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Chinese water control epic 何建明 16846Words 2018-03-16
When we say: the land is where we live and work; when we say: the forest is the ecological center of the earth; we must say: water is the fundamental lifeblood that maintains all of this. The water is always flowing, from high to low, moistening and nourishing all the way, and then throwing itself into the embrace of the sea with nothing to ask for. Water feeds human beings and life forms.A river has a track of a river, and the alluvial fan of a river will create a civilization. The flow of water is the basic support for the evolution of human civilization.Everything in the world is made of water. Of course, the five grains reincarnate, and everything will return to water in the end.

Man claims to be the lord of all things, but what flows in his blood vessels is the water of rivers and rivers, so it is said: Man is made of water. From the source to the sea, a river constantly accommodates everything and constantly washes away dirt.The river is speechless. When it moistens the earth and nourishes life, it goes forward bravely.When the earth and life are full, the river is often a spectator and a landscape; when the earth and life are short of water, the river is a nutrient bank that can be withdrawn at will.From ancient times to the present, from animals to people, water is full of infinite worship and admiration.Animals look for fertile water and grass for food, and humans rely on water to live; the words "living by water" have thoroughly explained the relationship between water and humans.

The emotions of water are given by people.Love water and hate water, water's merits and water's faults are all the burdens imposed on water by people. "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water." It uses the nobility of water to describe the ancientness between gentlemen. "The son said on the river: the dead are like a husband!" Is Confucius saying that "water" is ruthless, or that people do not cherish "water" well when they have it. Zhuangzi said: "The highest goodness is like water, and water is good for all things without competing. The reason why Jianghai can be the king of a hundred valleys is that it is good at the bottom... as if it is not disputed, so there is no competition in the world." It means that the most noble character in the world is water, Its "good at the bottom" is even more "a dispute in the world".Mr. Zhuangzi has said the virtues of water to the extreme.

There is such a sentence in the "Bible Genesis": "The Spirit of God moves on the water." I can't read the "Bible" myself, but I understand this sentence by heart. The water surface and God are together, which is similar to "the best goodness is like water". I have always believed that the word "ze quilt" was created to commend the achievements of water, "ze quilt" has no boundaries and cannot be quantified, and it is extended with the development of civilization. People's understanding of rivers has gone through a long period of time from need to cognition, research, and then to closeness and protection.During these long years, people have absorbed nutrients from the water on the one hand, and discharged human filth into the water on the other hand, and even destroyed the water source and destroyed the vegetation near the water for temporary benefits, resulting in more natural disasters and water resources. life is flustered.

Lack of water resources is equivalent to anemia in human beings. The comparison of rivers to blood is described in the ancient Chinese book "Yi Shi" as follows: The first born Pangu, the dying incarnation.Qi becomes wind and cloud, sound is thunder, left eye is sun, right eye is moon, limbs and body are four poles and mountains, blood is rivers and veins, tendons are geography, muscles are fields... This is the ancients describing the ancestor Pangu, inadvertently expressing the truth that rivers are as important as blood. Sunshine, air, and water are what support life. All three are indispensable. Of the three, only water is touchable, plastic, and more easily destroyed.

It is said that Chang Cong, the teacher of Lao Tzu Li Er, lay on his sickbed and taught Lao Tzu this way: When you return to your hometown or pass by your hometown, you have to get off; Passing under tall, ancient trees, you have to stoop and tiptoe; In the face of big rivers and huge rivers, you have to bow your head; in the face of small rivers, you have to give way; All things in the mountains and rivers are the big ones, but my generation is the small ones. The wisdom of philosophers can always penetrate time and space, and encounter today's reality unexpectedly. I don't know whether people in modern times have received such an education, whether people today understand this kind of awe.

Modern civilization can be understood as the civilization of science and technology. Science and technology are constantly tapping human creativity. While releasing creativity, human beings also release a destructive force that is equal to or even greater than creativity. This destructive force acts on water , it is not only a disaster for rivers and lakes, but a disaster for mankind. Now, almost every day we can hear reports that "our country is a country short of water". Many cities and villages are thirsty, and many people are struggling to get a sip of safe water.There is a heart-wrenching line in a public service advertisement: "Don't let the last drop of water in the world be your own tears."

Many data show that this ad is not sensational. On January 25, 1997, an article in the British "Independent" pointed out that the world is facing the danger of water shortage. The article reads: The annual growth rate of total water consumption in the world is 25%, twice as fast as the population growth rate. Total water consumption worldwide increased six-fold in the 20th century.Over the next 30 years, 27 countries are expected to be on what the United Nations calls "high water stress". Two United Nations reports say water scarcity is as pressing as any other global environmental problem.

The most disturbing and even alarming aspect of the water crisis is water pollution. The wastewater discharged by industries and cities in the world has reached more than 500 cubic kilometers, and will reach 3,000 cubic kilometers by the year 2000. It is difficult to find a clean and pure river without pollution in the whole world. A total of 1.2 billion people in the world live in water-scarce areas, and 1.4 billion people live in environments without sewage discharge facilities.In developing countries, 8% of various diseases are spread by drinking unclean water. Every year, 25 million people die from pathogens and pollutants in water, accounting for one-third of all deaths in developing countries.

Human beings have fallen into such a vicious circle: people pollute the water, and after wasting the water, they start to lose water; at the same time, they are born empty, and the ground grows cracks; "Naturally" - this natural principle, has been brutally destroyed - becomes natural rather than otherwise. Perhaps, all the punishments that the earth has imposed on human beings stem from the destruction of water sources by human beings. China is a serious and absolute water shortage or water-poor country, which is equivalent to anemia. China's total water resources are 280 million cubic meters, ranking sixth in the world.

