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Chapter 59 Chapter 57 completed

Host 斯蒂芬妮·梅尔 7107Words 2018-03-14
The courtroom this time was small, unlike the one that tried Kyle.Ian only summoned Jeb, the doctor, and Jared. Needless to say, he also knew that Jamie must not be near the voting place. Melanie would say goodbye to me, a farewell I couldn't face when Jamie was around.Call me cowardly, I don't care, I won't do it. There was only one blue oil lamp, casting a dim halo on the stone floor.We sat on the edge of the halo, I was alone and four men sat facing me.Jeb even brought the gun—as if it were a gavel to make the meeting more formal. The smell of sulfur reminds me of painful days in my memory, some memories I will not regret losing when I am gone.

"How is she?" Before the meeting started, I asked the doctor eagerly as soon as they sat down.This meeting wasted the little time I had left, and I was worrying about more important things. "Who?" His voice was weary. I stared at him for a few seconds, then widened my eyes: "Sonny left? So soon?" "Kyle felt that the longer he made her suffer, the more cruel it was, and she wasn't happy." "I wish I could say goodbye to her," I murmured. "I wish her luck. How is Jody?" "No response yet." "Where's the therapist's body?"

"Trudy took her, I guess to get her something to eat. They're trying to find a temporary name for her that she likes so we don't have to call her 'the body.'" He grinned just kidding. "She's going to be fine, I'm sure it will be," I tried to convince myself, "and Jody, it's going to work out." No one questioned my lies, they knew I said it to comfort myself. The doctor sighed: "I don't want to leave Jody for too long, she may need something." "Yeah," I agreed, "we'll cut through the mess quickly." The sooner the better.Because no matter what they say here it won't help, the doctor has agreed to my terms, but I still have some stupid thoughts in my mind, hope hope there is a best of both worlds solution, let me be with Ian, Mel and Jay With Ryder together, everyone no longer suffers from it.It's better to stop this unrealistic idea earlier.

"Okay," Jeb said, "Which side are you on, Man?" "I want to return Melanie." It was firm and unarguable. "Which side are you on, Ian?" "We need Xiaoman here." Decisive—his tone echoes mine. Jeb nodded: "This question is really tricky, Xiaoman, why should I agree to your request?" "If it were you, you would definitely want your body back, and you can't deprive Melanie of her wish." "Ian?" Jeb asked. "Jeb, we have to look at the greater good. Xiaoman has brought us more health and safety than we could have otherwise. She is vital to the survival of our community and humanity as a whole, Individual interests cannot stand in the way of group interests."

He is right. No one asks you. Jared spoke: "Xiao Man, what did Mel say?" what.Mel said. I looked into Jared's eyes, and then the most incredible thing happened.All the reshaping and fusion I'd been through was brushed aside and stuffed into the tiniest part of my body, the little corner I occupied.The rest of my body yearns desperately to be near Jared, bordering on frantic, like I've been feeling since I first saw him here, a body that hardly belongs to me and Melanie— belongs to him. There really wasn't enough room for the two of us. "Melanie wants her body back, she wants her life back."

Liars, tell them the truth. no. "Liar," Ian said, "I can see you arguing with her, and I bet she agrees with me. She's a kind person, and she knows how much we need you." "Everything I know, Mel also knows. She has the ability to help you, and the host of the healer, she knows more than me, you will be fine. Before I came, you lived well, you will Live, just like before." Jeb let out a breath and frowned: "I don't know, Xiao Man, Ian is right." I stared at the old man, and saw Jared make the same expression.I looked away from them and gave the doctor a grim glance.

The doctor met my eyes, his face contorted in pain.He understood the implication I gave him, that he had made a promise, and this meeting cannot overturn that promise. Ian looked at Jared - he didn't notice our silent exchange. "Jeb," Jared protested, "there's only one choice here, you know." "Son, eh? Looks like the options are endless." "That's Melanie's body!" "It's also Xiaoman's." His answer left Jared speechless, and he had to start all over again: "You can't keep Mel in there—it's like murder, Jeb."

Ian leaned forward and caught the sun, his face suddenly became furious again: "Jared, what will you do to Xiaoman? If you take her away, what will the rest of us do?" "You don't care about anyone else! You just want to sacrifice Melanie to keep Xiao Man - everything else is not important to you." "You want to sacrifice Man, keep, have Melanie - nothing else matters to you! Well, since those things are equal, it comes down to what's best for everyone else." "No! It comes down to what Melanie wants! It's her body!" They were both hunched over, between standing and sitting, their fists clenched, the muscles in their faces twitching with rage.

