Home Categories Biographical memories Yongle Emperor Zhu Di

Chapter 28 9. "Five out of Mobei, three times in captivity"

Yongle Emperor Zhu Di 毛佩琦 12802Words 2018-03-16
In February of the eighth year of Yongle, Zhu Di led an army of 500,000 troops and went deep into Mobei. He broke Benya and lost his way on the bank of the Onan River. Benya lost his way and fled westward with only seven riders.The Ming army returned to the east and defeated Arutai in Xing'an Mountains.Arutai's troops were disbanded, and their families fled far away, and the Ming army won. In December of the same year, in Guisi, the Tatar Taishi Arutai sent Pingzhang Tuohue and others to express their sincerity to the Ming court and to pay tribute to the horses.Zhu Di did not refuse because he had "rebelled against fate".He ordered him to "feast his labors" and gave him clothes with lottery coins.Shi also declared to Alutai: "I am appointed by heaven to be the king of the world, but I want people from all directions to get their place. Anyone who comes will caress them generously. There is no distance between each other at first." Against fate", Zhu Di is still willing to accept.However, Alutai's envoy "coming to court" this time has another purpose of his own.He apologized to Zhu Di, Benya lost Lixi and went to Wala, and took away the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.Since Benya was known as the Khan, and the Jade Seal of Chuanguo was the symbol of the ruling power of the whole Mongolia, Benya's disappearance made it difficult for Arutai to "hold the emperor to order the princes".On the contrary, Oala's power will be strengthened by Benya's loss of land and the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. What Tatar Arutai is fighting for is the suzerainty that rules the whole Mongolia.Alutai attempted to avenge Zhu Di for him.He even claimed that "the descendants of the Yuan Dynasty are extinct", denying Benya's identity as a "Yuan descendant".It means that Mongolia no longer has a legal supreme ruler, neither Ben Yashili nor Mahamu has the right to order the various tribes of Mongolia. Then present the treasure of the country." Although Zhu Di said: "I have never valued this treasure." However, the "rebellion" of Benya Shili and Wala must not be ignored, and Alutai expressed his closeness to Zhu Di in various ways. .In June of the ninth year of Yongle, he sent Hulutu, the Duke of the state, to pay tribute to the horses. In December, he sent Cheli Timur and others to pay tribute to the horses.Naturally, Zhu Di would not treat him badly. He not only bestowed envoys and horses, but also sent back Alitai and his sister who were the same birth of Alutai captured by Hongwuzhong in the Central Plains.

At this time, the leaders of Oara did not just sit back and watch the relationship between Tatar and the Ming Dynasty develop closer. They also hoped to use the hands of the Ming court to defeat their enemies.In the eighth year of Yongle, the Tatars were defeated by the Ming army, and Wala couldn't help gloating a little.They hope that the Ming army can completely wipe out the Tatar forces.On Jiachen in February of the ninth year of Yongle, Mahamu, king of Wala Shunning, sent envoys such as Mahama to pay tribute to the Ming court, and took the opportunity to provoke the relationship between the Ming court and the Tatars.Mahama said: "Benya lost and Arutai lost, and this day it will perish. However, if the bandits and thieves regain their ambitions, they will harm the border. But the envoys of the northwest countries dare not go south, and hope to plan it as soon as possible. "It is necessary to put Ben Yashili Alutai to death and then hurry up.In order to achieve his goal, Wala tried his best to show obedience to the Ming court, and kept sending envoys to the court.Zhu Di naturally "will not refuse anyone who comes, and will give them generous gifts."

However, the Tatars were defeated by the Ming army, and the forces of Oala developed.In the tenth year of Yongle, Mahamu attacked and killed Ben Yashili, and made his son Daliba Khan, thus winning the title of "Orthodox".However, if Oala wants to dominate Mongolia, he must get rid of the obstacle of Tatar.In May of the tenth year of Yongle, Wala Mahamu and others sent their Zhiyuan Dahaier and others to the Ming court with the commander Guanbao.They claimed that "since Benya was destroyed and lost, and he obtained the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, they wanted to send envoys to offer it", but "considering what Alu wants, please ask the heavenly soldiers to get rid of it".The envoy Huanqiang made some demands to the Ming court: "The son of Tuotuobuhua is now in China, please return him." Boyan Aji Shili, a subordinate of Wala, "work hard, please reward him."He even declared that "Walasma cleans up, please ask for arms" and so on.Wala also wanted to impress Zhu Di's heart with the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and lure Zhu Di to become his tool of revenge.Although Zhu Di said that "I have never valued this treasure", Zhu Di could not think about it because the jade seal belonged to the Yuan royal family after all, and it was a symbol of confrontation with the Ming court.Zhu Di said, "This prisoner is arrogant, and the foxes and mice are not enough to compare with them", but the unhappiness in his heart is obvious.On Bingwu, the first month of the eleventh year of Yongle, Mahamu, the king of Wara Shunning, and others sent Boluotai, the evil capital, to the Ming court to pay tribute to the horse.This time, it was even more "resentful in expression", "many requests", and many requests were made to the Ming court, "Ningxia, Gansu, will be attached to the Tatars, please give it to your subordinates". At that time, the imperial court sent to Wala So that Shehei Sudada and others stayed at Mahamu and did not return, Zhu Di was very dissatisfied with Oara's pride, "sent his envoy back", and "ordered Guan Haitong and others to punish him for his crime, and said: 'If you can repent and apologize, treat you as before, otherwise, you will raise troops to punish your crime'".

