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Chapter 2 1. The inward revolution

esoteric psychology 奥修 6755Words 2018-03-20
On the road of human evolution, is it possible at some point in the future?Can all human beings achieve enlightenment?At what stage of evolution are humans today? With man, the natural, mechanical process of evolution comes to an end.Man is the last product of unconscious evolution.There are people.Conscious evolution begins. There are many things to consider. First, the evolution of the unconscious is mechanical and natural.It happens automatically.through this type of evolution.Consciousness develops gradually.But as soon as consciousness emerges, the evolution of the unconscious stops, because the purpose of the evolution of the unconscious has been fulfilled.The need for the evolution of the unconscious is only as far as the emergence of consciousness.Man already has consciousness.in some sense.Man has surpassed nature.Nature can do nothing now; the last products of which natural evolution can bring have appeared.Now, man has the freedom to decide whether to continue to evolve.

Secondly.Unconscious evolution is collective, but once evolution becomes conscious it becomes individual.No collective, mechanical evolution will continue beyond man.From now on, evolution has become an individual process.Consciousness creates individuals, and there is no individual before the evolution of consciousness.Only species exist, not individuals. When evolution was unconscious, it was a mechanical process; it had no uncertainty.Things happen according to the law of cause and effect.Being is mechanical and definite.But there are people.With awareness comes uncertainty.Right now, nothing is certain.Evolution may or may not occur.The potential is there, but the choice is entirely up to each individual.Therefore, anxiety is a human phenomenon. There is no anxiety below human beings, because there is no choice.Everything happens as it has to happen.Since there is no choice, there is no chooser, and there is no chooser.There can be no anxiety.Who is anxious?Who's nervous?

With the possibility of choice, anxiety begins to follow.Now, everything has to be chosen and everything is a conscious effort.You are in charge.If you fail, you fail.That is your responsibility.If you succeed, you succeed.That is also your responsibility.In a sense, every choice is the last choice.You can't cancel it, you can't forget it, and you can't violate it.Your choice becomes your destiny.It will be with you and become a part of you; you cannot deny it.And your choice is always a gamble.Every choice is made in the dark because nothing is certain. So people get anxious.He has anxiety down to his roots.From here he suffers: to be or not to be?To do or not to do?Do this or that? "No choice is impossible. If you don't choose, then you are choosing not to choose; it is also a choice. So you are forced to choose; you have no freedom not to choose. The effect of not choosing is the same as any other choice Same.

The dignity, beauty and glory of man is this consciousness.But it is also a burden.When you become conscious, the glory comes with the burden.Each step is an action in between.With people, there are choices and conscious individuals.You can evolve, but your evolution will be an individual effort.You may evolve into an enlightened person, or you may not.The choice is yours. So there are two types of evolution: collective evolution and individual, conscious evolution.The word evolution means unconscious, collective progress, so when talking about people.Better to use the word revolution.With people, revolution becomes possible.

Revolution, as I use the word here, means a conscious, individual effort to evolve.It pushes individual responsibility to a pinnacle.Only you are responsible for your own evolution.usually.Man always tries to evade his responsibility for his own evolution, the responsibility of free choice.He has a great fear of freedom.when you were a slave.Your livelihood is never yours; someone else is responsible for it.So in a way.Being enslaved is also a very comfortable thing.No burden.As far as this is concerned.Slavery is also freedom: freedom from conscious choice. Once you are completely free, you must make your own choices.No one is forcing you to do anything; all choices are yours to make.And so the struggle with the mind begins.So one becomes afraid of freedom.

