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Chapter 59 Chapter 58: The Backflow of the Eternal Water - The Outflow of Xingyun Lake and Fuxian Lake is Diverted

Chinese water control epic 何建明 14045Words 2018-03-16
In 2003, a project with a big idea in Yuxi, Yunnan began to proceed quietly.Most Kunming people guarding the Dianchi Lake do not know about this.People in Kunming only care about the poorly managed Dianchi Lake in front of them. Several billions of dollars have been thrown away, but there is still little effect. They have no time to take care of the two plateau lakes, Fuxian Lake and Xingyun Lake, which are less than 100 kilometers away.They vaguely know that the water quality of Xingyun Lake is deteriorating rapidly, and that its fate may be the same as that of Dianchi Lake. They also vaguely know that the water in Fuxian Lake is also being polluted. What they don't know is that the people of Yuxi are engaged in a great project to change the world. pioneering--

I am a child who grew up playing with mud by the Dianchi Lake.Every summer I have to swim in Dianchi Lake, when the water is very clear, small fish will lick my smooth legs itchy.In the future, the small and medium-sized fish will disappear unknowingly, and the feeling will never return, and the water will become cloudy. For a few years, the water surface will be covered with green algae, or the water will be suffocated in pieces. Water hyacinth, after swimming by the Dianchi Lake, the whole body is covered with a layer of dirt, giving off a foul smell.Gradually, no one went into the water to swim, no one patronized the swimming area by the lake, and the shore became deserted and desolate.Later I went to swim in Fuxian Lake. Fortunately, it was not far away. It took more than an hour to drive. The water there was like the water of Dianchi Lake decades ago. Stones and grains of sand are clearly visible.I clearly remember the rapid pollution and deterioration of the water in Dianchi Lake, that is, in a short period of 30 years.But the existence of a lake takes hundreds of millions of years!It's really astonishing and inexplicable to pollute a lake that has been hundreds of millions of years in a completely negligible time. I sigh to Tianhao! !

Fuxian Lake and Xingyun Lake are two sister lakes.In ancient times, these two lakes were connected. I don't know when they were separated.Fuxian Lake is a rift-type deep-water lake formed during the uplift of the Yunnan Plateau. Xingyun Lake is on its northeast side, a subsidence shallow-water lake, and is the upstream lake of Fuxian Lake.To the south of them, there is also Qilu Lake.To the west of the three lakes is Yuxi City.For thousands of years, water has flowed like this: Xingyun Lake - Fuxian Lake - Haikou River - Nanpan River. Between Xingyun Lake and Fuxian Lake, there is a unique channel, which is vividly called Gehe, and the water flows continuously from Xingyun Lake to Fuxian Lake.There is no way to verify the history of the Gehe River. It may have been a natural river at the beginning. Around the Qing Dynasty, it became what it is now, with a small number of stone banks along the river.By the mid-1980s, stone embankments were lined on both sides of the Gehe River, and all the old trees were preserved. Up to now, a few old trees can still be seen protruding from the stone embankment. At that time, a ship lock was built in the middle of the river.This lock can control the water level of the two lakes, and can also navigate some small cargo ships.The way of passage is like the Gezhouba Dam, where the water level is raised or lowered with the front and rear locks, so that the boat can sail from downstream to upstream.That is to say, you can drive from Fuxian Lake to Xingyun Lake.Of course, it also plays the multiple functions of flood discharge and water retention.Don't underestimate this ship lock, it is said that it is the first lock on the Pearl River!

I have seen the scene of the ship going through the lock, it is very interesting.It's a simple scientific principle, but the first person to figure it out and implement it was a genius. The river is only 2.2 kilometers long, 5 meters deep and 8 meters wide. This is the only passage between the two lakes.A small river connects the two lakes in series, like a jade belt piercing two plateau pearls.Sure enough, later, people got the wonderful name of Yudai Hotel at the pier by the lake [at the same time, they also changed the name of this river to Yudai River]. The gourd-shaped Fuxian Lake and the crescent-shaped Xingyun Lake are worn by this jade belt.The scene is poetic and sparks the imagination.Therefore, small pavilions, houses and corridors are built along the mountain in the middle of the river. There is a jagged rock on the bank there, and there is a stone inscription on the stone named "Jieyu Stone".What does the name mean?According to folklore, the fish in the two lakes never cross the boundary, hence the name.what about this?There are many theories. Some say that the strange shapes of rocks are projected into the water, and the fish are afraid and dare not cross the boundary.There are also some inscriptions on the stone that record its interest: "The nebula flows towards Fuxian, and fish and shrimp are not allowed to swim together. Is it because the Yangtze River is limited by the sky, and it is so close to the chasm." In the past, it was inscribed by a county magistrate; the other inscription, "Fish has its own nature", was inscribed by another county magistrate.Hundreds of years later, in the 1980s, Pu Chaohe, who was the "county magistrate" of Jiangchuan, said: the former question is not scientific, but the latter question is scientific.The "county grandpa" who graduated from Yunnan University believes that it is caused by the difference in water quality and water temperature.He has a point.

The special products of Fuxian Lake are lang fish and golden thread fish. [The word "wave" should be written as "fish" with a "liang" character next to it. 】Squidfish have extremely high requirements on water quality and are unwilling to swim upstream to Xingyun Lake; while bighead fish and small white fish in Xingyun Lake like to eat nutritious food and are unwilling to swim downstream to Fuxian Lake. There are two lakes and a small river connecting the two lakes. The clear water of the lake flows slowly from Xingyun Lake to Fuxian Lake day after day and year after year. ——This is the picture of the water system of the two lakes for thousands of years.

