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Chapter 86 see what people say

The quality of a speech mainly depends on the speaker's ideological level, cultural accomplishment, and moral sentiment, but paying attention to the art of language is also very important.The same thought, spoken from different people, often has different effects. Good conversation can help a person succeed, but bad conversation can hinder success.In our daily life, there are always many kinds of people around us, some eloquent, some stuttering, incomprehensible, some eloquent, some dry-tongued, some sharp-tongued... There are differences in human ability, high and low in culture, and the effect of speaking is also very different.Therefore, if you want to become a master of eloquence and reach the realm of "talking to whoever you see", you must grasp the mystery.

Whether a person's words can be accepted by others depends on his credibility, and to improve his credibility, not only in terms of image, he must have appropriate clothing, generous manners, natural and decent conversation, focused eyes, and calm expressions, etc. Also observe each other. Different people accept the opinions of others in different ways and with different sensitivities. Generally speaking, people with a high level of education disdain to listen to superficial and popular words, and should use more abstract reasoning for them; People with lower cultural levels cannot understand advanced theories, and more obvious examples should be given to them;

For headstrong people, it is not advisable to be persuasive, and you can use aggressive methods; For those who like to exaggerate, they don't have to be the same, they might as well induce; For those who are silent by nature, provoke him to get angry more; For quick-tempered people, the language should be concise and quick; For people with stubborn thinking, we must focus on his points of interest and transform them; For people who are emotionally abnormal, wait until their emotions return to normal before talking. And so on, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you prescribe the right medicine and get the best speaking effect.

Only by focusing on the target of your speech can you be targeted.This requires the speaker to do: in the form of conversation, it should be based on different people, make a specific analysis, focus on the central content, try to consider age differences, and treat them separately.We should use approachable, humorous, and persuasive language for young children; we must use logical and philosophical language for young and middle-aged people; we must use reserved and euphemistic language for the elderly. In terms of conversation attitude, one should be respectful and humble to the elderly; one should communicate with people of similar age on an equal footing, which can be casual; one should be caring and considerate to young people; one should be sincere and generous to the opposite sex.In addition, we should also pay attention to choosing different times and places for communication.

Straightforward people like to listen to straightforward words, simple and honest people like to listen to peaceful words, and people with different personalities are willing to accept different ways of speaking. Only when they see who they say and what they say can produce the desired effect.
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