China's per capita water resources are 2,300 cubic meters, which is equivalent to a quarter of the world's per capita figure, one-fifth of that of the United States, and ranks 109th in the world. China is one of the 13 water-poor countries in the world with very little water resources per capita. There are 18 provinces [municipalities and autonomous regions] in China whose per capita water volume is lower than the national average. If the per capita water volume is less than 2,000 cubic meters, the international community calls it the verge of serious water shortage. There are 9 provinces [municipalities and autonomous regions] in China with a per capita water volume of 500 cubic meters! Among the 600 cities in China, nearly 400 are short of water, and 108 are seriously short of water. These data are shocking. After reading these data, I wanted to run to the river and bow my head facing the flowing water to repent. I also wanted to use my own understanding to interpret a word: "the grace of dripping water". The grace of dripping water: Every drop of water has given us infinite grace, we should love every drop of water like we love our mothers. my country's Hainan Province [Hainan Island] is a picturesque, beautiful and rich island with four seasons of flowers.In ancient times, Hainan Island and the Central Plains were connected as one, forming a peninsula, like a gourd under a melon stand.Due to geological movement, the earth's crust was broken and subsided, and the narrow strip sank and disappeared, forming the Qiongzhou Strait. Hainan Island was separated from the mainland, hanging alone overseas, and facing the Leizhou Peninsula across the sea. Hainan Island is surrounded by the sea, but there are still many worries about fresh water resources. Hainan is an independent island water system with abundant rainfall, but the rainfall is unevenly distributed in various regions; and the terrain is high in the middle and low in the surrounding areas, and the river flows into the sea radially from the mountainous hills in the middle to the surrounding areas, forming many rivers with short and steep slopes. features. Hainan Island is relatively rich in water resources. There are 154 rivers that flow into the sea independently, including 89 main and tributary rivers with a catchment area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers [39 that flow into the sea independently], accounting for 84.4% of the total area of ​​the island.The main rivers are Nandu River, Changhua River and Wanquan River, with drainage areas of more than 7,000 square kilometers, 5,000 square kilometers, and 3,000 square kilometers respectively, accounting for 47% of the total area of ​​the island.The catchment area of ​​1,000 to 2,000 square kilometers includes Lingshui River and Ningyuan River, and the catchment area of ​​500 to 1,000 square kilometers includes Zhubi River, Wanglou River, Wenlan River, Beimen River, Sun River, Tengqiao River, Chunjiang River and Wenjiao River. .The province's total water resources have averaged 31.47 billion cubic meters for many years, including 30.37 billion cubic meters of surface runoff and 1.1 billion cubic meters of groundwater with value for centralized exploitation. In 2002, the total amount of water resources was 33.312 billion cubic meters, and the total water supply in the province was 4.501 billion cubic meters, accounting for 13.51% of the total; the total water consumption was 4.408 billion cubic meters, of which agricultural water consumption was 3.576 billion cubic meters and industrial water consumption was 359 million cubic meters m, domestic water consumption is 473 million cubic meters. Nandu River is the first big river in Hainan Island, also known as the "Mother River" of Hainan Island. Nandu River, also known as Nandu River, was called Limu Water in ancient times. It originated from Nanfeng Mountain, Baisha County, Hainan. It is the largest river in Hainan. Qiongshan and other cities and counties to Haikou City enter the Qiongzhou Strait.Before the river enters Chengmai, it passes through the hills, with steep slopes, steep banks, narrow valleys, and mostly stone-bottomed riverbeds with sufficient water power.After Jinjiang Town in Chengmai, the Nandu River mainly flows through the basalt platform and shallow marine sedimentary platform. The terrain is open, the riverbed slope is gentle, and the valley is wide.It enters the delta below Tankou, and the river has several branches.The Nandu River has abundant water sources and a large flow.The climate in the basin has obvious dry and wet seasons, and there are many torrential rains, so the river flow and water level often rise and fall sharply. After the heavy rain, flash floods occur, and the river surges, reaching the maximum flood peak immediately.There are two peaks in the water level of the river in a year. During the summer and autumn typhoons and rains, the tide flows backwards, causing flood disasters from time to time. The main stream of Nandu River has a total length of 333.8 kilometers, a drainage area of ​​7033.2 square kilometers, a total drop of 703 meters, and a slope of 0.716‰.There are Songtao Reservoir, Longtang large rolling dam and other projects.The annual average flow of the downstream Longtang Station is 212 cubic meters per second, the annual runoff is 6.68 billion cubic meters, the annual average sediment concentration is 0.076 kg/cubic meter, the annual average annual sediment discharge is 482,000 tons, and the annual average erosion modulus is 66.9 tons/ square kilometers.The upper and middle reaches have high mountains and steep slopes, and there are many dangerous shoals in the riverbed, while the lower reaches have wide river surfaces and many sandbars.The section from Chengmai Jinjiang to Haikou has an open river bed with small steep drops, allowing small boats to pass.The entire basin has an area of ​​100,000 hectares of arable land and a theoretical water energy reserve of 219,800 kilowatts.There is Songtao Reservoir in the upstream, with a normal storage capacity of 2.6 billion cubic meters, designed