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Chapter 49 Mao Zedong Drafted Anti-Rightist Documents Successively

Anti-Rightists 叶永烈 1925Words 2018-03-14
On June 8, 1957, due to the "People's Daily" published an editorial "Why is this?" ” and recorded in the annals of history. It was also on this day that "Organizing Forces to Counter the Rampant Attacks of Rightists" written by Mao Zedong himself was telegraphed to various places as a document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Although there is no mention of Mao Zedong in the editorial of "People's Daily", this document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drafted by Mao Zedong clearly shows that Mao Zedong was the decision maker who launched the anti-rightist movement.After all, the editorials of the People's Daily only reflect the views of the CPC Central Committee, while the documents of the CPC Central Committee must be resolutely implemented by leaders at all levels of the CPC.

Although this document was issued on June 8, it can be judged from the content of the document that this document was published in the People's Daily editorial "Why is this?" was previously drafted. Like the previous documents, the scope of distribution of this document is still "Shanghai Bureau, provincial and municipal party committees, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region party committees." Mao Zedong made an estimate of the situation: "The number of reactionaries is only a few percent, and the most active and crazy elements are only one percent, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Don't be intimidated by the sudden darkness."

Mao Zedong decided to "counterattack the rightists": Please pay attention to the rampant attacks of the reactionaries in the various democratic parties.It is necessary to organize each party to hold its own symposium, and people from the left, center and right will participate, so that both positive and negative opinions will be exposed, and reporters will be sent to report them.We subtly pushed the left, center and right to speak out, and countered the right. If the whole process is done well, about a month will be enough, and then it will be transferred to the party rectification.This is a great political and ideological struggle.Only by doing so can our party take the initiative, train talents, educate the masses, isolate the reactionaries, and make the reactionaries passive.In the past seven years, we have taken the initiative in form, but in fact at least half of it has been false initiative.The reactionaries are pretending to surrender, and many people in the middle are not convinced.Now the situation is beginning to change. We are passive in form, but we are actually taking the initiative because we are serious about rectification.The reactionaries are swollen, extremely rampant, and seem to be very active, but because they overdo it, they begin to lose popular support and become passive.The situation varies from place to place.You can flexibly use strategies and make flexible deployments.In short, this is a big battle (the battlefield is both inside and outside the party), and without victory in this battle, socialism cannot be built, and there is a certain danger of the "Hungarian incident".Now we are taking the initiative to rectify and bring out possible "Hungarian incidents", and divide them into various institutions and schools to practice and deal with them. They are divided into many small "Hungarians", and the party and government basically do not collapse, only collapse A small part of the mess (this part is just right to break out the pustules), and the benefits are great.This is unavoidable. There are reactionaries in society, and the middle elements have not been taught the lessons they are now, and the party has not been tempered as they are now. Troubles will happen one day.Now the domestic situation is very good, and we can firmly control the Workers and Peasants Party, the army and most of the students.The international situation is good, and the United States is in a difficult position.

In this document, Mao Zedong clearly stated the "pocket" under his cloth, that is, "we take the initiative to rectify and bring out the possible 'Hungarian Incident'"! Due to the release of this document, the CCP began to fight back against the rightists. In full swing, the document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 8 had just been issued, and Mao Zedong drafted a new document, which was issued on June 10. The title of this document is "Instructions of the Central Committee on the Steps and Tactics of Countering the Rightists' Struggle."

Mao Zedong asked all localities to follow the example of Beijing and start "counterattacking the reactionaries."Mao Zedong pointed out: Conditions were ripe for Beijing, and the People's Daily began to fight back against the reactionaries on June 8.But constructive criticism will always continue to be posted.It will also continue to publish some prominent reactionary speeches to alert the people and facilitate criticism.The situation in each place is different, and when to start a counterattack depends on the local situation.At present, it is most important to organize symposiums among the democratic parties and colleges and universities, and to promote debate among figures from the left, center and right.Beijing is extensively carrying out symposiums, which are extremely beneficial.

Mao Zedong went on to point out that this time it is necessary to make the rightists "make a fool of themselves in front of the public": Regardless of the democratic parties, university professors, and college students, there are some rightists and reactionaries. They are the ones who made the most trouble in this movement. Those who have been punished, or the children of wealthy capitalists, or those with relatives who have been suppressed.But there are not many of them, and they can turn the sky upside down for a while, and the sun and the moon will be dark, but the storm will never stop.As far as Beijing is concerned, after a few weeks of turmoil, the momentum is not strong now, and there is some wavering and panic.Among the various parties, the Democratic Revolutionary, Democratic National Construction, 1993, and Democratic Progressives are quite good, while the Democratic League and Peasants are the worst.Zhang Bojun and Luo Longji are desperately engaged in subversive activities, with great ambitions. The party wants to expand, the political leaders must have equal rights, and actively seize the right to education. They say that in half a year or a year, the world will be in chaos.Mao Zedong couldn't get along anymore, so he wanted to resign.The Communist Party is divided internally and will soon be overthrown.Their ambitions are great.It is completely a capitalist line, admitting that socialism is false.The proportion of rightists and reactionaries in the Democratic League is relatively large, more than 10%, occupying many leadership positions.Our mission is to expose and isolate them.The more they fart, the better for us.But the majority of the NLD is still good, or there is hope of reforming it.You also need to conduct specific character analysis, seek truth from facts, see and hit accurately.In this campaign, the reactionaries must be humiliated in public.We must unite the majority, isolate the very few, and even the very few who are disgraced.

After Mao Zedong finished writing this document, he wrote this comment: Immediately send Liu, Zhou, Chen, and Zhu Yue, and Shang Kun sent it by telegram. Reprinted as above.New, hidden. Mao Zedong paid close attention to the dynamics of colleges and universities in Beijing.After writing this CPC Central Committee document, Mao Zedong sent his secretary Lin Ke to Tsinghua University the next day to learn about the situation. To this end, Mao Zedong personally wrote a letter to Tsinghua University President and Party Secretary Jiang Nanxiang, and Party Secretary Chen Shunyao:
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