In the past 10 years, due to the development of industry and the increase of population, most of the domestic water has been directly discharged into Xingyun Lake without treatment, coupled with the loss of agricultural chemical fertilizers into the lake, the serious pollution of Xingyun Lake has become more and more serious day by day. And it's getting better and better.When people started to wake up at the end of the last century when they ignored it in the middle of the last century, it was too late.Its fate is the same as that of Dianchi Lake—by the beginning of this century, the water quality of Xingyun Lake has dropped to Class V water, and the water entering Fuxian Lake from Xingyun Lake is 40 million cubic meters every year.It has become the biggest source of pollution in Fuxian Lake.The water quality of Fuxian Lake has declined rapidly. People remember that the lake water with a transparency of 10 meters was only six or seven meters deep in the 1990s. A pollution zone of several kilometers was formed at the southern water inlet. The water quality of some parts of Fuxian Lake has dropped to Grade II.The clear blue water of the lake has begun to fade.

There is a group of information about Fuxian Lake: the shore of Fuxian Lake is steep, the shore beach is undeveloped, and the bottom is mostly rock, gravel or coarse sand. In this way, there are few aquatic organisms in the coastal zone, mainly large aquatic plants. Accounting for less than 0.1% of the lake.These plants are the strongest competitors of algae. Due to the lack of them, eutrophication in the lake is very easy to form, and the outbreak of cyanobacteria is very likely.One year, people started stocking whitebait from Taihu Lake in Xingyun Lake. Unexpectedly, the unruly whitebait crossed the "boundary" and ran to Fuxian Lake through the boundary fish stone, where they preyed on a large number of plankton. This is the natural enemy of algae, which makes the development of algae out of control, and the danger of cyanobacteria bloom in Fuxian Lake is even greater.This whitebait reproduces quickly and has a short growth period. Every year, the corpses of whitebait that are not caught in the lake will pollute Fuxian Lake after death.It can be seen that human beings' demands from nature often outweigh the gains.There is also a little story about cyanobacteria.One year, a kind of worm called algae-eating worm was bred in other provinces. The advertising slogan was: "Use worms to eat blue-green algae, eat as much as you have".It is said that an experiment was conducted in Dianchi Lake, and the insect was only the size of a flea. It ate algae, but it also ate fish and shrimp.There are so many fish and shrimps in Fuxian Lake, so I had to give up this idea.Elimination of blue-green algae people painstakingly but did not find a good solution.The biological chain is sometimes very fragile. In June 2002, Fuxian Lake had its first blue-green algae outbreak!

Fuxian Lake is long and narrow from north to north, and Xingyun Lake enters the lake from the south, while Haikou River, the outlet of Fuxian Lake, is located in the middle of the east bank, away from both ends.Therefore, Fuxian Lake has the characteristics of "receiving pollution and spitting out clean water". Once Fuxian Lake is polluted, it will be irreversible. People say that Fuxian Lake and Xingyun Lake are two dreaming lakes. The ten thousand hectares of blue waves once gave birth to the civilization of the ancient Dian Kingdom.That was the time when it was born. In the two lake basins with a mild climate and abundant water and grass, it was the birthplace of the rice civilization and bronze civilization of the ancient Dian Kingdom. The dazzling brilliance was hundreds of years ahead of the glory of the Central Plains.Qin destroyed the feudal lords, but ancient Dian established a country, and Han punished the southwestern Yi, but gave the king of Dian a golden seal. The brilliance of ancient Dian is still shining on those bronze wares.But for some unknown reason, the figure of the ancient Dian country disappeared. Maybe the ancient Dian city wall really sank into the lake and fell into a deep dreamland?It was a mysterious dream, a seductive dream.Fuxian Lake is still sleeping in a deep dream.

How can we let Mother Lake have a nightmare today! The people of Yuxi, Yunnan are faced with urgent and severe issues. Everyone, especially the top leaders of Yuxi's municipal party committee and municipal government, and relevant scientific and technological personnel are thinking about this issue. I've always wondered who came up with this scheme in the first place.This program is currently in progress in Yuxi.This is a ground-breaking, earth-changing plan.The people of Yuxi want to reverse the flow of the lake, and no longer let the Class V water of Xingyun Lake flow into Fuxian Lake, which has Class I water quality. Instead, let the water of Fuxian Lake flow into Xingyun Lake.This is a bold whimsy, wonderful idea.

I still remember that there was a folk song popular in 1958: I am the Jade Emperor, I am the Dragon King, order the three mountains and five mountains to clear the way, here I come!The Chinese people in the Great Leap Forward were full of pride and fought against the sky and the earth to conquer nature, defeat nature, and transform nature. For a long time, "Man can conquer nature" is still a resounding slogan and belief.In ancient times, there was Yugong who moved mountains and the Grand Canal. In modern times, there are Hongqi Canal and Dazhai fields.People have the illusion that they can defeat nature.Over the past few decades, people have discovered that nature has not been conquered, but human beings have been ruthlessly retaliated against and paid a heavy price.People finally understand that nature cannot be conquered, and human beings can only live in harmony with nature.But human beings are not helpless. In mutual respect, human beings can use their ingenuity to talk to nature and achieve a kind of coordination to live in harmony on this mountain.

