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Chapter 56 TECHNIQUE 50 Quick Shared Memories

The intimate whispers of couples are intimate, but outsiders can't understand them at all.Just a few short words between old friends can make each other cry and laugh, even if outsiders hear it, they can't resonate with each other.Close business partners always laugh when they talk about past shared experiences. I once worked for a company that had gone through numerous downsizing, layoffs, downsizing, and delegations over a 10-year period.Every company gathering, employees always have to take out the teamwork jokes and tell them again.One year, the company climbed up to a 29-foot pole in order to practice the spirit of teamwork, from supervisors to subordinate employees.As a result, the general manager slipped off the pole and broke the thumb on his foot.At the weekly meeting every other week, the general manager shook his crutches and announced in a self-deprecating manner, "Don't talk about team spirit from now on!" Although the initiative of teamwork was stillborn, the common jokes among colleagues emerged as the times require.

Shared experiences like these often make up a company's corporate culture.Employees share a common past and form their own exclusive language.Now, every time someone wants to kill an idea outright, they say, "We're shaking the crutch at this bad idea," or, "That plan should slide off the flagpole." Everyone laughs, if it weren't for the company's A member, can't understand at all. Whenever I meet my friend Dano, instead of saying hello with "Hi", we say "Quack".Why? I met him at a party 5 years ago when Dano told me he grew up on a duck farm.I said I had never seen a farm with ducks, and he immediately imitated it.He is the person I have seen most like a duck.He moved his head from side to side, looking at me with one eye and then aiming at me with the other.Suddenly it flapped its arms and croaked.I laughed so hard that Dano was even happier. On a whim, he wobbled like a duck.The fun was contagious, and he and I walked around the room like ducks.We were like two big fools that night.

The next day, my phone rang.I picked up the microphone, and what I heard was not, "Hi, I'm Dano," but "croak."From that moment our friendship was built on a deep foundation.To this day, every time I hear a "croak" from the other end of the phone, I can't help recalling that embarrassing but very interesting experience.This "croak" aroused our common response, and it also made the friendship between Dano and me last forever.
If I'm trying to get closer to a new friend, think about any particularly memorable moments you two had together when you first met.Find something to evoke the laughter or kinship between the two of you.Now, like old friends, you have common experiences to share together, which are instant shared memories.

What is there not to learn?Guess what - the next discussion is how to use words to make the other party ecstasy.But praise is a very dangerous weapon. If one is not careful, it will destroy the relationship between each other.Now, let's examine how powerful compliments really are, how silly flattery can be, and how to use them effectively.
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