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Chapter 20 The power of praise is irresistible

Regarding the role of praise, the famous writer Mark Twain even said: "You can live for two months with just one word of praise." Once, I went to the post office to send a registered letter. There were so many people that I queued up.I found that the clerk in charge of registration was very impatient with his work - weighing letters, selling stamps, making change, writing invoices, I thought: maybe he encountered something unpleasant today, maybe year after year Doing monotonous and repetitive work continuously, I have long been bored.So I said to myself, "I'm going to make this man like me. Obviously, to get him to like me, I have to say something that pleases him." So I asked myself, "What's there in him that I really appreciate?" Is that right?" With a little effort, I immediately saw something in him that I really admired.

So when he weighed my letter, I said earnestly: "I would really like to have your hair." He looked up, a little surprised, smiling. "Hey, it's not as good-looking as it used to be." He replied modestly. "While your hair loses a bit of its original shine, it still looks great." After hearing what I said, he was very happy, and he suddenly became active in his work. We talked happily for a while, and when I left after posting the letter, he said to me excitedly: "A lot of people have complimented my hair." I bet this guy had a great time at work the rest of the day; I bet he mentioned it to his wife when he got home; "This is indeed beautiful hair," said the mirror.

Thinking of these, I am also very happy. Sincere praise is like hitting a beautiful float on a calm and dull lake, which can stir up waves and ripples and make the whole atmosphere lively.In speaking, the proper use of the art of praise will shorten the distance between the two communicating parties, strengthen their relationship with each other, and lay a good foundation for spiritual communication.Generally speaking, everyone loves to hear praise. When people receive praise, they will show a happy mood and greatly increase their confidence. When they are affirmed, they are also likely to have a good impression of the praiser.But praise also requires a certain skill.

Overly exaggerated compliments will embarrass the other party, while inaccurate or inappropriate compliments will appear hypocritical. Therefore, compliments must not only be sincere, but also be good at discovering what a person really deserves to praise sincerely.For example, it is more effective to praise the old man for his glorious past, healthy body, happy family or promising sons and daughters; it is often more effective for young mothers to praise her children than to praise her directly. In order to achieve the desired purpose without causing hatred or hurting feelings, the first tenet is: Praise the opponent positively.

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