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Chapter 10 eighth morning

The way of white clouds 奥修 10420Words 2018-03-20
May 17, 1974 Only ripe fruit will fall Beloved Master, I feel that Yao has developed a stoic attitude towards difficulties and I have become more resigned. Does this sense of resignation weaken my meditation efforts, does that mean I repress my ego and have to rediscover it before I can actually lose it? This is one of the greatest difficulties, and it may seem very plausible, but it is true: before you can lose yourself, you must gain it.Only ripe fruit will fall to the ground. Maturity is everything.An immature ego cannot be discarded, cannot be destroyed.If you are struggling with an immature ego, trying to destroy it, destroy it, then your whole effort will fail, not only will you not be able to destroy it, but you will feel that it is enhanced in a new, subtle way.

This is basically what has to be understood: the ego has to reach a peak, it has to become strong, it has to reach a wholeness, only then can you dissolve it, a weak ego cannot be dissolved, it becomes a puzzle. In the East, all religions teach selflessness.So in the East, everyone is against the ego from the very beginning, and because of this opposing attitude, the ego never becomes strong, never reaches a point where it is complete and can be discarded, it never matures, so It is very difficult to dissolve the ego in the East - almost impossible. In the west, the whole tradition of religion and psychology in the west is advocating, teaching and convincing people to have a strong ego, because unless you have a strong ego, how can you live, life is a struggle, if you Without ego you will be destroyed.So it's up to Zhun to resist?Who is going to fight?Who will compete?And life is a constant competition.In the West, psychology says: You must have a strong self.

But in the West it is easy to dissolve the ego, so whenever a Western seeker understands that the ego is a problem, he can dissolve it easily, more easily than any Eastern seeker. This is a paradoxical truth: in the West they teach the ego, in the East they teach the non-self; but in the West the ego can be dissolved easily, while in the East it is very difficult. It will be a difficult task for you, you have to get it first and then lose it, because you can only lose what you have, how can you lose it if you don't own it. Only when you are rich can you be poor, if you are not rich, your poverty cannot have the beauty that Jesus said "to be poor in spirit", your poverty cannot have that The significance of Buddha becoming a beggar.

Only a rich man can become poor, because you can only lose that which you have!How can you be poor if you have never been rich?Your poverty will only be superficial, it can never be spiritual.Outwardly you will be poor, but deep down you will desire wealth, you will desire wealth spiritually, it will become an ambition, it will become a constant desire to achieve wealth, your Poverty is only on the surface, and you may even comfort yourself that poverty is good. But you cannot be really poor, only a rich man, a really rich man, can be really poor.Because just having wealth is not really rich, you may still be poor, if ambition is still there, you are still poor.

What you have is not the point. If what you have is enough, then the desire will disappear. When you have enough wealth, the desire will disappear. The disappearance of desire is the principle to measure whether it is enough or not.If you are really rich you can throw it away, you can become poor, you can become a beggar like Buddha, then your poverty is rich, then your poverty has a kingdom of its own. The same principle applies to everything.Upanishad, Lao Tzu, Jesus or Buddha, all teach that knowledge is useless, just becoming more and more knowledgeable will not help much, it may become a hindrance instead.

Knowledge is not needed, but that doesn't mean you have to remain ignorant, because your ignorance will not be real, when you have gathered enough knowledge and you can drop it, then you can reach ignorance, so You can really become ignorant.Like Socrates, he was able to say: I only know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. This knowledge, or this ignorance -- whatever you like to call it, you can call it -- is totally different, the quality is different, the level has changed. If you are just ignorant because you have never had any knowledge, then your ignorance cannot be intelligent, it cannot be wisdom, it is just lack of knowledge.There will be a desire within you: how to get more knowledge?how to get more

message. When you know too much - you know the scriptures, you know the past and the tradition, you know everything that can be known - then suddenly you become aware that all that is useless, suddenly you are Be aware that this is not knowledge, this is borrowed.This is not your existential experience, this is not your true knowledge, it may be known by others, and you just collected it. Your collection is mechanical, it does not arise from within yourself, it is not a growth, it is just garbage collected from other doors, it is borrowed, it is dead. Remember, that knowledge is only alive if it is really what you know, when it is your immediate, direct experience, and if you know it from someone else, then it is only memory, not Knowledge, memory is dead.

When you have collected a lot -- a wealth of knowledge and scriptures all around you, a library condensed in your head, suddenly you become aware that you are just carrying other people's burdens, nothing belongs to you, you Not knowing, then you might throw it away, you might throw away all this knowledge. In that renunciation a new ignorance will arise in you, and this ignorance is not the ignorance of a fool, that is the case of a wise man, such is the case of a wise man. Only a wise man can say: I don't know.But in saying "I don't know" he's not thirsting for knowledge, he's just stating a fact, you can say "I don't know" with all your heart and at that very moment your eyes are opened , the door of true knowledge is opened.

