Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Six

Chapter 127 To season dust ①

Comrade Dust: Thank you for your letter.There is really no merit in my essays, so I barely selected three for your reference. (1) (2) "Sakura and Friendship" (See pages 164 and 191 of the new collection for all the above.) (3) "I Stand in Front of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall" (please refer to "I Stand in Front of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall" by Beijing People's Publishing House The book is 26 pages, because there are typos in the text used in the textbook and in "People's Literature". ) hastily wrote An Xie Bingxin 8, 12, 78 (this letter is a reply to Comrade Ji Chen’s compilation of "Prose Feature Selection" (1949-1979), when he asked for comments.) ①Ji Chen, born in 1928, Jiangsu Wuxi people. Graduated from Beijing Journalism School in 1951.He served as the editor of "Workers' Daily" for a long time. In 1977, he was transferred to People's Literature Publishing House and served as the deputy head of the poetry and prose group of the modern literature editorial office.

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