Home Categories Chinese history "General History of Taiwan" Volume II

Chapter 20 Volume Thirty-Four Biography Six-1

(1) follow the official Chen Xuan Chen Yu, courtesy name Wenhuan, nicknamed Meichuan, was born in Haikang, Guangdong.In the 33rd year of Kangxi, he was a Jinshi and was awarded the county magistrate of Gutian.Forty-one years in Taiwan, Qingcao worked hard, cared for the people.In the spare time of official duties, I often quote students to take exams and talk with them about their behavior.Walk around at night, ask the elders about their sufferings, and when they hear the weaving and reading, they will knock on the door to see them and reward them heavily; or those who drink and sing will be strictly prohibited.At the age of 1, the warehouse is used to revitalize, and the poor Li feels its virtue.Next year, the head of the criminal transfer department will move to the doctor.In the forty-ninth year, the governor of Sichuan, Xuezheng, was appointed as Taixia Road, and the scholars and people heard that he came again, and they fought for it.As a matter of fact, it takes Xinghua and Yisu as its business, cultivates talents, and revitalizes the style of writing.The Longevity Palace was built, and the Minglun Hall of the Confucian Temple and the Zhuzi Temple were built. The Sixteen Zhai was set up to teach students, and the school fields were set up as tuition fees.Wherever it is created, it will work tirelessly all day long.The annual income of Guanzhuang is 30,000 taels, and it is returned to the public. It is not stained in autumn, and its integrity is like this.In the 53rd year, he was promoted to be the governor of Hunan Province, and he went to the post alone, and all the cultural transfers were done by himself.When he entered the pilgrimage in the next year, he said to his eyes: "This is an ascetic old monk." In December, he was transferred to the governor of Fujian, and Wenzhi Jialai.Your Majesty asked if there was any increase in consumption in Fujian, and the answer was: "There is no such thing in the three counties of Taiwan." The above said: "In the past, there were silver taels in the counties and counties, and there were still some public funds. Later, it was discussed that it would be returned to the Ministry of Households, and the counties and counties could not work. .If the fire consumption is strictly prohibited, I am afraid that it will not be possible. It will not cause disadvantages, but will harm the people. Therefore, the officials must be clear, but they must be clear, so that the officials and the people can live in peace." In July 55th, the statement : "The method of defending the sea is different from that of defending the mountains. Bandit roars gather here and there, and pirates are frequent. However, the coastal defense of Taiwan, Jin, and Xiamen is different from that of the coast. Why? The trouble of the coast lies in the sudden Offending the mainland, Taiwan and Xiamen suffer from plundering the ocean. If you want to defend Taiwan and Xiamen, you must have a sentry period, apply for an escort order, and take a series of protection. Today, the fifth battalion of the Navy and the second of the Penghu Navy are promoted. The battalion, the third battalion of the Navy Division of the Taiwan Association, each has a sentry boat. It is advisable to write the words of a certain battalion on the flag, and the sentry will be held once a month. If there is an accident, the name of the patrol officer will be inspected, and the law of the sentry will be done. Merchant ships should not be released sporadically. Each sentry ship No. 3 or 4, escorted to Peng to explain, each took the result of nothing, and sent it to the governor for inspection every month. If there is no seal, the name of the official ship should be declared, and the escort method will work. Twenty or thirty merchant ships At the same time, when leaving the port, the officials will point out that each of them will take a link with the environmental protection, and rescue each other when they meet the bandits.Shangte wrote it, as said.In October of the fifty-seventh year, he died in an official position, and made a decree to mourn, posthumously present the Minister of Rites, give a sacrificial funeral, and posthumously posthumously Qingduan.In the eighth year of Yongzheng, the Xianliang Temple was ordered to be sacrificed.Governing Taiwan has beneficial policies, Taiwanese people think about it, a statue is placed in Wenchang Pavilion, and lanterns and drums are played to celebrate birthdays.When he died, he cried and was enshrined in the temple of famous eunuchs.