In that moment when you are fully able to say "I don't know," you become capable of knowing. Such ignorance is beautiful, but it is achieved through knowledge, it is poverty achieved through wealth.The same happens with the ego, you can lose it only when you have it. When Buddha descended from his throne and became a beggar... why did Buddha do this?He's a king, he's already on the throne, he's at the peak of his ego, why go to this extreme?Why go from the palace to the street and become a beggar?But Buddha has a beauty in his begging. The earth has never known such a beautiful beggar, such a rich beggar, such a beggar who is like a king. He is a complete king.

What the hell happened when he stepped down from his throne?He comes down from his ego, because the throne is nothing but symbols, a symbol of ego, power, prestige, status, and he comes down from the throne, and then no-self happens. Selflessness is not modesty, nor is it meanness. You may find many humble people, but there is a subtle ego at work underneath their humility. It is said that Diogenes once visited Socrates.He lives like a beggar. He always wears dirty clothes. There are several holes in the clothes, and several pieces have been patched. Even if you give him new clothes, he will not wear them. He will put them on first. It gets dirty, it's worn out, it's worn out, and then it wears out.

He came to visit Socrates, and he started talking about egolessness, but Socrates' penetrating eye must have known that this man was not an egoless person, the way he was talking about humility was very egoistic. Socrates is said to have said: Through your dirty laundry, and through the holes in your clothes, I see only myself.You are talking about humility, but that talk comes from a deep egocentricity. This can happen, that's what a hypocrite is, you have an ego, but you hide it through its opposite, you become humble on the surface. This apparent modesty cannot deceive anyone, it may be able to deceive yourself, but it cannot deceive anyone else, your ego goes on peeking through the hole in that dirty laundry, it is always there.It is a self-deception, nothing else and no one else is deceived.This can happen if you start dropping your immature self. What I teach may seem contradictory, but that's how life really is, and contradiction is inherent in life, so I teach you to be an egoist so that you become selfless, and I teach you to be perfect Egoist, don't hide it, otherwise hypocrites are born, don't fight that immaturity, let it mature, help it, bring it to the highest point! Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of, you just have to understand your own pain in this way.When your ego is at its peak, you don't need Buddha or me to tell you that ego is hell, you will know it.Because the apex of the ego is the apex of your hell experience, it will be a nightmare, then no one needs anyone to tell you, drop it!It will be difficult to keep carrying it. One can only achieve true knowledge through suffering, you cannot drop anything just through logical argument, you can drop it only when it becomes so painful that it cannot be carried any longer. Your ego has not become so miserable, so it is only natural that you carry it!I can't convince you to drop it, even if you feel persuaded, you hide it, that's all. What is immature cannot be thrown away, the immature fruit will stick to the tree, and the tree will hold on to the immature fruit, and if you force it apart, it will leave a scar, and that scar will go on, that The scars will always remain, and you will always feel hurt. Remember that everything has a time to grow and mature, it has a time to go when it hits the ground, and your ego has a time to mature. So don't be afraid to be an egoist, you are already an egoist, otherwise you would have disappeared long ago, you could not exist... This is how life works: you have to be an egoist, you have to be your way Fight, you have to fight against the countless desires around you, you have to fight, you have to survive. The ego is a tool for survival.If a child is born without ego, he will die, he will not live, that is impossible.Because if he is hungry, he will not feel that I am hungry.He will feel hunger, but that hunger has nothing to do with him.The moment the hunger is felt, the child will feel that I am hungry.He will start crying or make some effort to get someone to feed him.A child grows through his own growth. So for me the ego is part of the natural growth but that doesn't mean you have to be with it forever, it's a natural growth and then at the second step it has to be dropped, that's also natural , but only when the first step has reached its peak, when the first step has reached its highest point, can the second step be taken. So I teach both, I teach the ego and I also teach the non-self. First of all be an egoist, a perfect egoist, an absolute egoist, as if the whole universe exists for you, as if you are the center of the universe.It's as if all the stars revolve around you and the sun rises for you, everything exists for you, everything is just there to help you here.Be the center and don't be afraid, because if you are afraid then you will never be mature.accept it!It's part of growing up.enjoy it!Take it to the top. When it reaches a culmination, suddenly you become aware that you are not the center, this is a fallacy, this is a childish attitude, but you are a child, so there is nothing wrong with it, now you are mature, so you Knowing you is not the center. Really speaking, when you realize that you are not the center, you also realize that the universe has no center, or that there are centers everywhere.Either there is no center and the entire universe exists as a whole without any center as a control