Home Categories philosophy of religion The way of white clouds

Chapter 11 ninth morning

The way of white clouds 奥修 8863Words 2018-03-20
May 18, 1974 Surrender, I'll do the rest Beloved Master, you once said: In thousands of years, it is difficult to come across such a great opportunity like now; you also said: this era is the same as any other era. You have said: Surrender to a stone and it will happen; you have also said: It is very important to be guided by a real master on this dangerous path. You have said: Surrender and I will do the rest: You have also said that I have done nothing. For us here and now, and for readers in the West, could you please tell us more about the phenomenon between master and disciple.

My words are contradictory, and this is done on purpose.Truth is so vast and so infinite that the description of all its parts cannot contain it, but its opposite must also be included.The whole is always contradictory, only the part can be consistent, because the whole must also consider the opposite, the opposite is there, it is. Philosophers can be consistent because their understanding is partial, they can be clean and beautiful, they can be logical, but I can't because if I try to be consistent, the whole thing immediately becomes unreal, the opposite has to be included, the opposite has to be absorbed.

For example, when I say "Surrender and I'll do the rest", that's just part of it, why do I say that?The reason I say this is to enable you to surrender completely, and if you can feel this and trust that the rest will be done, then your surrender will be complete. If you have fear and mistrust, then even after surrender you have to do something, then that surrender cannot be complete.If after surrender you have to do something, then you have reservations, you are still controlling yourself, then the surrender cannot be total.When that surrender is not total, it is not surrender at all. Surrender can only be total, you cannot surrender only partially.

You cannot say: I surrender half, because the half that is kept will be against surrender, and it can be kept only if it is against surrender, so surrender can only be total. It is like a circle, a geometric circle, it cannot be half, you cannot draw a half circle, if you draw it like this, you cannot call it a circle, a circle must be complete, if It's just half, then it's something else, not a circle. Surrender can only be total, it is also a spiritual circle, and you go from one end to the other, total surrender, nothing reserved. To help you achieve this, so I say: You surrender and I will do the rest.The reason I am emphasizing this is so that your surrender can be total.

But I know that if you surrender, then there is no need to do anything, not even on my part, surrender itself is enough, nothing else is needed.Just the phenomenon of surrender is enough, there is no need for any help, everything will be done by the surrender itself. Surrender means you no longer exist, surrender means the ego has been dropped, surrender means now the center is gone -- you are, but there is no center, and if there is no center there is nothing to protect, the walls are Fall down by yourself.Without one person, your entire defense apparatus will fade away.It becomes useless, you become an open space.

This open space can do anything, this openness can do everything.God will go through you without hindrance, God can go through you through and through, no one will create any hindrance.When you surrender, you open up to the power of the divine, and after surrender, everything happens naturally. The problem is surrender, after surrender there is no problem, so I don't need to help you, nothing, that's why I keep contradicting myself, saying I have done nothing, there is no need!Now you can look at it as a whole. If I say I do nothing, I cannot do it, there is no need - if I just say that, your surrender will become impossible, you will be afraid - go alone into the unknown, There is no one to help, no one to guide, and this one says: I will not do anything -- how can you surrender completely?It will be difficult for you.

It would be untrue if I just said that I would do everything without any contradiction, because in fact, I did nothing, so now what?How can this whole be expressed?Only one way - often contradictory. The relationship between master and disciple is a very complex phenomenon.In one way it's very simple, in another way it's very complex. It is very simple because that relationship exists only on the part of the disciple, not on the part of the master, because the master does not exist, he has ceased to exist, he is a nobody.It appears to you that He exists, and unless you surrender, this appearance will remain.Once you surrender, once you become a non-existence, suddenly you realize that the master never existed.

The master is an absence, but only when you also become an absence can the absence of the master be seen. Only two absences can meet. If you are "being" and you keep projecting onto the master saying he is "being", that is your projection because your ego can't see no-self, only like can react to like, your ego can only be everywhere Seeing the ego, that's the only way to protect yourself, wherever you look, you immediately project your ego, so even the master will look like some eminent person, like some ego . You will find many ways to prove for yourself that he is also an ego, and your rationalizations may be quite logical, but I say they are absurd because you cannot see the phenomenon of no-self.When you really surrender, you suddenly realize that the master does not exist.

