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Chapter 45 investment strategy

Strategy applied to investment activities is investment strategy.Since the investment strategy has a global, long-term and fundamental color, it is determined that it is a programmatic tool that overrides all strategies and is in a dominant position.If there is no investment strategy concept in market investment, it will be difficult to become the final winner in the market game. Specific to China's investment environment, since China will still be in the stage of rapid economic development for a long period of time in the future, there is almost no motivation to restrain investment expansion in the process of growth and development, that is, the objective needs of investment can basically be regarded as unlimited .The macro background provides Focus with the opportunity to rationally use investment strategies, and the increasingly open domestic financial investment market and the influx of international investors undoubtedly bring to Focus the sufficient guarantee of funds required for investment.

Generally speaking, different investors have obvious differences in their investment strategy choices due to their differences in market competition position, investment capital scale, transaction level and transaction habits.But in any case, for all kinds of investors, the lack of investment strategy often leads to a big difference between their investment results and investment expectations, which not only scars many people, but even affects their confidence in continuing to invest in the market. "If you don't understand, you can do nothing." Investment should be based on objective facts. If you only rely on enthusiasm, high-spirited speeches, and behind closed doors to make "utopian" decisions, you will only end your "life" in vain.

A fool will gain something if he worries a lot; a wise man will lose something if he worries a lot.The shrewd Jiang Nanchun also invested in "Waterloo".Once "hot-headed", he also followed suit and invested in online games, and the experience of investing in online games should be regarded as one of the few failures of Jiang Nanchun.But Jiang Nanchun, who was not that "material", quickly returned from the investment in online games, and the investment of millions was easily "in vain". The 5 million yuan crop failed, and the strong man broke his wrist six months later. Since then, Jiang Nanchun has recognized two principles: don’t do it in unfamiliar fields, and don’t do it if you don’t personally experience it.Jiang Nanchun said: "It is worthwhile to buy such a lesson for 5 million."

"When a gentleman encounters dangers and obstacles, he must introspect himself. Is there a mistake to make it happen? If something is not good, he will correct it. If he is not sorry, he will encourage him. This is self-cultivation of his virtue." The words are very abstract, but the truth is simple.When a smart person encounters setbacks, he must first think and reflect on himself. Is it because of his own fault that the failure was caused?If you do make mistakes, you will "eat a pit and gain a wisdom"; if you are not ashamed, you will encourage yourself and always warn yourself.

People grow up in setbacks.Jiang Nanchun quickly woke up from the failure of investment. He said: "Life will be rich only after experiencing great grief and pain. But before making major investment decisions, the body needs to be warmed up, but the mind cannot be warmed up." learn from mistakes.The thoughtful Jiang Nanchun will never make the same mistakes in future investment strategies. Those who gain power prosper, and those who lose power perish.Facing the needs of Focus Group's growth, it is undoubtedly of great practical significance to cultivate and continuously expand its investment capabilities.And "it is difficult to respond to the affairs of the world without first examining the situation of the world."The policy environment and funds are ready for everything, and what is left to Focus is how to scientifically formulate long-term investment strategies and grasp the scale of investment.

The market has undergone great changes, and even the emperor's daughter is worried about marrying.There are many investment channels, and investment has no fixed trend.What to invest in?How to invest?Focus will never let its investment sway like a kite in the air. If you are not at ease, you will invest wherever the market is hot. Focus also did not disappoint its "behind the scenes" investors.The investment strategy of Focus focuses on "win-win". Not only does Focus want to make profits from the investment, but the investors of Focus can't suffer any "losses".

Focus Media is a key investment project of Weizhong Investment. Later, it not only became the largest building TV network in the country, but also became the leading new media group in China, affecting nearly 300 million mainstream in more than 100 cities across the country consumer.A large number of white-collar workers can contact time and space every day in high-end commercial office buildings, apartment elevators, stores, convenience stores, restaurants, shopping malls, fashionable entertainment venues, busy roads, office computers, mobile phones on the way, airport lines, etc. Meet with Focus Media in China and get daily needed product information. Focus Media Network not only relieves the anxiety of waiting, but also helps merchants deliver advertising information.This single investment project made Weizhong a well-known venture capital institution in China.

Now, Jiang Nanchun has used his business acumen and wisdom to select investment targets, and intends to persevere in concentrating on the investment annihilation war. In addition to continuing to subdivide the original building TV market and launch a golf network for the most high-end people in China and an airport bus network for business travelers, Focus has spent hundreds of millions of dollars from the end of 2004 to 2005 to create a TV network for Chinese stores. network.The store TV network is mainly aimed at the fast moving consumer goods market.As fast-moving consumer goods tend to become more homogeneous and consumers' brand loyalty continues to decline, how to capture consumers who are spending money has become an important issue in the marketing of this product field.Focus has seen the current situation that China's existing retail terminals lack effective media communication tools and carriers, and set up a large number of LCD and plasma TVs in the retail terminals of the store, directly stimulating consumers' desire to buy in the shopping state, and affecting consumers' purchase decisions .

It is reported that as of March 2006, Focus Media has occupied more than 800 of more than 1,000 hypermarkets in China, and has also entered 2,000 standard supermarkets and 4,000 convenience stores, reaching 100 million buyers of fast-moving consumer goods every week.It can be predicted that when the building network and the store network go hand in hand and contribute profits together, Focus will enter another harvest period.The maturity of Focus's investment strategy can also be seen. After that, Focus has successfully invested in new fields such as outdoor LED, cinema, Internet, mobile phone wireless, etc., creating a new profit growth point for the company.

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