Home Categories youth city Grass-like Love·One·Northern×Big ​​Story

Chapter 42 fourth quarter

13 Our band is disbanding at this time due to the same problem that most bands and families face - the members don't get along. Yang Yang insisted on rehearsing his own works, while Qi Sixin was keen to perform some of Qin's sentimental pop songs. The conflict between the two continued to deepen until one day, Yang Yang was lying on the table in the dormitory sorting out the songs he wrote. Pushing the door open, he took a pile of scores of GUN'S ROSE METALICALL and BEYOND that he had just downloaded from the Internet, and threw them on the table, right on top of the new song written by Yang Yang. Yang Yang said, "Take it away."

Qi Sixin ignored Yang Yang, took off his shoes and lay down on the bed. Yang Yang picked up those sheet music and threw them on the ground. Qi Sixin jumped up from the bed and shouted at Yang Yang: "What the hell are you doing!" Yang Yang said: "It's my song!" "So what if you press it!" "no!" "Who do you think you are, writing a bunch of crap." "Okay, I'm writing rubbish, that's better than picking up rubbish!" Yang Yang packed up his songs, slammed the door and left. I received a call from Yang Yang, asking me to meet him for a drink at a food stall on the street. I didn't know what happened, so I took Zhou Zhou there.

When he saw Yang Yang, he was sitting alone at the table, with a bottle of beer in front of him, a cigarette in his hand, and the ash was formed into a long knot. I stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?" Yang Yang pulled out a chair for me and said, "Drink!" Yang Yang handed me a cigarette and told the story intermittently.I asked him, "What do you want?" Yang Yang lowered his head and said, "Forget it, let's break up." Then he drank a big gulp of beer. I know that Yang Yang’s mood at this time must be very complicated. He has put a lot of effort into the process from the establishment to the development of the band. He is constantly exploring for the formation of the band’s own style. Tons of songs, hoping the band will go its own way, and now this two-year-old band is disintegrating in the blink of an eye.

It was October at this time, and the weather was very cold in the evening. Yang Yang was sitting alone opposite Zhou Zhou and me. The street lights stretched his figure very long. He sighed and said, "I never thought of this at the beginning." , I am so disappointed." A gust of night wind blew by, Yang Yang shuddered, his body trembled involuntarily, a drop of tear slipped from his face and dripped into the wine glass, he took a drink from the wine glass, and there were already seven empty beers in front of Jing Yangyang When he drank the ninth bottle of beer, he said to me: "If you don't explode in silence, you will die in silence. I don't know what I will do when I go back. Don't stop me."

"I won't stop you, you can do whatever you want!" I feel that there will be an inevitable "war" between him and Qi Sixin. The ending of the matter was beyond my expectation. Yang Yang staggered back to the dormitory without saying anything or doing anything. He just took off his shoes, climbed to the upper bunk, covered himself with the quilt and went to sleep. Our band was born and died forever. 14 Yang Yang and Qi Sixin each held a grudge against each other and cut off all communication from then on. When they met, they would turn their faces away, as if they didn't know each other.

Whenever Qi Sixin spoke out emotionally in the dormitory, Yang Yang would quietly leave the dormitory and stand outside the door smoking a cigarette or sitting in the corridor playing the guitar alone.Once, when Yang Yang and I were eating mutton skewers, I asked him, "Why do you always avoid Qi Sixin?" "I annoy him, I annoy him when I hear him talk!" "You can find a way to keep him away. As soon as he appears, you leave. Are you too passive and let him lead you by the nose?" Yang Yang looked at the elder brother who was beside him with kebabs and said: "Everyone has their own way of life, such as kebabs, we used to have only the one with the female boss downstairs, since this one came, the female boss She moved to another place, and she left not because she couldn't compete with this company, but because she had her own way of doing business."

Not long after, Yang Yang found another job where he could sing——as a resident singer in a bar in Sanlitun, and he sang songs he wrote. 15 The bar where Yang Yang sings is well-known in the bar industry in Beijing, and is favored by entertainment stars and white-collar aristocrats. Every day when it gets dark, a large number of yuppies come here for entertainment. The bar owner is a man from the late 1980s. A rising singer in the south, he released an album, but in the end he failed to be popular in a quarter of China. The company saw that he had no potential to be tapped, so they stopped packaging and promoting him, and he also retired from the music scene because of this. Started a business, earned some money, and later opened this bar in Beijing. The bar's reputation is much louder than its owner.