If you surrender in this moment, you will understand that this chair is empty, this person who is speaking to you does not exist, this person is just an empty space, but only when you are not there can you see This is not there. Relationship cannot exist on the part of the master, and if it exists then he is not a master at all -- he is still there.He cannot guide you, he can only mislead you.His teaching may be beautiful, but he will still mislead you, because anything he does will be wrong - and when I say "anything", I say it unconditionally.The problem is not that this thing is wrong and that thing is right, anything that comes from the self is wrong, it may be virtue, it may be non-violence, it may be love, but anything that comes from the self is wrong Yes, the ego distorts everything, the ego is the greatest distorter.

If the master loves you, and that love is from his ego, his love will become possessive, he will destroy you, he will kill you, that relationship will be toxic, normal love relationship will be Existence, he will not allow you to go to other masters, he will fight, he will create obstacles so that you cannot leave him, because he depends on you, his ego depends on you. If the master is still with the ego, he cannot exist without followers, he needs the nourishment of followers, and the more followers he has, the better he will feel.If everyone leaves him, he will die, his ego will be hurt, so the general so-called masters will continue to fight, they will compete with other so-called masters, it becomes a market, and the competition of the whole market intervenes up.

If the master has an ego, that means he is not really a master, he is just pretending, then his compassion will be only in name, he will be cruel, he will torture you, of course the way he tortures It will make you feel that it is a norm, he will force you to do something painful and unnecessary, but he will enjoy the pain, he will rationalize it, he will say, fasting! -- because without fasting you cannot reach, and when you fast and you are suffering, he will be happy. His compassion is just a hidden cruelty. On the surface he uses it in the name of compassion, but in fact he is abusing. When he is torturing others, he feels very happy.Seeing that you are sad, depressed, and tortured, he will say: Great, you have become detached. The sadder you are, the happier he will be, if he sees a smile on your face, he will immediately condemn it, if you feel joy, he will immediately see that something is wrong, because you are How can there be joy in this world?How is it possible to be joyful in this wrong world?How can you be happy?Life is a sea of ​​suffering, how could you be so ecstatic?Then you must be enjoying sensual pleasures somewhere and in some way.If you look young, fresh, and alive, then you must be too attached to your body. He will start destroying your body, he is a sadist, a very subtle sadist, more subtle than Hitler or Mussolini, whose killing is immediate, their murder is simple.This person will also murder you, but in stages - gradually, slowly.Look around this country and you'll find a lot of people murdering people all the time. Remember: only when he himself is committing suicide can he kill you, otherwise he has no way to kill you, if he is enjoying delicious food, he cannot force you to fast, that is impossible; if he lives in a very In a beautiful house, he cannot make you live in a hut. So it is absolutely logical that if he wants to destroy you, he will have to destroy himself, and the more he destroys himself, the more he can control you, torture you.He will fast, he will destroy his body, and the more he destroys his body, the more he can strangle you, control you, so that he can completely crush you, with a kind of heart to crush you. This is what happened.With a master who forgives mistakes, with a master who is egotistical, anything that happens goes wrong, his norms become abusive, his own life becomes abused, his whole being becomes Destructive, the ego is destructive. In this way, relationships can exist.With a wrong master, relationship can exist because on the side of the master there is also the ego, the ego wants to relate, and without the relation the ego cannot exist. But if it's a real master, then the relationship exists only on the side of the disciple, you love him, you obey him, he doesn't care about your obedience, he doesn't care about your love, but that doesn't mean That means he doesn't care, he cares infinitely, but there is no one to relate to. His concern is natural, it flows to you like water is flowing downwards, and it continues to flow even when you are not there. I will be here with you no matter what, even when you are not here, I will be the same, my existence will continue to flow in the same way, when no one is there, I will remain the same, when you at the time.me too. If I change, then there is ego, because ego is in relationship, and when you come, ego comes in, becomes active, becomes alive; when you go away, ego relaxes, falls asleep , then there is a change. With or without you, my emptiness remains the same, the care continues to flow, the