Home Categories contemporary fiction corrosion

Chapter 20 November 16

corrosion 茅盾 3590Words 2018-03-19
When I woke up in the morning and heard the voices of the guards outside the yard, I realized where I was.I opened my eyes and looked around for a while, my mind was in a daze, as if there were so many things crowded there, but I couldn’t remember any of them——no, I really couldn’t pick one out to focus on. I just smile alone from time to time——if there is a big mirror for me to see myself, my expression at this time must be "very problematic"... Xiao Zhao never dreamed that I was so close at hand.I almost wanted to laugh out loud.There is me on this side and him on the other side, separated only by a walking room, which is where Comrade Ma's "post" is; Far away.I chose this room because the door of this room faces the courtyard, so I can see who is coming and who is going. But there is also a disadvantage, there is a room in the middle, so I can't hear Xiao Zhao's movements.Moreover, the doors and windows are in the same direction, facing the yard, just as the duty officer said,——

"It's not very comfortable to live in a woman's house." Fortunately, I can ignore this. Things went well, and the Liangyi of my "Tai Chi Diagram" gradually became clearer.I went to see R at noon yesterday, intending to report my "reason" for changing the "order" and choosing this room; it just so happened that R was having a meeting, and Fatty Chen met on his behalf, and he immediately agreed to my request.When I took the opportunity, I said that I didn't need the person who was "just to support me", and Chen Fatty also agreed to withdraw the request.

When I was leaving, Fatty Chen asked me again in a low voice: "Have you seen the Songsheng couple recently?" Fatty Chen looked like he regarded me as a "comrade" and belonged to their group.Of course, I acted accordingly, not only exaggerating my relationship with Shunying, but also implying that I was also involved in Miwu.Fatty Chen listened with a half-smile, and nodded, but finally straightened his back and said loudly: "Very good--very good; just be careful!" Is this the usual bureaucratic accent, or is there something more to it?If there is a purpose, then does the so-called "careful" refer to me and Shunying, or to my current job, or to G. There is no doubt that he is still messing with me.I can't figure it out for a while.But in the situation at that time, it was naturally inconvenient to ask directly, and the time did not allow time to beat around the bush and try it out, so I had to give up.

It's funny to think about it, I've always conceited that I'm not a woman, but these few days, my heart has been completely occupied by Xiao Zhao, no matter what I talk about, it seems that I can't do without Xiao Zhao.If he doesn't treat me sincerely again... Hey, Xiao Zhao, you really can't be so cruel! For heaven's sake, I am indeed "dedicated".Could it be that one of the words I persuaded him yesterday, back and forth, was not for loving him? It is necessary to establish a good relationship with Comrade Ma first; the preliminary work has already been done, and he came to take care of me when I was decorating the room yesterday, and I will further invest in some "capital".This man is straightforward and has a good heart; he told me that he also has a younger sister—"Let her find a job in some company, isn't that better than her brother?" Comrade Ma has his "plans".

Everything went well, except for Xiao Zhao.I tried my best to talk to him yesterday, but unexpectedly, after one night, he said "we'll think about it later". It makes you discouraged: if you talk softly, he will ignore half-truths; if you lose your temper with him, he will smile at me.That kind of exhausted appearance makes people laugh and cry.If so, for half an hour, at the end, I cut it off and said to him: "You said 'every man can't take away his aspirations', but they think that there is no invincible 'aspiration' in the world; knives, saws and whips, and women with money are tools. They are used in turn; I saw it with my own eyes, and it did take some people's ambitions away. Now that you are unyielding, the next scene will be even more cruel...Xiao Zhao, my heart turns cold when I think about it, Xiao Zhao, you can't stand it! "

He held my hand silently, his expression unchanged, his eyes still so clear and soft. "Xiao Zhao," I took his hand and pressed it on my chest, "Since you are 'every man can't win the ambition', then you should think about it for me, I also have a 'zhi' here, why? You don't respect my aspirations... Oh, are you surprised? Don't you understand that my aspiration is to protect you, to realize your "second dream". Xiao Zhao, think about it for yourself !" He bowed his head for a while, and then sighed: "When you can't have both, I have to wrong you. Ming, I will never forget you..." Suddenly he became excited, "Anyway, a person must die!"

"But they still don't want you to die quickly, Xiao Zhao!" My voice also changed a little.But at this moment, Comrade Ma knocked on the door and said that there was an order from "above", and he wanted me to go there. After an hour or so, I came back again and saw that Xiao Zhao was not very calm; and he could see my inner troubles at a glance.We looked at each other, neither of us dared to speak first. Xiao Zhao slowly approached me.I forcefully pursed my lips and smiled, leaning my head against his chest; he reached out and gently stroked my hair.I could hear the sound of his heart beating: heavy, but not so fast.I heard Xiao Zhao whisper, "How? What's the matter? How?" "Isn't that the same old tune!" I tried my best to keep my tone relaxed. "However, I have been prevaricated by me. . . . "

