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Chapter 10 Chapter 8 Who You Attract - The Law of Attraction

meet the unknown self 张德芬 2258Words 2018-03-18
In order to learn more about the function of energy, Ruo Ling stepped into a library that she had never set foot in after graduating from university.She took out the research spirit of her university days, carefully collected information, and sorted out the most useful and interesting information. She found one report particularly interesting. A middle school in the United States conducted a small experiment. Two teachers with similar teaching results were recruited. One asked him to teach students in the "Cow Herding Class", but told him that this was a "gifted class" and asked the teacher to be serious. to lead them.Another teacher went to teach a gifted and gifted class, but told him that this class is an ordinary class, and he can teach as he pleases, so he doesn't have to worry too much.

As a result, after one semester, the grades of the students in the ordinary class turned out to be better than those in the gifted class, proving the laboratory conclusion that the "observer" affects the "observed". Another report is about a rice experiment done by a Japanese elementary school student.Put three bowls of rice in the classroom, every day when the child goes to school, say to the first bowl of rice: "I love you, you eat it!" The second bowl of rice does not get any attention at all.The third bowl of rice received the words: "You are so ugly, no one wants to talk to you!"

After a month, the first bowl of rice turns yellow and smells like wine.The second bowl of rice turned black and smelly, and mold grew, witnessing the sadness of being ignored.The third bowl of rice was a little better, turning black and smelly, but it wasn't as bad as the second because at least someone was paying attention. "Do our words and thoughts really have such great power?" Ruo Ling couldn't believe it. Another article talked about the "law of attraction": if you vibrate one of the tuning forks in a room full of tuning forks of different frequencies, the other tuning fork that vibrates at the same frequency as it will also be attracted.

So if a person is full of happy and positive thoughts, then good people, things, and things will resonate with him and be attracted to him.Similarly, if a person always has a pessimistic, cynical thought frequency, then it is no wonder that this person often has bad luck happen to him! "This also shows the principle that like smells like each other and like attracts like!" Ruo Ling smiled with her mouth covered. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * With a smile, Ruo Ling came to the hut again, and the old man still lit the fire in the fireplace and waited for her. "How is it? How is the exploration of the energy world?" The old man lay down on the rocking chair and asked leisurely.

"It's so fun!" Ruo Ling looked like a child discovering a new world, "Every thought of ours has a certain amount of energy, but our habit is to think wildly!" "Yes!" the old man agreed, turning his head and squinting at the floor, where the circles he drew last week were still there. Ruo Ling looked at the circles, although she was no longer so dizzy, she still didn't know what the research on energy had to do with these circles. "Look!" The old man pointed to the center of the circle, "Here is the source of our life energy!" Ruo Ling looked down at the circle, deeply attracted by this mandala, and in the beating light and shadow of the firewood in the fireplace, there was a sudden touch And sentiment: "Oh! So our bodies, emotions, thoughts, role-playing, and identity energies surround the source of our life energy, and also isolate love, joy and peace!"

After finishing speaking, Ruo Ling didn't look up at the old man, but just indulged in the deep feeling at the moment. The old man didn't respond either, he seemed to acquiesce to Ruo Ling's guess. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became serious. "The scene in your meeting room on Monday showed that a person's energy, whether positive or negative, has an impact on everyone and everything around him. At the same time, it also shows the biggest problem of modern man - energy Competing." The old man said earnestly, "Because we are not connected with the source of our own life, we have lost the source of energy, so we keep asking for energy from outside. What is worse is that we have to fight with our compatriots—others. Humans, competing for energy."

"You mean the rivalry between the two bosses of our company is also a kind of energy competition?" Ruo Ling asked. "Yes, it is not only a kind of energy competition, but also a war between ego (ego) and ego." The old man nodded, "Like between husband and wife, between parents and children, between friends, between relatives and friends, this kind of ego energy competition Wars happen all the time." He paused, thinking of good words to explain this terrible phenomenon: "Modern society is like a killing field. Everyone is trying to seize other people's energy in different ways, such as controlling others, using power over others, gaining others' attention, recognition, love, or proving that they are right. Yes, good, superior, the list goes on.”

"So, if human beings can master the secret of reconnecting with the source of their own life energy, there is no need to use this method to compete for energy?" Ruo Ling asked hopefully. "Yes, we are now like a group of cavemen, in the cave, fighting to the death for the torch, but we don't know that as long as we step out of the cave, we have inexhaustible solar energy!" The old man said with emotion. "Then tell me quickly, how can we break through these obstacles and let us get in touch with the source of our own life energy?" The impatient Ruo Ling couldn't hold back anymore, she picked up the chalk and drew some dashed lines on the circle:

The old man looked at Ruo Ling's eagerness with a smile: "No hurry, no hurry, take your time. I will definitely reveal the answer to this mystery for you, but there are still some things to tell you about energy!" The old man stopped to take a sip of tea, and his slow-moving appearance made it hard for the impatient Ruo Ling to restrain himself. "Usually, when you see some people, do you feel kind and comfortable, but you can't explain why, why do you have a special fondness for these people?" The old man asked without thinking. "Yes," Ruo Ling replied honestly, "but..." She hesitated to speak.

"Is there some people that you particularly hate? There is no reason." The old man carefully studied Ruo Ling's reaction. "Yes, it's polite to dislike it," Ruo Ling said, thinking that the old man really understood her thoughts, "Some people don't want to take a second look after one look!" "This is also the function of energy." The old man said meaningfully, "Because the vibration frequency of everyone's energy is more or less different, the person with a similar vibration frequency to yours is the person you like more!"

"This is 'like attracts like'!" Ruo Ling remembered her new discovery in the library, and couldn't help admiring her foresight. "Wait a minute," Ruo Ling suddenly thought of an important question, "Then how do I know what the vibration frequency of my own energy looks like?" "Just look at the people and things you attract around you!" The old man smiled, "Because your thoughts and emotions vibrate with a certain amount of energy, they will attract people, things and things with similar vibration frequencies to them! This point will be discussed later when we discuss the 'secret of wishing things come true'." "The secret to making wishes come true?" Ruo Ling opened her eyes wide, looking at the old man excitedly and expectantly. The old man stopped looking at her, implying that she could leave. Ruo Ling left the warm hut again with complicated emotions. (to be continued) PS in the book: There is a movie called "Holy Realm Prophecy", which has a very clear description of the process of human energy competition.
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