Corresponding to Oala, the Tatars tried their best to show respect to the Ming court.They pointed out that Wala's arrogance and unreasonable desires competed with the Ming court.In May of the eleventh year of Yongle, Gengzi, Alutai sent Sada Shili and others to report to the Ming court: "Mahamu and others killed their lord, received the imperial seal, and set up Daliba as the master. Please send troops to discuss Therefore, I would like to lead my troops to be the vanguard." In June Jiyou, Mobei Buyan Buhua waited to come to the court, and said: "After killing his lord, Wala Mahamu was arrogant and rude. He wanted to compete with China, so he sent people. When he came to the court, he did not intend to do so, but he did everything he could to gain gold, silk, and property. Bi repeatedly led troops to and fro, and invited tribute envoys, which blocked the Mobei Road, and it was better to use soldiers to get rid of it.” According to the records, the civil and military officials of the Ming court listened to After the report of Bu Yanbuhua and others, "it is said that Mahamu and others are benevolent and virtuous, and should be punished by soldiers."Zhu Di said: "People say that barbarians and di wolves are true. It is advisable to attack, but it is not easy to say that the soldiers are far away. Let's wait for it. If you don't send envoys to apologize in autumn, it is not too late to use troops in spring. "Through the above-mentioned Oala's performance and the report of the Tatar comers, although we can see the arrogance of Oara Mahamu and others, we can know that Oara killed the lord by force, but he did not offend the Ming court. grounds for condemnation.We suspect that the fact that the memorandum was written in this way is actually a tactful excuse for Zhu Di's rashness in the future. "If you don't send envoys to apologize this autumn, you will be punished with soldiers in the spring" which is quite contrived to make excuses.Taking a step back, even if it was not to create an excuse for sending troops, it was a trick of the Tatars to provoke.

Zhu Di "will not refuse anyone who comes" to obedient subjects.Alutai not only repeatedly sent envoys to pay tribute to the horse, but also accepted the seal letter granted by the Zhongshu Province of the Shang Yuan Dynasty to Ming Ting.In July of the eleventh year of Yongle, Zhu Di named Alutai King of Hening.The imperial edict said: "I respectfully accept the destiny of heaven. There is a vast area, where the sun shines and the moon shines. I will not obey. Er Alutai, the survivor of the Yuan Dynasty, can follow the way of heaven and come back. It belongs to the genus, the number of blessings, and the praise with tin. Tefenger is the special Jin Guanglu doctor Taishi and Ning Wang, who are all soldiers and civilians in this place, and guard Juetu for generations. He will always be appointed by Yongguang." Soon, he and Ning Wang Alutai thanked him for his kindness, and also listed 2,962 leaders of the department, ranking them first, and please confer their duties.Zhu Di awarded the posts of governor, commander, commander, thousands of households, and town governor respectively.In the battle with Wala Mahamu and others, Tatar Arutai was eager to find a backer, hoping to defeat the opponent with the help of the Ming court.Zhu Di received the coming of the Tatars and made him king, which could satisfy his vanity.The ultimate goal of the Tatars was to induce the Ming court to send troops to attack Oala.His goal was finally achieved.In the twelfth year of Yongle, Alutai sent in a play, "Wala General Olu has crossed the Yinma River and came to Haramang, threatening to attack himself, so he wanted to peep into Pingxing and Datong."Zhu Di decided to conquer in person.

Regarding Zhu Di's policy towards Tatars and Oirats, commentators often praised him for his clever strategy of "using barbarians to control barbarians", saying that he realized the truth that Tatars and Oirats were "easy to control when they are divided, but difficult to achieve when they are united".Judging from the above-mentioned Zhu Di's handling of the relationship between Tatar and Oala, Zhu Di's clever strategy is to appease the weak and attack the strong, and he adheres to the principle of "not rejecting those who come, and destroying those who oppose their fate".

The court at that time was the suzerain and the protector of the tribes.Ming Chengzu Zhu Di mediated their conflicts and also took advantage of their conflicts.So he made Maratha Mahamu and others kings, and he made Tatar Arutai kings.Bieshabali wanted to attack Oala, but Zhu Di ordered Bieshabali's "Dunsui neighbors". When the Tatars claimed that they were about to be attacked by Oirats, Zhu Di never sat idly by, and even decided to send troops.If it is said that Zhu Di sent troops for the benefit of the Ming Dynasty itself, then his judgment of the situation was not very accurate.After careful investigation, the crimes of Wala listed in the memorandum are "arrogance in expression" and "excessive demands".What Oala is fighting for is first of all to control Tatar and dominate Mongolia, and it is difficult to "compete with China".It is very difficult for Wala to attack both the Tatars and the Ming Dynasty.Geographically, Yinma River is far from Kaiping, Xinghe and Datong.Alutai said "threatening to attack himself, so he wanted to spy on Kaiping, Xinghe, and Datong", but he wanted to provoke the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and Wala, and lure Zhu Di to send troops to act as the enemy on his behalf.Alutai said "willing to lead his troops to be the vanguard", but it was just a bluff.In fact, later when Zhu Di sent troops to Wala, Arutai stood still and did not help the battle. Even Zhu Di led the Ming army to turn around and passed by Arutai's house.Alutai didn't take Da Tianzi seriously. In his view, Zhu Di was just an object that could be used.Alutai did not come to the court, Zhu Di had no choice but to resign, and expressed his condolences to Arutai.Doesn't Zhu Di know that Alu's Taiyang is smooth and negative?It's just inconvenient to say.Zhu Di granted Arutai the title of King Hening, and then sent troops to Oirat. In this political game, Tatar and Oirat also had their own agendas.What they want and want to fight is also based on their own interests.

Tan Qian, a historian in the early Qing Dynasty, commented on this period of history: The barbarians and the Di fight each other, which benefits China.Benya lost his face and killed my envoy.To Qian Wanglue.Now Wala Mahamu and others are taking advantage of their weakness to vent their anger on my behalf.Tatar Alutai, please take revenge, the hatred is not mine.Mahamu and others also invited Arutai to be conquered, and the two were placed, and they were allowed to compete for strength.If you lose, you will be very sleepy, and if you win, you will be exhausted. Because of the situation, you will make meritorious deeds. This is the miracle of Bian Zhuangzi's assassination of the tiger.Naifeng Alutai, Jiayuanwala, light ten thousand multiplication first!Hou Alu's unpredictable, it is enough to scoff at Wala.

Zhu Di not only failed to "control barbarians with barbarians", but put himself in a passive position.Some writings of the Ming people also criticized Zhu Di, saying: "Wala Mahamu and others heard that the court made Arutai king, and they all complained, and the tribute was not paid." They believed that Wala's rebellion was entirely caused by Zhu Di's policy.This is the same meaning as our previous analysis that Zhu Di made Wala Mahamu and others the king, which caused the dissatisfaction of Ben Yashili and Alutai.At this time, Wala Lidariba also regarded himself as the Khan of the whole Mongolia.

