Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 30 Reinvigorate the Patriotic Sanitation Movement[1]

(March 18, 1960) The Shanghai Bureau, the committees of the cooperative areas, the provincial party committees, municipal party committees, and autonomous region party committees, all departments at the central level, and all party groups: Sanitation work, due to the busy production of the Great Leap Forward in the past two years, has been somewhat relaxed.Now we should pay close attention to layout, sum up experience, check, compete and compare.On February 2 this year, the Central Committee approved the "Report on the National Health Work in Jishan County, Shanxi Province" [2] and the attachment "Several Issues Concerning the Health Work of the People's Commune" [3], which have already been sent to you by the Party Group of the Ministry of Health. .According to our investigation, it failed to attract your attention. The first secretaries of most provincial, municipal, and district party committees did not read such an important and well-written document, nor did they distribute it to party committees and people's communes at all levels.The Central Committee now reminds comrades that we must pay attention to this issue, and that we must reactivate the patriotic health movement that has been relaxed in the past two years, and must do so within the three years of 1960, 1961, and 1962. To make remarkable achievements, first of all, pay close attention to this year's sanitation campaign.The method: at the provincial, municipal, prefectural, county, and communal party committee meetings and party group meetings attended by the heads of health departments and mass organizations, within March of this year, no later than the first ten days of April, a serious discussion will be held. The first secretary is in command, and the special management secretaries of the party committees at all levels and the party group secretaries of relevant departments should also be in command under the leadership of the first secretary of the party committee, and immediately distribute the document approved by the central government on February 2 to the people's communes; The district party committee immediately issued its own instructions to resume the organization and work of the Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Committee, mobilize the masses, cooperate with the production campaign, and vigorously carry out sanitation work, regardless of the elderly, children, youth, middle-aged, teachers, students, men, women, They must hold fly swatters and other tools as much as possible, make great fanfare, create momentum, and eradicate the four evils; all health and medical personnel must cheer up, form a three-in-one combination with the party committee and the masses, show their ability, and criticize right-leaning ideology.One more thing, stop beating sparrows and replace them with bedbugs. The slogan is "get rid of mice, bedbugs, flies, and mosquitoes".As for other serious diseases, of course, they must be eliminated or reduced according to the plan.Party committees at all levels must conscientiously step up and inspect the work of pest control and disease elimination committees in all localities.Environmental sanitation is extremely important. Residents must be encouraged to develop hygienic habits, honor hygiene and disgrace unsanitation.Wherever possible, gymnastics, ball games, jogging, mountain climbing, swimming, Tai Chi and all kinds of sports should be advocated.It is wrong to think of health work as an isolated work.The reason why sanitation work is important is that it is beneficial to production, work, study, and the improvement of our people's weak physique, making them healthy and strong, and the environment clean. It is combined with the Great Leap Forward in Production and the Great Cultural and Technological Revolution. stand up.Now, there are still many people who do not understand the meaning of changing customs and changing the world.Therefore, it is necessary to make a big fanfare and make a big publicity, so that it is known to everyone and everyone takes action.There is no great difficulty in doing this. It is a matter of human effort. We must strive to achieve great results within three years, and we must act vigorously this year.To this end, party committees at all levels, party groups of health departments, trade unions, youth leagues, and women's federations will hold four meetings for health work this year, once a quarter, and three or four hours should be enough for each meeting, not too long.This will be the case every year.The Patriotic Sanitation Campaign Committee held a meeting immediately after the above-mentioned meeting, and it was also held four times a year, once a quarter, every year.Comrades, please follow it as one, and don't delay it.

central March 18, 1960 Published according to the documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] This is an inner-party directive drafted by Mao Zedong for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. [2] The report of the Party Group of the Ministry of Health was submitted to the Cultural and Educational Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on December 16, 1959 and transferred to the Central Committee.According to the report, the meeting resolved the following issues: 1. Further clarify the idea that sanitation work must start from production, cooperate with production, and serve production.2. Vigorously do a good job in the sanitation work of the people's communes, and continue to carry out extensive and in-depth campaigns to eliminate pests and diseases.3. Actively develop and improve rural health organizations and health teams.

[3] The main opinions put forward in the appendix of the report of the leading party group of the Ministry of Health are as follows: 1. To do a good job in the health work of the people's communes, it is necessary to establish and improve medical and health organizations.2. Clarify the nature and tasks of commune health centers and health centers.3. Strengthen the solidarity and cooperation between Chinese and Western medicine.4. For the medical system for the members of the people's communes and the management of the funds of the health institutions, it is advisable to implement the collective health care system at present.Fifth, implement the policy of "walking on two legs" and vigorously train rural health personnel.

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