love continues to flow, but without a lover, I cannot choose to love or not to love, if I can choose, it means I still exist. Relationship exists on your part, and it will continue to exist unless you surrender. So surrender is the greatest and deepest relationship, and it is also the end of the relationship.If you surrender then you have come to the deepest possible relationship, beyond that the relationship disappears.When you surrender, you cease to exist, and the master never existed. In this way, two empty spaces cannot be two, you cannot draw a line between two empty spaces, you cannot draw a line around an empty space, two empty spaces meet as one, Then relationship cannot exist, because to have relationship, two is needed. So, in the last moment of surrender -- try to understand this -- in the last moment of surrender, there is the greatest relationship possible.The deepest, most intimate relationship exists, of course, and that is on your part.The next moment, when you surrender, everything disappears, so there is neither a master nor a disciple, now both the master and the disciple can laugh, they can laugh, they can be right in one Laughing out loud at the whole absurdity of a moment ago. That effort to help, that effort to be helped, that surrender, that ego that does not want to surrender and is always struggling.All the explanations, all the teachings - the whole thing becomes absurd and many, many lifetimes of yours become like a dream, so that you can laugh because you could wake up anytime , you could have become enlightened at any moment in any life, and you could walk out of your dreams. But once you become enlightened... because surrender on this side is one side and enlightenment on the other side is the other side of the same coin, it is the same door, and when you enter, it will say on the door: Surrender; when you If you have already entered and look back, there will be a sign on the door: Enlightenment.It's the same door!One side of it is the entrance, the other side is the exit, and that's why so many insist on surrender. That relationship is very complicated because only one exists and the other does not exist. So to be honest, all games with Master are your games, that game is played by you, it is a game of patience, the other party is just watching you play that game, you can change your strategy, you can try One way or another, you can try it in many ways, but those are not necessary, because the only effort that will help is surrender, everything else is just preparation, so that you can get to the point of understanding, so that you can see Clean up the absurdity of all your efforts, then throw them away. There are many techniques that are used and those techniques are not really helpful, they are just helping you to understand that you have to surrender, they are just proving the futility of all the effort. But you are playing the game, you keep changing your strategy, the ego will use all kinds of strategies, it is a matter of life and death for the ego, it will deceive you, it will continue to deceive you, the ego is A perfect rationalizer, when it deceives you, it will give you so many reasons that you cannot argue with it, and if you try to argue with it, you will be thwarted. So trust and faith are of very high value, only a man of faith can surrender, only a man of faith can reach the peak of being, the highest point of bliss. One of the most in-depth psychologists in the West in this century was Maslow, who devoted his life to the phenomenon of orgasmic experiences, devoted his life to the phenomenon of certain experiences he called orgasmic experiences, ultimate experiences , or final experiences, like Buddha's enlightenment, for example, or Ramakrishna's luminous unconsciousness, or the ecstasy of Meera, Beau, and Eckhart—the one that can happen to human consciousness. The highest peak experience. In exploring this phenomenon, Maslow became aware that there were two types of people, one he called "people capable of peak experiences" and the other he called "people incapable of peak experiences". The "capable of peak experiences" are those who are ready, open, and receptive; the "incapable of peak experiences" are those who believe that peak experiences are impossible. He thinks that people who cannot have peak experience include scientists, rationalists, logicians, materialists, businessmen and politicians, and all these types of people. They are very practical, they are what are called practical people. They are meaningless, they are means-pointing, these people have built a wall around them, and because of those walls they cannot have any ecstasy.When they cannot have any ecstasy, their original point is confirmed, and then they build more walls, and it becomes a vicious cycle. There are people who can have peak experiences, like poets, dancers, musicians, lunatics, unrealistic people, adventurers, etc. They are people who can have peak experiences, they don’t bother with their minds, they don’t Arguing with their minds, they just let things happen, and then even in everyday life, sometimes they can reach peak experiences. I heard that a