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Chapter 6 Skill 4 Iron Teeth

The doctor taps the knee with a mallet, and your foot twitches.Your body has another knee-jerk reaction.When you're feeling utterly happy and believing you're a winner, it's natural to throw your head back and chest out.A smile will appear on your face, and even the eyes will be soft. This is the expression that winners often have. Their posture and gestures are very confident.There is pride in their soft smiles.No wonder!Good posture reveals that you are someone who is used to being at the top. Too many mothers checking their children's shoulder blades all the time, and more teachers telling students, "Stand tall!" doesn't seem to be working.America seems to be a hunched over country.We need stricter techniques, which must be more effective than the admonitions of teachers and parents, so that we can stand out from others.

There is a profession where perfect posture, perfect balance is not just a matter of life and death.Just the slightest bit of wrong posture, the slightest tilt of the shoulders, or the hunching of the back, can all be doomed for a tightrope walker. I will always remember the first time my mother took me to the circus.When the seven men and women ran to the center of the stage, all the audience stood up at the same time, as if they were connected by ropes on their buttocks.The sound of everyone cheering for the performers was deafening.My mother leaned close to my ear and said respectfully, this is the Varanda family, the only group in the world that does not use a life-saving net to perform arhats of seven.

Suddenly, the audience fell silent, not a single cough or snort of Coke, as the Varanda brothers Carl and Herman shouted commands in German to tell their companions to get ready.Then, the family walked cautiously and dignifiedly to the position of stacking Arhats.They balance carefully on tightrope hundreds of feet above the ground.Without a life-saving net, if you stumble, you will die instantly.The sight was truly unforgettable. Equally memorable to me was the graceful beauty of the seven of them as they saluted high in the air.Everyone's posture is just right - head up and chest out - although they are in the sky, they are no different from standing on the ground.Every inch of their body showed pride, success, and the joy of being alive (and they were alive!).I have a tip that will help you improve your body language, act like a big winner, get used to enjoying your success, and get used to being proud.

Just imagine, you are now a world-renowned trapeze artist, a master of the show.You are waiting to perform at the most famous circus in America.Soon you'll be stepping center stage, wowing the audience with your precision and balance. In real life, whenever you walk through a door—whether it’s an office door, or into a banquet, into a conference room, or even into a kitchen—imaginary there is a leather mouthpiece hanging from the door frame. In midair, it hangs just an inch above your head.As you walk through the door, turn your head away and bite down hard on that imaginary mouthpiece, making the muscles in your face smile.You are then hoisted above the heads of all the audience, your body now stretched into perfect posture.At the top of the stage, you flip gracefully, and the entire audience cranes their necks to look at you in wonder and admiration.Now you look really different.

One day, to test this iron-tooth skill, I decided to count how many times I walked through each door each day.A total of 60 times, even if you stay at home and don't go out, there are so many times. You can do the math: go in and out of the front door 2 times, go to the toilet 6 times, go to the kitchen 8 times, and the door of the company office is even more times.It adds up to be considerable.As long as you perform the above-mentioned imaginary 6 times a day, you can quickly form a habit.After developing a good posture, you have the first condition for a natural winner.
Imagine that every door you pass through has a trapeze mouthpiece hanging on it.Bite hard, fix it tightly between the teeth, and as the steel cable slowly winds up, you are hoisted high into the air.Every inch of your muscle is stretched to perfection when you perform Iron Teeth Trapeze.

Now, you're ready to walk in the door, captivate the audience, or close the deal (or just walk in and look like someone important.)
Speaking of my artist friend Rob earlier, remember his technique for drawing big shots?You now have the posture of a big shot.As he puts it, "Great posture, head held high, smiling confidently, looking people in the eye." This is the ideal image of the extraordinary. Now that we're turning silence into action, our attention turns to the person we're talking to.Use the following two techniques to make him feel like a millionaire.
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