The bar owner felt okay after listening to Yang Yang's self-playing and singing, so he decided to keep him and give him 50 yuan for an hour of singing. I also went to the first night when Yang Yang sang in the bar. The boss generously asked the waiter to bring me a small bottle of "Carlsberg" beer after learning that I was Yang Yang's friend. Its price in the bar was 50 yuan. I am very grateful to my boss for this.I sat in a corner of the bar, staring at the "Carlsberg" in front of me and remembered a sentence: Foreign monks can chant scriptures. The exotic leisure and entertainment places like bars have replaced the traditional status of restaurants in the minds of Chinese people. A few years ago, restaurants were the first choice for Chinese family reunions, gatherings of relatives and friends, and business negotiations. Today, elegant and The appearance of the bar has ruthlessly pushed the restaurant to vulgarity, making people abandon the restaurant and follow the bar.

Although you can enjoy the singer's playing and singing while drinking beer in bars, restaurants also have this form. Some Jianghu entertainers who walk around the streets often carry the erhu and stand at the entrance of the restaurant to perform. Hearing his performance of "Erquan Yingyue", the price is only a few tenths of the price of ordering a song in a bar.Therefore, if it is economical, it has to be a restaurant, especially a restaurant without a neon sign at the door and without a parking space. That night, Yang Yang sang six songs on the stage, which won the applause of some drinkers and the attention of some people. Among them, a girl named Tian Hong approached Yang Yang and invited him to her place at night .

After Yang Yang finished singing, he went to her place with his guitar and Tian Hong on his back. Tian Hong is a girl from Dalian. Like Yang Yang, she sings in bars every night.It is her dream to become a signed singer of the company. She is 22 years old and has been singing in Beijing for three years. She has sung in countless bars, but she has not been discovered by talent scouts or the boss of a certain record company. .She also recommended herself and sent her demos to the record company, but those tapes and CDs fell into the sea and disappeared.Therefore, Tian Hong's current mentality has become natural after repeated disappointments, and no longer has extravagant expectations for the future.

Soon Yang Yang and Tian Hong started living together, and they rented a house near Changhong Bridge.During the day, Tian Hong stayed in the house to sleep and watch TV, while Yang Yang came to school for classes; at night, the two went to the bar to sing together. 16 After the band broke up, we quit the rented house and moved back into the dorm.Zhong Feng left us with his guitar and returned to Medical University to continue his studies. Without a house, there was one thing that was hard to deal with - there was no place to make out with our girlfriends, so we had to take our girlfriends to the boys' dormitories. On the white wall on the first floor of the boys’ dormitory building, there are four big characters painted in red paint: Ladies stop, and there is an old man in the reception room who waits in front of the window 24 hours a day, with his eyes wide open, watching the students coming and going, in case a girl sneaks in. . The old man’s conscientious attitude prevented many lovers from getting together. Some students once advised him to work hard for a lifetime and not to be loyal to his duties. Just turn a blind eye and close one eye, but he firmly disagreed and put on a gesture of revolution to the end. We analyzed The reason why the old man did this was that he would feel jealous when he saw young people's love for men and women, which aroused the pain that he had lost his function, so he was so righteous and awe-inspiring. Although the boys' building is heavily guarded, it is a breeze for us to bring girls into the building.That night, Qi Sixin dressed up Tong Xiaoya and brought her into the building. Tong Xiaoya put on a military overcoat, a fur hat, a cigarette in her mouth, and two thermos pots in her hands, as if she just came back from fetching water, she followed behind Qi Sixin and easily avoided the old man's monitor. The purpose of Qi Sixin bringing Tong Xiaoya into the dormitory was obvious, so we had no choice but to go to other dormitories to find an empty bed to sleep and make room for them to enjoy themselves. In the middle of the night, when I went to the bathroom, I saw Ma Jie fastening a huge washbasin to the wall, bent over, with his ears pressed against the bottom of the basin, and I asked, "What are you doing?" "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ma Jie then leaned against the wall again. Ma Jie's serious look reminded me that Qi Sixin and Tong Xiaoya were sleeping next door. I asked, "What did you hear?" Ma Jie said: "I lay on the ground for half the night, and I didn't hear anything." When I came back from the toilet, I saw Ma Jie still lying on the bed infatuatedly, so I said, "When did you make such a problem?" Ma Jie didn't seem to hear what I was saying, so he leaned against the wall and listened for a while, then removed the washbasin, got into bed, turned his head to the wall and said to himself: "Qi Sixin must have blocked Tong Xiaoya's mouth with a sock. "
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