Home Categories social psychology meet the unknown self

Chapter 13 Chapter 11 Good luck is not afraid of fate - the subconscious life pattern

meet the unknown self 张德芬 2359Words 2018-03-18
Ruo Ling came to the hut exhausted physically and mentally. Not only did I not sleep well last night, but I was severely punished in today's meeting.The main reason is that a product launch and a press conference will be held this week, and the bosses asked for many details in detail.The two bosses have to compete in these meetings, both want to be the first to speak, and neither wants to be behind the other.In the end, it was finally decided: the sales boss will speak first at the product presentation, after all, he is facing customers; and the marketing boss will speak first at the press conference, announcing the upgrade of the product on behalf of the company.

"It's really tiring!" Ruo Ling thought, "How come the bigger the official position, the bigger the needs and appetites of the ego?!" The old man could see Ruo Ling's exhaustion, and asked her to sit down after entering the door, and poured a cup of tea for her to catch her breath. After a long time, Ruo Ling was able to bring her mind back to the homework given by the old man.She asked straight to the point: "Is the subconscious really so capable?" Her words were concise, and the old man knew what she meant by her question. Picking up the chalk, the old man is drawing on the wall this time.First, I drew a horse, then a carriage, plus a coachman, and a passenger behind.

(I have tried my best to imitate the original picture, but there is a problem with the proportion, can you see it) Ruo Ling didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, but the picture was quite interesting and lifted her spirits. "This picture represents our life." The old man started the class. "The structure and quality of the carriage represent our fate. Some people have a good life, a six-wheeled cart, born with a golden spoon in their mouth, smart and capable, or beautiful and charming. Poverty, untimely birth, mediocre intelligence, and ugly appearance. And this journey is our luck. Sometimes it is a broad road, and sometimes it is a narrow path. The so-called good fate is not afraid of luck. .”

The old man shook his head when he spoke, a bit like a charlatan, which made Ruo Ling laugh. "The carriage depends on the horse," the old man continued, "and if you ask the horse, do you have the right to decide how to move? The horse will say, 'Yes, yes! I am Are you trying to move forward? Without me, this car can’t move!’ But you have to ask it, ‘Why did you turn left just now?’ He will say, ‘I feel the face on the left is tight, so I will change That's it!'" The old man stopped to watch Ruo Ling's reaction when he said this. The smart Ruoling has already understood what the role of this horse is, it is our consciousness, we think we can control our lives and make free choices, but in fact, we are a machine in the automatic control mode, Many times I can't help myself.Just like this horse, it doesn't know that the left cheek is tight because the coachman has tightened the left rein.

"Then this coachman is our subconscious mind?" Ruo Ling asked. Seeing Ruo Ling's comprehension, the old man nodded, "It's the automatic navigation system of our life." "But it's the passenger sitting in the back who really gives the orders, right? He's going to Fuzhou, and this coachman won't go north!" Ruo Ling asked again.The old man also gave his eyes affirmation. But who is this passenger?Ruo Ling was a little puzzled.Looking at the picture on the wall, Ruoling shifted his gaze to the circle on the ground again, and suddenly thought, "Ah, this passenger is our true self!"

The old man nodded approvingly, but this time Ruo Ling was not as proud of guessing the answer as usual, but became more and more heavy.The old man could sense her state and silently watched over her. "How do we communicate with the real self?" Ruo Ling was silent for a while, and then began to ask questions. "This seems to be back to my old question," she pointed to the circle on the ground, "how to break through the obstacles to find the true self?" "Yes," the old man nodded, "However, in the process of finding our true self, we must first try our best to bring the subconscious part to the conscious level as much as possible, so that we will get closer and closer to our true self."

The old man added something to the circle while talking. "So you have to increase the area of ​​this pie!" The old man pointed to the 5% conscious part in the picture, "First go to the subconscious to find out what your written auto-programming is, and bring it to At the level of consciousness, let the light of consciousness decipher some life patterns in your life that are no longer useful to you.” "My God! Is this Mandarin?" Ruo Ling thought, "What does this string of words mean? Maybe, I have to find something, this thing is like a touchstone, it can clear away all the negative elements in my life , leaving a bright and shining life? Since there are such good things, why not design a better life model from the beginning? What is the meaning of the suffering I have suffered since I was a child? Who is in control of all this? "

Ruo Ling felt that her thoughts were like a ball of yarn again.She decided to start with a basic question: "This automated program, and the life model you mentioned, who will write it for us?" "This problem is really a big problem!" The old man thought carefully about the way of expression, "You can say that we are born with some personality tendencies, such as extroversion, introversion, pessimism, optimism, etc. Then, our acquired The environment, such as family, school, society, friends, etc., will help us set some rules of the game in childhood, allowing us to create various values ​​​​and beliefs."

"Let me give you an example." Seeing Ruo Ling's face full of question marks, the old man said understandingly. "There was a father who abandoned his wife and three sons, completely abandoning them. When the eldest grew up, he became a very good and responsible father, because his subconscious belief was: I can't hurt like my father Family. The second child never married because his subconscious belief is: I don’t believe in marriage, because I may be like my father. The third child does the same thing as his father, because his subconscious belief is: I want to marry Same as my father."

The old man looked at Ruo Ling, she was still in deep thinking, so he wrote a formula on the wall with chalk: Personality tendency × external environment × various education × life events × past life karma (if you believe it) = life pattern "Look clearly, it's a multiplication sign, not a plus sign, so there are many variables and it's very complicated!" The old man added. Ruo Ling seemed to understand, but she still raised a very practical question: "Then how can we know what kind of patterns are operating in the form of automatic programs in our subconscious mind? How can we get rid of those unhealthy patterns after we find them?" OK?"

"Good question," the old man said with satisfaction, "Things in the subconscious will communicate with us in many ways, it depends on whether you can be alert and understand it." The old man paused, smiled and said, "This is your homework for this week!" Ruo Ling was taken aback for a moment, with a helpless expression on his face. "Then I will tell you slowly, how to deal with our hidden life patterns." The old man blinked, "What about the other homework from last week?" "I've watched the movie, but I haven't read the book yet." Ruo Ling replied in a low voice, "I don't quite understand the movie..." "It's okay. The information I asked you to look up and some content in the movie, we will use in the future. You can watch it again when the time comes, and I don't expect you to understand it once." The old man smiled, and then lowered his head. After speaking, Ruo Ling knew that the interview time was over. "Yes, just like my own life, I can't understand it all at once, take my time! As long as I have confidence, I will be able to understand myself." Ruo Ling secretly made up her mind, quietly got up and left. (to be continued)
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