to irrigate 144,700 hectares of farmland in 5 cities and counties of Danzhou, Lingao, Chengmai, Qiongshan, and Haikou.There are 15 first-class tributaries with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers in the basin, among which the Datang River and Xinwu River are longer than 50 kilometers. Since the Nandu River is called "Li Mushui", we must first talk about the main residents of the island - the Li nationality. The south-central area of ​​Hainan Island, where the Li people live together, is surrounded by green mountains.The majestic Wuzhi Mountain is the highest peak on the whole island. The main peak is 1879 meters above sea level, and it is the core of the mountains on the whole island. From here, the terrain gradually slows down.The Changhua River, Wanquan River, Nandu River and Lingshui River, etc. originate from the Wuzhi Mountains and flow into the sea independently, forming a radial water system.There are many basins in the mountains, the larger ones are Tongshi Basin, Yinggen Basin, Baisha Basin and so on.A large number of villages of the Li nationality are located here, dotted all over, forming a residential center.There is a vast alluvial plain along the coast, with fertile land and pleasant scenery. It is an area where people of various nationalities such as Li and Han live together.It is located in the tropics, evergreen in all seasons, with beautiful scenery, dotted with sails on the sea, tall and tall coconut groves, and graceful betel nuts, presenting a strong southern scenery.The majestic Wuzhi Mountain, the famous Tianya Haijiao and Luhuitou are all tourist attractions on the island. The Li nationality area is south of the Tropic of Cancer, and has a unique tropical island monsoon climate, abundant rainfall and sufficient sunlight, which make tropical crops grow luxuriantly.There are 3 primeval forests here, which are the treasure house of tropical plants in the motherland.The main varieties of tropical crops are rubber, oil palm, sisal, citronella, betel nut, pepper, coffee, cinchona and cashew nuts and so on.The rubber plantations here are well-known in China.Fresh fruits are available all year round, including lychee, jackfruit, mango, banana, pineapple, longan, coconut, papaya, sugar cane, etc. There are many kinds of wild animals in Wuzhi Mountain, including rare and precious animals, such as eld deer and black crested gibbon, as well as peacock pheasant, monitor lizard, flying lizard, clouded leopard, cuckoo falcon, civet and so on.Seafood includes lobster, mackerel, sea cucumber, seahorse and so on.Among the underground mineral deposits, iron ore is the most excellent, and Shilu iron ore is famous for its high grade. The ancestors of the Li nationality first developed Hainan Island. Archaeological surveys found that there are 130 primitive cultural sites of the Neolithic Age in Hainan Island, and a large number of polished stone tools have been unearthed. The types include shoulder stone axes and thin stone axes; There are many; there are also agricultural production tools such as large stone shovels, which are about 5,000 years ago.It shows that thousands of years ago, Hainan Island was generally inhabited by humans, and primitive agriculture existed.The discovery of stone and pottery spinning wheels reflects the invention of textile technology at that time.The discovery of stone spears, stone daggers, stone net pendants, pottery net pendants and shell mound sites proves that hunting, gathering and fishery economy still existed at that time [Guangdong Provincial Museum "Guangdong Hainan Primitive Cultural Site". "Journal of Archeology", No. 2, 1960].Some scholars believe that the ancestors of the Li nationality were the earliest residents of Hainan Island and the owners of the Neolithic relics unearthed in Hainan Island [Chen Fengxian: "Exploring the Transition from Matrilineal Clan System to Patrilineal Clan System of Li Nationality from Cultural Remains". "Journal of Central University for Nationalities", No. 2, 1987]. According to historical documents, during the Warring States period, some ethnic minorities in southern China were generally referred to as "Baiyue" ["Lushi Chunqiu · Mujun"]; in the Western Han Dynasty, the residents of Hainan Island were called "Luoyue" ["Hanshu·Jia Tuanzhi Biography" "]; in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was called "Li" and "Man" ["Book of Later Han Nanman Biography"]; in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was called "Li" and "Liao" together ["Sui Shu Biography of Mrs. Qiao Guo"].The Li nationality originated from these general ethnic groups. The special family name "Li" was found in the late Tang Dynasty ["New Book of Tang Du You Biography"], and it was fixed in the Song Dynasty, and it is still used today [Fan Chengda: "Guihai Yuheng Biography"]. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the relationship between Hainan Island and the Han Dynasty became increasingly close. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to open Qiongdao several times and established Zhuya and Dan'er counties. The Han people from the mainland moved to Hainan Island and lived together with the local indigenous people.Afterwards, the Han people experienced several waves of immigration, migrating from the mainland to the island one after another.There are also "village people", Miao and Hui people who have also migrated to Hainan Island successively.Together with the ancestors of the Li nationality, they have made valuable contributions to the development of Hainan Island. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the early Sui Dynasty, the central regime's rule over Hainan Island became more consolidated, and Madam Xian, the leader of the bureaucracy, played an important role.She led more than 1,000 bureaucrats [including the ancestors of the Li nationality] and other Yue people in Lingnan, and first requested orders from the Liang Dynasty, and then belonged to the Sui Dynasty.Mrs. Xian understands righteousness and is committed to unity, which has strengthened the relationship between the Central Plains and Hainan Island, and promoted the social and economic development of the Li nationality.Later, in the Tang Dynasty, it was transliterated by the self-proclaimed name of the aborigines in Hainan, and it was called "Li". After the Tang and Song Dynasties, I learned more about the cultural customs of the Li people, such as tattoos, living in dry fences, slash-and-burn farming, playing the nose flute, and so on.In particular, they pay more attention to the weaving of the Li nationality. They say that Li women "work and weave, get the rich colors of the middle land, extract the colored silk, add kapok to weave into a single curtain, and weave kapok purely, and Jibei to make cloth."The "Li Brocade", "Li Dan", "Li Mu", "Five Colors Bright" and "Green and Red Path" weaved.At that time, the cotton textile technology of the Li nationality was superior to that of the Central Plains and reached a relatively high level. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, most areas of the Li nationality had established feudal production relations, and their social economy developed rapidly, and they were already inseparable from the Han nationality areas economically. The history of the Chinese nation is jointly created by all ethnic groups in various periods.The Li nationality has developed through mutual exchanges and mutual promotion with the Han nationality and other fraternal nationalities.Of course, due to the geographical location of Hainan Island, the culture of the Li nationality and the cultures of the various ethnic groups in the Nanyang Islands in Southeast Asia also have mutual exchanges and connections in the long history of changes. Historical data prove that it was the ancestors of the Li nationality who first lived in Nandu River and developed Hainan Island first. Nandu River originates from Nanfeng Mountain, Baisha County, Hainan. It is the largest river in Hainan. It runs obliquely through the north-central part of Hainan Island, flows through Baisha, Qiongzhong, Danzhou, Chengmai, Tunchang, Ding'an, Qiongshan and other cities and counties to Haikou City and enters Qiongzhou strait.The main stream of Nandu River has a total length of 333.8 kilometers, a drainage area of ​​7033.2 square kilometers, a total drop of 703 meters, and a slope of 0.716‰.The annual average flow of the downstream Longtang Station is 212 cubic meters per second, the annual runoff is 6.68 billion cubic meters, the annual average sediment concentration is 0.076 kg/cubic meter, the annual average annual sediment discharge is 482,000 tons, and the annual average erosion modulus is 66.9 tons/ square kilometer.The upper and middle reaches have high mountains and steep slopes, and there are many dangerous shoals in the riverbed, while the lower reaches have wide river surfaces and many sandbars.The section from Chengmai Jinjiang to Haikou has an open river bed with small steep drops, allowing small boats to pass.The entire basin has an area of ​​100,000 hectares of arable land and a theoretical water energy reserve of 219,800 kilowatts.There is Songtao Reservoir in the upstream, with a normal storage capacity of 2.6 billion cubic meters, designed to irrigate 144,700 hectares of farmland in 5 cities and counties of Danzhou, Lingao, Chengmai, Qiongshan, and Haikou.There are 15 first-class tributaries over 100 square kilometers in the basin, among which Datang River and Xinwu River are longer than 50 kilometers. Nandu River is known as the mother river of Hainan Island.Thousands of years ago, the lower reaches of the river experienced volcanic eruptions, lava flows, and surface subsidence, which can be described as vicissitudes.Now the banks of the river are full of greenery, the vegetation is extremely lush, and most of them are volcanic relics.Many villages are born along the river, born and raised in Si, and have accumulated many folk customs of Qiongbei. However, such a "mother river" has been frequently destroyed by nature and man-made in recent years. Please see the following series of reports about Nandu River in recent years that the author found. 【1】 News from our newspaper on the 25th ["Hainan Daily"] This newspaper disclosed the illegal sand dredging incident in Sanya's Yalong Bay. The reporter also found that the phenomenon of indiscriminate mining and dredging of river sand in the Nandu River reappeared on both sides of the Nandu River Bridge.The reporter came to the Nandu River twice today for interviews at different times and saw that the steel pipes inserted straight into the bottom of the river "sucked" the river sand up, and the Dongfeng cars coming and going transported the sand away. open day and night At 11:15 a.m., when the reporter arrived near the west bank of the Nandu River Bridge where the illegal sand funnels were forcibly removed last year in Qiongshan City, the place was peaceful, and the original sandfield had been turned into a chicken farm.However, looking at the Nandu River Bridge with a specially brought telescope, you can have a panoramic view of the distressing "busy scene" of sand mining.In the east section of the Nandu River Bridge, there are seven or eight dredging boats making noises on the river. After a brief count, the reporter found that there were six battlefields on both sides of the old iron bridge and the Nandujiang Bridge.The sign of a sand field reads "open day and night". There is no bulky and tall sand mining funnel in the sand field, but the river sand mixed with mud is gushing out from a simple steel pipe, piled up several meters high The sand wall, the dump truck loaded the river sand onto the car. The sand was dug to the edge of the flood embankment At 5:09 p.m., the reporter followed the simple road sign "Zhao Village Sand Field" propped up with wooden sticks to the sand mining field in Zhao Village, a town in Qiongshan Prefecture. There are four sand fields scattered along the river bank of just three to four hundred meters away. What is even more infuriating is that these indiscriminately dug sandfields were actually built on the banks of the Nandu River