Some ideologies.Like fascism, that's part of their appeal: they offer an escape from individual freedom and individual responsibility.They take the burden of responsibility off the shoulders of the individual; society takes charge.Whenever something goes wrong, you can always blame the government, you can always blame the group.Income simply becomes part of the collective body.But in denying individual freedom, fascism also denies the possibility of human evolution.That is a step backwards from the great possibility offered by the revolution - the radical transformation of man.If this happens.You will destroy the possibility of reaching the ultimate.You go backwards; you become animal again.

in my opinion.Further evolution is only possible with individual responsibility.It seems unfortunate that you are in charge of your own responsibility, but it is actually a great blessing.This responsibility brings struggle, which will eventually lead to the awareness that there is no choice (choceles). The old pattern of unconscious evolution is over for us.You can go backwards.But you cannot stop in it.Your nature will rise up in rebellion.The entry is already conscious; he must remain conscious.There is no other way. Philosophers like Aurobindo (Anmbindo) have a strong appeal to electors.They say collective evolution is possible.God will come down from the sky and everyone will become enlightened.But in my opinion, that's impossible.Even if it seems possible, it doesn't make sense.If you become enlightened without your own personal effort, then that opening statement is not worth having.It will not bring you the ecstasy of successfully completing your endeavors.It's just something you take for granted—like your eyes, your hands, your breathing process.These are great blessings.But no one in the human world takes them seriously and cherishes them.

According to Aurobindo's promise, one day you too can be born enlightened.This kind of thing has no value.You will have many.However, because it is not obtained through hard work and hard work.So it has no meaning for you; its meaning is lost.Conscious effort is required.Achievement is not as meaningful as the effort itself.Effort produces its own meaning, struggle produces its own meaning. Collective, unconscious enlightenment seems to me like a gift from God that is not only impossible but also pointless.You have to fight for the opening.Through struggle, you develop the ability to feel, feel, and grasp the joy that is to come.

Because of man, the unconscious evolution ends and the conscious evolution - the revolution - begins.And conscious evolution doesn't have to happen to special people.It starts whenever you choose it to start.If you don't choose it - as most people do - you're in a pretty tense situation.Human beings in this modern age have nowhere to go and no goal to go to.Now, you can achieve nothing without conscious effort.You cannot go back to an unconscious state.That door is closed; that bridge is broken. The choice of conscious evolution is a great risk, and for a human being, it is the only risk.The road is hard; it must be.There are bound to be mistakes.Fail because nothing is certain.This situation creates tension in people's hearts.You don't know where you are, and you don't know where you're going.Your identity is lost.This situation may even lead to suicide.

Suicide is a human phenomenon resulting from human choice.Animals cannot commit suicide because they cannot consciously choose to die.Birth is unconscious and death is also unconscious.But with man - the ignorant man, the unevolved man - one thing becomes possible; the ability to choose death.Your birth is not your choice.As far as your birth is concerned, you are still in the hands of unconscious evolution.Actually.Your birth is not a human thing at all.It's animal in nature because it's not your choice.Human nature begins only with choice.And you, too, can choose your death—an act of determination.So, suicide is a definite human act.If you do not choose conscious evolution, then you most likely choose suicide.You may not have the courage to commit suicide vividly, but you will experience a slow, prolonged suicide process -- lingering, waiting to die.