psychoanalyst was being analyzed by another psychoanalyst, and the analyzed psychoanalyst was on vacation, and he called the psychoanalyst from the resort and said: I feel very happy, why? ? This type of person can't even accept happiness, they ask: why?Why do I feel happy?There must be something wrong, they have a concept that happiness is impossible. The great psychologist Freud said: Human beings cannot be happy.He said that the structure of the human mind is such that it is impossible to be happy, at most you can only endure unhappiness. If this is your attitude -- Freud believed in his own opinion, he had a lot of arguments to support his own opinion -- if this is your conception, your conception, that happiness is impossible, then You are closed, you cannot have happiness, and when you cannot have happiness, your original concept will be strengthened, and you will think that your original idea is not wrong, so the possibility of happiness is even less.Then again your original idea is strengthened, and then the possibility of happiness becomes less again, until finally a moment comes when you say that unhappiness is the only possibility. If you are open -- that's what a sannyasin has to be, he has to be a person who can have a peak experience, and the greatest openness comes with surrender.What should a person possess to be able to have a peak experience?What state should his mind be in so that he can open up?Less reason, more trust; less practical, more adventure; less prose, more poetry.Be illogical, otherwise you cannot be happy. Logic is the enemy, logic will prove that life is suffering, logic will prove that there is no meaning, logic will prove that there is no God, logic will prove that there is no possibility of ecstasy, logic will prove that life is nothing but an accident, in There is no possibility in this contingency.Between life and death, if you can, at most you can arrange to exist, and that's fine. Logic is self destructive and if you follow it it will give you a key out of life and in the end it will say suicide is the most logical step because life has no meaning and you are here what to do?It's just repeating the same routine.In the morning you get up, that is not necessary, because you are getting up all day and nothing is happening, so why get up again today?Then you have breakfast, you have been having breakfast all your life, but nothing happens, then you read the newspaper, go to work, leave work, just doing meaningless things!Then you have dinner, you go to bed, and then it's morning again...a repeating cycle, going nowhere, just repeating the same thing over and over again. If your mind is really logical, it will say: forget suicide!Why prolong this whole nonsense thing! Logic leads to suicide, faith leads to the supreme life.Faith is illogical, it doesn't ask, it doesn't argue, it just goes into the unknown, it tries to experience. For a man of faith experience is the only argument, he will try to try, he will try to experience, if there is no experience he will not say anything, he will remain open. Step by step, step by step, faith leads to surrender, because the more you try with faith, the more you will know, the more experience you will have, the intensity of your life will become, every step will Tell you: go beyond it!There is more hidden in the beyond, and beyond becomes the goal, beyond everything, to go further, life becomes an adventure, a constant discovery into the unknown, then more trust arises. As each step into the unknown can give you a glimpse of bliss, as each step into madness can give you a higher form of ecstasy, as each step into the unknown can help you understand that life does not exist in the mind , it is a totally organic phenomenon, your whole being is needed and called, then gradually the essence within you will be convinced. It's not a logical belief, it's your experience, it's experiential, or you could say it's existential, not rational, it's total, and then there's a moment when you will be able to surrender. Surrender is the biggest gamble. Surrender means completely putting the mind aside. Surrender means going crazy.I say eyeball means crazy because all those who live in logic and live in the head will think you are crazy.To me it is not madness; to me this form of madness is the only brave way to live; to me this madness is the deepest leap; to me this madness is all The line to go, but to a logician your trust will look like madness. This is a phenomenon that has to be penetrated deeply, all great religions were born around some crazy person, Jesus was a crazy person, Buddha was also a crazy person, but not all the people around them were crazy .There are many people, they are not people who can have peak experience, they are intellectuals, they are also attracted to Jesus and Buddha, the presence of Buddha is very magnetic, it is full of infinite energy, so they are attracted, they The mind can reason that this person has achieved something, but they are not someone who can have a peak experience. Intellectually they are attracted. For them, the phenomenon of a Buddha and his existence become a logical argument. They