However, Zhu Di's personal conquest of Wala also had its own interests.A powerful and rebellious Wala is what Zhu Di doesn't want to see.Zhu Di was able to bow his armor and arrows, not avoid the frost and dew, go deep into Mobei, and defeat Oala. He undoubtedly had to show himself to be brave and invincible in order to establish his personal prestige, but at the same time it could also stabilize the north of the Ming Dynasty. It must be positive and worthy of recognition. From June to August in the twelfth year of Yongle, Zhu Di led the Ming army through a fierce battle with Wala.In the first month of the thirteenth year of Yongle, Wala Mahamu and others sent people to apologize.In the following years, the relations among Tatars, Oirats and the Ming Dynasty entered into a relatively peaceful period.They all maintained the relationship of envoys, tribute, and vassals with the Ming court.The vendetta between Tatar and Oala remained the same.As long as they don't "go against the fate" of the court, Zhu Di will ignore them.At this time, the Ming court was in a condescending and detached position among the three.Wala wanted to attack Tatar, so he first notified the court.When the Tatars defeated Oala, they also offered their captured troops to the imperial court, and the imperial court rewarded those who made meritorious service in the battle.Tatar was defeated by Oala, and the imperial court decided to appease the "Tatar returnees".Wala was defeated by the Tatars, and the imperial court also sent envoys to express condolences.Some Tatar tributes ran rampant in the city, and the imperial court sent Arutai to self-government.During this period, Zhu Di's policy towards Tatars and Oirats really had the meaning of "treating barbarians and dinos by not governing them", waiting for work with ease and reaping profits.

In the first month of the 19th year of Yongle, Alutai sent the governor Tuomur and other tribute horses.Tuomuer waited until the border "to rob business travelers", "the captives are arrogant, and the tribute will not come".The Tatars fell out with the Ming Dynasty again, so there were Zhu Di's personal conquests in the 20th, 21st, and 22nd years of Yongle.Regarding the reason for this personal conquest, Zheng Wenbin of the Ming Dynasty believed that it was: "In the fifteenth year of Yongle, Mahamu died, and his son Tuo Huan was named King of Shunning. Alu was angry with Taiwan, so he rebelled and entered the bandits to make peace." Alu Taiwan's betrayal was caused by the Ming court: "If Alutai is sealed, Wala will rebel, and if Tuohuan is sealed, Arutai will rebel. It is also a trend." It is entirely due to the Ming court's mishandling. Zhu Di wanted to be a king who transcended the ages and ruled Huayi.He "will not reject anyone who comes" to his subjects outside the border, and at the same time "will destroy against fate". "Whoever comes will not be rejected" and "If you go against your fate, you will be wiped out" can sum up Zhu Di's entire policy towards Tatars and Oirats.Zhu Di did not attempt to divide and rule Mongolia, "rule the barbarians with the barbarians", and he did not have any other clever calculations, "no one who comes will be rejected", "if you go against your fate, you will be wiped out", that's all. "If you rebel against fate, you will be wiped out" has become Zhu Di's tenacious creed.He stubbornly wants to bring all "rebels" into submission, without asking how much it will cost or whether it is necessary.Only Alutai's "arrogance", "carrying two", and "invasion of the frontier by the troops" have repeatedly made expeditions.In the 21st and 22nd years of Yongle, he went out to the fortress twice, but he did not encounter any enemies. It can be seen that Zhu Di is determined to go his own way. Regarding Zhu Di's policy, Tan Qian commented: Emperor Wen began to conscript captives, and Arutai, where he did not sleep, did not set them up.If you die, if you seal Arutai, you will conquer Wala; if you die, if you believe in Wala, you will conquer Arutai.In the past ten years, the first ministers suddenly rebelled, the first rewards and the next reprimands were not responsible for the tigers and wolves, and the calculations of the temples were different, not because of the prestige and trust thousands of miles away.If it is said that Arutai invaded, then the invasion of Wala will also be announced.And he fled to Alutai, and punished him in Wuliangha, saying that the other party was rebellious... He was far away, admiring strange strategies, and didn't want to be in vain. Where did Zhu Di aspire to a long-term strategy and admiration for an ingenious strategy?If you want to go your own way, you will die! As for the saying "Divided is easy to control, combined is difficult to draw", this sentence comes from Huang Huai's mouth, not referring to Tatar or Wala.In the twelfth month of the ninth year of Yongle, Alutai sent people to ask the Ming Dynasty to take Tubo and Nvzhi as their subordinates: "Please restrain Nvzhi and Tubo subordinates."Huang Huai, a scholar of Youchunfang University, said: "It is easy to control if it is divided, but it is difficult to draw together." Looking around, he said: "Huang Huai is like standing on a high hill, and you can't see it from far away. Everyone sees it as if it is on flat ground. Only for the moment." So, what is the record of Zhu Di leading his division in the Northern Expedition? The Ming people praised Zhu Di's achievements in the Northern Expedition, and they praised Zhu Di's achievements in the north. The so-called "five out of Mobei, three plows in the court", the so-called "North Qing desert, south Dingjiao site, its mighty virtue is not far away from Henkel. Well." Yuan Hua (1502-1547), who was in charge of the Ministry of War during the Jiajing period, said: "Emperor Wen bowed his armour, and Emperor Zhang's master and disciple chased after him and went deep into Mobei to calm the Hulu. It is clear