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Chapter 10 Body language paves the way for you

Sometimes, the thoughts and feelings that are difficult to express in a thousand words, or the words from the bottom of the heart that cannot be said for a while, can be expressed subtly with body language, which can easily make the other party understand.Effective conversation is inseparable from the auxiliary role of body language. Body language is a silent language that expresses a person's emotions and personality desires better than vocal language.Body language reveals much more meaning than vocal language, and much deeper. Among the verbal messages sent by humans, body language occupies a large proportion.Body language has richer connotations than vocal language, and is more variable, multi-meaning and associative.The symbols of body language are like a colorful picture. It is often said that every woman has an image of Hamlet in her heart.That is to say, when everyone comes into contact with artistic symbols, they rely on their own life experience to supplement, perfect and create.

Understanding people's thoughts and feelings from the movements of each part of the other's body is a skill to understand and master the essentials of speaking.For example, sitting upright means respect, dancing with hands and feet means joy, raising arms and heads up means impassioned, nodding and bowing means flattery.There are no people who don't use movements. At the same time, movements are also a need to adjust the balance of the body, and they also strengthen you to express your emotions at this time.For example: When the child makes a mistake, the mother often puts her arms around the child while reasoning.This action fully embodies the sincerity of maternal love, which makes it easier to influence the hearts of children.

Body language has various manifestations, which are relatively complex and subtle, but no matter what, it is either a natural movement or a stupid movement. Years ago, New York City City Hall invited Rieger to speak at a rally.Beforehand, Minwell, a local secretary who is not good at words and pays attention to body expressions, made the opening remarks.Minwell's stuttering made the audience's reaction less enthusiastic from the beginning.To make matters worse, Minwell began to panic. His legs kept changing positions, from separated to crossed, and even slightly facing each other with his toes, causing the women in the front row to burst into laughter. He hurriedly pulled out his hands and embraced Then, there was another commotion in the audience. As a result, this clumsy performance dampened the interest of the audience present.

A good posture must first give people an impression of being full of energy. A hunchbacked appearance not only gives people a sense of depression, but also is not good for speaking.Many scholars put forward the posture of the speaker, emphasizing that the head is raised, the back is straight, and the eyes are fixed on the audience. This posture is not only full of vitality, but also makes your words authoritative, because this posture shows a kind of confidence and firmness. .Of course, some people deliberately pretended to be depressed out of strategic needs, so as to dispel the other party's interest in being obedient.In some cases, this is also a trick.Darrow, a famous American lawyer, sometimes plays tricks when his opponent presents evidence to the jury. He shakes and shakes, and even makes the ash of the cigar in his hand gradually grow until people's eyes look at him, until the ash in his hand falls. , making the opponent speechless.

A man who can speak uses more than his mouth.We can often find that as soon as some people speak, others stop and listen; while others speak, the audience still does their own thing and even interrupts his words.Of course, there are many complicated reasons for this situation, but one of the important reasons is that some people know how to use facial expressions, and use various parts of the body such as eyes, chest, shoulders to match their mouths to attract people. But some people don't know how to do it.Just think about it, if a person only moves his mouth when he speaks, while other parts of his body are absolutely still, will he be attractive to the audience?

From the moment you appear until you speak, you are speaking, but not with your mouth, but with other parts of your body.Every movement of your eyes, hands, feet, etc. can reflect an expression, and this expression can make people ready to listen to you, or make people not want to listen to you, and even make people feel disgusted with you . Before a speaker can speak, he must mobilize all parts of the body to convey to the audience his respect and affection for them, suggesting the tone and importance of what he is going to say.This is a necessary prelude to a successful conversation.Even if he stands up suddenly during the conversation, or moves his seat closer to the other party, or makes an unusual gesture suddenly, as long as he is natural and decent, it will greatly help the effect of his speech.

Many people who participate in speech contests pay attention to the above methods.They pay great attention to practicing the posture of walking on stage, how to bow, and how to look at the audience, so as to make the audience interested in them and focus their attention on them.These actions of theirs generally succeed in paving the way for their language. Body language helps improve your audience's understanding, helps you speak smoothly and smoothly, and helps you get your audience's attention. Speaking in social situations should be vivid and impressive, and body language must be assisted.If the auxiliary means are used properly, it can strengthen the language power and achieve better information communication effect.

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