point, or every single atom is a center. Améric Pou once said that the whole world is full of centers, every atom is a center, there is no periphery, there are centers everywhere, and no place is a periphery. Here are two possibilities, both of which mean the same thing, just worded differently, to be a center in the first place. It is like: you are in a dream, and if the dream reaches its climax, it will be broken. It is always happening like this: whenever a dream reaches its culmination, it is broken.What is the highest point of the dream?The highest point of a dream is the feeling that this is real, you feel that this is real, not a dream, and you go on and on and on, and then you come to the culmination so that the dream becomes almost real.It never becomes real, it just becomes almost real.It becomes so close to reality that you cannot go any further, because any further, the dream becomes real, and it cannot become real because it is a dream!When it becomes very close to real existence, sleep is broken, dreams are shattered and you become fully awake. The same is true of all kinds of fallacies.The ego is the greatest dream, it has its own beauty, and its pain; it has its own ecstasy, and its pain; it has its own heaven and hell—both exist.Dreams are sometimes beautiful, Time is a nightmare, but both are dreams. So I won't tell you to leave your dreams until the time is right, no, never do anything before the time is right, let things grow, let things develop according to their time, so that each Everything can happen naturally. The ego will disappear, it can disappear by itself, if you let it grow, help it grow, then there is no need to drop it. This is a very deep phenomenon, because if you voluntarily discard it, the ego will remain in it.Who is to abandon it?If you think you can drop it, that "you" is the ego, so whatever you drop will not be real, the real will be preserved and what you drop will be something else. You cannot make yourself selfless, who is going to do it?It is a happening, not a doing.You develop the ego and then a point comes when the whole thing becomes hellish and the dream is broken.Suddenly you see the goose outside, which has never been inside the bottle. You were never an ego, it was just a dream around you, a necessary dream, so I don't condemn it, it's a necessary part of growing up. In life, everything is necessary, nothing is unnecessary, nothing can be left out, everything that happens has to happen, everything that happens happens because of some deep-seated reason, you need it, so that you can stay in the fallacy, it is like a chrysalis protecting you, helping you survive, but one does not need to stay in the chrysalis forever, when you are ready, you can Break out of that chrysalis. The ego is like an eggshell, it protects you, but when you are ready, you have to break the shell, come out of the egg, the ego is the shell. But wait, don't rush it won't help much, it may still get in the way, give it time, don't condemn it, because who is going to condemn it? When you go to the so-called saints they talk about humility and humility but you look into their eyes and you can't find anywhere else a refined self like theirs that has been clothed with religion or yoga or sainthood cloak, but the ego is still there, they may not be amassing wealth, but they may be taking disciples - money has become another form, they have been counting how many disciples they have... They may not be after things of this world, but they are after things of that world, but whether this world or that world, both are worlds.Their greed is perhaps worse because they say: these temporary things, these fleeting things...the world is made of fleeting pleasures, and what they want is eternal joy, and their greed is supreme , they cannot be satisfied by short-term happiness, they want permanent happiness.They cannot be satisfied unless that thing is eternal. Their greed is very deep, their greed is absolute, and greed is of the ego, greed is the hunger of the ego. So sometimes saints are more egoistic than sinners, in this way they are far from divinity, and sometimes sinners can reach God more easily than so-called saints because ego is the hindrance. What I have experienced is that sinners can give up their ego more easily than saints, because sinners are never against the ego, they are always cultivating it, they are always enjoying it, they live completely with it.Saints are always fighting with the ego, so they never let it mature. So my attitude is: the ego has to be dropped, but it may be a long wait, and you can drop it only when you cultivate it. That's the difficulty with the whole phenomenon, because the mind says: If you have to drop it after all, why cultivate it?The mind says: if you have to destroy it, why create it?If you obey the mind you will get into trouble. The mind is always logical and life is always illogical.They never meet. It's a simple logic.It's commonplace math, if you're going to destroy the house, why build it?Why bother with this whole thing?Why waste time and energy with this effort?That house doesn't exist!So why build it and then destroy it? The house is not really the point, the "you" is the point, in building that house, you will change, then destroying that house, you will be completely transformed, you will never be the same, because when you are creating The whole process of the house is your growth, and when the house is ready, you tear it down, which will be a mutation. The mind is logical, and life is polar opposite, the mind moves on a simple line, and life always jumps from one end to the other, from one thing to its opposite. Life is carried out through the interaction between positive and negative poles.create, then life says, destroy; be