I still remember the scene of playing in the water by Dianchi Lake when I was a child.If you play with water in a tub.When a pot of dirty water is poured into a pot of clean water, the clean water will be dirty; if the water in the clean water pot is poured into the dirty water pot, the dirty water will be replaced again and again and become clear, and at a certain time , it becomes clear water.The effect is different if the water poured in once is poured in multiple times, and the water will be saved a lot if poured in multiple times - this is also a very simple and interesting reason, an algebra problem that elementary school students can figure out Thinking of changing the water of the two lakes upside down like this?It was so bold and so fantastic. The data of the two lakes is as follows: Xingyun Lake is 10.5 kilometers long from north to south, 3.2 kilometers wide from east to west on average, with a shoreline of 36.3 kilometers long, a water surface area of ​​32 square kilometers, and a lake capacity of 200 million cubic meters. Fuxian Lake is 31.5 kilometers long from north to south, 11.5 kilometers wide from east to west, and 3 kilometers narrowest. Its shoreline is 88.2 kilometers long, with a surface area of ​​212 square kilometers and a capacity of 19.1 billion cubic meters. The water in Fuxian Lake is equivalent to 12 Dianchi Lakes and 8 Erhai Lakes.The total capacity of the lake accounts for 64% of the total reservoir water capacity in the province!It accounts for 68.9% of the water storage capacity of the nine plateau lakes in the province! ! ——This is not a childhood game, who has seen such a big water basin, who can play with such two big basins of water?Who has such courage and boldness? —Maybe many people have had this flash of inspiration, and this idea is fleeting, because this idea is too big and difficult to realize. Back then [2006] 71-year-old Yang Shikuan had this idea, but it was just a joke.In 1984, he became the head of the Environmental Monitoring Station of the Urban and Rural Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuxi District. In the late 1980s, he went to Hangzhou to participate in the International Lake Symposium. That time, three people went to Yunnan.At the meeting, he was greatly inspired by the discussion on the replacement of Xin'an River and Hangzhou West Lake.He remembered a severe drought in 1984. Qilu Lake, which is adjacent to the two lakes, was almost dry. He walked to the center of the lake wearing rain shoes. The center was still gurgling with marsh gas...that was heart-wrenching.Could it be that this scene will also appear in Xingyun Lake and Fuxian Lake in the future?He didn't dare to think about it anymore.Although he said his idea many times, he never put it into practice until he retired in 1995.Time flies, until his successor's successor, Yang Huiming, became the station master, these thoughts were not fixed in words for the first time. That year was already 1998, and Zhou Jiwu, the newly appointed director of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuxi City, called Liu Yongyi, the director of the Jiangchuan County Environmental Protection Bureau, and Mei Zhengping, the director of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, to discuss countermeasures.The goal is to govern Xingyun Lake, protect Fuxian Lake, and save Qilu Lake. They envisioned several options.The task fell on Yang Huiming, but Yang Huiming was engaged in environmental protection and was not familiar with water conservancy, so he invited an expert from Kunming and Tang Chengbin from the Yunnan Environmental Research Institute.Tang Chengbin had already retired at that time, but still took over the job.Director Zhou gritted his teeth and gave 5,000 yuan as funding.Yang Huiming and Tang Chengbin ran for two months and came up with a proposal with only a few pages.There are 8 options in total: The first option is to install floating glass steel pipes on the surface of Fuxian Lake, and direct the water from Xingyun Lake to Nanpan River; Plans two and three are: build a large-scale pumping station next to the Gehe sluice, and discharge water pipes or open channels from the bank to the Haikou River and Nanpan River; The fourth option is: use positive siphon to send water from Xingyun Lake to Dongfeng Reservoir; Plan five is: build a large high-pressure pumping station to send Xingyun Lake water flowing into the open channel to Jiuxi River and Dongfeng Reservoir; Scheme six is: use tunnels to transport water to Jiuxi River and Dongfeng Reservoir; Plan seven is: Fuxian Lake flows backwards, Xingyun Lake flows out, and tunnels are used to transfer water to Jiuxi River and Dongfeng Reservoir; The eighth plan is: the same as the seventh plan, except that the water does not enter the Dongfeng reservoir after reaching Jiuxi, and uses floating glass steel pipes to transport water to the Dahe River in Yuxi Prefecture. Each program has its own characteristics and creativity.Based on various conditions, the seventh scheme is the best after analysis. The signatures of this idea are: writers Tang Chengbin and Yang Huiming, and the time is: July 1999. This is the first conceived material to appear in writing. Director Zhou Jiwu convened relevant personnel to study, and in the same month, in the name of Yuxi Environmental Science Research Institute, formally formed the "Xingyun Lake Outflow Diverting Project Proposal". Director Zhou said: This is the result of brainstorming, the result of the collective, and the wisdom of the collective.Director Zhou's positioning is accurate.Perhaps many people have thought about these issues, said these issues, and raised these issues, even in jokes after dinner.But the human mind needs to