Ji Qiguang Ji Qiguang is from Wuxi, Jiangsu.In the fifteenth year of Kangxi, Jinshi.Twenty-three years later, I knew the affairs of Zhuluo County.Taiwan was first established, and the system was not yet ready. Whenever there was a consultation from the big government, Qi Guang always stated his interests and adopted many words.He also said: "Taiwan has three major problems, and the ocean is isolated, and the people are mixed and stubborn, so they don't agree with each other. One is that taxes are very important. Taiwan's rural areas are divided into three categories: upper, middle and lower, and they can be taxed evenly according to discretion. Different from the inland area, most of the land in the inland area is fertile soil, which is a folk industry. In Taiwan, there are few paddy fields but many dry fields. The sandy and brine land is shallow, and the small people plant it, or two or three years, and the harvest is light. , That is to move to other land, otherwise it will be abandoned, so the people have no permanent production, and there is no certain number of people. Moreover, the heaviest land rent is like Su, Song and other prefectures. Up to two buckets, it’s over. Today’s farmland counts ten acres, and seven or eight stones of millet are requisitioned, and the rice is counted, and it’s four buckets, three buckets, five or six liters per mu. How much power is there for the people? The gardens here are all paddy fields, and they can harvest more than 50 stones of millet every year. The Zheng family collected 18 stones and 16 stones, and made offerings of sugar, hemp, beans, grass, oil, and bamboo. The gardens of civil and military officials, They are all barren land, and when there is rain, they will be harvested, and if there is no rain, they will apologize. The tenants who are recruited are uncertain. Therefore, it is strange to collect 120,000 grains at the age of 120,000. There are more than 80,000 stones, 22,710 of the civil and military gardens, and only 40,000 stones are collected, and the quota is also determined according to the land. The tax of a person is not more important than the east and west of the mountain, and the north and south of the river, which is called the land. It is sparse, so it is enough to get enough from ding. However, rice, wheat, millet, and millet grow it, pears, jujubes, persimmons, and chestnuts grow it, and cotton, hemp, beans, and bamboo grow it. One hectare and one hundred mu only accept three or four liang of silver. It can be said that it is more important than this. On the left and right of the river, the land tax is heavy, and the tax for a person is only one yuan, and a family pays one person for several people, or one person for twenty or thirty mu of land. There is no one who counts taxes as much as Taiwan, but there is no one who weighs four cents and eight cents per dime like Taiwan. Today, the amount of millet is more, and the amount of silver is more important. Compared with Zheng's, it has been reduced, and compared with the mainland, it has been reduced. It is really difficult. Fortunately, if the rains come and go, the people's strength can be supported, but if the soldiers encounter a severe famine, there is no way to remedy it. It is said that those who do not suffer from disintegration, but suffer from landslides, are just like today's situation. One is the difficulty of the militia. The soldiers in Taiwan are mostly from Zhang and Quan, and the people from Zhang and Quan are mostly loyal soldiers. Relatives are still in Taiwan, so they come and go frequently. You can check the newspapers of Luermen. But this generation has no land. , have no livelihood, do not rely on themselves in the camp, but sneak in the grassland, like civilians but not civilians, like soldiers but not soldiers, there is no way to ask Libao, no way to check Fangjia. Drinking and gambling, piercing through walls and over walls, rogue children, relying on borrowers Enroll foreign aid, call brother and brother, do not enter the household, do not return to the farm, recruit friends and others. Guaranteed that there are no traitors who incite and incite, first become thieves, then become robbers, and finally fight for long-term misfortunes like Hu Guocai, He Ji, etc. Huh? But the reason why it is so difficult to inspect is that there are deserted villages in the wild, scattered cooking smoke, or one or two families, four or five families, all living in deep bamboo clumps. Zhabi avoids this. The method of Baojia can be practiced in the market, but not in the village. One soldier's family, or two or three, are called fire soldiers. They go in and out of the village and city without knowing any scruples and have nothing to do. It is the name of a false soldier, but it is not a real soldier if something happens. The surnames are different, and it is impossible to distinguish the authenticity, two. Moreover, the soldiers in Taiwan are all drawn for the real amount. If there is death, they will be compensated. To enlist in the army is to have one more soldier in the battalion, that is to say, one less ding in the rift. Since a ding is a soldier, he will not be served if he is not taxed and served.Thinking ahead of troubles, and urgently rectifying them, the so-called those who are not in the Zhuanyu, but in the Xiaoqiang, are like this.One is that the yin occupation is not yet clear.Taxes start from the fields, and services are handled from the Ding. This has never been an easy law.Since the Zheng family usurped Taiwan, six to seven out of ten of the land were taken from the land, and they were recaptured. For more than 20 years, the people have been miserable.Once it has entered the territory, the amount of allocation will be discussed at will, and various fields will be returned to the people, and they will be uniformly collected according to the regulations.Then one foot of land is the land of the king, and the people are all the king's people. Apart from the formal offerings, there is no other mark.It was the general who took over Zheng's civil and military legacy, either in the name of recruiting tenants, or in the name of reclaiming wasteland, and setting up another manager to collect rent as usual.In the imperial court, the benevolence is always regarded as benevolence, but the tenants suffer alone, complaining about grievances and complaining, and the county magistrates apply again and again, but they can't remedy it.And the field is a field with an owner, and Ding is a Ding with an owner. There is no bond, no comparison, and no office work.Huyin Ding has a physical problem, one Ding is exempted, and one Ding is used for the service of two Dings. If the weak is the strong flesh, then he will have the heart of life and death, and he will not be benevolent if he is reluctant, and he will not be convinced if he responds.Resentment is not great, but people are to be feared, and it is appropriate to be cautious.Occupying the land is an invisible trouble, and the common people work hard all the time, and if they lose, they will be afraid of future success, and use the rest for food and clothing, good or bad.Now that we are doing our best in public and private affairs, the family has no surplus, and the landlord is not his worldly business, he will take it if it is rich, and abandon it if it is bad.If the disadvantages of shadow occupation are not very important at the beginning, but they are very serious for the national economy and people's livelihood, then it is necessary to raise them early.In the past, when Jia Yi was a young man in Luoyang, when the Han language was in order, he still remembered the past and the present, and it was Chen who was crying too much.Kuang Haijiang was opened up for the first time, and it was at this time that we were worried about the past and the future in addition to the devastation.A scholar in Beixian County is far inferior to the ancients, but he is in charge of the local area and has little knowledge of governance. Therefore, he violates the taboo and uses his stupidity to exhaust his stupidity. Only Xiantai pays attention to it. "Qiguang first started education because of the remoteness of Zhuluo and the miscellaneous places of the people. He also wrote the government annals because the literature has not been revised and has been abandoned for a long time. Gonggan was compiled because of his manuscript.

