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Chapter 49 Look for the opponent's breakthrough and take advantage of the momentum

Persuasion is an art, and it is a concrete manifestation of a person's comprehensive quality. For example, some authoritative speeches or insights proved by practice, people naturally do not talk about self-convincing, but in daily life, if you want to persuade someone because of something, you must Some persuasion skills and rules must be mastered in order to improve the efficiency of persuasion.Seizing the opponent's breakthrough to persuade others is an effective shortcut to persuasion. If you want to find the best breakthrough point to persuade others in the fastest time, you can try to start from the following methods.

People with different personalities have different ways of accepting other people's opinions and degrees of sensitivity.Such as: Is it a person with an impatient personality, or a person with a steady personality;Once you understand the other person's personality, you can persuade him in a targeted manner according to his personality characteristics. A person's strengths are the areas he is most familiar with, understands, and understands most.For example, some people are more familiar with army life, some are more familiar with rural life, some are good at literature and art, some are good at sports, some are good at communication, some are good at calculation, etc.

When persuading someone, start with the other party's strengths.First, you can talk with him; second, talk in the field he is good at, he is easy to understand, so it is easy to persuade him; third, you can use his strengths as a favorable condition for persuading him, such as a A articulate and sociable person can say when assigning him to do sales work: "You have a rare talent in this area than others, and this is the best opportunity to develop your potential ability." It can show the leader's trust in him, and it can also arouse his interest in the new job. Some people like painting, some people like music, some people like reading books, others like playing chess, raising birds, collecting stamps, calligraphy, writing, etc. Everyone likes to engage in and talk about the things they are most interested in.Starting from here, opening his "talking box", and then persuading him, it will be easier to achieve the purpose of persuasion.

It is by no means accidental that a person insists on an idea, he must have his own reasons, and the reasons he speaks are generally in line with his own interests or human nature.But this is often not what he wants to insist on, but he just doesn't want to admit it, and it's hard to say.If the persuader can really understand his "difficulties", he can solve them in a targeted manner. Generally speaking, the factors that affect the other party's emotions are as follows: one is that the other party's mood caused by other things is still in effect before the conversation; the other is that the other party's attention has not been concentrated at the time of the conversation; and attitude.Therefore, before starting to persuade, the persuader should try to understand his thoughts and emotions at that time, which is a crucial link for the success or failure of persuasion.

All of these, you have to study carefully before you can take effective persuasion methods in a targeted manner.In addition, there is a lot to learn about each other.Many people are unable to persuade others because they don't study the other party carefully, and don't study how to express it, so they jump to conclusions in a hurry, thinking that they "see through others at a glance".This is like those careless doctors who prescribe medicine without knowing the patient's condition, and of course it will not have good results. Persuading others must be directional, targeted, and good at finding breakthrough points. As long as you find the other party's breakthrough point and then pursue the victory, you can achieve the goal of persuading the other party.

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