shine, waiting for the unseen opportunistic time and place. This is a vision.There is still a long way to go before it can be implemented.What is more important is the understanding and support of decision-makers.In today's system, without the final determination and decision-making of the leadership, assumptions are always just assumptions, or just a dead letter. Pu Chaohe, then director of the Yuxi Municipal People's Congress, may have been one of the leaders who participated in the planning and decision-making from beginning to end.When he was a secretary in Jiangchuan County, he had dealt with Fuxian Lake and Xingyun Lake for many years.Later, he was transferred to Yuxi as the deputy secretary. When the city was established in 1998, he became the director of the National People's Congress.This should be two terms.He probably understands the meaning of the word Yuxi best. He said that Yuxi Yuxi is named after the water. How can Yuxi come without water!What he thought about most at the time was how to block the water in Xingyun Lake?Where do you go if you stop?Use open channels to divert water from the west bank?Is it okay to choose a pump station to lift water and throw it out?Or, filter the water from across the river and put it into Fuxian Lake?Using floating pipes to take the water from Xingyun Lake on Fuxian Lake... I have thought about these things, but I have denied them one by one.These plans are similar to those of the environmental protection department, and people all thought of going together.Finally, people's attention focused on the scheme of tunneling water diversion.Together with comrades from the Water Conservancy Bureau and the Environmental Protection Bureau, he went to the lakeside and the site to select sites many times. He reported the matter to Yang Chongyong, the newly appointed Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee at the time, and the matter of diversion was submitted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.The general idea gradually became clear: first, intercept the water of category V and prevent it from entering Fuxian Lake; The third is to use the transferred Class III water to improve Dongfeng Reservoir. Dongfeng Reservoir is one of the three major reservoirs built in Yunnan in the 1950s [there are also Songhua Dam in Kunming and Baoshan Reservoir]. It has been high for a long time. The water level is running, and the silt at the bottom of the reservoir has accumulated and turned into cement. The water body has long been unusable and has not been replaced for decades. If the water is introduced, the reservoir will reach Class II and III water. When the time is right, Dongfeng Reservoir can be completely treated; With a good water body, transfer it to the urban area to improve the city's water use.For good reason, and with great prospects. Secretary Yang Chongyong appreciated this wonderful plan very much.He said: This is a bold idea, a major project, and major measures.Most people in the team agree, but some people are worried.These concerns are: Can such a large project be realized?Can the water be adjusted?Does backflow have any problems with changes in ecology and water systems?If the water is transferred away, what will happen to the Haikou River Power Station and the downstream farmland? Expert arguments are more pointed.Zhang Miao, then director of the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, said: You are so courageous, the water system has made such a big move!Their opinions can be summed up: natural ecology, geological ecology, water system balance, and unforeseen consequences such as flood control, etc. Hearing this, the leaders had to hesitate.After all, they are experts! Pu Chaohe believes that the experts' concerns are justified, but they are not familiar with the water system of the two lakes and the conditions along the coast.So in addition to explaining earnestly, he came up with a plan to take them on a field trip, which may be the most convincing. The sparkling waters of the lake sparkle dizzyingly in the sun. On the bank of the car, the lake full of water makes people feel refreshed.So much of such good water is a precious gift from nature.It is the responsibility of our generation to protect this ten thousand hectares of clear water!Looking at Maotian Mountain in the distance, there is a ground-breaking discovery: Yunnan insects, the ancestor of human beings 530 million years ago.The prime minister of a big country, Wen Jiabao, instructed three times to protect the paleontological fossils here.The "Bull and Tiger Bronze Case" unearthed in Lijiashan has become a representative work of bronze ware.Under the water of Fuxian Lake, there may be a secret of ancient Dian Kingdom hidden...Jiang Yan, who was the deputy secretary of Chengjiang at the time, thought that the original "怓" character should be used for Chengjiang's character Chengjiang.He has a soft spot for this character and has his own unique discovery.He said: This character is so good. You see, it has mountains, water, owners, and culture... The water is Fuxian Lake and Xingyun Lake.In fact, Jiang Chuan also said that the word Jiang Chuan also has a lot of origin.It is said that the three dots of the word Jiang represent three mountains [Modou Mountain, Gudui Mountain, Jitian Mountain, Zhaobi Mountain... I don’t know which three? 