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Chapter 19 Sincere in praise, lenient in praise

As far as I know: In history, there are only two people with an annual salary of one million dollars-Chrysler and Schwaber. Why did Andrew Carnegie pay Schwab an annual salary of one million dollars, or more than three thousand dollars a day?Andrew Carnegie paid Schwarber millions of dollars a year because Schwarber was a brilliant genius?No, it is not.Is that due to Schwab's special expertise in the manufacture of steel?No, it is not. Schwab once told me that there were many men who worked under him who knew more about the manufacture of steel than he did.Schwarber has such a high salary because he has the ability to treat people special.I asked him how he did it, and here is what he told me himself.These words should be inscribed on a permanent bronze plaque that should be hung in every home, school, store, and office across the country.These words should be recited when they are children.If we can really act according to these words, your and my way of life will be completely different from the past.

Schwab said: "I think that I have the ability to arouse their enthusiasm. That is the greatest resource I have. The way I fully explore everyone's talent is to appreciate and encourage!" He also said: "The easiest thing in the world to destroy a person's ambition is the accusation given by his boss. I never blame anyone, I only give people incentives to work. I am eager to praise, and I am too late to find mistakes. If there is one thing I like, it is sincerity in praise and generosity in praise.” That's what Schwarber usually does, and it's the opposite of what most people do.

Most people don't like something, they will try to find fault with it, if they really like it, they will not say a word. Schwab said again: "In my life's extensive contacts and meeting with famous people all over the world, I have not found a person, no matter how great he is, how lofty his status is, not in the case of being praised, than in the You can accomplish great things when you are blamed." Yes, what he said is a remarkable reason for Andrew Carnegie's astonishing achievement.Andrew Carnegie praised his colleagues not privately but publicly. Andrew Carnegie even praised his assistants on his tombstone.Here is the inscription he wrote for himself: "Buried here is a man who knew how to get along with people smarter than himself."

Praise is a good way to improve others. A casual compliment from you may make a huge difference in others.Don't begrudge your praise, when your praise benefits others, you will also receive unexpected returns.
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