Suddenly Xiao Zhao hugged me, bowed his head and said hurriedly into my ear: "Sister Ming, do you love me?" Before I could speak, he had already continued: "You love me! Let's meet, you promise me one thing, okay?..." My heart was beating violently, and I raised my face to receive a sweet—but, a sentence like a sharp sword fell on my face, "Sister Ming , you try to get me some poison!" I jumped all over, but the beating of my heart seemed to stop.I can't say a word. "Some poison, prepare it. Sister Ming!" Xiao Zhao said again, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You—you're talking nonsense!" I covered his mouth with my hand, and stared at him hard. "Who told you to make such a plan? You should fight!" But finally I couldn't suppress the bursts of grief, and my voice was choked with sobs. "Ah, your life is so worthless,... death is meaningless, there is no price..." Xiao Zhao's eye sockets were also a little red. I gathered myself together, pushed him to sit on the bed, took his hand, and said softly: "Xiao Zhao, why do you always think about the flat road? It may not be necessary to die, and there is another way. I just came back At that time, I met a person by accident——you must know it, this is a side matter, I will not talk about it now; I suddenly got an idea at that time. Zhao——I have already got what they want.”

He looked at me in surprise, as if he didn't understand what I said.I smiled and said: "Looking at me like this, what are you doing? I don't know how to hypnotize, if I do, it's good. I said I've got it, but it's a best-effort solution to that matter." .” Seeing his eyes flicker, I quickly stopped him and said: "Speak slowly, listen to me before you..." So I explained to him first, don't take that matter so seriously, "You just say no, The result is terrible." However, there is room for dodging, half-truths and half-truths, I have an explanation on my side, and at the same time use some personnel relations, it is probably the same--"My Zhao, this is my last effort; if you think of such a few unimportant people, or people who have already reached the end of the world where other people's power is beyond their reach, just give them a hand, and that's it. However, I write the topic, and you have to do the article." "Hey," Xiao Zhao smiled, "Ming, this is almost like hypnotism.

..." This made sense, but I was exhausted.I smiled softly and said: "For hypnotism to be effective, the person being hypnotized must first trust me wholeheartedly and be obedient. ——Zhao, please call me again: Sister Ming!... Cough, Zhao, I don’t know what I owed in my previous life. What are you..." Afterwards, I thought to myself, I really didn't understand why I loved him so much? midnight catch up In the dream, I heard someone whimpering in a low voice, and it was close to me.I was startled, and I listened quietly, spit!It turned out to be a mouse. Look at the watch, the short hand is between one and two, and the long hand is on the nine.But I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep anymore.Putting on his clothes, he opened the door to look, but he saw that the sky was full of stars, and the guards in the corridor outside the courtyard had just changed their shift. Turning on the light, sitting silently facing the window, there is a sad feeling in my heart, gently rippling... It suddenly occurred to me that I accidentally ran into K again this evening.That's weird, why is he running around here?When he saw me from a distance, he stopped.The accidental discovery in the newspaper office that day suddenly came back to my mind, I didn't turn my face away, and didn't plan to pay attention to him; but I couldn't help but sneak a look, but I just met his burning eyes, I couldn't help but pursed my lips and smiled. "Long time no see, how are you?" K. blushed and approached, as if he wanted to talk to me. But at this time I have neither the time nor the mood. "Thank you," I replied very formally, "Your... well, Miss Ping, how are you? Why don't you come out and play together?" "Oh—how, you haven't forgotten that day..." K. felt a little embarrassed, "but it was a misunderstanding—she understood later. It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to see you, and she wanted to explain it to you." Woolen cloth." As soon as I heard him preemptively say this, I replied in a defensive manner: "What is the misunderstanding, I don't understand. Who is she?" However, this time K is different from the past, striving for the initiative everywhere.He took a step forward, glanced at me as if he wanted to see the depths of my heart, and said in a complaining tone: "You and Mi Siping are old classmates, so naturally you are much more familiar with her affairs than I am; How come you don't know that she has another lover—how did you lead her to me out of nowhere!" This pissed me off a bit; what I hate most is when someone doesn't confess and treats him like a fool. Immediately, I replied arrogantly: "Is it true, it's all my shit!..." Turned around and left.However, after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of another idea, and turned around again. K remained where he was, looking thoughtfully at the ground.I sneaked up to him, he was startled, but he smiled at me as if he expected me to come back.I asked in a low voice: "K, your friend's friend—no, it should be the friend of your friend's girlfriend, is there any news recently?" K. replied hastily: "No. I was about to ask you just now, but you left in a fit of anger. Did you find out anything after all? I've been so anxious all day long!" His concern for Xiao Zhao dispelled my annoyance with him.However, I still can't let go of his evasiveness and not telling the truth; I still have to give him a hard time: "There is a clue. It's just that there was more than one arrest that night. There is no detailed name, place of residence, age, occupation, blind Touching it for a while, isn't it okay? You're always refusing to talk about it!" "Well, you can't blame me either," K. argued sincerely. "What name he promised after he was arrested, I really don't know..." "But what about his real name, what about his former name?" I challenged him again. He hesitated again.I was a little impatient, and a few passers-by were paying attention to us, so I turned around and smiled and said, "It's not busy, just let me know when you think about it." After walking through more than ten doors and looking back, K had disappeared. I should still thank K.If I hadn't met him by chance, I wouldn't have thought of a solution to Xiao Zhao's difficult problem that had the best of both worlds.
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