】The word "gong" in the word "jiang" means two lakes plus a river.The word Chuan represents the three rivers in Jiangchuan.It's very vivid!According to historical records, the name of Jiangchuan County began in the first year of Tang Xianzong Shangyuan, more than 1300 years ago.Tang people are very imaginative. The water level difference between the two lakes is kept at about 1 meter all year round. This special water level difference may determine the success or failure of the Qiangu Lake backflow.What is more beneficial is that the altitude of the two lakes is much higher than that of Dongfeng Reservoir and Yuxi City. The opened information records like this: Xingyun Lake’s controlled operating water level: the highest is 1722.5 meters, the lowest is 1721.5 meters; Fuxian Lake, the highest is 1722 meters, the lowest is 1720.5 meters.Dongfeng Reservoir Jiuxi River, 1660 meters above sea level.The altitude of the urban area is lower than that of Dongfeng Reservoir. ——There is a drop of nearly sixty or seventy meters here.This god-given condition makes it possible for the backflowing lake water to flow backwards and flow by itself. In short, this diversion plan is to slightly raise the water level of Fuxian Lake and lower the water level of Xingyun Lake, so that the water can flow backwards.To increase the water level of Fuxian Lake, it is only necessary to close the gate of the Haikou River at the original water outlet.To lower the water level of Xingyun Lake, it is necessary to build tunnels to divert the water to the west. After the water level of Fuxian Lake was raised, there were mostly steep mountains and rocks around it, with few submerged farmland and residential buildings.After the water level of Xingyun Lake is lowered, the lake surface will be reduced by 5.8% based on the 1.7-meter drop and 50-meter water surface retreat, and the exposed area of ​​the lakeside will be about 1.85 square kilometers. Such a small change and impact has experts nodding their heads. Of course, various consulting meetings, demonstration meetings, and expert meetings have been held countless times. During this process, secretary Yang Chongyong was transferred to Kunming as the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Li Jiang took over as secretary of the Yuxi municipal party committee.Secretary Li Jiang said: Big brother has done his work to this extent, so he can only do it well.He volunteered to be the team leader in charge of this project. After that, Kong Xianggeng became the secretary of the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee. On September 14, 2005, the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held an on-site office meeting for the outflow diversion project.At the meeting, Kong Xianggeng said: "The outflow diversion project is a strategic measure to fundamentally protect Fuxian Lake, a soul project for the construction of Yuxi's 'Three Lakes' ecological urban agglomeration, an ecological driving force to promote the sustainable economic development of Yuxi, and a The construction of Yuxi central urban area into the province's first ecological city is the soul of Yuxi's future generations and the source of happiness for economic and social development. The successful construction of the outflow diversion project will not only benefit the people of Yuxi, but also benefit the future. We will break a road to success in the ecological construction of the whole province. This task is arduous and the mission is glorious. All comrades who contribute to the construction of the project have contributed, and future generations will never forget it.” At the meeting, the scholar-type Secretary Kong made a loud request: use the power of the whole city to build a good outflow diversion project! What a blessing.Fortunately, the team members are constantly changing, and the change of leaders has not affected the operation of this project.This is a very difficult thing.In China, it is customary for officials who take office to deny what their predecessors did and try something else.Because officials want political performance, political performance cannot be counted continuously.This is where the national conditions lie.But Yang Chongyong, Li Jiang, Kong Xianggeng and others thought of Yuxi's great cause for thousands of years. The iron-clad officials in the Yamen can leave only those real achievements in the world.This large project of diverting streams will sing an endless song with the gurgling stream—this song is destined to be long and long-lasting, far longer than official career, longer than an individual's life journey. Project Changes: Green?Water conservancy? The whole project has been carried out so far, which can only be regarded as the first step of the Long March-this is still the stage of talking on paper. Due to the complexity of China's current project approval process, this time took several years. During this period, a major change was the transfer of the project from an environmental protection project to a water conservancy project. Originally, this outflow diversion project was initiated from the perspective of environmental protection, but it involved more water conservancy aspects: hydrology, water system, water balance, water resources, and water conservancy projects.Generally speaking, although the country attaches great importance to environmental protection, the investment is still limited, and water conservancy projects are big projects that hurt muscles and bones, and the investment is more.It may be beneficial for this project to be transferred to a water conservancy project. On March 26, 2003, the Yunnan Provincial Planning Commission confirmed that the project would be converted from an environmental protection project to a water conservancy capital construction project. The benefit of project transfer is not only to increase the country's investment in investment, but also to enrich, expand and improve the project itself. First, as a water conservancy project, the section of the tunnel has been enlarged from the original 2.3 cubic meters per second to 9.2 cubic meters per second. The