flood control embankment! Walking into one of the sand quarries, the reporter saw that the river bed here began to collapse due to excessive sand dredging, and several migrant workers were stacking sandbags to keep their sand quarries.The reporter saw that two steel pipes inserted into the bottom of the river were constantly pumping sand.When asked how much sand was brought back by a ship, and how much was collected in a day, Boss Zhang shook his head and said he didn’t know. He just said that he sold more than ten or twenty trucks a day, and the loading capacity of each truck was four to five tons.When the reporter wanted to see their "sand mining permit", they were refused, saying that these documents should not be easily shown to others. Effective management requires multiple efforts Later, the reporter learned from the Qiongshan City Water Conservancy Bureau that the bureau had never approved any sand mining site to dig and sell sand near the Nandu River Bridge and the flood embankment.The person in charge said that he will organize forces to ban these illegal battlefields as soon as possible. According to reports, some sand mining bosses along the Nandu River are doing everything possible to "hide and seek" with relevant departments.Sand mining sites no longer build huge sand mining hoppers, only sand pumping boats, dump trucks and simple steel pipes plus pumps, which are highly mobile and withdrawn as soon as they are discovered. In some discovered sand sites, it is impossible to find out who the boss is Who. Last year, Qiongshan City established a patrol team after dismantling the funnels for illegal sand mining, which effectively curbed the phenomenon of illegal sand mining.But since the police officers were withdrawn from patrols, illegal sand mining has become rampant again. Relevant people believe that surprise inspections organized by only one or two relevant departments are not only exhausting but also unable to cure the root cause. Multiple departments should jointly enforce the law and formulate relevant laws and regulations on the protection of river sand in the Nandu River as soon as possible, and severely punish those who mine river sand randomly. Punishment can only serve as a deterrent. news playback From August 8th to 12th, 2001, this newspaper launched the "Continuous Report on Declaring War on Indiscriminate Mining and Excessive Digging in the Nandu River". During 5 days, 16 pieces of news were published in a row to monitor the illegal sand dredging in the Nandu River. According to the report, starting from 1998, relevant departments of Qiongshan City stopped issuing the "River Sand Mining Permit" and "Mining Permit" within the above-mentioned specific range for the sake of river safety and environmental protection.However, the owners of the sand mining ignored the relevant regulations and excavated the river indiscriminately for a long time. The illegal sand mining of 900,000 tons to 1 million tons per year caused the riverbed in this section to drop, and the deepest point reached -14 meters. At the same time, illegal sand mining also caused serious damage to the pier cushion of the Nandu River Bridge. Five collapses occurred within 1.6 kilometers from Meimei Village in Fucheng Town to Yonglang Village in Longtang Town. The Tielong Highway from Tieqiao to Longtang had to be Diverted multiple times. At the same time as this newspaper reported, the relevant departments of Qiongshan City banned the illegal sand dredging of Nandu River. 【Wu Renhui】 Domestic sewage from Ruixi Township, Chengmai County was directly discharged into the Nandu River without any treatment.Photo by reporter Dong Chunjin 【2】 Haikou, July 6th [Reporter Fan Nanhong] From July 4th to 6th, the law enforcement inspection team of the Provincial People's Congress focused on the implementation of the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law" in the Nandu River Basin. people relaxed.Domestic sewage has become the biggest "killer" of the Nandu River water environment. The Nandu River originates from Baisha and flows through 8 cities and counties including Qiongzhong, Danzhou, Lingao, Tunchang, Ding'an, Wenchang, Chengmai, and Haikou. Haikou City is located in the most downstream, and more than 2 million people in the province rely on Nandu River for their domestic water. supply.However, the law enforcement inspection team of the Provincial People's Congress has inspected all the way from Baisha to the present and found that there are no sewage treatment plants in the cities and counties of the Nandu River Basin. The domestic sewage in the county and the rural domestic sewage in the basin are directly discharged into the Nandu River without treatment. At about 10 o'clock this morning, the provincial people's congress law enforcement inspection team checked the domestic sewage discharge outlet in Tunchang County.The discharge outlet was in dilapidated condition, surrounded by discarded tires, old clothes, cans, mineral water bottles and other messy garbage. Dirty and black domestic sewage flowed out continuously from an old cement pipe.According to comrades from the environmental protection department of Tunchang County, domestic sewage flows into an artificial lake downstream, and after being digested by floating lotus in the artificial lake, it is discharged into Longzhan River, flows into Wenzhou River, and finally is discharged into Nandu River. At about 4 o'clock this afternoon, Ding'an County's domestic sewage discharge outlet.As soon as the members of the inspection team got out of the car, there was still more than 10 meters away from the sewage outlet, and a foul smell came out, which was disgusting.According to a person in charge of the environmental protection department of Ding'an County, there are more than 50,000 people in Ding'an Township, and more than 6,000 tons of domestic sewage are produced every day, which are directly discharged into the Nandu River through 7 domestic sewage discharge outlets.The sewage outlet inspected by the inspection team is the largest.It is understood that these