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Chapter 40 Octopus

hello old time 八月长安 2300Words 2018-03-03
Yu Zhouzhou sacrificed the night's "Slam Dunk" and paid an apology, and got a copy of Hua Luogeng's Olympiad textbook that the school compulsorily bought, and a few pages of notes that recorded many half-finished exercises. Yu Tingting has not spoken to her for a long time. Not long after the apple incident ended, Yu Tingting once angrily ran to Yu Zhouzhou's room and pointed at her, speechless for a long time—perhaps because she didn't know what to say.She thought that Yu Zhouzhou had claimed the apple, and wanted to accuse her, but she was embarrassed to announce loudly that the owner of the apple was actually herself.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zhouzhou tilted his head and smiled, and described the situation to her from the beginning to the end. "So, how could you remember Lin Yang's birthday wrong?" Yu Tingting didn't say a word, she lowered her head, tears rolled down her face like little golden beans, "They said it." The ending sound is a thick cry.Yu Zhouzhou felt dejected, no wonder they were so excited when they saw the expected gift, and they ostentatiously held it up on the playground to show off to the public. Since then, Yu Tingting has become very silent. She never liked reading books, she fell in love with a novel, and eagerly recommended it to Yu Zhouzhou.

Yu Zhouzhou leaned in front of her small desk and glanced furtively at the cover hidden under the math book just like her. The four big characters on it were very eye-catching. "Flower Season and Rainy Season". "what story?" "Stories of high school students." Yu Zhouzhou opened his mouth wide, "Does it look good?" Yu Tingting ignored her boring question, but sighed faintly, rubbed the book cover lightly with her right hand, "I just saw that Xinran left her part-time job, she cried, but she didn't know why cry." Yu Zhouzhou hadn't read "Flower Season and Rainy Season" after all, but she felt that the whole book had already been written on Yu Tingting's face.

Such a dreamy and fascinated expression seemed to have gone to another world. "Tingting, do you... like Lin Yang?" Yu Zhouzhou tilted his head with his hands behind his back, intending to divert the topic from "Flower Season and Rainy Season".When she asked this question, there seemed to be a drum in her heart, and Yu Zhouzhou quickly stared at Tingting's eyes, ignoring the thumping sound in her chest. Yu Tingting seemed to have stepped out of Apple's shadow. She rested her chin on her hands, looked out of the window beautifully, and traced the lettering on the cover with the tip of her right index finger.

"We are just friends." Yu Tingting said. Many years later, when Yu Zhouzhou recalled Yu Tingting's immature tone and contrived expression when he said this, he would always laugh.That kind of seriousness, but also pretending to be indifferent, pretending, and one hundred and twenty very sincere.Half of melancholy is imitation, and half is really sad. But Yu Zhouzhou at that time was unequivocally shocked.He could only stand there in a daze, filled with unexplainable emotions. It seems to be envious. She knew that this attitude must also come from the magical book "Flower Season and Rainy Season", which changed Yu Tingting in this way, making Yu Tingting alienate and despise Yu Zhouzhou with a dreamy expression. place, turning Yu Zhouzhou, Ling Xiangqian and others into an illusory background.

However, at this moment, Yu Zhouzhou's envy for Yu Tingting has surpassed "Flower Season and Rainy Season".Yu Tingting was not asked by a class of teachers to learn Mathematics Olympiad. Her household registration guarantees that she can be admitted to No. 8 Middle School at least, and she does not need to take the entrance examination. I don't know Mathematics Olympiad, and I have never learned English. Yu Zhouzhou lowered his head and flipped through the Mathematics Olympiad textbook in his hand, looking at the "chicken and rabbit in the same cage problem", "tree planting problem", "summation problem", "times Poor question"... She was overwhelmed by the dense handwriting and didn't know where to start.In the room, only the quartz clock hanging on the wall made a ticking sound, and Yu Zhouzhou was so entangled that even fine sweat dripped from his forehead.

