Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 72 The Chinese people resolutely support the patriotic and just struggle of the Panamanian people[1]

(January 12, 1964) The struggle that the Panamanian people are currently fighting heroically against US aggression and safeguarding national sovereignty is a great patriotic struggle.The Chinese people stand firmly on the side of the Panamanian people and fully support their just actions against the US aggressors and demanding the recovery of sovereignty over the Panama Canal Zone. U.S. imperialism is the most ferocious enemy of the people of the world. U.S. imperialism has not only committed serious crimes of aggression against the Panamanian people and deliberately plotting to strangle socialist Cuba, but has also been plundering and oppressing the peoples of Latin American countries and suppressing the national-democratic revolutionary struggles in these countries.

In Asia, U.S. imperialism is occupying China's Taiwan, turning southern Korea and southern Vietnam into its colonies, exercising control and semi-military occupation over Japan, undermining the peace, neutrality and independence of Laos, plotting to subvert the Royal Government of Cambodia, and Intervention and aggression by other countries.It recently decided to send the US fleet to the Indian Ocean, threatening the security of Southeast Asian countries. In Africa, U.S. imperialism has intensified its neo-colonial policy in an attempt to replace the old colonialists, plunder and enslave the peoples of African countries, and sabotage and crush the national liberation movements.

The policies of aggression and war of U.S. imperialism also seriously threaten the Soviet Union, China and other socialist countries.It also tried to implement the policy of "peaceful evolution" for socialist countries, implement the restoration of capitalism, and disintegrate the socialist camp. Even with its allies in Western Europe, North America and Oceania, U.S. imperialism pursues the policy of "the strong prey on the weak", trying to trample them under its feet. The aggressive plan of U.S. imperialism to dominate the world is inherited from Truman[2], Eisenhower[3], Kennedy[4] to Johnson[5].

The people of all countries in the socialist camp must unite, the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America must unite, the people of all continents of the world must unite, all peace-loving countries must unite, and all countries that have been invaded, controlled, interfered and bullied by the United States must unite. All countries should unite and form the broadest united front to oppose the US imperialist policy of aggression and war and defend world peace. U.S. imperialism is running rampant everywhere, placing itself in a position of being an enemy of the people of the whole world, and is making itself more and more isolated.The atomic and hydrogen bombs in the hands of U.S. imperialism cannot frighten all those who do not want to be slaves.The fury of the people all over the world against the US aggressors is unstoppable.The struggle of the people of the world against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys will surely achieve greater victories.

According to the "People's Daily" published on January 13, 1964. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] This is Mao Zedong's speech to the reporter of "People's Daily". [2] Truman (1884-1972), an American Democrat, served as President of the United States from 1945 to 1952. [3] Eisenhower, President of the United States from 1953 to 1960. [4] Kennedy, President of the United States from 1961 to 1963. [5] Johnson (1908-1973), an American Democrat, was the President of the United States at the time.

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