"Children, calm down! Calm down now!" Jeb ordered. "This is a court of law. We must keep calm and stay awake. We must consider every aspect." "Jeb" Jared said. "Shut up!" Jeb bit his lip for a while, "Well, that's how I see it, Xiaoman is right" Ian jumped up. "Wait a minute! Sit back and let me finish." Veins popped in Ian's tense neck, and Jeb waited for him to stiffen back into a sitting position. "Man's right," Jeb said, "Mel wants her body back, but," Ian tensed again, he added quickly, "but I don't agree with the others, Man. I think we need you badly, child. Hunters are out there looking for us, and you can communicate with them directly, and the rest of us can't. You save lives, and I have to think about the well-being of our family."

Jared said through gritted teeth, "Then let's find her another body, obviously." The lines on the doctor's face unfurled, and Jeb's white caterpillar eyebrows almost touched his hairline.Ian's eyes widened, mouth pursed, and he stared at me, thinking "No! No!" I shook my head wildly. "Why, Man?" Jeb asked. "I think it's a good idea." I opened my mouth wide and took a deep breath to keep my voice from becoming hysterical. "Jeb, listen to me. I'm tired of living with parasites. Do you understand? Do you think I'd be willing to go into another body and then Go through it all over again? Am I forever guilty of taking someone else's life? Am I willing to be hated by others? I'm hardly a soul anymore - how much I love you cruel people. It was a mistake to come here, I hate that feeling."

