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Chapter 61 Chapter 59 Memories

Host 斯蒂芬妮·梅尔 6539Words 2018-03-14
You feel the beginning as the end, someone reminded me so. But this time, the ending was the biggest surprise I've ever experienced.More unexpected than any ending in nine lives I can remember, more implausible than jumping off an elevator.I thought there would be no more memories, no more consciousness, what was the end? The sun is setting - everything is rosy and it reminds me of my friend... what would she be called?Something to do with Ripple?Wave after wave, she is a beautiful flower.The flowers here are lifeless and dull, but they smell fragrant, and the aroma is the most characteristic feature of this place.

Footsteps following me, is Claude Spina following me again?I don't need a jacket, it's warm in here - finally somewhere warm!Also, I want to experience the feeling of air on my skin.I don't want to look at her, maybe she will think I can't hear her, and then she will go home.She treats me so well, but I'm almost an adult now, and she can't take care of me for the rest of my life. Excuse me?Someone asked, I am not familiar with this voice. I turned to look at her, and I didn't recognize this face, she was very beautiful. The face in my memory brought me back to my senses, it was my face!But I don't remember this hello.I said.

Hello, my name is Melanie.She smiled at me, I was probably lost when I first arrived in this city. Oh!where do you want to go?I'll take you there, our car is at... No, not too far.I want to go for a walk, but now I don't know how to get back to Baker Street. She's a new neighbor - great, I love meeting new people. It's near here, I told her, on the second bend in that road, but you can just go down this little alley and walk straight up to get there. Can you show me the way?I'm sorry, what's your name? no problem!Come with me.My name is Paters Ofen Moon, but most of my family calls me Pat.Where are you from, Melanie?

She smiled: Do you mean San Diego or the world of singing, Pat? It will be all right.I laughed too, I liked her smile, there were two from Bat Planet on this street, they lived in that yellow house with the pine trees. I'm going to say hello, she whispered, but her tone changed, becoming alert.She stared at the dark alley, as if expecting to see something. There was something there, two people, a man and a boy.The boy stroked his long hair with his hand nervously, maybe he was also restless because he was lost.His beautiful eyes were wide open with excitement.The man stood motionless.

Jamie, Jared, my heart is pounding, but this feeling is very strange, strange, very faint, and very uneasy. They are my friends, Pat.Melanie told me. Oh!Oh hello.I reached out to the man - he was the closest. He took my hand, palm very hard. He suddenly pulled me into his arms.I do not understand.It feels weird and I don't like it. My heart beat faster and I was terrified.I've never been so frightened, I don't understand. His hand reaches for my cheek, and I gasp.I sucked a mist of misty liquid from his hand, a silvery mist that tasted like raspberry. "Why?" I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't see them anymore, I couldn't see anything and couldn't remember anything more.

"Xiao Man? Can you hear me, Xiao Man?" a familiar voice asked. Shouldn't be that name, should it?My ears don't respond to the name, but something does.Am I not Patus Ofen Moon?Pat?Isn't that so?But that didn't feel right either.My heart was beating faster, as terrified as I remembered.I pictured a woman with red hair streaked with white and kind green eyes.Where is my mother?But she's not my mother, is she? A deep voice sounded beside me: "Xiao Man, come back, we will let you go." The voice is somewhat familiar, but not so familiar, sounds like myself?

Where is Peters Ofen Moon?I can't find her, just a thousand blank fragments of memory.A room full of pictures, but no one lives in it. "Use Sober Lotion," said a voice I didn't recognize. Something wipes my cheeks, soft as fog.I know the smell, the smell of grapes. I took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed. I can feel myself lying flat but this feeling is not right either.I'm not that short, I feel shrunken. My hand is warmer than the rest of my body because someone is holding it.I was held by a pair of big hands, completely enveloping my hand. The air smelled strange—stuffy and musty.I remember the smell but I definitely haven't smelled it in my life.