and clear, and there are few relics. Wherever you go, you will be covered by those who were not seen by the Han Wu Tang Zong." They all regarded Zhu Di's martial arts in the Northern Expedition as surpassing the Han and Tang Dynasties.Yang Rong and others, who used to accompany Beizheng as counselors, praised Beizheng even more: The emperor used the capital of martial arts to follow his will and tell the story, and he had a battle axe, but thousands of miles away from Longsha, there was no legacy, and he thought that the sons and grandsons of the saints would have a boundless career for thousands of years.It is impossible for those who have followed the rules of the past and followed the hardships in the future.The holiness and magic power are majestic and radiant, straight to the heaven and the earth.Husband is so shallow that he can only describe what happened!However, the honorable minister is not talented, and he is employed in writing and calligraphy. He prepares his staff to serve among the soldiers and horses. .Wherever Heaven's Ge goes, it is invincible, so it is easy to sweep away evildoers, and this is an indomitable feat that will last forever. Yao Guangxiao, the young master of the prince, said: It was less than a month before they arrived at the prisoner's territory, and the group of fierce men screamed and had nowhere to escape.Embracing its caves, making all the ugly ones, and obtaining horses, camels, cattle and sheep, countless.Sweep clean the desert, clean the grass and fields, and the soldiers will file their applications without blood.Sincerity is the teacher of the king, which has never existed since ancient times. ...Song said... A glance at the north and the south, all belong to Wang Hua, there is nothing outside.The miraculous achievements are strong, the holiness is majestic, and it is as good as the sky.Recorded in the annals of history, engraved in gold and stone, it will be known to all generations. What is the martial arts of Yongle Beizheng?Is it because Zhu Di's Northern Expedition left his descendants with "a career without boundaries for thousands of years"?These are worthy of careful analysis.Let me talk about the specific combat achievements first.The people of the Ming Dynasty recorded the battles, and they detailed the military exploits again and again.One is to show the emperor not to deceive, the other is to show the evidence of meritorious deeds and rewards, and the third is to examine the growth and decline of the enemy's strength.For example, the records of the results of several Northern Expeditions during the Hongwu period: In the third year of Hongwu, in April Bingyin, the general Xu Da and others led his troops out of Anding to station at Sheneryukou, and fought against Wang Baobao across a deep ditch. ...The Baobao army was defeated in the chaotic family in northern Sichuan, and captured Yuan Tan Wang, Wen Ji Wang and their state officials Yan Sixiao, Pingzhang Han Zhaerhu, Lin Chi, Yan Fengxian, Li Jingchang, Chahan Buhua and other officials for a thousand and eight One hundred and sixty-five people, more than 84,500 generals and soldiers, and more than 15,280 horses, including camels, mules, donkeys, and miscellaneous animals, were called. Baobao and his wife fled north from the ancient city.In May of the 20th year of Hongwu, Feng Shengzheng went out of Naha, and obtained more than 200,000 troops, including cattle, sheep, horses and camels, which stretched more than a hundred miles.Returning to Yimi River, recovered more than 20,000 disabled soldiers and 50,000 chariots and horses. In the twenty-first year of Hongwu, General Lan Yu, Deputy General Tang Shengzong, and Guo Ying fought against the northern captives. The captives fled on dozens of horses and captured sixty-four second sons and concubines. 2,994 people from King Wu, King Dai, and Pingzhang were recovered, more than 77,000 soldiers, men and women, 149 pages of Baoxie books, 3,390 notes from Xuanzhang, gold One seal, three silver seals, 47,000 horses, 4,844 towed heads, 102,452 cattle and sheep, and more than 3,000 liang of carts.Gather soldiers and burn them. Now, let's take a look at the records about Zhu Di's Northern Expedition for comparison. The first northern expedition, Yongle eight years to conquer Tatar. Jin Youzi; "Northern Expedition Records": On the eighth day of the fifth lunar month, Hu Qidu commanded Kuaitai and captured one person. On the tenth day of the fifth lunar month, on that day, the sentry horse was sent to the camp by several Hu Kou people, sheep and horses, and luggage. On the 9th day of the sixth month, I saw captives haunting the valley... Shanghui's old guards destroyed them.Invincible.After running for more than ten miles. On the 11th day of the sixth month, the commander first chased the Qingqi to chase the scattered captives... In the afternoon, he began to walk into the valley, and gradually saw the captives abandoning their luggage. On the twelfth day of the sixth month, they marched southeast from Changxiuchuan, and captured abandoned cattle, sheep, dogs and horses all over the valley. On June 13th, at noon, the second Guangmo garrison returned to the camp.They chased captives in the valley.Re-defeated. On the 14th day of the sixth month, the camp was sent out in Guangmo,... the remaining captives still came to peep behind me.Go up to press the soldiers on the river bend, pretending to lure them with several people carrying luggage behind them. ... Captured several people alive.All the rest died, and the captives were extinct. Volume 104 of "Records of Emperor Taizong of Ming Dynasty": In the fifth month, at Jimao, the chariots drove to the Onan River...the captive Benya, who was poor and poor, crossed the river with seven horsemen and fled, capturing men, women, and animals. Xinsi, the generals came to see more than a hundred men and women including Bald Timur. ...there are many surrenders. (Press, the descendants