sewage outlets are only about 20 kilometers away from the Longtang water intake point in Haikou. The reporter saw at the scene that black and smelly sewage flowed from the bottom of the bridge, and the sewage outlet was filled with thick white foam. Plastic bags, lunch boxes, sacks and other dirty garbage were soaked in the sewage, and it flowed to the Nandu River 300 meters away. "We have done monitoring, and the COD content of the sewage discharged here is as high as 380, and as low as 126, seriously exceeding the standard." Comrades from the environmental protection department of Ding'an County said helplessly that since Ding'an does not have a sewage treatment plant, domestic sewage is still discharged without treatment. Luo Shixiang, director of the Environment, Resources and Industry Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, said with emotion: "If you don't look at it, you won't know it. You will be shocked when you see it! The sewage at this sewage outlet is already inferior to the fifth-grade water quality, and domestic sewage has become the largest source of pollution in the lower reaches of the Nandu River." [3] Invest 1.5 billion to control the Nandu River flood control standard once every 50 years Xinhuanet, Haikou, November 19 [Reporter Guo Jiawei] Recently, the Haikou municipal government decided to invest 1.5 billion yuan in the governance of the "mother river" - Nandu River, to ensure the safety of life and property of citizens after the merger of Qiongshan and Haikou.It is understood that the Nandu River Treatment Project mainly includes three projects including the flood control and drainage project on the right bank of the Nandu River estuary, the dredging project of the Nandu River into the sea, and the Haidian Island flood control [tide] project. These three projects except the Haidian Island flood control [tide] project are under construction. In addition, the other two will start next year. The Nandu River originating from Wuzhi Mountain is the "mother river" of Hainan Island.Due to historical reasons, the vegetation in the upper reaches was destroyed, the sediment raised the river bed, and the torrential rain caused flash floods. It is reported that the flood control dike on the right bank of the Nandu River estuary with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan was built according to the 50-year flood control standard. The total length of the flood control dike is nearly 19 kilometers; Silt the bottom of the Nandu River into the sea.In addition, since many parts of Haidian Island are blocking the sea for land reclamation, nearly 400 million yuan has been invested in the construction of a 15-kilometer Haidian Island flood control [tide] project. 【4】 Nandu River iron bridge collapsed by flood October 16, 2000 at 16:06 China News Service, Haikou, October 16th: Hainan Island has been hit by rare torrential rains in recent days. The 60-year-old Nandu River Iron Bridge was washed away by floods on the night of the 14th. According to reports, about 50 meters of the middle part of the iron bridge collapsed into the river. Because the water level is too high, it is difficult to determine whether the pier has collapsed.Although it was late, there were still people who came to watch the Broken Bridge despite the rain.Residents nearby said that they grew up looking at the iron bridge. After the Nandujiang Bridge was completed and opened to traffic in 1984, many people often came here to take pictures. According to "Hainan Daily" report, the Nandu River Iron Bridge was built in June 1940 during the Japanese invasion of Hainan, and it was completed and opened to traffic in March 1942.After liberation, the Nandu River New Bridge broke ground in 1982, and the opening ceremony was held on September 20, 1984.The quality, shape, length, width and load-bearing capacity of the new bridge far exceed those of Japanese man-made iron bridges.From this day on, people traveling from south to north bid farewell to the "iron bridge" built by the Japanese. Nandujiang is calling the police and is in an emergency, and Hainan Island is calling the police and is in an emergency.To this end, the Hainan Provincial People's Congress issued the "Regulations on the Protection of the Ecological Environment of the Nandu River in Hainan Province". There are a total of 43 regulations, which are formulated in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations and the actual situation of the Nandu River Basin in terms of protecting the water source of the Nandu River, preventing water pollution in the Nandu River, planting trees, and mining sand. We can fully believe that the "Regulations" have been issued to governments at all levels in the Nandu River Basin, enterprises and institutions operating on and on the river, and to residents living along both sides of the river.However, it is definitely doubtful whether this "Regulation" is completely implemented by the people working on and on the river bank, as well as the residents and tourists on both sides of the river.In other words, the implementation was not good, otherwise, wouldn't the news reports quoted above be groundless. When it comes to laws, regulations and implementation, I think of Babylon, one of the four ancient civilizations.According to research, the first law of human beings was born in ancient Babylon - "The Code of Hammurabi", and this code is engraved on the stone pillars next to the city gate. People entering and leaving the city must look up and look down .I haven't read the entire content of this code, and I don't fully know if there are any provisions on environmental protection in this code, but I know that ancient Babylon was basically caused by large-scale construction, artificial destruction of the ecological environment, or directly because of Deforestation led to unrestrained flooding of rivers, resulting in the loss of land and the demise of the country.Today, when we talk about ancient Babylon, there is only one noun left. Water and fire are ruthless, but what is really ruthless is water and fire?Or an unrestrained