I couldn't see anything but a dark red - the color of the bottom of my eyelids.I wanted to open my eyes, so I started looking for the muscles that control the eyelids. "Rover? We're all waiting for you, baby, open your eyes." This voice, this warm breath in my ear, is more familiar.Hearing this voice, a strange feeling runs through my veins.A feeling I've never experienced before, the sound made my breath stop and my fingers tremble. I want to see the speaker's face. A color flashes through my mind - it calls me from a distant being - brilliant blue, the whole universe is bright blue Finally, I remembered my name.That name is right, Rover.I am a Wanderer and a Xiaoman, I remember now.

There was a soft touch on my face—warm pressure on my lips, my eyelids.Ah, here they are.Now that I've found where they are, I can blink. "She's awake!" someone shouted excitedly. Jamie, Jamie is here, and my heart is beating uncomfortably again. It took a while for my eyes to see clearly.The blue that hurt my eyes—too pale, too dull, not the blue I wanted. Someone stroked my cheek: "Roamer?" I moved when I heard the sound, and it felt weird when the head on my neck moved.It feels different than before, but at the same time, it seems to feel exactly the same as before.

My wandering eyes found the blues I'd been looking for, like sapphires, ice, and midnight skies. "Ian, Ian, where am I?" The voice in my throat startled me, so sharp, excited, familiar, but not my voice, "Who am I?" "You are you," Ian told me, "you are where you belong." I withdrew my hand from the big hand that was holding me, and tried to touch my face, but someone reached out to me, and I froze. The hand reaching out to me also stopped, hanging over my head. I swung my arms again, trying to protect myself, but bumped into the hand hanging over my head.I trembled, and the hand trembled too.

