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Chapter 24 Compliment each other's smallest progress

For employees who have just started their careers, they often feel extremely difficult and lonely in their hearts. They cannot hear a word of encouragement when they are frustrated, and no one congratulates them when they succeed. At this time, if the new employees get even a few words of praise, it will be very exciting, so they will strengthen their confidence and work hard to do things well. Some people think that only big success is worthy of praise, and small achievements are insignificant.In fact, this kind of understanding is one-sided, without considering people's inner desires, especially the loneliness and difficulties in the initial work.

When a subordinate takes up a job for the first time, he will be very unfamiliar with the environment here. If he is praised by the leader when he makes a small achievement, then his confidence will be built up at once.There's a guy named Carley who does a good job of this. Max Carey, managing director of Enterprise Resource Development, struggled when he started his Atlanta-based sales and marketing services firm.At the time, he had only one temporary employee on his staff.In his words: "Big success is so far away from us. We hardly feel any motivation." He came up with a decision: to celebrate every small success.

Carrey went out and bought a siren, complete with a loudspeaker so that it would sound like an ambulance.If he can bypass the director of training department and talk directly to the general manager of that company when promoting his products on the phone, he will blow his horn once to celebrate; if he receives a large order, the siren will also sound.Today, his company has more than $1 million in assets and 11 employees.Sirens echo around the company about 10 times a week. Whenever there is good news, everyone will come out to hear their colleagues brag about the success they have just achieved, which also provides opportunities for everyone to communicate with each other."Our employees aren't experienced enough to be hugely successful, so the celebration is a big encouragement," says Cary. It's these small advances, used as occasional compliments, that have made Cary's company a success. amazing results.

Remember: praise every improvement, no matter how small. Every compliment you give is a tiny step forward for others.Celebrate the smallest progress, and every progress, with sincere approval and generous praise.
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