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Chapter 12 (10) Poetry Annotation Essentials and Allusions

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1918Words 2018-03-20
(Huang Tingjian) "Zi Zi You Again" ①: "The wind and rain are extremely well known, and the snow and frost are better than the fungus for the year. When it is confirmed that the wine is poured out, the Confucian scholars will be cured." Self-note: "Out of "" "Su Wen" ②." Qingshen's annotation quotes "Guo Feng": "The wind and rain are desolate, and the rooster crows and crows"; "Jing" ④: "The disease of madness and insanity, how can we tell them apart. You are a high-spirited person, you are arguing for your wisdom, you are arrogant, you are also good at singing and singing." Qingshen didn't know it all. The poem "Wind and Rain" should quote the last chapter "The wind and rain are like darkness, and the rooster crows endlessly", and "Zheng Jian" says ⑤: "The rooster still crows according to the time. It is a metaphor that although a gentleman lives in troubled times, he does not change his integrity." It is based on Liu Xiaobiao's " "Debate of Fate" cloud ⑥: "The poem says: 'The wind and rain are like darkness, and the cock crows endlessly.' Therefore, if a good person does good, there is no rest." Compared with "chicken crowing and squawking", it cuts the intention of the valley.The last chapter of Lu Ji's "Playing Lianzhu" says: "It is based on the swift wind and rain, and the observation of the morning birds is not wrong; the strong yin kills the festival, and the heart of the cold wood is not withered." The pines and cypresses do not adjust. The rooster is good at waiting for the morning, and it does not stop singing even though it is dark." "Book of Jin? Zai Ji Lu Guang Biography" contains Lu Guang's legacy Yang Gui Shu said: "The pine and cypresses are the ones that do not wither in the frost. He Tu, the pine and cypress withered in the slight frost, but the rooster crowed in the wind and rain." And "Book of Jin? Huan Yi et al. Biography" Shi Chen said: "The frost and snow are at the end of the year, and the wind and rain are at the beginning of the morning. "The two things have been together for a long time.

It is said that "the rooster has crowed" and "the dark wind and rain", both of which are based on the last chapter of "Wind and Rain".Zeng Zi, a contemporaneous person in the valley, opened "Qufu Collection" ⑦ Volume 4, "Chen Shidao Sees and Sends Rhyme in Cihou Mountain" also says: "The pines are luxuriant, the snow and frost do not change their color, and the rooster crows and the wind and rain never fail." This connection has the same origin as the valley.The valley does not explicitly mention pines and cypresses, but uses fungi as a contrast.The self-note mistakenly used "madness" as "blindness", Qingshen's quotations echoed it, but did not correct it. The patient is not happy, looks directly at the stiff and lying", and at the beginning, he is not "self-confident, laughing and happy".The terms "crazy" and "depressed" in modern terms are slightly different from "crazy" and "violent". (340 pages) ① Ziyou: Su Zhezi, an essayist in the Northern Song Dynasty.

② "Su Wen": twenty-four volumes, ancient medical books. ③ Xiao Du: Du Mu called Xiao Du, which is different from Du Fu calling Lao Du. ④ "Nanjing": two volumes, written by Bian Que, an ancient medical book. ⑤ Zheng Jian: Notes on Han Zhengxuan pairs. ⑥Liu Xiaobiao: Liang Liujun character. For "Debate on Fate", see "Selected Works". ⑦ Zeng Zikai: Song Zengzhao characters, there are four volumes of "Qufu Collection". This article emphasizes that the annotations must be accurate, and one must understand the meaning of the author's allusions.Here are two poems by Huang Tingjian and notes by Shi Rong for illustration.Huang Tingjian's poem: "The wind and rain are well known and the chicken knows it by itself." Shi Rong's annotation: "Guofeng": "The wind and rain are miserable, and the chicken crows and cries."Therefore, Mr. Qian pointed out that "Poetry? Zheng Feng? Wind and Rain" should be annotated:

"The wind and rain are like darkness, and the rooster crows endlessly." Therefore, I quoted these two sentences because it said in "Zheng Jian": "The rooster still crows in time, and Yu Junzi does not change his temperament even though he lives in troubled times." In addition to the two sentences, it is best to quote "Zheng Jian" and propose "to crow on time", which is in line with "the chicken knows itself".Not only that, but also pointed out that "although a gentleman lives in troubled times, he does not change his integrity", that is to say, he also pointed out the intention of Huang Tingjian's poem.Besides, Huang Tingjian's use of this allusion includes the meaning of his use of the Six Dynasties, so Mr. Qian also quoted Liu Jun's "Debate of Fate" to explain the author's intention of saying "a chicken knows itself".

Mr. Qian also considered "Xueshuang Ning and Bacteria Compete for Years", and contacted the author to quote the Six Dynasties, leading to Lu Ji's "Playing Lianzhu" Come on, point out the "observation of morning birds", and call chickens morning birds, which are combined with "singing on time".Then use the "heart of cold wood" to refer to "the frost and snow, but the pines and cypresses do not wither", which is combined with "snow and frost rather than bacteria to fight for the year".Lu Ji called "Xunfeng Lingyu", that is, violent wind and rain, which is even more exaggerated.

And Huang Tingjian's poem "I would rather compete with bacteria for the year", that is, how can I compete with bacteria for the year.Shi Rong's note: "The chapter of "Zhuangzi? A Happy Tour": "Chao bacteria don't know Huishuo, and cricket crickets don't know Spring and Autumn, this young year also. 'Du Mu's "Title of Wei Wenzhen": 'In the period of scorpion and snow frost, it is difficult for sages to teach laymen to know. "The poetic meaning is that pines and cypresses are exposed to frost and snow, so how can they be shorter than Chaojun?" "Shi Rong's note is good, pointing out that the fungus lives and dies day and night, so it doesn't know the first month (new moon) and the last month (darkness) of the lunar calendar. Crickets can't live through winter, so they don't know spring and autumn. They are short-lived, so It is "Xiao Nian". In Shi Rong's note, he only quoted "Chaojun doesn't know Huishuo", which seems to have nothing to do with "Xueshuang" in the original sentence, so he quoted "Cricket cricket doesn't know Spring and Autumn", but this sentence is also pointless. "Xueshuang" came out, so Du Mu's poem was quoted: "The period of scorpion Ning and Xueshuang. "In this way, "Xueshuang" came out. But "Xueshuang"

It is said in combination with "cutter cricket", not "chao fungus", so Shi Rong also quoted "cricket cricket does not know the age" in the note, which is good.However, the original poem uses "Snow Shuang" as well as the meaning of "the pines and cypresses do not wither under the frost and snow", that is to say, the two things of cock crowing and pines and cypresses are not withered. It has a long history. Jin Lvguang left Yang Guishu and "Jin Shu" Shi Chen said that until Song Zengzhao's poems, these two things were used together, so the use of "Xueshuang" in Huang Tingjian's poems also meant the combination of these two things. Inside.Shi Rong's note did not point out this point, and did not point out the author's intention of using "Xueshuang", which is not enough.

He also used "Xueshuang" to refer to "snow and frost, but pines and cypresses do not wither", but the original sentence did not refer to pines and cypresses, but said "Ning fights with bacteria for years". Ear." The use of "Xueshuang" means "the pine and cypress do not wither under the frost and snow", which contains the meaning of pine and cypress, so there is no pine and cypress here to compete with the Yin for the year, and bacteria are used to contrast the long years of pine and cypress, and rhetorical contrast is used here Shi Rong didn't point out the technique, which is also a deficiency.Finally, Mr. Qian pointed out that Huang Shi's "self-sacredness" was originally "at the beginning of madness" in "Nanjing".It is a disease of madness, not dementia.In addition, "the work of dysentery, the patient is unhappy, looking directly at the stiff and lying down, and Shi Rong's quotation as "self-sage, laughing and laughing" is not in line with "self-sacred". Point out the mistakes in Shi Rong's annotation. From this we can see that Qian The in-depth and meticulous research on annotations by Mr.

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