Jiang Yuying Jiang Yuying, styled Jigong, was born in Jinzhou, Fengtian, and knew Quanzhou Prefecture by virtue of his shade.In the 22nd year of Kangxi, the Qing people won Taiwan, and the Governor's Council made a recommendation, so they were transferred to the prefect of Taiwan.Since then, he has managed the territory of the three counties, collected exiles, diligently caressed the characters, and determined the land according to the land, so as to promote farming.Taiwan's inherent school, the system is not grand.In the twenty-fourth year, he grew up with Zhou Changtuo, the road patrol.He also set up righteous schools to teach his children, and Xu used the way of filial piety to strengthen the field, and he was called a good official for a while.In the 28th year, it was promoted to Hunan Yanyi Road.The scholars and the people were told to stay, but they were not allowed to build temples to worship.

Zhang Zhang was born in Nao County, Shanxi Province.Aged Gongsheng, in the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, he served as the county magistrate of Zhuluo.The land in the city is vast and mostly uncultivated, and hooligans are recruited to expand the fields, and striders encourage and caress the Sui, and those who arrive are like returning to the city.Thirty-one years of locusts, patrolling the rice fields every day, worrying and showing signs of worry, wholeheartedly offering sacrifices, although disasters do not harm.Tranquil in nature, reticent and smiling, he has been in office for four years, and he has not beaten one person lightly, and slowed down one person.In the 29th year, he was promoted to the magistrate of Zhangde Mansion in Henan Province.The people of the town thought of its benefits and made a statue in Zhuxi Temple in Fuzhi.

Jin Zhiyang Jin Zhiyang, a man with a yellow banner inlaid in Manchuria, wrote the history of Zhangzhou magistrate.In the thirty-fourth year of Kangxi, the government of Taiwan was transferred to clean up the grass and theft, recruit the natives, and donate money to repair the Confucian Temple.You Ya means to be a human being, and Fan Tong has unknown etiquette and righteousness. He establishes a social school, invites teachers to teach him, and the people call him a virtue.In the forty-one year, he was promoted to Gaoleilian Road in Guangdong, and he was invited to worship the famous eunuch temple.

Li Zhongsu Li Zhongsu, courtesy name Queshan, was born in Xiling, Hubei.At the beginning, he was appointed as the teaching instructor of Xiangxiang, and he was promoted to Fujian County for his excellence.In the thirty-fourth year of Kangxi, he was transferred to Taiwan.He is good at listening to lawsuits, and will try his best to appeal for rescue in case of unjust imprisonment, and the stubborn ones will be brought to justice.Try to learn seal script in Shefu, teach all students to be filial to younger brothers, and secondly to literature and art. Wei Tai Kui Weitai Kui Zinan Village, a native of Quwo, Shanxi.Know Zhangzhou Prefecture by shade.In the 40th year of Kangxi, he was transferred to Taiwan, known as Lian Neng.The Chongwen Academy was first built, and after a while, all the students were given lectures, and the first and second teachers were appointed in person, so that literature prospered.Forty-four years, year-old hunger, please rent a tax this year.During his tenure, Min'an sat on the seat, his rank was full, he was promoted to Yanfa Road in Guangdong, and Taiwanese people built temples to worship him.