person? Lop Nur in our country can be judged from the name as a territory of lakes, but now it is an endless desert.Facing the endless Lop Nur desert, we racked our brains and used our imagination to the extreme, but we couldn't imagine what kind of paradise Lop Nur was in the past.Where did the water in Lop Nur go?Where did the flowers and green grass go?There may be causes of climate change, more likely man-made. The most typical example is Loulan, our ancient country with splendid civilization.The ancestors of Loulan lost the "Garden of Eden" forever in order to build the vested homeland at that time.Only a sigh was left for us.I once stopped by the ruins of the ancient Loulan country for a long time, and I was thinking: the relationship between man and nature is sometimes so simple, man is alive and moving, as long as we respect what seems immobile, it can be used for us If we think that natural conditions are inexhaustible and use them indiscriminately, in the end both "exhaustion" and "exhaustion" belong to human beings.After I returned to Beijing from Loulan, it took me a long time to get rid of the tremors that "Loulan" brought to me.You can boldly think: If the civilization of Loulan continues to this day, then the civilization of our Chinese nation may be more splendid and rich than it is now.To this end I have written a little poem, which may be transcribed here. Human beings often unleash powerful creativity for the sake of small profits for immediate survival and for the temporary comfort of their homes.However, everything has two sides. Where there is creativity, there is destructive power.Facing the mountains, rivers and trees of nature, more often than not, the destructive power will outweigh the creativity. When the Nandu River alerted us, did we also think about ancient Babylon, Lop Nur, and the ancient kingdom of Loulan? People get carried away when they are proud, but history does not!Shanshui will not! People will lose their memory when they are proud, but history will not!Shanshui will not! The elders often teach children: "If you are greedy for petty gains, you will suffer big losses." Putting this sentence on the relationship between man and nature could not be more appropriate.We should also remember the words left by the elders: "The predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade." Today we can say this: protecting water sources, vegetation and the ecological environment is to protect future generations and the continuation of ethnic groups. All laws and regulations are formulated under the reminder of people's destructive behavior.Laws and regulations are not intended to restrict life and production, nor to suppress people's creativity, but for "long-term stability."The "Regulations on Environmental Protection of the Nandu River in Hainan Province" issued by the Hainan Provincial People's Congress is to better protect the Nandu River so that future generations can see the kindness of the "Mother River". The story of human growth is roughly the same across the globe.The difference is due to the different national habits and cultures derived from the differences in astronomy and geography.As the saying goes, "one side of the water and soil supports the other side of people".Hainan Island, or a place as rich and beautiful as the Nandu River Basin, must have a profound cultural and historical accumulation, and must also be outstanding. The development history of Hainan Island is very long.According to historical records, as far back as 2,000 years ago, in the first year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty [110 BC], Zhuya and Dan'er counties were established on Hainan Island. Since then, Hainan Island has been formally included in the territory of our country and has become a sacred territory of our country.It is said that the names Zhuya and Dan'er are used because "pearls are produced on the edge of the cliff" and the local people wear many big earrings on their ears.From the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the counties and counties of Hainan Island changed greatly, and Hepu County was once in charge.During the Three Kingdoms period, Hainan Island was under the jurisdiction of Wu State.In the middle of Datong in the Liang Dynasty [540-541], Yazhou was rebuilt on Hainan Island.After the Sui Dynasty unified China, Yazhou was changed to Zhuya County, and a new Linzhen County was built in the southwest of Hainan Island.During the Tang Dynasty, five states and 22 counties were established on Hainan Island, many of which are still in use today.After the Five Dynasties, wars were frequent, and a large number of Han people moved to Hainan Island.In the Song Dynasty, the great writer Su Dongpo was exiled to Hainan Island.In the Yuan Dynasty, it was also called Qiongzhou Road. In the Yuan Dynasty, Hainan's organizational system was mostly imitated from the Song Dynasty to lead the three states and thirteen counties.In the Ming Dynasty, Hainan Island was called Qiongzhou Prefecture, and in the Qing Dynasty, Qiongzhou Prefecture was renamed Qiongzhou Road. "Qiong is the city, living in the north of the island, Dan in the west, Wan in the east".Therefore, Hainan Island is also known as Qiongdao. In the early days of the Republic of China, a government office was set up in Hainan Abandoned Road, which was later transformed into an administrative inspection area and a special administrative area.After liberation, Hainan was changed into an administrative region with an administrative district office. In 1988, it was established as a province and called Hainan Province.The evolution of Hainan's organizational system lasted 2098 years from the establishment of prefectures and counties in Qiongya in the early Han Dynasty to the establishment of the province in 1988.With the change of dynasties, the place names often change, so the place names in Hainan are called "Yazhou", "Qiongzhou" and "Qiongya".In poems and inscriptions, there are names such as "overseas", "Antarctic", "end of the world", "cape", "Southern sky" and so on. The name "Hainan" only appeared frequently in the Song Dynasty, and it was commonly used after the Republic of China. It was officially called the local administrative region of Hainan in 1951 after liberation, and it was called "Hainan Administrative Office". In 1988, it was upgraded to a province and called "Hainan". Province", referred to as "Joan". 