are the family members) At the end of Guiwei, the car drove to Qingchen River, and commanded Wan Zhong to capture four captives. Bingxu, the teacher's edict after get off work. In the first day of the sixth month, Alutai gathered in the valley...there were more than a thousand horsemen on the bow, and they went straight to the captives...Alutai lost his color and fell off the horse, and took the dead to sleep...Ride the horse and go, my teacher rides on it, and chases after him Ben more than a hundred miles.The captives collapsed.Alutai fled away with his family. On Bingwu, when they reached Changxiuchuan, the captives abandoned their luggage, cattle, sheep, and offal, filling the valley and both sides of the river, stretching for more than a hundred li. Ding Wei chased the captives at Huiqujin... Our teacher fought hard and was defeated.Kill more than a hundred people under his name. Jiyou, when the captives saw the large army crossing the river, they rushed to them because they were greedy for their cargo...then they captured dozens of people alive, and the rest died.Since it was a military march, no captive dared to peep at the latter. Zheng Xiao: "Journal of Words": In May, Wuyin went up to Wujierzha and fled captives.Tomorrow, pursue to the Onan River, where the captives refuse to fight.Climbing up the mountain to set up an array, the vanguard defeated the captives, and Ben Ya lost his face and fled across the river with seven horsemen.Renwu, stationed in Wuyuan Peak.Bingxu, the second time he drank the Mahe, he told the eldest son of the emperor, and then issued an edict to the class teacher. Wang Shizhen: Volume 4 of "The Preliminary Collection of Yanzhou Historical Materials": He led all the generals to chase him to the Onan River and the captives... Ben Ya lost his life and fled with seven horses, and it was useless to capture heavy luggage and evil animals.At that time, Alutai ran eastward, and chased to Feiyunhe again...the captives were defeated.Then it was built to Changxiuchuan with fine riding.He ordered Jizhong, the governor of the capital, to collect all his cattle, sheep and offal, and burn his luggage.After chasing back to Huiqujin, he was defeated, and hundreds of people under his famous king were killed and returned.Cross the river to Guangmo Town.The ambush broke his pursuers, and he captured more than a thousand, and began to be a class teacher. This Northern Expedition was the most fruitful of Zhu Di's five trips to the fortress.However, official books and even unofficial histories are vague about the results of the battle.The emperor personally conquered, and the whole country looked forward to it. Zhu Di wanted to leave a good name for later generations.If the results of Zhu Di's Northern Conquest are impressive, he will definitely describe them in detail to show off to the world.Unfortunately, the Northern Expedition had few successes.The ambiguous numbers and vague records are obviously concealed by the historian.Tan Qian said: "Qiu Fu's wrath cannot be overwhelmed. He generously faced the army and traveled thousands of miles. Seeing him go to the Khan, defeat the grand master, and capture and behead the history. Yu Wei and Huo You added to the power of jade. Emperor Wen bowed and carried the yellow axe, but he never became one of them, so he did it many times." In addition, after obtaining such a victory with little captives, the Ming army was chased by the Tatars twice on the way, which also shows that the setbacks suffered by the Tatars were not serious, and they still had the power to fight back. The victory of the Ming army this time was a bit of a fluke.The Ming army marched north just after the Tatars split and fought each other. "Records" contains: "Benya lost his life and heard that the army was going out of the fortress. He was very afraid and wanted to go west with Arutai. When Arutai refused, the crowd became chaotic and killed each other. Benya lost his way and ran westward. Arutai Running eastward, the remaining tribes also dispersed.” In contrast, the Ming Dynasty’s northward expedition army numbered as many as 500,000. , The sun is shining brightly, the iron cavalry is leaping, and the drums are shaking." The situation on both sides dimmed the glory of the Ming army's victory even more. Furthermore, this campaign did not subdue the Tatar Arutai.In December of the ninth year of Yongle, Arutai did "send envoys to pay".but: Arutai sent envoys to pay the money, and asked to deploy the female tribes of Tubo. Alutai returned the money, please serve the tribes of Tupan, ask the court to engrave gold as an oath, grind it in gold wine, and drink the chiefs to make an alliance. Although these records say that "payment" is "begging" and "please", the content of the begging is not ordinary.At that time, Nvzhi and Tubo tribes all professed their ministers to the Ming Dynasty, and their officials were also appointed by the court.Arutai's request to deploy Nvzhi and Tubo tribes is tantamount to arbitrarily threatening the Ming Dynasty.Although the Ming Dynasty did not agree to his request, there was nothing they could do about Alutai's unreasonable attitude.In addition, as mentioned above, Zhu Di traveled northward on the Oala Road and passed through the territory of Tatar. He Ning Wang Alutai, who accepted the title of the imperial court, even claimed that he was ill and did not go to see Zhu Di.These all show that the force of the Ming court did not make Alutai surrender sincerely, and Arutai had nothing to fear. The second northern expedition, Yongle conquered Wala in December. Jin Youzi: "Records after the Northern Expedition": On the seventh day of June, when Cihulan suddenly lost temperature, Daliba, the leader of the thieves, came to fight with Mahamu, Taiping, and Tupolo who swept away the territory... before the confrontation, the firecrackers were stolen, and the elite fought forward again. All are equal to one hundred.The