Sun Yuanheng Sun Yuanheng, whose name is Xiangnan, was born in Tongcheng, Jiangsu.Gongsheng knew the Tongzhi of Hanzhou, Sichuan.In the forty-two year of Kangxi, he moved to Taiwan to be the magistrate.Gentle and kind, he has no disobedience in things, but he is upright and upright, unyielding to power, and eliminates anyone who is inconvenient to the people. Song Yongqing Song Yongqing was born in Laiyang, Shandong.He was supervised by the Han army and knew the affairs of Fengshan County in the 43rd year of Kangxi.In order to clean up the government, build a new school, build a government office, create a private school, and do everything.There are hundreds of good fields outside the east gate of Yizhi. Years of drought, Yongqing sent thousands of stones of grain to the people.Build an embankment in the lotus pond, more than three hundred feet long, and use it for irrigation, and the year will be rich.

In the south of the county, there is Fahua Temple, which is the former site of Mengdie Garden. In the forty-seventh year, Yongqing built a new front hall to worship Zhurong, opened up open space, planted flowers and fruits, and built a thatched pavilion beside the Drum Tower. In your spare time, rest here.Su Gong's poems are easy to chant, and every time he lectures with people in the town, his culture and education flourish.Author of "Xi Weng Poetry Grass".In the fifty-first year, the rank was full, and he was promoted to the magistrate of Yanqing. Zhou Zhongxuan Zhou Zhongxuan, styled Xuanzi, was born in Guizhu, Guizhou.In the thirty-fifth year of Kangxi, it was held in the township.In fifty-three years, he knew the affairs of Zhuluo County.Sexual kindness, for the general rule of knowledge.At that time, the county government was newly established, the land was vast and sparsely populated, and the legacy was still huge. He paid attention to consultation and visits, urged the people to dig towns, and donated their salaries to help them.It is also elegant in culture and education, and Chen Menglin in Yanzhangpu compiled the city annals.At that time, to the north of Zhuluo, as far as the chicken coop, the land was desolate and filthy, and the regulations were not prepared. Zhong Xuan was in it, and anyone who could cultivate fields and build towns, and station troops to set up dangers, all discussed their interests.The manuscript was not published, so it was searched for, and later it was mostly followed.The people of the town read it, and the statue was enshrined in Longhu Rock.

Huang Shuzhen Huang Shuzhen, whose name is Yupu, is a native of Daxing in Shuntian.In the forty-eighth year of Kangxi, he was a Jinshi and served successively as the rank of Beijing.In the sixty-first year, a tour of Taiwan's censors was established, with one member from each of the Manchu and Han Dynasties.Dali is also a red flag man.Since then, Anji went into exile, gathered public opinion, and built many buildings.Authors of "Chi Xian Bi Tan" and "Six Tests of Fan Customs" are funded by those who are interested in Taiwan. In the 19th year of Yue, there was Zhang Mei, who also visited Taiwan as a censor, loving the people and making scholars.Meizi Luzhou, from Qiantang, Zhejiang.In the 11th year of Yongzheng's reign, he entered the soil, turned the censor into the Hanlin, and wrote "Shanzhi Collection" and "Yingyu Baiyong".

Qin Shiwang Qin Shiwang was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu.He became an official with Bagong.In the twelfth year of Yongzheng, he was transferred to the county magistrate of Changhua.At the beginning of the establishment of Yizhi, the system is not yet detailed, that is, the heart is to promote learning and governance, and do nothing to benefit the people.In the following year, imitating the method of Zhuluo, planting thorny bamboos around the city, building four gates, digging the outside of the moat, and building a bridge outside the west gate to communicate.In the past, miasma was rampant in Taiwan, and the water and soil were bad. Every time people in the countryside suffered from leprosy, there was no cure for it.Scholars saw it and sympathized with it, worried about its infection, and built a nursing home at the foot of Bagua Mountain to live in it, and take care of the disabled and sick, raise them and treat them, and the people call it good governance.