born, then life say: mourn; acquire, then life say: lose; become rich, then life say: become poor; peak, then becomes an abyss, becomes anatta, then you know both, you know illusion and reality, you know Maya and Brahma. It happens almost every day, someone comes to be initiated and his mind starts to think and he tells me that wearing orange will make me more egoistic because then I will feel I am different, I will feel that I am unique, I will feel that I am a sannyasin, so wearing orange will make me more egoistic, he would say.Then I told him: Then you make it egoistic!But be conscious. If you are unconscious of your ego, if you hide it in the unconscious, then it is a disease.If you are conscious of your ego, then it is a game, you can enjoy it, you can play with it, play that game consciously, consciously.If you forget that it's a game and get too serious, then there's a problem. So I say discipleship is not serious, it is a game, of course, it is a religious game, it has its own rules.Because every game must have rules. If there are no rules, the game cannot be played. Life can have no rules, but the game cannot have no rules. If somebody says: I don't follow those rules, then you can't play that game.When you play poker, you have to follow certain rules, and you can't say: These rules are arbitrary, man-made, so why can't we change it?You can change it, but then the game becomes difficult, and if everyone follows his own rules then the game is impossible. Life is possible, you can play it any way you like, because life never believes in rules, it is beyond rules, but the game must have rules. Remember: wherever you see the rules, you know right away that this is a game.That maxim is this: Wherever you see the rules, you know right away that it's a game, because the game exists through the rules. So if I say: wear orange and beaded - obviously it's a game, have as much fun as you can, don't take it too seriously, or you'll miss the point. Be egoistic, be the perfect, refined egoist, keep cultivating your ego, keep working on your ego, make it a beautiful statue, because before you give it back to God Before, it had to be something worth returning, it had to be a gift. A wave in an infinite ocean Beloved Master, you have said that a lot of energy is needed to achieve inner alchemy, can you please tell us about energy - how to accumulate energy?How to save it?In what way am I losing it?Can we get it from an external source? First things first: you are part of an infinite energy, you are a wave in an infinite ocean.If you can remember this, you will never lose your energy, because the infinite source is always there, you are just a wave, and the ocean is hidden deep within. You were born, who gave you this birth?Who gave you the energy to get into this body?Who gave this body of yours the energy to make it an automatic, refined mechanism, to make it an organism?The body goes on for 70 years, 80 years, even 100 years, now scientists say death is an accident, the body can go on indefinitely; scientists say death doesn't need to exist, it exists because we haven't been able to use the Infinite energy all around us. So the first thing to remember is this: You are part of Infinite Energy.Always remember it and feel it.When you are moving, walking, eating, or sleeping, feel that you are infinite.This is what the Upanishad says to always feel that you are Brahma, that you are the Eternal. If you can feel this more and more, you will become aware that you are not losing any energy, that source becomes readily available, you become a tool. Then do whatever you want and no one will lose energy by doing it.Thinking that when you do anything, you lose energy is one of the fallacies of the human mind.No, if you have this concept saying "when I am doing something, I lose energy" then you will lose energy, and that loss is not because you do it, but because you have the concept, otherwise If you have the opposite concept, you will gain energy by doing that, and if you have no concept, then no energy will be lost. When people retire, they start thinking that they have less energy, so they have to relax and rest more, they shouldn't be doing anything, otherwise their energy will be lost, and then they die earlier.Statistics show that retirement will reduce a person's life expectancy by 10 years. A person who continues to work may live to be 70 years old, but when he retires, he will die at 60 years old. Your body is a generator, the more you use it, the more energy will be supplied from an infinite source, if you don't use it, then there is no need for any supply, then gradually that supply ceases. To be more active, then you have more energy, and if you become less active, you lose a lot of energy.Through activity the energy is not lost, through activity you are renewing the energy.You use energy, and then more energy is available from that source. Pay attention to the trees.When the sun rises, the water starts to evaporate from the tree, and when the water from the leaves evaporates, new water starts to circulate from the roots, it is, a long process.The leaves shed water and dry out near the leaves, where they immediately absorb water from the twigs, then the twigs dry, and the twigs absorb water from the twigs and down to the roots , the roots absorb water from the soil. If the leaf thinks: If we evaporate the water, we will die, we will be thirsty - then the tree will die, because then new springs will not be available, then the roots will not be able to function. You also have roots going into the Infinity, and when you use energy, you draw energy from the Infinity, and your roots come into play. The human mind has a very wrong idea that through activity we lose energy, no, the more active you are, the