bandits were defeated, and the casualties and wounded were irrelevant, and the bandits all followed suit, and fled to Tula River at night. Volume 125 of "Records of Emperor Taizong of Ming Dynasty": In June Jiachen, I stayed in Shuangquanhai, which is the land of Sariqier.The forward governor Liu Jiang and other soldiers went to Kanghari boy, met the captives and fought, beheaded dozens of captives and reported it. Wushen, staying in the middle of the night suddenly loses temperature.On that day, the captives Taliba, Mahamu, Taiping, Batu Polo and others led a crowd against our division... Liu Sheng, the marquis of Anyuan, and others fired their magic guns and killed hundreds of thieves. They personally led their cavalry to attack them.The captives were defeated.Zheng Heng, Marquis of Wu'an, and others pursued him, but Heng Zhongliu retreated.Chen Mao, Marquis of Ningyang, and Wang Tong, Marquis of Chengshan led troops to attack the right side of the captives.The prisoner did not move.Commander Zhu Chong, Commander Lu Xing and others went straight to the captives, firing the magical guns repeatedly, and the dead were not counted.Marquis Li Bin of Fengcheng, Governor Tan Qing, and Ma Ju attacked the left side.Fight to the death.Ju was created, and all commanded Mandu to fight to death.Seeing it from a distance, he led his iron cavalry to attack, and the captives were defeated. More than ten princes were killed, and thousands of captive heads were beheaded.The rest were defeated.Taking advantage of the victory, the army pursued them until they reached the Tula River, where they captured several people alive.Mahamu and Taiping fled away.At the end of the meeting, the troops were not withdrawn... Shang said: "...It must be wiped out." The emperor's grandson said to him: "... Please don't chase after it, it is better to be a teacher in time." Chen Renxi: "Huangming Shifalu": In June, to Sariqierdi.Mahamu and the captive chieftain Taiping led Tu Polo and others to fight against him. The generals defeated him and killed hundreds of people. They chased them to the Tula River and defeated them again.Mahamu fled to the north, so the teacher returned. Song Duanyi: Volume 3 of "Li Zhai Xianlu": At the beginning of June, to Hulan suddenly lost temperature.Answer Liba waited to sweep the border to refuse, but there were more than 30,000 people.After fighting again for a while, they all retreated, and the bandits were defeated.Flee to (earth) La River.If you encounter bandits later, you will beat them away. Wang Shizhen: Volume 14 of "Previous Collection of Yanzhou Historical Materials": Twelve years of the Northern Expedition... the captives came to fight.Liu Sheng, the Marquis of Anyuan, and others killed hundreds of thieves with magic guns.Lead the iron cavalry to ride on it, and the captives are defeated.Zheng Heng, Marquis of Wu'an, pursued him, but retreated mid-stream.Chen Mao, Marquis of Ningyang, and Wang Tong, Marquis of Chengshan led troops to attack his right side, but did not move.Marquis Li Bin of Fengcheng, Governor Tan Qing, and Ma Ju attacked Qi Zuo, and the captives fought to the death. They were wounded, and they all commanded Mandu to fight to the death.Seeing it from afar, he led his iron cavalry to gallop, and the captives were defeated. They killed more than ten princes, beheaded more than a thousand ranks, and all the rest left.The army took advantage of the victory and pursued it...Gai Shi was victorious, but the casualties were considerable, and they attacked again after a few dangers, so the order of the squadron was sent down urgently. In this battle, the Ming army used "500,000 people" to conquer Oala, which "swept the territory" but had "more than 30,000 people", and the momentum was hanging.However, the Ming army fought very hard, and the two sides "killed equally". If it weren't for the "order of the squadron" to "dismount in a hurry", the outcome would be unknown.However, the edict of the Ming army's class teacher said calmly: "The sword is handed over, just like destroying decay." Come to fight and chase to the Tula River. The captive chieftains all came to refuse, our division fought hard, and was defeated. The wolf ran and the hog was horrified, and there was nothing wrong. Abandon the bow and donate the arrows, and run with howls." But it involves the specific results of the battle. , and had to be vague: "Then killed dozens of people below his famous king, beheaded so many people, and the rest of the captives fled." The Ming army returned to Beijing on the first day of August, and there was "Mahamu in September". The news of "wanting to plunder Gansu" can also prove that Oirat's strength has not suffered much loss, and it has not been suppressed because of this campaign.The conquest of Oala this time and the previous conquest of Tatars also failed to achieve the expected goals. Not only that, but these two northern expeditions also caused the Ming Dynasty to "eighty-nine out of ten of the military and horse savings" and "exhausted internally and externally", and the losses were huge. The third northern expedition, the 20th year of Yongle conquered Tatar. Volume 250 of "Records of Emperor Taizong of Ming Dynasty": In August, Xin Chou, as a class teacher, issued an edict to the world... on July 4th, the division arrived at the north of Kuo Luanhai. The ugly captive Alutai was shocked by the wind, abandoned his belongings, cattle, sheep, horses and camels and fled for his life.Then he moved his troops to suppress the bandits of Wuliangha, his party, and traveled eastward to Qucierhe, where he met the bandits and led the vanguard to destroy them.Arrived at its lair, killed dozens of thieves, beheaded the rest of the party without counting, captured the population of the tribe, burned its luggage, collected all its breeding animals, appeased and surrendered, and immediately dispatched teachers. Wang Shizhen: Volume 4 of "The Preliminary Collection