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Chapter 11 Chapter 9 A Chance Encounter with an Old Acquaintance—A Preliminary Exploration of the Subconscious

meet the unknown self 张德芬 1901Words 2018-03-18
Every time she leaves the old man's place, Ruo Ling feels fulfilled.But this time Ruo Ling felt a little regretful, because she still hoped that the old man would tell her the secret to deciphering those circles.The answer Ruo Ling got was more homework. Obviously, the time has not yet come! The homework this time is like this - first of all, I need to find some information about consciousness and subconsciousness, explaining the difference and function of the two.Furthermore, Ruoling was asked to find a book and copy down some of the words in the book.In the end, the old man gave Ruo Ling a leaflet, which was a notice of a movie appreciation guide meeting, asking Ruo Ling to watch a movie.

"One homework is to watch a movie, which is really interesting!" Ruo Ling sat in the library, still in a daze. She felt a tall shadow ahead. When he was in college more than ten years ago, Zhiming appeared in front of him when he was studying.At this moment, she raised her head, intending to see who was blocking her light. A familiar face. "Ah, you are..." Ruo Ling exclaimed! "Yes, remember me?" A handsome man smiled at Ruo Ling. "Li Jianxin... aren't you abroad?" Ruo Ling stammered a bit. "I came back as a visiting professor at the invitation of a domestic university." The man answered implicitly, and then asked cautiously: "How are you?"

"I'm fine!" Ruo Ling quickly recovered her composure. "Is everything okay at home?" "Okay..." Ruo Ling responded.It's just an old classmate in college!Although I haven't seen you for so many years, why do you feel a little uncomfortable?Is it about his energy?Ruo Ling secretly asked herself. "Why are you still studying in the library?" Li Jianxin had a playful smile on his lips. "I... well, I'm looking up some information about consciousness and subconsciousness." Ruo Ling replied cautiously, afraid that he would ask more questions.

"Oh, then you can read Carl Jung's works, which are very clear." Li Jianxin replied quickly, as if he was very familiar with Carl Jung.Seeing Ruo Ling's astonishment, Li Jianxin went on to say: "I am very interested in psychology. Although I majored in science and engineering, I have taken a lot of credits in psychology. I have also listened to speeches given by professors from the Jung Institute abroad."① Ruo Ling knew that she couldn't please her on this topic, and her ego had already been seriously threatened, so she hurriedly said, "Oh, then I'll go over there and have a look."

"Let's exchange phone numbers. The old classmates haven't met for a long time. Let's go out to drink coffee and chat some other day. I'm sorry, I just learned a wisecrack." Li Jianxin blinked. "Okay!" Ruo Ling answered dutifully, but he thought in his heart: whoever has time to drink coffee with you, I have to deal with the old man quickly. Following Li Jianxin's suggestion, Ruoling really collected a lot of information about consciousness, subconsciousness, and even collective consciousness. About a hundred years ago our great psychologists discovered the human subconscious.It controls our thoughts, feelings, behavior, and reactions to people and things, our relationships, and our decision-making processes.

It is an invisible world, but it dominates our external world.Our consciousness, self-knowledge, thinking, changing, judging, and feeling all come from the subconscious mind.All our cognitions and preferences about ourselves at the conscious level only account for 1% of our total picture.The subconscious mind is a very powerful force, it has complete influence over our ego, and 99% of it is unknown to us. Ruo Ling knows that this is the so-called iceberg theory: our entire consciousness is like an iceberg, and the superficial consciousness on the water only accounts for 1%.Some theories say 5% or 10%, no matter what, what we can perceive and control is surprisingly little!

*************** In addition, Ruo Ling also saw a famous follow-up study on twins in Minnesota.The pair of twins were forced to share because of their family circumstances since they were young. They grew up in different family environments and did not know each other.When both of them were in their thirties, the researchers found them, conducted a discussion on their lives and personal data, and found that their lives were surprisingly similar. The two got married in the same year, and their wives were also twins.They have the same breed of dog, and both dogs have the same name.The gender and order of the children born are also the same, and there are more than 70% of the similarities in life.

"Could it be that we are really led by the subconscious to live our lives?" Ruo Ling was really shocked! The first homework has already made Ruo Ling dizzy. Looking at her watch, the time for the movie is almost up. The name of the movie is very strange. It is called "We Know X". It talks about exploring various phenomena in the world from the perspective of quantum mechanics. Ruo Ling is afraid that she will fall asleep when the time comes. ② In a hurry, Ruo Ling came to a small building on the edge of Chaoyang Park according to the address.This is a studio opened by a female from Taiwan. It is usually not open to the public, and only invites friends to gather.Ruo Ling felt a little presumptuous, but also felt quite honored.

As soon as she entered the studio, Ruo Ling was attracted by the whole space.There is a faint unknown fragrance in the air, and the interior decoration and decoration are very Zen-like, so special. When Ruo Ling came, the movie hadn't started yet, so he began to browse the display on the bookshelf.Many books are from Taiwan. Ruo Ling caught a glimpse of a book with a big bald head as the cover. The author's name is the author of the book recommended by the old man: Ken Wilbur. ③ Ruo Ling picked up her bald head and browsed through this book called "A Brief History of Ten Thousand Laws".Although Ruo Ling can understand every word in the vertical version of traditional Chinese, but when put together, he can't understand every sentence, which is really strange.Will the book recommended by the old man be the same?Ruo Ling was trembling, and when she saw the hostess, she plucked up the courage to ask: "May I ask, have you read "Beyond Death—Grace and Courage" written by this person?"

"Of course!" The hostess smiled sweetly, "You can buy it at the Sanlian Publishing Store behind the art museum. Dangdang.com is out of stock recently." Upon hearing this, Ruo Ling knew that the hostess from Taiwan was quite familiar with Beijing! (to be continued) "What the bleep do we know" is a film based on quantum physics that explores the commonality between the spiritual world and the physical world.
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