What should I do... I will be in the sixth grade soon, and I have to take the final exam and practice the piano for the ninth grade. What should I do? Closing his eyes, he saw the little man Zhou Chenran narrowing his eyes and staring at her, and the gentle wind that the red-eyed Lin Yang passed her by with his head down. Why am I so stupid?Yu Zhouzhou slid down from the wide chair and squatted on the ground. The tears from running away from home just now rolled down her face. She hugged her body tightly with her arms, and suddenly felt that all thoughts were lost. The vacant panic in her heart has not been relieved yet, she is still afraid, afraid that when she goes to school tomorrow, Teacher Yu will reprimand her because of Zhou Chenran being beaten at night, afraid that Lin Yang will be punished because of her, and afraid that the Zhou family will find trouble with her mother , I am afraid that I will not be able to learn Mathematics Olympiad and fail to pass the junior high school entrance examination, afraid...

Somehow, my thoughts drifted to the moment when I was standing on the stage holding a trophy and smiling at the camera in the hands of Lin Yang's father in the first grade of elementary school.She remembered that the flashlight refracted a bright future in her eyes, which was extremely dazzling, but no one told her that no matter how dazzling the light was, it was impossible to grasp it. There is no fundamental difference between her now and when she was reprimanded by Teacher Yu as "too stupid, nothing". Yu Zhouzhou grabbed the bed sheet, crying like a normal fifth grader. Just dare not make a sound.

I don't know how long it took, but she was finally tired from crying. She grabbed a towel and wiped her face, sniffed her nose, stood up, looked at the math book lying quietly under the desk lamp, and slowly closed her eyes. Xiangbei will always explode when he is cornered. Yu Zhouzhou imitated his glasses brother Mu Mu and said softly to himself, "The competition really starts now." Even if there are five minutes left, as long as the protagonist's small universe explodes, then the previous part is nothing. The game really starts now. Only at this moment did Yu Zhouzhou understand what Chen An said, life is far more cruel and exciting than cartoons.The opponent Yu Zhouzhou faced was like a big octopus with all its hands and feet, but she was not afraid.

Full of ambition, Yu Zhouzhou's face flushed red, with the opening song of Slam Dunk circling in his ears, he clenched the Winnie the Pooh mechanical pencil in his hand, and turned to the page of the "Chicken and Rabbit in the Same Cage" question. ten minutes later. Yu Zhouzhou squatted on the ground and continued to cry. She forgot that Britney in the cartoon doesn't know how to do math problems, Saint Seiya doesn't study math, and Sakuragi Hanamichi is the king of failing subjects. Why can't I read it?She climbed back to the table and told herself, I was just too anxious, I will take my time, and I will definitely find the enemy's flaws!

……ten minutes later. The enemy is invulnerable. Yu Zhouzhou lowered his hands helplessly.For the first time, she understood that there was something more powerless in the world than who her father was.Its name is Olympiad. I couldn't get into a good junior high school, couldn't get into a good high school, couldn't get into a university... It was the first time that Yu Zhouzhou felt that the cruelty of reality was so close to him.Up close, you can see the suction cups on the octopus' feet. Under the pale light, Yu Zhouzhou was holding a brand-new Mathematical Olympiad textbook, silently thinking about whether it was really meaningful for him to live. Suddenly, the phone rang.The voice of grandma answering the phone rang in the living room, and a minute later, Zhou Zhou heard a knock on the door. "Zhou Zhou, the call is for you." Yu Zhouzhou quickly wiped the tears off his face, opened the door and ran to the living room. "Hey?" "Zhou Zhou? I'm Chen An." Zhou Zhou suddenly felt a refreshing sweet spring pouring into his heart. "En." She hugged the receiver tightly. "Zhou Zhou, is it convenient for your parents to send you to the Second Provincial Hospital?" Chen Yu's voice seemed to sound very far away in an open place. "how?" "Teacher Gu, I'm afraid it won't work."
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