of Yanzhou Historical Materials": Go north to conquer Alutai, and kill Hu Yuan for the second time.Arutai and his family fled north.The soldiers collected all their cattle, sheep, camels and horses, and burned their luggage.Moved to Zhengwu Liangha.As far as the Quli River, tens of thousands of captives rushed westward with cattle, horses and vehicles, and got stuck in the big swamp, fighting against the battle hastily.Lead the vanguard, hit them, behead hundreds, and chase them to the river... Hundreds of bandits suddenly go right and catch them all.And the soldiers circled to the left for more than 30 li.Invited by the magic crossbow in the forest.The Kou Sui collapsed, the casualties were overwhelming, and they chased for more than 30 miles, arrived at his lair, beheaded dozens of people, and captured his party, Boerke, etc., and took all of his population, cattle, sheep, horses and camels, burned his luggage and weapons, The rest of the party who did not surrender were pardoned.More than a thousand men and women were recovered.Find two and defeat his pursuers.All the generals who smashed other tribes were defeated again, beheaded thousands of levels, and collected their population to breed livestock.According to it, it is the most successful move, but Alutai escapes without being punished. Chen Renxi: Volume 16 of "Huang Ming Shi Fa Lu": In March, Kou Xinghe of Alutai killed the guard general Wang Huan, and Shangnai went to Jiming Mountain for the second time, and escaped at night after hearing the news... In July, he killed Hu Yuan for the second time.The vanguard who captured the spies said that Alutai abandoned his camels, horses, cattle, sheep and luggage on the side of the broad sea, and fled far away with his family.It is to burn all the luggage, collect the abandoned livestock, and return it with the teacher.The generals said: "So Yi Alutai is a rebel, and the bandit of Wuliangha. You should return to attack. The soldiers on the top chased and beheaded hundreds of levels, and the rest of the crowd fled. Then chased to its lair, captured and beheaded. Dozens of captive chieftains collected more than 100,000 cattle, sheep, camels and horses and returned them. Sun Yuanzhen, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites who witnessed the battle, recorded the situation at that time and said: At that time, the three tribes of King Ning, Wala, and Wuliangha were not unified, and they were suspicious of each other, and each stayed away first to protect its species.Therefore, the heavenly soldiers are like entering the land of no one, until the north of the black pine forest.But he captured the old and the weak, and took back his horses, cattle and sheep. There are many ambiguous and exaggerated words in the "Records" and other records, but in short, it is said that the main purpose of this expedition was not achieved.Alutai fled far away, and the Ming army failed to confront it. When they returned to attack Wuliangha, they only captured the old and weak.Originally Fuhu, but prevaricated by capturing the rabbit, he finally made it out of the fort in vain, and it can be regarded as earning Zhu Di some face.Wang Shizhen said, "It is the most successful move", and then went on to say, "Arutai escaped, but was not executed."Is it success?Still frustrated?Wang Shizhen's "small talk and big righteousness" is very clear. The above is the so-called "three plow court". As for the next two northern expeditions, they were all "returned without success." "History of Ming Dynasty Xia Yuanji Biography" said: "Already, after going out of the fortress every year, there is no enemy." The fourth Northern Expedition, the 21st year of Yongle’s conquest of Tatars: “The Sixth Division went deep, and the bandits had fled far away. The emperor was ashamed of his ineffectiveness. He was overjoyed to see him (who also worked in the first place) come back. He gave him a name and made him a loyal and brave king. "It also made Zhu Di, who went out to the army and did not meet the enemy, very happy when he returned from the soil. This matter can be said to cover up the shame of Zhu Di's futility in laboring as a teacher, so Zhu Di's courtesy is also very good.However, Ye Xiantugan's attachment did not help the control of Alutai.When Wang Shizhen recorded Ye Xiantugan's attachment, he also pointed out that Ye Xiantugan was a "chief of other tribes", that is, he was not under Alutai, and it was a spring and autumn style of writing. The fifth Northern Expedition, in the 22nd year of Yongle, conquered Tatar, but still saw no enemy. "The car drove to Tianma Peak and traveled for dozens of miles. Ningyang Marquis Chen Mao and others sent people to play: I have reached the Dalan Namur River, and I can see the deer and wild grass. The captives are gone, and the ruts and horse tracks are all gone. I suspect that he has escaped for a long time." "British Duke Zhang Fu and others divided Suo Valley for more than 300 miles, and there was no sign of a single person." At this time, Zhu Di himself also felt that there was no hope for Beizheng.In May Jiashen, when the army was in Kaiping, Zhu Di called Yang Rong and Jin Youzi to Weizhong, and said to him: "I dreamed three drums last night that there is a god and man who is like the world's book, tell me, 'God is good for life', and if so, come again." How is this auspicious? Does God want this bandit subordinate?" Zhu Di almost thought that God was secretly protecting the Tatars.Today, Mr. Huang Yunmei said: "The fake Mengshen told me that knowing the futility of Cheng Zujian Wangshi's four outings, the wish of plowing the court is almost slackened." Very true. In June of this year, in Jiazi, Zhu Di died in Yumuchuan on the way to the teacher. "Five Out of Mobei" ended like this. Zhu Di was very happy with his achievements, and wanted to imitate the ancient famous kings to show off to future generations. Before he met the enemy for the first