second is to add a bypass tunnel.This tunnel can directly divert the water of Xingyun Lake from the Jiuxi River where the water flows out, instead of entering Dongfeng Reservoir.Originally, a wetland was designed at Jiuxi, the water outlet of Xingyun Lake, to treat the water in Xingyun Lake, and let it flow into Dongfeng Reservoir after purification.At the beginning, the environmental protection department did not agree to add a bypass tunnel, thinking that it did not believe in the environmental protection function of the wetland.But people still worry that if the wetland is not successful, or can't handle that much water, or if there is a flood, it can be bypassed to divert water away.In the end, it was decided to adopt the double insurance policy of adding and repairing the bypass tunnel. The start of this project, like all other projects in China, has very Chinese characteristics in its progress.The follow-up procedures are far from being completed.Project management procedures are really too complex, too many technical procedures and administrative procedures.The memorabilia of the outflow diversion is recorded as follows: In April 2000, the Yuxi Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau entrusted the Municipal Water Conservancy and Electric Power Survey and Design Institute, the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Municipal Environmental Science Institute to compile the "Project Proposal for Fuxian Lake-Xingyun Lake Outflow Diversion Project". On September 14, 2000, the Yuxi City Planning Commission [now the Municipal Development and Reform Commission] made a project approval for the project. From February to April 2001, the "Feasibility Study of Fuxian Lake-Xingyun Lake Outflow Diverting Project" was called for public bidding nationwide. The South China Environmental Science Research Institute of the State Environmental Protection Administration and the Guangdong Provincial Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute The bidding consortium won the bid. On January 20, 2003, Yunnan Provincial Planning Commission [now the Provincial Development and Reform Commission] Yiyunji Investment [2003] No. 55 "General Report on the Feasibility Study of Fuxian Lake-Xingyun Lake Outflow Diversion [Project Proposal]" 》Officially approved the feasibility study report of the outflow diversion project. On March 26, 2003, the outflow diversion project was transferred from an environmental protection project to a water conservancy capital construction project. On March 31, 2003, the commencement ceremony of the outflow diversion project was grandly held in Jiangchuan County.On this day, the outflow diversion project was officially announced to start. On April 2, 2003, the Provincial Department of Water Resources held a meeting to unify the consultation and review opinions, determined the name of the project, determined the project objectives, and determined to increase the scale of the project. On April 4, 2003, the engineering leading group and headquarters were established. On April 19, 2003, the preliminary design consultation seminar was held again. On May 19, 2003, Kong Xianggeng, secretary of the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee, went to Jiangchuan for investigation. On July 6, 2003, Bai Enpei, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, conducted a survey. According to the instructions of Secretary Bai Enpei, the province determined that the total investment of the project was 377 million yuan. On July 12, 2003, Li Hongyun, the deputy mayor in charge, negotiated with the design unit on the progress of the preliminary design. The preliminary design was finalized on July 15. On July 16, it was determined that the total length of the outflow diversion project was 12,757 meters, the bypass spillway was 10,783 meters, and the total length of the project was 23,540 meters. On July 22, 2003, the Land and Resources Bureau of Yunnan Province issued the pre-examination opinion on the project land. On July 24, 2003, an expert consultation demonstration meeting was held. On August 2, 2003, a project construction coordination meeting was held. On August 20, 2003, Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan inspected the project line accompanied by provincial leaders.After listening to the basic introduction of the project by provincial and municipal leaders at the water inlet of the project line, I came to Fuxian Lake.This beautiful scenery may have moved him, and this time he put forward the requirements of "first-class water quality, first-class ecology, and first-class tourism" to Yuxi.These three sentences have become the slogan and goal of Yuxi people. On November 12, 2003, the 1# inclined shaft of the water diversion project started, marking the official start of the Fuxian Lake-Xingyun Lake diversion project. On December 3, 2003, the Jiuxi exit tunnel of the outflow diversion project was excavated. From December 15th to 19th, 2003, entrusted by the Ministry of Water Resources, the General Institute of Hydropower Planning and Design of the Ministry of Water Resources held the "Feasibility Study Report on the Fuxian Lake-Xingyun Lake Outflow Diversion Project in Yuxi City [Project Proposal] in Jiangchuan County "Review meeting. On June 28, 2004, the first bid section of the bypass discharge channel project started. On August 21, 2005, the first bid section of the bypass discharge channel project was completed. On September 9, 2005, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Reply of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Feasibility Study Report of the Fuxian Lake-Xingyun Lake Outflow Diversion Project in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province" No. 