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Chapter 96 Don't say things you shouldn't say to your wife

There are some words that are very hurtful when spoken out.The same is true between husband and wife. There are some things that men should never say.Husband and wife should pay attention not to say the following five kinds of words in daily life. Words with "dirty words" are the source of all disasters between husband and wife. When a husband and wife quarrel, they must not speak rudely.The reason why swearing makes people angry is because swearing words are the worst, and they use insulting language, which not only hurts the self-esteem of the other party, but also poisons the hearts of children.

Doing something wrong is already regrettable, and then blame is like adding fuel to the fire.After married couples live together for a long time, they will gradually discover each other's shortcomings, and even do wrong things. At this time, you should be considerate of each other, and don't blame your lover in front of others regardless of the occasion. Cause quarrels, which is bound to hurt the relationship between husband and wife. No matter what qualities a man possesses, he must never lie to his wife. Husband and wife should treat each other with sincerity and never lie.Mutual trust is the cornerstone of solid love.In life, it is not uncommon for a lie to cause estrangement between husband and wife and conflicts between husband and wife.

Often praise one's lover, meet the psychological needs of the lover, and thus deepen the relationship between husband and wife. This is the behavior of a smart person. After all, mutual understanding, mutual trust, and mutual respect between husband and wife are important.But in some families in life, husband and wife like to mock each other's shortcomings, which is very bad and dangerous.Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses, and no one wants others to touch their pain, and is even more afraid of their own relatives revealing their shortcomings.If it is said that even one's lover underestimates oneself, the damage to the soul will be great!

There are many scenes of quarreling between husband and wife on TV, and the language that hurts feelings most impressively is not swear words that cannot be heard, but some excessive and unfeeling words.Such as "I regret marrying you", "Why was I blind at that time", "Get out", etc., and even talk about "divorce" all day long.Marriage is a very serious matter. It is a physical promise between two lives. A sad word, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention, and it is easy to cause estrangement. It is not possible for husband and wife to talk about everything, and sometimes words are careless, which will cause displeasure to both parties, and even lead to the breakdown of the marriage.Men must control their mouths, especially when facing a more sensitive wife, men should pay more attention to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

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