more energy you have, the less active you are, the less energy you have.This is true of all activities in life, love more and you will have more love to give, if you become a miser and think: if I love more then my love will spread drop, sooner or later my love will run out, so it is better to store it up -- then your love will run out, you will not be able to love. Love, and then there is more love to be used.The more you use, the more you will have, that's the law of life, you can have your cake and have it at the same time.Compassion, love, activity, or whatever it is, the same rules apply, and whatever you want to have more of, you do.If you want to be an infinite source of love then keep sharing love as much as you can, don't be a miser, only a miser loses energy.We're all cheapskate, so we always feel like our energy is being drained. Such a concept may be dangerous, poisonous, and if you have such a concept, that concept will work from within you, the mind will work through hypnosis. For example, decades ago, people all over the world were taught that your sexual energy is limited, and when you make love, the energy is lost.That whole idea of ​​creating sexual misers all over the world is false.But if you have this idea in your mind, then whenever you are making love, you go on hypnotizing yourself that you are losing energy, then energy is wasted. This concept is imprinted in your mind.When you are making love, you are very vulnerable, very receptive, very soft.Whatever you think goes deep into you, and then the result will follow, you will feel the energy being radiated, you will feel the energy is lost, and when you feel the energy is radiated, you will feel your energy If it is lost, the old concept will be further strengthened, which will become a vicious circle. Now scientists and biologists say that sex is infinite energy and you cannot lose it because it is created every day by your food, your breath and your movements.It is created, it is not a stored thing, it does not say that if you take a certain amount out of it, that part is lost, you become less, it is not like that. It is not something stored, it is created every moment, and if you don't use it, it becomes stale, it becomes a stagnant pool, then the flow stops; but if you go on flowing, There are more and more available to you. Jesus once said - and this is one of the most basic things - he said: If you try to cling to life, you will lose it; if you are ready to lose it, you will have it abundantly. Until this century, children all over the world were taught that leakage of semen of any kind is very harmful, you may go crazy, you may become crippled, at least your intelligence will decrease, become crazy, weird and The likelihood of weakness increases. This is totally wrong!But this teaching did drive a lot of people crazy, it made a lot of people weak, it made a lot of people stupid, they became mediocre, just because of that concept... It is a very dangerous concept, when a child grows up, in the At fourteen or five years old... he'll start losing his semen!He can't help it, he will masturbate, and if his morals are too strong, he won't masturbate, but there will be nocturnal emissions, at night, he will lose semen, and everywhere it is said: If you lose semen , you lose everything. In India they used to say -- if you go to some old saints and their followers, they still go on saying -- that one drop of semen is worth 40 days of work on the body.The body has to work for 40 days to create a single drop of semen.So, if one drop of semen is lost, 40 days of life are wasted. Children don't know anything, and they are very receptive, and when the whole society is teaching it, they are hypnotized by it, and there is nothing they can do about it - the semen will come out, because when the body is ready, the semen will come out. It's bound to flow out.This teaching is given everywhere, they cannot tell anyone that their semen is draining, they will hide it, they will suffer inside, they will suffer constantly.They think they're the exception because they don't know that everyone else is going through the same thing because no one is talking about it, and the ones who are talking about it, they're all against it. So everyone thinks he's the exception, that he's the only one going through this.Soon he's going to start feeling dizzy, soon he's going to start feeling mentally fading, soon he's going to start feeling like he's going crazy, that his life is wasted, a lot of people keep writing to me saying their Lives are wasted because they lose too much semen, they lose too much sexual energy. But that concept is very dangerous. If there is that concept, things will happen. It happens through hypnosis. Any concept can be turned into a help or a hindrance, and it is difficult to live without concepts.So, before you reach a thoughtless mind - where everything becomes naturally available - it is better to have the concept that you are part of infinite energy, By what you do, you are gaining, not losing; by giving, you are gaining, not losing. Love, sex, activity -- whatever it is, always remember, always be imbued with the concept that whenever you give something, you can take more from the root.There is more to you, God is a giver, an unconditional giver. If you are also a giver, your hands will always be empty, and God can give you more; Little waves come to life, always afraid of losing. To live as an ocean, to be oceanic!Don't think about losing anything. There is nothing to lose. There is nothing to lose.你并不是一个个人,你只是看起来好像是一个个人。整体都加入你里面,你只是整体的一个面,只是整体发生的一个方式,不必去担心它,它是无穷尽的,这个存在是无始无终的。 享受,庆祝,成为活跃的,永远都要成为一个给予者,成为一个全然的给予者,永远不需要保留任何东西,这是唯一真正的祈祷。给予就是祈祷,给予就是爱,那些能够给予的,他们总是会被给得更多。
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