Oh. I let go, clenched my fist, and examined it carefully. Is this really my hand, such a delicate thing?It was a child's hand, except for the long pink and white nails on it, which were trimmed to perfect, smooth curves.There is a strange silvery luster on the fair skin, and there are also golden freckles, which look out of place. It was this wonderful combination of silver and gold that brought back the image in my memory: I saw the face reflected in the mirror in my mind. The scene in my memory made me confused for a moment, because I am not used to so many products of civilization-at the same time, I can't think of anything except the products of civilization.A beautiful dressing table filled with all kinds of beautiful ornaments embellished with lace, and an assortment of glass bottles filled with all the scents I love-my favorite?Or is it her favorite?There is also a pot of orchids, and a set of silver combs. A large round mirror with a circle of roses carved from metal.The face in the mirror is also a little round and small.The skin on the face had the same silvery sheen, moonlight silver, like the skin on the hands, and there were a few golden freckles on the bridge of the nose.Wide gray eyes framed by curly golden lashes.Behind the soft color of the eyes, there is a faint silver light of the soul.The pale pink lips were full, almost round, like those of a baby, with small, neat white teeth, and a dimple at the chin.Blonde curls cascaded down my cheeks beyond my vision in the mirror, with bright halos of brilliance. My face or hers? For the flower of the night, this face is perfect, as if the face of the flower has been accurately transferred to a human being. "Is she talking to IUL?" I demanded in a high-pitched voice. "Where's Pat?" I panicked when I couldn't see her.I have never seen a more feeble and helpless creature than this child, her face was as bright as moonlight, and her hair was more beautiful than the sun. "Here she is," the doctor reassured me. "In the freezer. She's about to be shipped out. We thought you could tell us where we should take her." I followed the reputation, I saw him standing in the sunlight, holding the flashing freezer in his hand, and the memory of my last life was suddenly vivid in my mind. "Doctor!" I cried in a weak, drawn voice. "Doctor, you promised! You swore it before me, Eustace! Why? Why did you break your word?" The faint sadness and pain in my memory touched me. This body has never felt such severe pain, and it shrank to avoid the sting. "Even honest people will submit to threats, Xiaoman." "Threatening." Another very familiar voice said with a sneer. "I don't think menacing is a knife to the neck, Jared." "You know I can't really use a knife." "I can't believe it, you're so aggressive." "Knife?" My body shivered. "Shh, it's all over," Ian whispered, and his breath blew strands of blond hair into my face, and I brushed them away—a habitual movement, "You really think you can just leave us like this? Xiao Man !” He sighed, but it was a sigh of pleasure. Ian was happy, and seeing him like this made my sadness suddenly less bearable. "I said I didn't want to be a parasite," I said softly. "Let me pass," snapped my old voice.And so I saw my own face, the muscular face, the suntanned skin, the hazel almond eyes, the black brows above them straight, and the high, sharp cheekbones. Reflection seen in mirror. "Look, Man, I know exactly what you don't want to do, but we're human, and we're selfish, and we don't always do the right thing. We won't let you go, figure it out .” The way she spoke, the rhythm and the tone, not the timbre, reminded me of all those silent conversations, that voice in my head, my sister. "Meier? Meier, you're alright!" She smiled and leaned over to wrap my arms around my shoulders, more muscular than I remembered. "Of course, isn't that how all scripts work? Besides, you'll be all right. We're not fools to catch anyone we don't see." "Let me tell her, let me tell!" Jamie pushed past Mel.The edge of the operating table is getting more and more crowded.The operating table was not stable and shook a bit. I took his hand and held it tightly.My hand feels so weak, can he feel strength? "Jamie!" "Hey, Man! This is unbelievable, isn't it? You're younger than me now!" He grinned triumphantly. "But I'm still older than you, I'm about the same." Halfway through the sentence, I suddenly changed my sentence pattern, "It's my birthday in two weeks." I may be a bit lost and overwhelmed, but I'm not stupid, and Melanie's life experience was not in vain, and I learned a lot from it.Ian is as upstanding and decent as Jared is, and I'm not as upset as Melanie. So, I lied and said an extra year: "I'm going to be eighteen." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Melanie and Ian stand up straight in surprise.The body, about seventeen years old, looked much younger than her real age. This little lie, this longing for a lover, made me realize that I was here to stay.I'll be with Ian, and the rest of the family.My throat choked, like a bone stuck in my throat. Jamie patted my face to bring me back to my senses.His hand was so big on my cheek, I was taken aback: "They asked me to participate in the raid together, in order to help you find a host." "I know," I said vaguely, "I remember uh, Pat remembered seeing you there." I gave Melanie a look and she shrugged. "We tried not to disturb her," Jamie said. "She looked too weak, you know? She looked kind. We picked her together, but I had to make the decision! See, Mel said we Gotta get someone younger--has a longer life for the soul and stuff like that, but not too young because she knows you don't want to be a kid. And Jared likes that face because he says nobody Would doubt it. You don't look dangerous at all, the exact opposite of dangerous, Jared said everyone who sees you will naturally want to protect you, right Jared? But I have the final say because I want someone who looks like you. I think she looks like you because she looks like an angel and you are kind like an angel. And beautiful, I know you must be beautiful." Jamie reveals Big smile, "Ian didn't go, he just sat here with you - he said he didn't mind what you looked like. He didn't allow anyone to touch your