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Chapter 95 Learn to Improve Your Husband's Influence

Each of us has our own shortcomings.Beethoven was deaf, Byron was crippled, Napoleon was afraid of public speaking, and even the mighty Archer had his weakness—his heels. The problem is, a man's mistakes can sometimes hinder his career, but a woman's mistakes can only affect her family and social success. For example, every person in business will tell you how important the ability to remember people's names and faces is, yet most of them will go on to say that they find it difficult to do.Rather than lamenting her husband's poor memory, the wife can train herself to remember those names, and when she catches her husband hesitating, do him a favor.

If the wife chooses, she can also make up for some lack of training or education in the husband.Many self-taught great men have achieved success only because of the help of his learned and educated wife.The wife of President Andrew Johnson, who taught the President to read and write after she got married. Many people in modern times have been limited by their own specialized knowledge, and have no opportunity or leisure to learn other things.How lucky is such a man to have a wife who can answer fluently when a group of people talks about music, literature, and similar subjects. Some men are too modest, and that's not necessarily good for him.If your husband is one of those people who is in the habit of underestimating his own accomplishments, there is a danger that it will really be taken seriously and decidedly that he is not a man of ability.

What should you do?Here are some suggestions for helping a dry violet branch bloom again: (1) Remind him of successful things he has done in the past. (2) Take the opportunity to ask him as much as possible, and encourage him to express his opinion. (3) Make more contacts with friends who can inspire him. Although the impression your husband makes on others does not correctly represent his inner worth.However, this impression does determine how others perceive him.So, why don't you help him make a good impression on others? A wife should strive to increase her husband's influence, make others notice her husband's strengths, and minimize her husband's shortcomings.

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