You cannot hold anyone else responsible for your evolution.Accepting this situation will give you strength.You grow and evolve in your own way.We create gods, or we go to gurus so that we are not responsible for our own life, our own evolution.We try to place the responsibility somewhere else, far away from ourselves.If we cannot accept some god or some guru, we cannot escape responsibility by narcotics or hallucinogens, by anything that can lead us into unconsciousness.Teachers advocating these efforts to deny responsibility are absurd, stupid, and childish.They only prolong the problem; they are not the solution.You can procrastinate until you die, but it's not long before your new birth continues in the same way. Once you are aware that you are in charge of yourself, you will not resort to any type of unconsciousness to escape.You'd be a fool if you wanted to run away because responsibility is a major evolutionary opportunity.for the struggle it provoked.Something new may gradually develop.To become aware means to know that everything depends on you.Even your God is up to you, because He was created by your imagination. Everything is ultimately a part of you and you are responsible for it.No one will hear your argument; no court of appeal, all responsibility is yours.You are alone, utterly alone.This must be clearly understood.As soon as man becomes conscious, he becomes individual.The more conscious you are, the more aware you are of your own aloneness.So don't escape from this fact by resorting to society, friends, groups, crowds.Don't get away with it being a great phenomenon; the entire evolutionary process has been working towards this. Now, consciousness has reached this point: you know you are alone.Only in aloneness can you achieve enlightenment.I'm not talking about loneliness.The feeling of loneliness is the feeling that a person develops when he is avoiding being alone, when he is not ready to accept it.If you don't accept the fact of being alone, then you will feel alone, you will find a group or some narcotic to forget about yourself, and loneliness will create its own magic of forgetfulness.Even if you were able to do a full round of rounds alone for a single moment, the ego would die; the "I" would die too.You exploded; you were gone.The ego cannot remain alone.It can only exist in relationship. No matter when you start alone.A miracle will happen.The ego is weakened.Now it doesn't live long.So, if you have enough courage to go into solitude, you will gradually become selfless. Aloneness is a very conscious, deliberate act, more deliberate than suicide because the ego cannot exist alone, but it can exist in suicide.Egoistic people are more suicidal than others.Suicide is always about another person; It was never a solitary act.in suicide.The ego does not suffer.Rather, it becomes more expressive.It will enter a new birth with greater power. By being alone, the ego is shattered.It has no associated objects.So it cannot exist.So if you are ready to be alone, be alone without wavering, neither run away nor retreat, fully accept the fact of being alone - it will become a great opportunity.So you are like a seed full of potential.Remember, though, that in order to grow into a plant, the seed must self-destruct.The ego is a seed, a potential.If it is smashed, God will be born.God is neither me nor "you".It is oneness.By being alone you will achieve this oneness. You can create a false substitute for this oneness.Hindus become one, Christians become one.Islam is one; India is one, China is one.These are just substitutes for one.Oneness can only be achieved through total aloneness. A group may call itself a unity, but the unity is always against something else.Because the group supports you, you are at ease.Now, you have no more responsibilities.You don't burn mosques alone, you don't destroy temples alone.But being part of a group, you can do that because now you're not in charge.Everyone is responsible, so no one in particular is responsible.There is no individual consciousness there, only group consciousness.You fall back into the group.become like an animal. Groups are false substitutes for a sense of oneness.No one will choose any false substitute if he is aware of the situation, aware of his responsibility as a human being, aware of this difficult, hard work that comes with being human. .He lives with facts as they are; he creates no fictions.Your religion and your political fantasies are just figments and it creates a sense of imagined oneness. Oneness is achieved only when you become selfless, and the ego dies only when you are completely alone.When you are completely alone.you are not here.That moment is the moment of explosion.You explode into infinity.This, and only this, is evolution.The reason I call it a revolution is that it is not unconscious.You may become egoless, or you may not.It's up to you.Becoming alone is the only real revolution.It takes great courage. Only a Buddha is alone, only a Jesus or a Mahavira is alone.This is not to say that they left their families and left the world.It may seem so, but it is not.They're not negatively walking away from something.Their behavior is aggressive; it's an act of striving for independence.They are not leaving.They are seeking total solitude.The whole search is more for that moment of work, in that moment, one is alone.There is joy in being alone.Only in this way is enlightenment attained.We cannot be alone and neither can others, so we create groups, families, societies, nations.All nations, all families, all groups are made up of cowards—those who are not brave enough to go into solitude. True courage is courage alone.It means waking up to the fact that you are alone and you cannot be otherwise.You can either lie to