freezer at all, not even me and Mel, But this time, the doctor let me watch the operation. It's too dazzling, Man. I don't understand why you didn't let me watch it before. They won't let me help, though. Ian won't allow anyone to touch you except him Own." Ian squeezed my hand and leaned in, whispering in my hair.His voice was so soft that only I could hear: "I hold you in my arms, Wanderer, you are so beautiful." My eyes were all wet, and my nose twitched involuntarily. "Do you like it?" Jamie asked, his voice urgent. "You're not mad, are you? Nobody's with you there, are you?" "I'm not mad at all," I whispered, "and I—I can't find anyone else. Only the memory of Pat, who lives here and I can't remember when she came, nor Can't remember any other names." "You're not a parasite," Melanie said firmly, as she stroked my hair, picked a strand and twisted it between her fingers. "This body doesn't belong to Pat, and no one else has come to claim it. We're waiting Wait until you're sure of it, Man. We tried waking her for as long as we did Jody." "Jordy? What happened to Jody?" I said anxiously, and the faint voice grew louder, high-pitched, like a bird's cry.I struggled to sit up and Ian propped me up on his arms - my new body was so thin it didn't take much to move - he helped me sit up so I could see all the faces . The doctor had wiped away his tears, and Jeb looked around the doctor, his expression mixed with contentment and curiosity.I didn't recognize the woman next to me because her face was more alive than I'd seen it before, and I didn't see her often—she was Mandy, the therapist from before.Next to me is Jamie, smiling broadly.Next to him was Melanie, and Jared was behind her, with his arms around her waist.I knew that his hands would never feel at ease, only when he touched her body—my body!He hated any gap between the two of them, and he would stick as close to her as possible, forever.This sight made me feel a heart-wrenching pain, and the fragile heart in my slender chest trembled.This heart has never been sad, it does not understand such memories. I still love Jared, and it hurts to realize that.Not letting go, still jealous of the body he loved, I glanced at Mel.I saw the corners of her mouth curled sadly—it was mine once, and I knew she understood me. I continued to glance around at the faces clustered around my bed while the doctor paused for a moment to answer my question. Trudy and Jeffrey, Heath, Paige and Andy, Brant, and even... "Jody didn't respond, I tried as long as I could." So, is Jody dead?I want to know, that unworldly heart beating hard.I woke up the poor, feeble thing so rudely. Heidi and Lily are also there, and Lily's smile is a bit painful-although it is painful, it is still sincere "We can keep her not dehydrated, but there is no way to feed her. We are worried that her body organs will degenerate-" her muscles, her brain" My heart ached even more violently—for this woman I never knew, my eyes continued to look around the crowd, and I suddenly froze. Jody, sticking close to Kyle, she glanced at me too. She smiled forcedly, and suddenly, I recognized her. "Sonny!" "I stayed," she said, smug rather than smug, "just like you." She glanced at Kyle's face—which was more prim than I'd seen it often— —her voice became frustrated, "Although, I tried my best, I have been looking for her, and I will continue to look for it." "When it seemed we were about to lose Jody, Kyle told us to put Sunny back," the doctor continued quietly. I stared at Sunny and Kyle in amazement for a moment, then turned my gaze to the people around me. Ian looked at me a little strangely, both happy and nervous.His face was larger than before, raised extra high, but his eyes were the same blue color I remembered, and he was the spiritual anchor that tied me to this planet. "Are you all right there?" he asked. "I don't know," I said frankly. "It feels weird, like a species switch. It's weirder than I thought, I don't know." Looking into those eyes, my heart beat nervously again, and it wasn't a loving memory from another life course.My mouth felt parched, my stomach convulsed, and the place where his arm touched my back was hotter than the rest of my body. "You don't mind staying here, Man? Do you think you can bear it?" he asked me in a low voice. Jamie pinches, squeezes my hand, and Melanie puts her hand on Jamie's, and when Jared puts his hand, Melanie smiles.Trudy patted my leg, and Jeffrey, Heath, Heidi, Andy, Peggy, Brant, even Lily, all smiled at me.Kyle squeezed in a little bit, grinning broadly, and Sunny smiled like a tacit accomplice. How much painkiller did the doctor give me?Why everything seems to be shining. Ian brushed the blonde hair back from my face and put his hand on my cheek.His hands are so big that a single palm can cover the distance from my chin to my forehead.His touch was like an electric current passing through my silver skin. After the electric current passed, my skin tingled a little, and my chest also felt a tingling. I felt a blush bloom on my cheeks. I've never felt heartbroken pain, but I've never experienced heart-pounding joy either.This made me shy, and it took me a while to speak. "I guess I could do that," I whispered, "if it makes you happy." "That's not good enough," Ian retorted, "It has to make you happy too." I could only stare at him for a few seconds at a time, and the shyness, so new to me, baffled me, making my eyes fall on my lap again and again. "I guess it would," I agreed, "I guess it would make me very, very happy, too." Happy and depressed, Excited and sad, Reassured and scared, Loved and rejected, Patient and angry, Calm and crazy, Whole and empty and full of emotions.I can feel every emotion and they are all mine. Ian slowly raised my face until I looked into his eyes and the blush on my cheeks deepened. "Then you are willing to stay." He kissed me, in front of everyone, but I quickly left the audience behind.There is nothing wrong with him doing this. There was no discussion, no expression of doubt, and no objection.It was just me and Ian, and lava seemed to flow through this new body, melting it into one. "I would like to stay." I agreed. My tenth life course has begun.
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