1721 [2005], Approved in principle the feasibility study report of the outflow diversion project. On November 3, 2005, the construction of the emergent plant belt project at the water inlet diverted from the outflow started. On January 5, 2006, the pipe jacking construction of Jiuxi exit started. On April 6, 2006, the construction of Jiuxi Wetland started. On April 15, 2006, the bypass discharge channel project was fully completed. On June 4, 2006, the outflow diversion tunnel project was fully connected. In the following two years, leaders from the central and provincial governments who came to investigate included: Luo Gan, Huang Ju, Wang Zhaoguo, Minister of Construction Wang Guangtao, Deputy Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei, leaders of Yunnan Province Bai Enpei, Xu Rongkai, Qin Guangrong, Tenzin, Yang Chongyong... For the outflow diversion project, fifteen or six national expert review meetings were held. During these reviews, Deputy Mayor Li Hongyun, Commander of the Engineering Construction Headquarters, Director Yang Ming of the Engineering Construction Management Bureau and others did a lot of work. Secretary Kong Xianggeng and mayor Dong Shiqiang gave strong support and great attention. In order to strive for the approval of the project by the state, the Engineering Construction Headquarters and the Engineering Construction Management Bureau assisted the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and the government to go to Beijing to coordinate relations more than ten times. Interspersed among them are records of various biddings and approvals, as well as inexplicable review meetings, re-examination meetings, review meetings, preliminary review meetings, evaluation meetings, research meetings, etc., and so on. Upwards, it also involves 4 central ministries and commissions.How many things have to be reported for approval. All kinds of reports, designs, and plans are revised, perfected, and supplemented repeatedly in this way.It is said that there are as many as 2 tons of these materials alone! ... In addition, designers also need to calculate: meteorology, hydrology, runoff, geology, site selection, and conduct various analyzes: terrestrial ecology, water environment, aquatic ecology, water quality prediction, pollution source prediction, water and soil conservation, regulation and dispatch of two lakes and investment, Compensation [such as pumping station and Haikou power station] and risk estimation.There are also flood and earthquake considerations and calculations.I don't understand these boring numbers.But I know it's required. In 2002, relevant parties also conducted a survey on public opinion. This time, 70.5% of the people knew about the project; 80.9% to 84.4% thought the project was beneficial; 65.9% to 72.8% believed it was unfavorable and neutral %; 63% of the total orientation support, 29.6% neutral, 7.4% opposed.At that time, there were still many unknowns that even the designers could not tell, such as the water temperature. If 200,000 cubic meters of bottom water were introduced every day, how much would the water temperature drop?How effective is cooling in inhibiting cyanobacteria?Will the water in Fuxian Lake cause vertical convection after water diversion, and what will be its impact?From this, I thought of an interesting question: Can fish from the two lakes cross the boundary and come and go freely from now on?Is the inscription on the Jieyu Stone to be changed... The backflow of the lake gives people a wonderful feeling of time passing: back to the past, back to childhood, back to youth. The 12,757-meter diversion project is the main project of this project.It mainly ensures the water drainage of Xingyun Lake.The project consists of open channels, tunnels and pipe jacking alternately.The difficulties of the project are hard to describe in one word. Li Hongyun, the deputy mayor of the engineering construction headquarters, and Yang Ming, the director of the engineering construction management bureau, have hired well-known experts from inside and outside the province for on-site consultation more than ten times to solve the difficulties and hot issues encountered in the construction in a timely manner.After listening to the opinions of experts, the municipal party committee and the municipal government decided to adopt the most advanced pipe jacking method for the construction of the Jiuxi exit area where the geological conditions are not good and the sand and water gushes are serious.It uses a hydraulic press to push the pipe in from the ground one by one. The pipe has an inner diameter of 2.5 meters, an outer diameter of 3 meters, a length of 3 meters and a weight of 18 tons.The pipe is advanced more than ten meters or tens of meters underground, and it can go several meters to more than 10 meters every day.Because of the high resistance to propulsion, it can only advance within 1,000 meters at a time, and the caisson has to be re-drilled to advance in sections.It was the first time I saw this kind of operation, and it was an eye-opener—I climbed down the caisson more than ten meters deep, and saw that the jacking pipe on one side stretched straight into the distance, and the exit at the end became a small hole. point of light.The workers said it was using infrared rays for positioning.Sure enough, I saw a small red light in front of the hydraulic press, and my eyes were staring straight ahead.In the advancing section, the four thick hydraulic arms of the bucket push the thick jacking pipe forward, and the forward speed is almost invisible.The inside of the jacking pipe is clean and refreshing, only two pipes with a thick bowl mouth for water delivery and muddy water discharge are laid out from