海南岛的地形,以南渡江中游为界,南北景色迥然不同,南渡江中游以北地区,和雷州半岛相仿,具有同样广宽的台地和壮丽的火山风光。据地质学家的考证,海南岛与雷州半岛本来连成一片,只是到了距今1万年前,海面上升,海浪冲刷,形成一条长达80公里,宽约20公里的琼州海峡,才使两者南北分居,隔海相望。在南渡江中游以南地区,五指山横空出世,周围丘陵、台地和平原围绕着山地,环环相套,南部沿海,山地直逼海岸,气势十分雄伟。海南岛,是一个“四时常花,长夏无冬”的地方,气候条件特殊。年平均气温在24℃左右,为全国之冠。7月份是最高气温的月份但平均温度只有28.4℃,由于海风吹拂,并无十分闷热的灼人之感;1月份是最冷月份,但平均气温为17.2℃,更是温暖如春。海南岛雨量充沛,年降雨量在1600多毫米左右,其中以八九月份降雨量最为充沛,时见暴雨出现,也常有台风侵袭。终年常绿;四时花开,一年四季皆宜旅游。海南岛的旅游资源得天独厚,有“东方夏威夷”之称,也是世界上最大的“冬都”。 海南是我国最具热带海洋气候特色的地方,气候资源多样。海南岛年太阳总辐射量约110至140千卡/平方厘米,年日照时数为1750至2650小时,光照率为50%至60%。日照时数按地区分,西部沿海最多,中部山区最少;按季节分,依夏、春、秋、冬顺序,从多到少。各地气温,中部山区较低,西南部较高,全年没有冬季。西、南、中沙群岛属于热带海洋气候,长夏无冬,全年平均气温26.5℃。海南岛大部分地区降雨充沛,东湿西干明显。多雨中心在中部偏东的山区,年降雨量约2000至2400毫米,西部少雨区年降雨量约1000至1200毫米。降雨季节分配不均匀。冬春干旱,自11月至翌年四五月,长达6至7个月。夏秋雨量多,5至10月雨季总降雨量1500毫米左右,占全年降雨量的70%至90%,雨源有锋面雨、热雷雨和台风雨等。海南岛全年湿度大,年平均水汽压约23百帕【琼中】至26百帕【三亚】。 海南岛之所以成为宝岛,除了丰富的地下宝藏,如石绿富铁矿和羊角岭水晶矿等,地面上还生长着几乎所有的热带作物,出产橡胶、咖啡、可可、椰子、槟榔、胡椒等。附近海域上鱼类群聚,可以捕捉到热带海洋中的各种鱼类,以及龙虾、对虾等,渔业资源十分丰富。 海南省的居民,分属于汉、黎、苗、回、藏、彝、壮、满、侗、瑶、白、泰、佤、畲、水、京、土、蒙古、布依、朝鲜、土家、哈尼、傈僳、高山、锡伯、门巴、纳西、仫佬、哈萨克、鄂伦春等30多个民族。世居的有黎、苗、回、汉等族。千百年来,古朴独特的民族风情使本岛社会风貌显得更加丰富多彩。其中最具有特色的便是黎族与苗族的生活习俗。据历史记载,黎族是海南的土著民族。早在远古时代,黎族同胞就在这块土地上刀耕火种,民族风情质朴、敦厚,长久以来就以独特的民族文化和绚丽的织锦工艺著称于世。黎族同胞主要聚居在五指山区地势较平的山麓或临河的盆地,村寨大小不等,错落有致。低矮的茅草房掩映在严严实实的椰子树与槟榔树间,树的空隙间用竹篱笆围成小块菜地,各色蔬菜娇嫩欲滴。清澈的小溪淙淙流过房前,让人有“走进山间别墅”的感觉。槟榔是黎胞走亲访友的贵重礼物,以数目多少表示情意厚薄。 被流放海南的谪吏遣臣中,历代以来无以计数,其中宋代的苏东坡怕是名气最大的了。这位写下“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物”绝唱的大文豪,是携带幼子苏过来到海南岛的,当时他已是62岁的老人,“食无肉,病无药,居无室,出无友,冬无炭,夏无寒泉”,但他面对困境,眼望山海奇观,感悟到“岂知俯仰之间有方轨八达之路”,退一步海阔天空,很快从忧郁苦闷中解脱出来。苏东坡“躬耕自处”的同时,为生活计,对当地山川动植物进行研究,对日常食品和用品也有不少发明创造。他除了配方酿制“天门冬酒”外,还有“真一酒”,他以山芋为材料制作的“玉糁羹”色香味俱佳。另外,他还制作过椰子冠、松墨等。今天尚在市场上流行的东坡豆、东坡药、东坡帽等,可以说是苏东坡的“专利”啦。然而,苏东坡对海南最大的贡献在于文化传播。《琼台记事录》有载:“宋苏文忠公之谪居儋耳,讲学讲道,教化日兴。琼州人文之盛,实自公启之。”苏东坡在流放海南的三年中,不遗余力地推行文化教育,开辟儋州学府,在海南当时连书籍也不易看到的情况下,自编经义,自讲诗书,培养出一大批文化才子。宋代行科举制度,从其开国到苏东坡来海南岛前100多年,偌大一个海南岛竟无一人登科及第,苏东坡到来后大力施教结束了这一空白历史。海南人民对苏东坡这位文化传播者怀有深厚感情,在他被流放的居地儋州市中和镇,至今尚存有当年的街巷、碑坊、祠等建筑,以东坡命名的企业、茶坊、店铺及产品随处可见。后人为纪念苏东坡,在他贬谪儋州和遇赦返经海口时的寓居客房,先是于南宋时题刻了“东坡读书处”,后由元代开设了“东坡书院”,再由明代万历年间改建为“苏公祠”,数百年来几经修葺,至今保存得完好如初。 三亚市古称崖州,位于海南岛的最南端,从北宋时期开始,历代的州、军、郡、县都曾先后在这里设置,除宋代的多名谪臣被流放于此地外,唐代的高僧鉴真和尚带领弟子第五次东渡日本时遭遇强台风袭击,所乘帆船漂流十四昼夜后,在三亚市的大蛋港登陆。有感于当地百姓的热情接待,鉴真和尚在这里帮助修建了大云寺,并留下了一批准备带往日本的佛教经典。元代女纺织家黄道婆少时因不甘当童养媳,搭上了一条商船漂泊于此,寄居这里长达40年。她在学习了当地黎族的纺织技术后,连同黎族的纺织工具一道带回故里上海广为传授。她在实践中又对这些工具进行了革新,使纺织手工业从轧籽到织布有了一整套系统,产量和质量及花色品种有了极大的提高,推动了内地纺织业的发展。到海南岛来,一定要到三亚的海湾去走走。那里苍山、碧海、银沙、巨石、礁盘浑然一体,椰林、波涛、渔帆、鸥鸟、云霞相映生辉,旅游的五体要素阳光、空气、海水、绿色、沙滩一应俱全,满眼诗情画意。 古代那些贬逐到这里来的谪吏遣臣、文人墨客,但见山遮海阻,前路已尽,无不产生置身于天地之尽头的感觉。清代雍正年间崖州知府程哲在岸边一巨石上题刻下“天涯”二字,后有一文人触景生情,在其旁边的一块巨石上又刻下“海角”二字,“天涯海角”由此题名。距这两块题刻巨石不远处,便是共和国1980年发行的贰元面额人民币背面图案中的“南天一柱”石刻。它的作者是位在海南为官十余载、政德清廉、黎民拥戴的老先生,名叫范云梯。他在出任崖州知州时,正值列强疯狂瓜分中国之际,他期望着自己管辖下的海南岛能够成为一根支撑祖国河山的擎天玉柱,于是便在“天涯”、“海角”附近的一块巨石上,题刻下“南天一柱”四个箩筐口般大的字。两任知州和一位文人的题刻借石明志,为三亚海湾平添无限光彩。让他们始料不及的是,他们的题刻不但给后人留下一笔精神财富、一处人文景观,也为当地留下了一笔可观的物质财富。据此地的导游小姐介绍,每年专程来此观光、留影的中外游客数以十万计,仅门票一项当地就可收入数千万元。 中华民族历史悠久,豪杰辈出,1514年诞生于海南岛琼山县下田村的海瑞便是海南的杰出之士。他为官后主张改革弊政,整顿纲纪,以刚直不阿、廉洁清正为世人所敬重,为民众办了不少实事,有“海青天”之誉。明朝末年,朝廷腐败,奸臣横行,民不聊生。海瑞愤然操笔,冒死上书,批评时政及嘉靖皇帝,直言:“嘉靖,嘉靖,弄得家家皆净,天下的百姓,都说陛下的坏话!”他知道如此这般直言,等待他的会是什么结局,于是请人买了一口棺材,视死如归。嘉靖皇帝阅其奏章,果然怒不可遏,将海瑞打入死牢,幸得宰相徐阶等官员求情,他才捡得一命。直到嘉靖皇帝死后,他才出狱。1587年,74岁的海瑞病逝于南京任上,其行囊中仅存俸金八两及旧衣数件。据史书载:海瑞棺椁由南京启运回归故里时,“白衣冠送者夹岸,哭而奠者,百里不绝,家家绘像祭之。” 我们再来了解一下历代生活在这里的名人,以证明地灵人杰。 丘浚【1421年—1495年】海南琼山人。15世纪中叶著名的学者和政治家、经济学家,著有《大学衍义补》等著作。他为官40年,历任编修、经筵讲官、侍讲、侍讲学士、翰林学士、国子监祭酒、礼部侍郎、尚书、纂修《宪宗实录》总裁官、文渊阁大学士、户部尚书兼武英殿大学士等职。是一位从边陲海南岛到京城的布衣卿相,史称海南四大才子之一。其主要成果在经济理论方面,他提出的劳动决定价值的观点,比英国古典经济学派创始人威廉·配第17世纪60年代提出的“劳动价值论”还要早170多年,被现代经济理论界称为“15世纪卓越的经济思想家”。 海瑞【1514年—1587年】海南琼山人。明朝名臣、政治家。曾任浙江省淳安县【今属杭州,故时为严州】知县、云南司主事、兵部武库司主事、右佥都御史、应天巡抚等职,后辞官闲居。他一生刚正不阿,被人称为“南包公”、“海青天”,称海南四大才子之一。 邢宥【1416年—1481年】海南文昌人。明代的政治家、学者。为官20余年,历任四川站定监察御史、浙江台州知府、浙江布政司左参政、右佥都御史、都察院左佥都御史等职。著有《湄丘集》。他与丘浚、海瑞齐名,合称海南“一鼎三足”。 钟芳【1476年—1544年】海南三亚人。明代著名的学者、政治家,是一位在明代当过文官、武官、法官、学官和财官的著名人物。他“上继文庄【丘浚】,下启忠介【海瑞】”,具有承先启后的作用。著有《春秋集要》、《学易疑义》等著作,被人尊称为“岭海巨儒”。 唐胄【1474年—1359年】明代著名的政治家、学者,历任户部山西司主事和河南司主事、员外郎、广西提学佥事、云南按察司副使、云南右参政、云南右布政使、广西左布政使、都察院右副都御史、南京户部右侍郎等职,后调任北京户部右侍郎,又转为右侍郎。著有《琼台志》等。 宋庆龄【1893年—1981年】海南文昌人。孙中山夫人,中华人民共和国名誉主席。邓小平在宋庆龄追悼大会上的悼词中说:“她跟随历史的脚步不断前进,从伟大的革命民主主义者成为伟大的共产主义者。”被誉为“20世纪伟大的女性”。 张云逸【1892年—1974年】海南文昌人。中国人民解放军大将、军事家,参加过辛亥革命、北伐战争、二万五千里长征,与邓小平一起指挥百色起义。中华人民共和国建立后,先后担任中国共产党的八大中央委员、中共中央监察委员会副书记等职。 周士第【1900年—1979年】海南琼海人。黄埔军校第一期学员。参加过北伐战争、南昌起义、二万五千里长征。被授予中国人民解放军上将军衔,先后为中国共产党的七大、八大代表,第一、第二、第三届国防委员会委员,中央监察委员会委员,解放军总参谋部顾问。 冯平【1899年—1928年】海南文昌人。历任琼崖高级农民军事政治训练所所长、琼崖工农红军总司令兼西路军总指挥等职。29岁时在澄迈县金江镇被害。 历史有两部分,一是地理的,一是人文的。无论是地理的还是人文的,历史都是值得我们今天的人来借鉴来敬畏的。今天我们既要尊重历史又要加以保护历史的遗留,保护并传承其优良的一面,改造、修正其劣质一面。 南渡江既是一座富饶的宝藏库,又是一把开启美丽的钥匙。 我在采访中听到一段用古民谣改编的新歌谣,歌词如下: 这是百姓从心里唱出的歌声。还有一段房地产的广告词,也不妨录下来,看看人们的生活、起居对南渡江是怎样的依赖: 走进海口,走进南渡江,走进鸭尾溪,走进××花园,那湿润的空气泛着清新的气味扑面而来,会抚摸着你的每一块肌肤。放眼观望鸭尾溪那浑然一体的美景,南渡江河流的微笑,鸭尾溪流水的声音,江边溪水秀丽,岸上风景迷人,是一块绝无仅有的居家休闲的风水宝地。如果你想选择安居生活,鸭尾溪岸边的××花园就是你心底里最好的家。在这个美丽的江边上安家,过着你的恬静生活,那将是你一生中最美丽的选择。 南渡江边还是好牧场,那里的黄牛被命名为“雷琼黄牛”,是我国著名七大种类黄牛之一。 沿江南岸,有众多的鱼排,也就是江鲜。在海南吃海鲜是家常便饭,而吃到好江鲜一定要到南渡江边去,尤其是河海交淤的地方,是最适合鱼虾生长的,既有海之鲜,江之肥美,又去腥去膻。黄骨鱼在海南其他地方皆难寻到,这里却不难见;尤其有种在海水与河水交界处长大的螃蟹膏满却不肥;虾须足长,肉质鲜美,每个足有一斤重。 海口与琼山成功合并后,使南渡江成为贯穿海口全市的最大水体,政府围绕这一庞大水系的开发利用做了多篇大文章。城市有水才有灵气,水是城市的灵魂,大江两岸往往是人、财、物云集的地方,财富出自这里,历史出自这里,诗篇也出自这里。海口要发展要腾飞其中任务之一就是搞好城市环境建设,使其体现旅游观光、休闲娱乐、商贸洽谈、居住生活等各项价值。作为既沿江又靠海的城市发展到今天必须要有新看点,那么两市合并后,南渡江作为新的西海岸也是新的希望。 叙述一条水系如叙述一段遥远漫长的岁月,我们这些只会背诵“唯见长江天际流”的人们,却不知江河之水从天际流来要远比人类成长的历史丰富、悠久、强大。 没有河流的以往又哪来人类的以往呢?当生命在一滴水珠中闪现时,生命才是美好的;当文明于水草茂盛之地孕育时,文明才是鲜活的。人类为了须臾不可或缺的清清流水,只能是人随水走,而不是水跟人流,所谓的“人往高处走”,在面对水时,很可能只是人类自大与傲慢的自我扭曲。 项目2006年2007年2008年注 全年平均降水量【mm】【1511.0】【1690.4】【2095.2】 折合降水总量【亿m3】【516.1】【577.34】【715.6】 地表水资源量【亿m3】【225.1】【280.53】【414.1】 折合年泾流深【mm】【659.0】【821.0】【1212.5】 地下水资源量【亿m3】【56.46】【70.47】【97.94】 全省水资源总量【亿m3】【227.59】【283.52】【419.1】 大中型水库年末总蓄水量【亿m3】【28.19】【40.08】【51.28】 全省总供水量【亿m3】【46.46】【46.69】【46.89】 全省总耗水量【亿m3】【21.80】【21.66】【21.52】 全省人均拥
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