这个唯有当雅秀哈拉的爱成长,才能够发生。 当一个男人的静心在成长,女人的爱也必须成长,唯有如此,他们才能够保持和平,然后就会有一种较高的和谐产生,它将会继续,变得越来越高。有一个人刻会来临,当男人完全处于静心之中,而女人完全处于爱之中,唯有到那个时候才会有完美的会合,唯有到那个时候,两个人之间真正的、至高无上的性高潮才能够发生,不只是身体的,不只是性的,而是全然的!两个存在互相融入对方,那么爱人就变成了门,他们两个都能够达到“一”。 所以不管是谁来到我这里,他们来的时候必须很清楚接近我是很危险的,你旧有的夫系将会受到打扰,而我无法帮忙,我在这里并不是要帮助你们互相调整,那个事情由你们来决定。 我能够帮助你们成长,在静心方面成长,或是在爱方面成长。对我来讲,这两个字的意思是一样的,因为它们达到同样的结果。
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