the jacking pipe.The worker said that there is a machine head in front, which breaks the soil in front and stirs it into mud and pumps it out.However, if there is a whole piece of rock in front, the machine head will be damaged. Therefore, the pipe jacking construction method requires drilling ahead of time on the pipe jacking line, ascertaining the ground conditions, and selecting construction equipment and construction techniques.The excavation of the tunnel also encountered many difficulties. Landslides and gushing water and sand made the tunnel impossible to pass through. They thought of various methods, one of which was the freezing method, but the cost was too high, and they could only freeze two centimeters per day. I can't afford it, and in the end I can only change the road... The progress of the project is hard to describe.There is a big sign counting down the progress of the project in the Engineering Construction Administration Bureau, which constantly reminds people of the construction period.The people who work here carefully record those progress numbers every day. The water of Xingyun Lake reaches Jiuxi through these jacking pipes, tunnels, open channels, and underground channels.At this time, its water has not been purified, so it cannot go directly to Dongfeng Reservoir.In order to make this water quality reach Class III or above, it must be treated first.For this reason, a wetland of 63 mu was designed at the outlet of Xingyun Lake, and a larger wetland was designed at Jiuxi.The world recognizes that wetlands are the "kidneys" of the earth, but people have not realized this for many years. On the contrary, wetlands have been destroyed by people, filled with soil, and planted crops.Without the kidney, there is no function of detoxification.Wetlands are multifunctional ecosystems that can deposit, remove, absorb, and degrade toxic substances.First, it has physical effects, such as filtration, precipitation, and adsorption of harmful substances; second, it has chemical effects, because the acidic environment provided by organic microorganisms transforms and degrades heavy metals in water; third, it also has biological effects, on the one hand it is微生物对污染物的降解,同时大型的水生植物能从污水中汲取营养物质。此外,它还有助于减缓水的流速,有利毒物和杂质的沉淀和排除。 2006年,我见到了星云湖边渔村大河处已修好的一块人工湿地。正是中午,那条大河很像隔河,从10多公里外流来,雨季没到,水不多,水质很脏,两旁的房屋都住着村民,看来这条水是不能用了,人们只能怀念几十年前在河边洗菜洗衣的美好时光了。这块湿地就是为了处理这条河的水而建造的,为了不让污水直接排进星云湖。这时微风乍起,那湿地上的芦苇和水竹摇曳着,矮一些的美人蕉也一排排地挤在那里。人们说,将来九溪的湿地修好了就同这儿一样——不过那规模却很大,第一期工程是270多亩!第二期达到400多亩!据说是全国最大的人工湿地。九溪人工湿地设计一期工程处理水量为1.16立方米/秒【10万立方米/天】,二期扩大到2.32立方米/秒【20万立方米/天】。 人工湿地的建造是这样的:用碎石作人工基质,上面种水生植物,经过实验模拟,选定的水生植物有:野姜花、风车草、类芦苇、伞草、美人蕉、香根草等。这些植物分块分片种植,水流有秩序地回旋形绕过。 我去时,玉【溪】江【川】高速公路旁的湿地工地正在开挖,一堆堆的碎石已堆满场地,大型挖土机正日夜在开挖取土……人们介绍说,要种上水生植物,全部投入使用,可能得到明年才行。 望着那一大片湿地,幻想它的明天,一定非常壮观。它会不会又是玉溪的一大景点呢?建设管理局的小李和小邓说,他们目前考虑的还只是它实用的功能,至于它的景观和旅游功能下一步肯定会考虑的。我想,能不能在水生植物中点缀一些鲜艳夺目的花儿呢?能不能在几百亩绿海上架上人行的观赏走廊呢?我梦想这一切会实现的。 我当时担忧的是:湿地的功能最终能发挥得如何?它能把星云湖的Ⅳ、Ⅴ类水变为Ⅱ类水吗?我们有理由乐观吗?可是回答我的人都很谨慎。因为同自然的交道,还有许多的未知数和变数。 人们只能告诉我,好在还有一条旁通泄水道。如果湿地没完成净水的功能,通过旁通泄水道将水排出,不会进入水库;遇有洪水,这旁通水泄道也能泄洪呢。 我国南水北调的工程正在紧锣密鼓地进行。 与此同时,世界上的哈萨克斯坦也在进行调水工程;澳大利亚也在做同样的调水工程;美国的大型调水工程也在运行;就连沙漠之国利比亚也开始了从沙漠之下的取水工程…… 我们的星球缺水吗? 也许不缺。可是水资源不平衡。 然而有关专家一再警告说,开源供水的增长,往往抵消不了浪费与破坏。中国必须走节约用水的道路。 玉溪的出流改道工程,也许正符合这一开源节流的总思路。除了达到保护抚仙湖、净化星云湖的目标外,抚仙湖每年的余水2000万立方米可得到利用,加上星云湖倒流的水量,每年共6752万立方米,经过净化后进入东风水库,能解决日益发展的玉溪城区用水的需求,这对改善和优化玉溪的水资源配置有重大的意义和潜在的经济效益,可保证玉溪市的长期发展用水。这些水从北往南再往东,绕玉溪五个县区一圈再进入南盘江,充分发挥了高水高用的优势,并惠泽了沿线百万亩土地和百万城乡群众。 公元2006年,玉溪提出了建设生态城市的目标,他们要将玉溪建成水城。玉溪正在做好这个水的大文章。生态立市——这是全国的首创呀!玉溪有抚仙湖这个得天独厚的条件,现在加上这个出流改道工程,有了多余的能利用的水源。 玉溪市委书记孔祥庚高挑的个子,肤色黧黑,戴一副眼镜,这位学者型的官员听说还喜欢写诗呢。他用诗一样的语言解说这个工程:玉溪市的资源与全省相比是丰富的,与全国相比是贫乏的,与世界相比是渺小的,真正有实力的优势是抚仙湖的水质,真正的潜在优势是“三湖一海”及其河流、水库的治理和开发。当今世界,谁拥有水资源,谁就拥有竞争实力,谁就拥有美好的明天,有专家预言,上个世纪人类为石油而战,本世纪将为水而战,从这个意义上讲,抚仙湖巨大的水体是“三湖”生态城市群实现可持续发展的“核心动力”。——难得他有一颗诗人浪漫的心、学者清醒的头脑和务实的精神。 出流改道工程的实施,从长远来看,除却抢救性保护抚仙湖、建设生态城市等显性作用,更是玉溪生态城市群构建“圈域”经济的纽带。水是圈域经济不可缺失的资源,如长三角、珠三角、环渤海经济圈。出流改道的这一千古一变,使玉溪“三湖”生态城市群之间的水资源重新得到整合和利用,“三湖四片区”区域经济的联系更加紧密,客观上加快了“三湖”生态城市群建设的步伐,改变了玉溪的经济地理版图,提升了玉溪在未来区域经济竞争与合作中的地位。 2007年12月26日,随着总指挥的一声令下,云南星云湖、抚仙湖出流改道入水口闸门打开,星云湖内滚滚水流从闸门涌出,出流改道工程试通水成功。 2008年5月20日上午,抚仙湖—星云湖出流改道工程开闸仪式在云南第一闸—江川隔河船闸举行,闸门按钮由全国人大教科文卫委员会副主任徐荣凯启动。闸门提起后,抚仙湖水缓缓流向星云湖,标志着抚仙湖—星云湖出流改道工程以及扫尾工作全面完成,历史见证了这一时刻。 这项工程,通过提升抚仙湖水位,不但截断了星云湖排向抚仙湖的劣质水,还每年有2700多万立方米的抚仙湖优质水倒流进入星云湖,对星云湖内的劣质水进行置换。同时,通过出流改道工程,星云湖每年有6000万至1亿立方米的湖水流入玉溪市红塔中心城区,有效地补充了工业、农业及城市发展用水。通过这条路径,将衍生出170多公里的抚仙湖水系生态系统。这既为保护抚仙湖、治理星云湖奠定了坚实的基础,也为优化配置玉溪水资源、加快推进生态城市群建设和区域经济发展创造了有利条件。 2007年12月26日,星云湖水第一次顺着出流改道工程奔流至红塔区。经过数日检验,出流改道工程运行正常,平均水流量为3立方米∕秒左右,高程误差控制在3厘米内,轴线误差控制在2厘米内,隧道变形为0.1至0.2毫米,工程技术质量符合要求,洞内水深、空气湿度、渗透水压力等数据正常。 出流改道工程进口闸底板高程为1720.00米,出水口底板高程为1675.86米,水位差为44.14米,如何让星云湖水顺着隧道左右不偏、高低无阻地自流25.8公里到红塔区,高水平的设计和高精准度的施工尤为关键。据出流改道工程建设管理局技术科科长王志荣介绍,每一个工程建设的成功有两个必要因素,首先是有一个优秀的、符合实际的、耐得住考验的设计方案,其次是精准的施工技术和严格的质量把关,出流改道工程建设成功正是基于这两点,通水检验成功充分说明了施工与设计吻合,误差很小,质量过硬。 记者这样报道:玉溪治水辟蹊径,千年湖泊水倒流——云南玉溪抚仙湖、星云湖“出流改道工程”为治湖提供新思路。 近年的情况是: 现在,在连通两湖的隔河可以看到,由于清澈的抚仙湖水倒流进入星云湖,原来浑黑的星云湖隔河口已开始变清。据介绍,隔河实现倒流后,抚仙湖每年可向星云湖注入3000多万立方米洁净水,大约6年就可以把星云湖水置换一次,星云湖恢复到Ⅲ类水质可谓“指年可待”。 星云湖水流经50亩挺水植物带进入导流口,通过引水渠流到江川县九溪镇;在这里经过除藻和人工湿地净化,如果达到Ⅲ类水质,就通过九溪河注入玉溪的城市水源地东风水库;达不到Ⅲ类水质和未经处理的水,则通过旁通泄水工程流入城区,供城市景观和工业用水。 在江川县九溪镇人工湿地,虽然植物还没有完全长好,但经过净化和未经净化的水质已能看出差别。水利部门介绍,这片湿地净水能力达每天10万立方米,目前经净化的水为Ⅳ类水,今后将逐渐达到Ⅲ类水标准。 人代天工万象新。值得一提的是,玉溪还利用出流改道的水位差,在市区建成一个极为壮观的瀑布公园。宽276米、高13米的人工瀑布大气磅礴,水流哗然轰鸣,动人心弦,雾气里升起一道道彩虹,打扮了美丽的玉溪。周围是新铺的绿草皮,一直延伸到远处的聂耳音乐广场。瀑布公园被称为玉溪城市建设的“神来之笔”,独特而壮观的水体景观不仅美化了城市形象,也显著地改善了人居环境,许多玉溪市民对此倍感自豪。这是玉溪的一大景观。在2008年中,我几次到玉溪,都要去观赏这壮观的人工大瀑布,同去的人都震惊,惊叹,击掌叫好。我特别关注的是水,这水是从原来Ⅴ类水的星云湖来的,那水质已变得半清澈了。人们说:它一天天地变好,越来越清。两三年后,它流出的水一定可以达到Ⅱ、Ⅲ类水。当初的梦想已变为了今天的现实。 山河画出古今图。千古流水的改道倒流一定会载入史册。因为这是前无古人的壮举,它将改写两湖流域5个县区24个镇的几百平方公里的水系和生态版图。它给予的教益也肯定是空前的不可估量的——这是人与自然的一次有益的对话。人类就是在这样的对话中变得聪慧和美丽起来。 【李霁宇:云南省作家协会副主席】
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