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Chapter 90 be a popular chatter

Every normal person can speak, but to be a good conversationalist requires certain skills. First, keep a relaxed mood to talk.Only in a relaxed and natural state can people communicate smoothly and sincerely.Deliberately decorating your own words with other people's famous quotes and aphorisms will only make the conversation stiff and dry; when you are not nervous, you will find that you can also make witty remarks. Second, enrich the content of your conversation.Everyone may start off with a conversation that is both witty and pointless.In fact, this short chat is necessary to "get the wheels spinning."Once you stop worrying about being dumb, you'll find that, in many cases, you're saying witty and funny things.

Third, induce others to speak.An excellent talker does not always talk non-stop from the beginning to the end, but can keep the conversation going smoothly and make the other party want to confide in you. This does not require how rich your experience is or how good your eloquence is. You can inspire When others talk happily, it can be regarded as sublimating the conversation into art. Fourth, there are all kinds of conversation partners with different identities in life. When communicating with different people, you should speak according to the different identities of others.According to the status and occupation of the other party, choose relevant topics that the other party is interested in.

Fifth, be good at grasping the psychology of the other party when talking, so that the topic can go in the direction expected by the other party.If you can understand what the other person is thinking, and if you want to speak to the other person's heart, the other person will definitely be willing to talk to you; otherwise, the other person will be indifferent to what you have to say, and even feel tired. Sixth, try to avoid being self-centered.Often mentioning their own things, this is the usual conversation performance of ordinary people, because people are always interested in things related to themselves, but this is not the best way to talk, it will make the other party feel neglected, thus There is also resistance to the speaker, and it is difficult for the other party to continue talking with the speaker.

Before speaking, you must carefully consider the following issues: who you are going to tell, what you are going to say, why you want to say this content, how to say it, what are the advantages and disadvantages, how to deal with it, etc.
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