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Chapter 69 husband's office at home

Maybe you can ignore this part, if your husband works eight hours a day in a company or factory, because the adjustment work you have to do is much easier than those wives whose husbands work at home.But you might as well take a look, because maybe at some point, life will change. If the wife does housework at home, but the husband works at home all day, such a wife will be in trouble.You have to walk on tiptoe quietly because he wants to; you have to turn off the vacuum cleaner that is only half cleaned, and you can't invite friends over to play because these things will interfere with his work.

When you marry a husband who works at home like this, you have to adjust yourself to his work.As long as the wife has enough love, a happy mood, and is determined to help him achieve his goals, he will be able to succeed.Haven't many wives already done it? Catherine Jimmy's husband, Don Jimmy, achieved astonishing success at a very young age, was in a famous orchestra, and was a famous composer.Today he is the production director of the NBC Symphony Orchestra broadcast concerts, and some major symphony orchestras in the United States and Europe often perform his symphonic works, such as Arthur Federo and Arturo Toscanini and other master conductors Also performed his music.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy are our neighbors.Friends all know that in Don Jimmy's glorious career, his wife played a pivotal role. Most of Don Jimmy's works were done at home.He has his own study on the third floor, but he prefers to create at the dining room table.Catherine has a gentle personality, and she always clings to him; as she puts it, she "serves by his side" while taking care of the two little ones.To keep it quiet, she tries to coax the kids into doing quieter things if they get too loud. Catherine was at home with all her heart.She is a good cook and the freezer is always stocked with homemade ice cream, luscious cakes and treats.However, she strictly controls everyone's intake of heat, and will lock the refrigerator when necessary!

Don Jimmy, like many artists, was constantly struggling financially, so Catherine doubled as his agent, handling contracts for him, deciding on family expenses, and finding ways to save money.She also had to think about such trifles as her husband's new clothes.I asked her how a wife can help her husband who works at home.She said: "If you get used to it, it's not only easy to do, it's fun. If he's away from home all day and he's in the studio, I'm always thinking about him, and I'm used to having him by myself. Beside!" Here are a few simple rules that I find useful for helping husbands who work at home:

Then leave him and go about your own business.Don't always be afraid of disturbing his work, you can visit his work progress when appropriate. Don't ask him to do things like open the door, babysit the kids, pay the delivery man, etc.You should do these things yourself as if he were not at home.Unless the house is on fire, don't bother him! If he's not doing well at work, he may become restless; this is when you need to stay calm and find ways to make him feel better. Never entertain friends at home while he is working.Unless your house is big enough to completely isolate him. Give the children time to play happily, and as long as they are normal and healthy, they cannot be expected to sit still all day--that is not what a reasonable mother would do.A family can only be happy if everyone's rights are respected.

I believe that the above rules will work well.Since my husband's work was done at home for the eight years of my marriage, I have confidence in my words.If your husband works at home 24 hours a day, try Catherine's experience!
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