time, he was busy making stone inscriptions to show off to the world.Xuanshipo's inscription said: "It preserves the sun and the moon, preserves the heaven and earth's longevity, and Yuanshi's inscription lasts a long time with it." Captured Hu Shan's inscription and said: "The vast sea is the tan, and the Tianshan Mountains are the neck. Sweep away the dust and clear the desert forever. "Guangwu Town Le Ming said: "The Sixth Division of Yu Shuo used to wipe out the ugly captives. The mountains are high and the water is clear, and we will show our martial arts forever." What a majestic momentum!However, Zhu Di devoted his whole life, but his aspirations were not fulfilled.Wang Shizhen lamented that Zhu Di's northern expedition was "far away from Xionglue and close to the temple".It is said that he "clothed his clothes lightly, offended Shuanglu, and used the medium to predict. Looking north and holding the pain of the left bow, it still seems new to this day."It's really a regret through the ages.Zhu Di commanded an army of hundreds of thousands, exhausting all the manpower in the world, and sent troops every year, "it can't be safe for several years."Zhu Di was far from being able to solve the Mongolian problem.Not only after Yongle, the Ming Dynasty was still harassed by Tatars and Oirats, even in the Yongle period, this harassment could not be completely resolved. It is said in history that Zhu Di was "good at fighting", which is actually debatable.First, when Zhu Di was the king of Yan, he went out to the fortress at the same time as the kings of Qin and Jin.It was only after the death of King Qin and King Jin that King Yan came to the fore.Second, "Ming Taizu Shilu" was re-edited twice during the Yongle Dynasty. One of its intentions was to belittle the kings and elevate Zhu Di, and all the records about King Yan were exaggerated.However, unofficial histories such as "Wu Xue Bian" and local chronicles such as "Yong Da Ji" all say that the King of Qin was "strict and brave" and the King of Jin was "smart and heroic", and their achievements are also recorded.Third, during the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Yuanzhang had cleaned up the Yuan Rong veterans of the imperial court. Zhu Di had been stationed in the Fortress for a long time, had a heavy army, and had long-term experience in commanding troops. However, the only income he earned in three years was the three prefectures of Beiping, during which he was surrounded by Jinan for a long time , the Battle of Dongchang and the Battle of Baigouhe were almost defeated. Later, the middle officials were used as traitors and military officials rebelled and surrendered before they easily won.Fourth, after Zhu Di ascended the throne, his troops went out of the fortress several times, regardless of the distance from the base area, and the difficulty of feeding them. Every time they went out, they were ignorant of the enemy's situation, and only thought of reconnaissance when they entered the enemy's territory.In the 22nd year of Yongle, when he went out of the fortress, "those who captured the spies" knew that "the captives went to Qiuwen to send troops, and they took their subordinates to flee. When the winter was heavy and snowy for more than ten feet, many livestock died, and the parts were scattered. Compared with Wen's army, it came ,复遁往答兰纳木儿河,趋荒漠以避”。决策既不高明,指挥亦欠周详。第五,朱棣刚愎自用,左右唯承命而已,“诸元侯锐士,徒知凛畏”,谋议畜朒。朱棣又不愿诸将分其功,宿将何福从征,仅以“数违节度”,遭嫌自经。 “功冠交南”的张辅,被朱棣“亟借而北”,出塞从征,但仅令其“俾之督运”而不预军政。因而,难说朱棣是位好的军事统帅。相反,朱棣所征之敌又具有许多优势:“驰突,北虏之所便宜。沙漠,斥堠之所不及。”内地军士“夏往有暑渴之虞,冬进有寒仆之患,樵苏称后,或虞于粮,逻堠暂弛,每至于失道”。因而,“今以数万之众,逡巡于泻卤不毛之地,始则求战之无期,终则入塞之途远。隐柳伏荻,戒心日警,鸣笳锉镝,车变不常。而欲以有限之食,垂竭之力,群既困之敌,为尽歼之举乎?”蒙人逐水草而居,能战而战,不战则走,成败之数,早已决定了。 以朱棣的胸怀,是要做全天下之主的。他的征交阯、下西洋、出西域等等,均取得了相当的成功。唯独北征蒙古,为之留下了终生遗憾。垒土九仞,功亏一篑。每读史至此,常为惜之。朱棣惮毕生精力解决蒙古问题。鞑靼的阿鲁台、瓦剌的马哈木、太平、把秃孛罗,尽管乍臣乍叛,但还是接受了明朝的封号,号称蒙古可汗的,不论是鬼力赤,也不论是本雅失里、答里巴却一直与明廷处于对抗姿态。扎奇斯钦的文章已经指出这一点。既然是这样,不管御用文人怎样吹嘘朱棣北征“廓清妖氛”,“几无孑遗”,朱棣都十分清楚蒙古的不臣之心。什么和宁王、顺宁王,名义虽好听,实际并不可靠。永乐二十年,朱棣北征经过李陵城,发现了一通元朝留下的李陵台驿令谢某德政碑。碑阴刻有达鲁花赤等名氏。朱棣深以此为虑。他说:“碑有蒙古名,异日且以为己地,启争端。”命随行的侍读王英往击碎之。这说明朱棣完全清楚蒙古人并未诚心臣服,而且,对其将来能否臣服也心中无数。他似乎已预感到蒙古将会成为子孙之患。 永乐北征对蒙汉双方的破坏是巨大的,它使蒙古地区的社会经济生活无法正常进行。数十万大军深入漠北,势必使其老幼男妇无不投入战争。明军每入其境,不但“斩其名王”,而且“虏其男妇”。如前所举,永乐八年北征,明军至长秀川,鞑靼“弃辎重牛羊杂畜满山谷及河之两旁,连延百余里”,“辎重弥望”,“弃牛羊狗马满山谷”,明军则“收其牛羊杂畜,焚其辎重”。又如永乐二十二年北征,鞑靼“去秋闻朝廷出兵,挟其属以遁。及冬大雪丈余,部曲离散,比闻大军且至……复趋荒漠以避”。北征给蒙古地区经济造成的后果可想而知。 北征给明朝造成的最大问题是“财力大窘”。第一次北征时,就遇到粮饷不足。清远侯王友率军运饷不至,“军士乏食,多饿死者”,朱棣不得不“久素食”,“命以所获牛羊悉分诸将给军食”,甚至“供具减半”。第五次北征,“士卒饥冻,馈运不济,死亡十二三”,杨荣“请以供御之余给军,而令军中有余者得相贷,入塞官为倍偿”,才勉强渡过难关。 永乐北征,第一、二两次用兵均达五十万,第四次三十万,其他两次亦在数十万之数。为了供给这样庞大的军队,几乎需要动员全国的力量。以永乐二十二年北征为例,为供军饷,天下府库,搜索殆遍,“查勘两京及天下库府藏递年出纳之数”,“点勘南京并直隶卫府州系食粮递年出纳之数”,令督山西、山东、河南三布政司,直隶、应天、镇江、庐州、淮安、顺天、保定、顺德、广平、真定、大名、永平、河间十三府,滁、和、徐三州有司造车,丁壮挽运。共用驴三十四万头,车十一万七千五百七十三辆,挽车民丁二十三万五千一百四十六人,运粮凡三十七万石。永乐二十一年北征,命河南、山东、山西民丁随军供馈饷,“郡邑各遣官率之,惮行者往往为规避计”。由于道路险远,地冻天寒,不少民夫在运粮中冻伤手足或疾病而死。 朱棣好大喜功,征安南,下西洋,营建北京宫殿陵墓,再加上一再出塞亲征,国家早已被弄得入不敷出、疲惫不堪了。因此洪熙、宣德以后不断有人对永乐弊政提出批评。范济谒阙上书,希望“毋以征讨夷狄为意,毋以忿忿不平为念。弃沙漠不毛之地,悯华夏礼义之民。俾妇不霜,老不独,尽力于田蚕,贡赋于上国。边塞无伤痍之苦,闾里绝呻吟之声”。朱棣一死,他们把压在心底的话一下抖了出来。 民间对朱棣的黩武,也表现出种种不满。明朝政府是奖励生育的。丁多可以打仗,可以服役,可以供赋。因而明廷对“一产三男”之家给予格外优待。但是,永乐时期,由于兵役不止,劳作不休,民间甚至不希望多生男子:“京师愚民有厌多男子,生则弃之不育者。”这是多么悲惨的现象。唐人哀叹:“信是生男恶,反是生女好。生女犹得嫁比邻,生男埋没随百草。”殆与之同心。和御用文人歌颂朱棣武功相反,一些边塞诗反映出民间厌恶战争的情绪:“曾逐嫖姚出汉关,故乡宁负老来还!到家莫恨无金印,数亩青山梦亦闲。”“无家亦归去,胜作异乡尘。”“多少还家梦,中原有弟兄。” 明朝军队总数,洪武时期为一百五十万到一百七十万人,到永乐时期膨胀到三百一十万人之多。洪武时王淑英上疏,已哀叹兵过多,造成“赋敛之难平”,“储蓄之未丰”,永乐时军费负担可想而知。庞大的军事开支和无止境的挥霍,都来源于军民的血汗。以屯军而论,宣德初年龚翊上言说,“官军屯田,子粒繁重”,田土所出“除工费及本力外,抵官数常恐不足,已周岁月粮,夫复何望?忽遇欠岁,尤更狼狈,是以冻馁交迫。强者取于触法为非,弱者甘为沟瘠以死”。以民间而论,永乐二十年八月户部尚书郭资言:“天下郡县所上永乐十七至十九年实征之数,分豁本色折色……率未完。”洪熙元年四川双流知县孔谅言,“贡赋应纳税粮外,复有买办、采办等事”,“致有吏曹交通搅纳,巧立辨验折耗之名,科取数倍,奸弊百端,重为民害”。百姓由于军费而造成的沉重负担是极为严重的。因而,朱棣的一再北征如前文所述遭到了众多大臣如方宾、夏原吉的激烈反对。另外,朱棣的频年出师也遭到了邻邦的批评和耻笑。比如,第一次北征的消息传到朝鲜,其君臣有如下这样一段对话: 廷显启于上曰:“帝欲以二月十五日亲征鞑靼,抄诸路军,诸路城子,男无余丁,老弱妇女亦不得出于城外。禁兵侍卫而立食,外卒牵车而转输。” 上问:“达达先来侵欤?帝欲先往征乎?” 廷显言:“达达之来侵,臣等未之闻也。但闻沂国公率禁兵见败于贼,故帝欲雪其耻,将往征之。” 上曰:“彼来侵我,不得已而应之可也。若我先劳民而往征于穷荒之地,可乎?不胜则为天下笑矣。”
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