I took a breath and said, tears streaming down my face: "What if the situation changes? What if you put me in someone else's body and deprive another life, but something goes wrong? What if I Falling in love with someone else, that body pulls me back into my soul? What if you can't trust me anymore? What if I betray you next time? I don't want to hurt you!" The first paragraph is the pure, unvarnished truth, but the second is full of outrageous lies, and I hope they can't stand that. Speech was incoherent, sobbing mixed with sobs, which might help.I would never hurt them, what I experience here is eternal and an integral part of my slender body, but if I give them a reason to be afraid of me, it may be easier for them to accept the fact . My lie worked, but for a moment I caught a glimpse of Jared and Jeb looking at each other anxiously.They didn't expect that - I became untrustworthy, a threat.Ian had come over, put his arms around me, and wiped my tears with his chest. "It's okay baby. You don't have to be someone else, nothing will change." "Wait a minute, Man," said Jeb, his alert eyes sharpening suddenly. "What's the use of going to another planet? You'll still be a parasite, kid." The harsh words made Ian wince beside me. I cringed, too, because Jeb was so perceptive, as usual. They wait for my answer, except for the doctor, who knows the real answer, the one I won't tell them. I'll try to just say the real thing: "Jeb, it's different on other planets. There's no resistance there, and the hosts themselves are different. They're not as distinct as humans, their emotions are softer, and it doesn't feel like stealing." It's not the same feeling here, no one will hold a grudge against me. And I'm far away from you, can't hurt you, you'll be safer" That last line sounded too much like a lie, so my voice got softer and softer. Jeb squinted and stared at me, and I avoided his gaze. I refrained from looking at the doctor, but couldn't help but glance at him, to make sure he understood me.He was looking at me intently, obviously sad, and I knew he understood me. As I quickly lowered my eyelids, I caught a glimpse of Jared looking at the doctor. Did he catch the silent exchange? Jeb sighed, "This is trouble." He focused on the predicament in front of him, frowning impatiently. Jeb Ian and Jared said in unison.They both stopped and glared at each other. These are just a waste of time and I only have a few hours left.It's only been a few hours, I'm sure of that now. "Jeb," I said softly, the gurgle of the spring almost drowning out my voice, and everyone turned their eyes to me, "You don't have to make a decision now. The doctor has to examine Jody, and I Want to see her too. Plus, I haven't eaten all day. Why don't you guys sleep and wake up? We can talk about it tomorrow, we have enough time to think about it." Lies, did they find out? "Good idea Man, I think everyone here can take a break. Go get something to eat and get some sleep." I was careful not to look at the doctor, even when talking to him. "Doctor, I'll come over to help Jody after I finish eating, see you later." "Okay," said the doctor alertly. Why can't he maintain a casual and natural tone?He's human - supposed to be pretty good at lying. "Hungry?" Ian whispered, and I nodded.I obediently let him help me to stand up, he hooked my hand, I knew he would hold me tightly, I was not worried.He slept deeply, just like Jamie. As I walked out of the dark room, I felt eyes watching me from behind, but I wasn't sure who it was. There are a few more things to do, three to be exact, the last three things to get done. First, I ate something. It was not good to leave Melanie hungry and unwell.Also, since I took part in the looting, the food has tasted better and become something to look forward to rather than intolerable. I sent Ian to bring food and I hid in the fields where the corn was gone and the wheat was just sprouting.I told Ian the truth, so he'll help me: I'm going to hide from Jamie.I didn't want to scare Jamie with this decision, it was harder on Jamie than on Jared and Ian - Jared and Ian took sides and Jamie loved us both.He will be in a dilemma, in great pain. Ian didn't argue with me, we ate in silence, his arms around my waist. Second, I went to see Sunny and Jody. I expected to see three gleaming cryochambers on the doctor's desk, but was surprised to find only two therapists' freezers in the center.The doctor and Ian hovered around the operating table, on which Jody lay motionless.I walked towards them quickly, and was about to ask where Sunny was, but when I got closer, I saw Kyle holding a freezer of souls in his arms. "You want to be gentle with her." I mumbled. The doctor touched Jody's wrist and counted silently.When he heard my voice, his lips pursed into a line, and he had to start counting again. "Ah, the doctor told me," Kyle said, never taking his eyes off Jody's face, who had two symmetrical bruises under his eyes, and someone broke his nose again? "I'm careful, I just don't want her to be left there alone. She's so sad and so lovely." "I'm sure she would be very happy if she knew." He nodded, still looking at Jody: "What should I do here? Can I help?" "Talk to her, call her name, say things that remind her, maybe even talk about Sunny. That does something for the healer's host." "Mandy," the doctor corrected, "she said the name wasn't quite right, but it was close." "Mandy," I repeated, and now I have to remember the name, "where is she?" "With Trudy - it's been great there. Trudy is definitely the perfect candidate, I think she's put her to sleep." "Very well, Mandy will recover." "I hope so." The doctor smiled, but his expression was still gloomy. "I have a lot of questions I want to ask her." I looked at the tiny woman—still in disbelief that she was physically older than me.Her facial muscles were flaccid and expressionless.I was a little scared - how alive Sunny was when she was in there, and Mel would think I was still here. I know, you'll be fine. Just like Lacey.She was scared, and so was I. Never like Lacey. I touched Jody's body lightly, and in some ways she resembled Lacey.Olive skin, black hair, thin build.They were even like sisters, except that Jody's kind, pale face was never so repulsive. Kyle held her hand, speechless. "Like this, Kyle," I said, touching her arm again, "Jody? Jody, can you hear me? Kyle's waiting for you, Jody. To bring you here, He's in a lot of trouble—everyone he knows wants to beat him up." I gave the burly man a wry smile, and instead of looking up at me, the corners of his mouth curled up. "You're not surprised to hear that, are you?" Ian said next to me. "When's it not like that, Jody? It's good to see you again, baby. Though I don't know if you feel the same way, After leaving this fool for so long, you must have been cleansed up a lot." Kyle didn't