listen to the words of the Buddha and then rationalize his words. They use his words to create metaphysics. . A crazy person in the basic part, but a logician in the whole structure, they are opposites, totally opposites, opposite to Buddha, they create organizations, they create Buddhism and philosophy. Jesus was a crazy man, but St Paul was not, he was a perfect logician, the church was created by St Paul, not Jesus, the whole Christianity was created by St Paul, and Not created by Jesus.This is a very dangerous thing, but there is no way to avoid it, it is what it is. If Jesus was born now, the church would immediately reject him, the church would not allow any crazy people.Eckhart or Beau, the church will reject them because they are crazy people, they will be expelled from the organization, they will not be allowed because they may be destructive.If people listen to them and believe what they say, they will destroy the whole structure, the whole organization. The basic part of the birth of religion came from a crazy person, and then it was taken over by the logicians, who were the opposite of the original crazy person, and they created all the organizations.Someone who can have a peak experience gives birth to a child, and then that child is adopted by someone who cannot have a peak experience. So every religion is beautiful at the source of its birth, but then it deteriorates, then it becomes ugly, and then it becomes anti-religious. No matter what I tell you, you are lucky because it is at the source, that's why I say you are lucky, only in thousands of years, you have the opportunity to be close to the source. It will never be the case again!Even with my concept it will no longer be the case, sooner or later the logicians will come in, those who cannot have the peak experience will come, they will come, they are already on their way, they will put every Systematize things, they will destroy everything, then the opportunity will be missed, it becomes a dead thing. At the moment it is alive and you are close to the source, so I say you are lucky. Likewise, there are two possibilities in your mind - those who can have peak experiences and those who cannot.If you allow the former, then you will surrender; if you allow the latter, then after you listen to me, you will argue, you will rationalize it, you will philosophize it, then or you will be I persuade, or you are not persuaded by me.If you are convinced by me, you will surround me; if you are not convinced by me, you will leave.But in both cases, you're missing out.It doesn't matter whether you surround me or leave me. If you try to be persuaded intellectually, then you are missing out, this can be done after my death, there is something else that can be done now, and that is: to make you a person who can have peak experiences, to make you Take risks with a trusting soul, don't make it a reasoning inside you, make it a "jump". The phenomenon of the source is very rare, only a few people can enjoy that benefit, it always has been, and it always will be, only a few people are around Jesus, and there are only a few people People were around Buddha, and for centuries, they were weeping. When Buddha was about to die, many people were weeping, and only a few happy people sat around him. Those who sat around him happily were the ones who could have peak experiences. They Having become one with that source, they have become one with Buddha, the master and the disciple have disappeared long ago, now there will be no death. There are only a few people - Maha Kassapa and Sariputta, they sit there quietly enjoying.Even Ananda, the biggest disciple of the Buddha, was crying there. The Buddha opened his eyes and said, why are you crying, Ananda? Ananda said: I have been with you for many, many years, but I missed that opportunity. Now you are going to disappear, what will happen to me?When you were here, I couldn't achieve, now you won't be here, what will I do?How many lifetimes do I have to linger now? Even if you can get close to the source, you may miss it, you will miss it by not surrendering.Surrender, I will do the rest. ...then I can keep laughing Beloved Master, before you start your speech, you smile, when you start your speech, your smile disappears, until you finish your speech, you don’t smile anymore, can you please tell us about this? This question is pertinent because speaking is torture, a useless activity, but it has to be done, because there is no other way that will lead you to the silence that exists in me, you cannot hear that silence, you just able to hear words. So when I start to speak, I smile, but when I'm speaking, it's hard for me to smile because speaking is excruciating, it's such a useless effort - to say the unspeakable, to talk That which cannot be talked about goes on pointing at the moon, which cannot be pointed at with a finger.But there is no other way, so I have to keep talking, and gradually you will become able to hear the non-verbal, the wordless; Speak, then I can continue to laugh. So when my speech is over, I smile again because the torment is gone.
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