Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 31 Strengthen the leadership of technological innovation and technological revolution movements[1]

(March 18 and 25, 1960) one The Shanghai Bureau, all coordination district committees, all provincial party committees, municipal party committees, and autonomous region party committees, all ministries and commissions at the central level, and all party groups: One piece of "Report on the Current Situation of Technological Innovation and Technological Revolution by the Party Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions" [2], and one piece of "About the Great Harvest of Technological Revolution" in the tenth issue of "Economic News", a total of two pieces are sent to you now, and please You distribute it to all urban party committees, industrial and mining party committees, and rural commune party committees for study and reference.These are two important concluding documents, please pay attention to them.The ACFTU summarized the experience of seven major cities including Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Luda[3], Harbin, Taiyuan, and Chongqing.This is not enough.Wuhan, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Lanzhou, the provincial capitals of each province, and the medium-sized cities of each province, such as Tangshan, Shijiazhuang, Qingdao, Luoyang, Huangshi, Zhuzhou, Wuxi, Zhanjiang, Pingxiang, and hundreds of other important cities, should all quickly draw conclusions and give them a timely summary. promote.County-run industries and commune industries should also make summaries and promote them.The technological innovation and technological revolution movement has now become a great movement. It is urgent to sum up experience, strengthen leadership, solve problems in the movement in a timely manner, and guide the movement to a correct, scientific, and popular track.This kind of investigation, research, and summary work should be basically completed within three, four, five or three months of this year.The party groups of ministries and commissions of the central government, local party committees at all levels, and party groups of various departments will do it separately, and large-scale on-site meetings will be held.In January this year, most cities were not invited to the on-site meeting held by the First Ministry of Machinery in Harbin, even big cities like Wuhan and Guangzhou were not invited.It is of the utmost importance that relevant departments should be invited to pay attention in the future.

central March 18, 1960 Published according to Mao Zedong's manuscript. two Comrade Nie Rongzhen's letter to the central government made a good and systematic summary of the current technological revolution movement, and sent it to comrades for research, reference and imitation.Our country's industrial and transportation fronts, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, auxiliary fishing fronts, financial and trade circulation fronts, cultural, educational and health fronts, and national defense fronts. The technological revolution and the national movement of the cultural revolution are developing vigorously. New people and new things are emerging one after another. Please observe carefully and summarize at any time. be promoted.

Mao Zedong March 25, 1960 Printed from manuscript. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] The first part of this article is the comments written by Mao Zedong for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to forward the "Report of the Party Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on the Current Situation of Technological Innovation and Technological Revolution" and "The Technological Revolution Movement Has Gained a Large-scale Harvest".The second part of this article was written by Mao Zedong to forward the report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Mao Zedong on March 16, 1960, by Nie Rongzhen, Vice Premier of the State Council and Director of the State Science and Technology Commission, on certain conditions of mass movements for technological revolution in factories in Guangzhou and Chongqing. Criticism.

[2] "The Report of the Party Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on the Current Situation of Technological Innovation and Technological Revolution" pointed out that a technological innovation and technological revolution centered on mechanization and semi-mechanization has become a vigorous mass movement of the whole people.The rapid increase in the level of mechanization and semi-mechanization has demonstrated tremendous power in production, increasing labor productivity, saving a large number of manpower to expand production, and liberating workers from heavy labor.In order to ensure better results of this campaign, issues such as materials, enterprise management, and worker education also need to be resolved.

[3] Luda, now Dalian City.
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