Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 128 Three mail to small readers newsletter four

Dear children: Over the years, especially recently, I have often received letters from children asking me how to write a good composition.I really feel that there is no way to talk about it for a while, and the specific situation of each child is different, so I can't answer them one by one.After much deliberation, I can only start from my own writing experience and practice. First of all, creation comes from life. Without the true feelings and facts in life, the written things will not be clear and vivid; without the truly touching situations in life, the written things will not be moving.The ancients said that "feelings and texts grow together", that is to say, sincere feelings produce sincere words.Then, from real life, if you vividly reflect the things that make you like or make you sad, you will naturally write a better article.

Many children asked: "I have encountered many things that moved me, and I have many feelings in my heart, but there are 'meanings' but no 'words', what should I do?" Well, from my own experience, in addition to many There is no other way than to read more books. The kids are much happier than me!When I was young, there were few books written for children in the old society, and there were few things suitable for children to read.I just rummaged through the bookshelves of adults, and when I could barely understand, I took them out to read. Those books were nothing more than,,, etc., and later they would be Tang poems, Song poems, and

Wait, but now that I think about it, these ancient books have benefited me a lot. Chairman Mao taught us: "We must inherit all excellent literary and artistic heritage, and critically absorb all beneficial things in it, as our reference when creating works from the literary and artistic raw materials in the lives of the people at this time and place. With this reference and without This kind of reference is different, here there are distinctions between the wild, the thick and the thin, the high and the low, and the fast and the slow.” My own understanding of Chairman Mao’s words is: borrowing from the articles and poems of the predecessors can at least enrich our vocabulary , so that we can write more concisely, more vividly, and more vividly when we write about emotion and environment.

After the "Gang of Four" was overthrown, not only were more children's publications and books published, but many of the "Gang of Four" When it was rampant, modern works that could not be reprinted, such as "Liu Baiyu's Selected Essays", and new works after the "Gang of Four" were overthrown, such as teacher Liu Xinwu's "Alma Mater Memorial" short story collection, etc. were also published.I only mentioned the above two books, and there are many others, which are waiting for the children to read by themselves. In addition, ancient books such as "Selected Poems of Tang Dynasty", "Selected Poetry of Song Dynasty", etc. have been republished. If you choose, you can take a look at it when you have the opportunity. You can read the annotations or ask the teacher if you don’t understand.It is also easier to remember a word or character after looking it up by yourself.

In this way, the more books you read, the more things you can learn from, and the richer your vocabulary.When you write a composition, such as "My First Teacher", the image of your first teacher is standing in front of you with a smile, and you will use your newly acquired vocabulary to describe her appearance, voice, language, actions.Because what you are writing is a real person you are familiar with, and your writing is so vivid and vivid, it is naturally a good article.When you write a composition, such as "A Day at the Zoo", you will use your newly acquired vocabulary to describe the birds, beasts, insects, fish, flowers, grasses, trees, and trees you see. colors, movements and sounds.Because your description is so lifelike and lively, readers will definitely appreciate and resonate with you.This is another aspect of "love and text live together"!

Children, the heat is over and school is back.I can appreciate your joy when you see your teachers and classmates, and when you hold new textbooks. This is the force that inspires you to march towards science and culture.I hope that you will not only study the books in the class well, but also read more books outside the class when you have time, such as the ones I mentioned above.This is not only to help you write a good composition, but the most important thing is to expand your knowledge.Knowledge is power, and the successors of our socialist motherland need this kind of power, right? I hope you love books, good books will always be our best friends!Your friend Bing Xin September 7, 1978.

(This article was originally published in the 8th issue of "Children's Times" in November 1978.)
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