notice that his brother was there, his hand gripping mine like a vice until Ian spoke. "Of course, you must remember Ian, he never caught up with me in any way, but he always cried. Hey, Ian," Kyle continued, without looking away, "what do you want to say to me? Did you say that?" "nothing." "I'm waiting for your apology." "Keep waiting." "Jody, can you believe it? He kicked me in the face for no reason." "Who wants an excuse, Jody?" The teasing between the two brothers is strange but warm.Jody's presence makes the conversation light and playful.If I were her, I would have laughed out loud. "Come on, Kyle," I whispered, "do the right thing, she'll wake up." I wish I could see her wake up and see what she looks like, I can only imagine Sunny's expression. How would everyone here react to meeting Melanie for the first time?Will it be the same scenario for them?Like no difference?Will they really understand the fact that I'm gone?Or did Melanie fill my role completely? Maybe they'll see her as a completely different person, maybe they'll have to get used to her again, maybe she'll just fit in and I'll never be able to.I imagined her, and imagined myself surrounded by kind faces.Picture us hugging Fritton, surrounded by all those people who never trusted me and greeted us with smiles. Why do these thoughts bring me to tears?Am I really so sentimental? No.Mel reassures me that they will miss you—of course they will, and all the good people here will be sad to lose you. In the end, she seemed to accept my decision. Not accepted.She retorted, I just can't find a way to stop you, and I can feel how close it is.I am also afraid.Is that weird?I was terrified. I am as scared as you are. "Xiaoman?" Kyle said. "Ok?" "I'm very sorry." "Uh why?" "I tried to kill you," he said lightly. "Maybe I did it wrong." Ian took a breath: "Doctor, do you have any recording equipment?" "No, sorry, Ian." Ian shook his head; "This moment should be recorded. I never thought I would live to see Kyle admit his mistakes. Come on, Jody, that should wake you up!" "Jodie, baby, don't you want to defend me? Tell Ian I've never done anything wrong before." He giggled. very nice.It was nice to know I had Kyle's approval before I left.I didn't expect so much. I can't help here anymore, there's no point in staying here.Either Jody would wake up or he wouldn't, but neither would change the outcome now.my way. So, I moved on to my third and final plan: I lied. I stepped away from the table, took a deep breath, and stretched my arms. "I'm tired, Ian," I said. Is this really a lie?It doesn't sound so fake.What a long day, my last, before I realize I've been awake all night.I haven't slept since the last raid, and I must be exhausted. Ian nodded: "I think you must be very tired, you have been with the treatment all night - Mandy?" "Yes." I yawned. "Good night, doctor," Kyle said, pulling me to the exit. "Kyle, good luck, we'll be here tomorrow morning." "Good night, Kyle," I whispered. "Goodbye, Doctor." The doctor scowled and stared at me, Iss was turning his back on him, and Kyle was watching Jody, and I returned the doctor's determined look. Ian and I walked through the dark tunnel without saying a word.I'm glad he's not in the mood to chat. If he wants to chat, I won't be able to concentrate on it.My stomach was churning and my stomach muscles were twitching strangely. I'm done, done all the tasks.Now just wait a while and not fall asleep.It must be tonight, Mel understood.Ian's reaction today illustrates the point, the longer I stay the more tears, debates and fights it will cause.The longer it takes, the more likely it is that I or someone else will slip up and Jamie will find out the truth.Let Melanie explain it to him after the fact, it's better that way. Thank you so much.Mel thought, her words suddenly drifting away, fear overshadowing the irony in the words. Sorry.You do not mind right? She sighed.How could I care?I'm willing to do anything you ask me to do, Man. Help me take care of them. no matter what.I do that all the time. And Ian. If he let me take care of it.I have a feeling he might not like me that much. Even if he doesn't let you take care of it.You want too. I'll do anything I can for him, Man.I promise. Ian stopped in the hall, standing in front of the red and gray door that led to his room.He raised his eyebrows, and I nodded.Let him think I'm still avoiding Jamie, and that's true. Ian opened the red door and I went straight to the mattress on the right.I curled up, my heart pounding, my trembling hands folded across my chest, hidden behind bent knees. Ian bent over beside me and hugged me against his chest.It's okay - I know he stretches when he's fast asleep - I'm just worried that he'll feel my shivering. "It's okay, Man, I know we'll find a solution." "Ian, I really love you." It's the only way I can say goodbye to him, the only way he'll accept it, and I know he'll think about it later, "With all my Soul, I love you." "I really love you too, my wanderer." He brought his face close to mine, found my lips, and kissed me, slowly and gently, until I stopped shaking.In the darkness deep in the earth's core, flowing lava slowly expanded. "Go to sleep, Xiaoman. Let's talk about it tomorrow, nothing will happen tonight." I nodded, rubbed my face against his, and sighed. Iss is tired too, I don't have to wait long, I look at the ceiling - the stars outside the gap here have moved.Now I can see three stars, where before there were only two.I watched them flicker and flicker in the dark night sky, flickering on and off.They don't call me, and I don't want to join them. Ian's arms let go of me one by one.He turned and lay on his back, talking to himself in his sleep.I didn't dare to wait too long, though I was eager to stay, to sleep with him, to steal another day. I moved carefully, but I didn't really have to worry about him waking up.His breathing was heavy and even, and he didn't open his eyes until morning. I brushed his smooth forehead with my lips, then stood up and slipped out the door. It was not too late, and there were still people in the cave.I could hear voices echoing all around me, and these strange echoes could come from anywhere.I didn't see anyone until I got closer to the big cave. Geoffrey, Heath, and Lily were on their way back from the kitchen.I stared at the ground deliberately, even though I was happy to meet Lily.With a quick glance, I saw that she was at least standing upright, with her shoulders straight.Lily is strong, like Mel, and she will succeed. I hurried to the south corridor and was relieved to arrive safely in the dark.Relaxed and scared, it's really coming to an end now. I'm so scared.I whimpered. Before Meier could answer, a powerful hand emerged from the darkness and landed on my shoulder. "Where are you going?"
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