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Chapter 41 January 13

corrosion 茅盾 1309Words 2018-03-19
In the past two days, I have spent a lot of energy trying to find out that among the many letters that have passed through my inspection, I found that this letter was from the same person as I got it from the second landlady the day before yesterday.Why did I have such a thought, I don't understand.Maybe just to get busy.But I did take the trouble to recognize the handwriting first. I believe that this is indeed a letter from K.I have reason to conclude that it was his letter. I even hope that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will find a letter in the pile of letters. No one knows the names of the streets and people on it, only I know, so this is also a letter for me.

Last night when N came to play, she picked up a book on my desk intentionally or unintentionally, and casually flipped through it.It just so happens that this so-called "letter" to me is contained in this book.I was really embarrassed at the time, and it was not easy to stop her.In fact, it's okay for her to see it, anyway, it doesn't have a name, it doesn't look like a letter.Sure enough, she turned it over, she glanced at it, turned it over, but turned around again, and said: "This is not a letter, can I read it?—— Oh, it's a work, it must be your masterpiece,..."

"You can't watch!" I took advantage of the momentum and wanted to grab it.But N is used to being naughty, she has already jumped to the other side of the table, held up the paper, first praised "a good handwriting", and then read on: Of course she can remember who this is.One day, in Huaxi, he asked her to inquire about a person's whereabouts.Later, she herself met this person.There was a little misunderstanding, but now he sincerely apologizes, it's all because of his too much care.But shouldn't he be forgiven?His situation is too complicated to be careless.As for the girlfriend, I also sincerely apologize to her.

N glanced at me, seemed to want to speak, but did not speak, and continued: They took her advice and had their bodies checked.Latent germs were also discovered.A period of rest becomes necessary.She can be at ease; but her own health is of great concern to them.Of course, they also knew that this respectable and lovely sister was brave, smart, and careful, so she would definitely be able to greet her, but every time they thought about her situation, they always felt indignant and worried. At this moment, I had already walked up to N, took the piece of paper from N's hand, forced a smile and said, "Enough is enough. Now that I have read it, I have to express my opinion and criticize it." N didn't seem to listen. Well, just keep silent.After a while, he suddenly asked: "Hey, dear and lovely sister, what do you mean by writing this?"

"Do you think I wrote it?" I said with a faint smile. "I've already admitted it just now, it's still worth it!" "When did I admit it, you should think about it." N lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "I haven't finished watching it yet." Then he reached out to grab it.I didn't want to give it, but I was afraid of tearing the paper, so I spread it on the table, stopped her with my hand and said, "Don't move, read it to you: 'Life is not as good as we think, nor is it so bad. .Only yourself to create circumstances. Beloved forever by a glorious warrior, is a heroine. She must be able to create a new life. Countless hands of friendship are drawn to her. Please accept our sincere salute Come on, lover of our warriors!' That's it. Well, I've had enough of life, but... Hey, N, have you ever met someone like that?"

"What kind of person?" N asked in confusion. "For example, like the woman on the paper." "I can't say it, and it's out of my head." N pondered for a while, then suddenly jumped over and patted me on the shoulder: "Don't make trouble! That, it's too much like a letter, the tone is addressed to a person,— —Oh, if you change those pronouns, it’s like a letter.” I smiled bitterly, ignored N, folded the piece of paper, put it in the drawer, and then said slowly: "You can guess as you like. I only know one thing: There is such a person. "

So he changed the subject, and after a while, N left. I have not seen K.'s handwriting, but I am sure it is his letter. This letter gave me warmth.I felt that what was left was mine, that I was not alone.But how do I create a new life?After waiting for two days, I still haven't seen the letter with the same handwriting. ...
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