yourself, or live with the fact.You can go on deceiving yourself life after life, but you can only go on in a vicious circle.Only when you can accept this single fact will the vicious circle be broken and you will reach the center.That center is the center of divinity, the center of wholeness, the center of divinity.I can't imagine a time when it feels like a birthright for everyone to achieve this.This is impossible. Consciousness is individual.Only the unconscious is collective.Humans have achieved consciousness, they have become individuals.There is no such person; there are only individual persons.Everyone must become aware of his own individuality and his responsibility for it.The first thing we must do is accept aloneness as a basic fact and learn to live with it.We cannot create any fictions.If you create fiction.You will never know the truth.Fiction is a truth designed, engraved, and cultivated.It prevents you from knowing it.Be accepting of your individuality.If you can accept this fact.If there is no fiction between you and this fact.Then the truth will be revealed to you.Every fact, if looked at deeply.They are all showing the truth. So accept the fact of responsibility, the fact that you are alone.If you can accept this fact.There will be an explosion.It is hard, but it is the only way.through hardships.By accepting this truth, you will reach the breaking point.Only then will you have joy. If it is given to you, it will lose its value, because you did not earn it.You are incapable of feeling it.This ability can only be obtained through training. If you can accept your responsibility to yourself, a training will come to you automatically.Because you are fully responsible for yourself, it is inevitable that you will become disciplined.But this discipline is not imposed on you from the outside world.It comes from within.Because you are fully responsible for yourself, every step you take is within the norm.You can't say a single irresponsible word.If you are aware of your own aloneness, you will be aware of the pain of other people.This way you don't commit any irresponsible actions, because you feel responsible not only to yourself, but also to other people.If you can accept your aloneness, you know that everyone is alone.Then the son will know that the father is alone; the wife will know that the husband is alone; the husband will know that the wife is alone.Once you know this, it's impossible not to become miserable. Living with facts is the only job, the only training.Once you become fully aware of the human condition, you become religious.You will become your own master.But the austerity that follows is not the austerity of the ascetic.It's not forced; it's not ugly.This asceticism is aesthetic.You feel like it's the only thing possible, and you can't do anything else.Then you start letting go; you no longer possess. The desire to possess is the desire not to be alone.A man cannot be alone, so he always seeks companions.But having another human being as a companion is not reliable, so he seeks a material companion.Living with a wife is difficult; living with a car is not so difficult.So in the end possession always turns to matter. You might even try to turn people into things too.You try to mold them in such a way that they lose their personhood, their individuality.A wife is a thing, not a person; a husband is a thing, not a person. If you are aware of your aloneness, then you will also be aware of the other's aloneness.That way you'll know that trying to possess another person is aggression.You never actively give up.Give up being your only negative shadow.You no longer possess.Then you can be a lover, but not a husband, not a wife. With this non-possession comes compassion and austerity.Innocence emerges in you.When you deny the facts of life, you cannot be innocent; you become cunning.You are kidding yourself.but.If you are brave enough to accept the truth as it is, you will become innocent.This innocence is not cultivated.You are what it is: the innocent. In my opinion, being innocent is all there is to it.Become purely human, and the Divinity will flow joyfully to you forever.Innocence is the ability to receive, the ability to be a part of God.To become innocent, where the guest is, become the host. This innocence cannot be cultivated, because cultivating water is far from a plan.It is calculated.And innocence can never be calculating; it cannot be. Innocence is piety.To become innocent is the pinnacle of true enlightenment.Yet true innocence can only arise through conscious revolution; it cannot arise through any collective, unconscious evolution.Man is alone.He has the freedom to choose heaven or hell, life or death, the ecstasy of enlightenment or what we call life. Sartre once said "man is condemned to be free." You can choose the Great Hall or Hell.Freedom means; you are free to choose one of the two.If you can only choose heaven, then it is not a choice; it is not freedom.There is no option for hell, heaven is hell itself.Choice always means one way or the other.It does not mean that you are free to choose only the good ones.Then there is no freedom. If you choose wrong, freedom becomes a sentence; but if you choose right, it becomes joy.It depends on your choice to turn your freedom into judgment or into joy.Your choice is entirely your responsibility. If you are ready, a new dimension begins deep within you.Evolution is over.It takes a revolution now to open you up and beyond.It is an individual revolution and an inward revolution. Note: ① Guru Hinduism and Alkhism religious leaders.spiritual master.Spiritual leader. ② Moabhiro.Let go of the respectful title of Taiinists for Vardhamana (Vardhamana, the founder of Jainism).
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