Lu Peng Lu Peng, courtesy name Ximing, was born in Haiyan, Zhejiang.Kangxi fifty-six years Juren.At the beginning of the Fenghua teaching, he was promoted to the county magistrate of Lianjiang by Zhuo Yi, transferred to Zhuluo, organized the common people in An, and Furou Fanshe, and became the most governed.Later Ding's mother was worried, and he was appointed as the general judge of Quanzhou grain arrest.In the eighth year of Qianlong, he was transferred to Penghu.In my spare time, I focus on building up my studies. Every Shuo Ri, I gather students from Ma Gong’s office to teach literature and art, and You Dun’s conduct inspires the spirit of Peng’s scholars.In November of the next year, he died in an official. Zeng Yueying Zeng Yueying was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi.In the eleventh year of Qianlong's reign, he served as Tongzhi of Tamsui and also took charge of Changhua County affairs.At that time, Tongzhi was stationed in the county government. He said that Ying had built Changhua for more than 20 years, and there was no academy. He was concerned that it would not be enough to educate talents, so he donated his salary and advocated the construction of Baisha Academy to the west of the Confucian Temple.After the completion, the rules and regulations were drawn up by hand, the land was allocated as a fee, and famous teachers were extended to teach.On the day of completion, poems were written to show all living beings, and they were recited far and near.Seeking to be promoted to the prefect of Taiwan has a political voice.The prosperity of culture and education in Changhua is also called Yingqi. Zhu Shan Zhu Shan was born in Gui'an, Zhejiang Province.In the 16th year of Qianlong, he was a Jinshi.Twenty years ago, I knew Changhua County. After getting off the car and visiting the temple, I went to see the prison and asked the prison official, "Is there any big thief in the prison?" ?” They were summoned to the court and let them go, and each was given ten pieces of gold to make them live.Said: "I made an appointment with you, and there will be no forgiveness for committing another crime." How can you catch a thief in death?The mountain language officer said: "The first law must be done, and you should kill it with a stick." When he died, he killed a thief again. , Seeing tears on his face, Shan said: "If the offender dies, why cry?" Will shroud go.Shan said: "The canal is filial, but it can be changed." Give another ten gold, and strictly said: "You sell food and clothing in other places, don't live here, and catch it for the old." The man kowtowed and went.Shan was cautious in his administration. When he heard the lawsuit, he brought the two cases together and sentenced them in court. There were no accumulated documents in the case.The Zhang Department has its own private funds, and the annual income is thousands of gold, but the mountain does not accept it.The words said: "Official offerings and outsiders are horizontal expropriations. How can being a herdsman make the people poor?" The title of the document.Russia and call down, life book Zhang Tian.Shan Li contended: "The land of Zhang was first opened, and it was half denounced, and it was different from other towns. In the past, it was cleared, and there was room to relieve the poor. If it is changed again, the mountain will not be able to bear the serious illness of the people." People in the town try to bribe thousands of gold to avoid it, but the mountains cannot.Said: "I am here, and I will never let the princes bribe the upper reaches." Suddenly ordered to seize the scorpion and return.Wen Wenzhi was furious and impeached the mountain to buy it privately.After the report, Shan was arrested, and tens of thousands of people in the town fought to drive out the committee members.Shan waved his hands and stopped, and wept and said: "If the common people resist Wang Zhang for my reason, they are killing me, not loving me." ” Just boarded the boat, and those who were responsible for feeding the embarrassing food, the cabin was almost full.A man held a hundred gold offerings, asked him, and said to him: "You are a thief again." He said: "Why?" He said: "After receiving the gold, he changed his career to selling fish and has already married. Now I heard that you are traveling far. My mother ordered me to repay my kindness." Shan said: "I really don't know the gold in your hand, how can I know that it was not stolen and left to me?" He said: "If you don't accept it, it is like treating me as a thief. Why do you see your mother? It is better to die. "Jumping into the sea, Zhouzi gave first aid, and the mountain took it.For more than a month in the province, the general of Fujian thought about his injustice, please forgive him.He was summoned, restored to office, and then moved to Luanzhou to be the magistrate.When he was appointed, he went to Limen on his way, but he dared not enter if he saw that it was not his old house.Then his wife went out to greet him, saying: "Hey! When this gentleman was dismissed from office the year before last, the people of Changhua sent me to live here." Hu Banghan Hu Banghan is from Yuyao, Zhejiang.In the seventeenth year of Qianlong's reign, he was a Jinshi.In the twenty-seventh year, the county magistrate of Changhua was adjusted, the pros and cons were thoroughly checked, and a lot of construction was done.First of all, the wasteland was connected by water and sand, and the land was reclaimed into fields. It has been reported to the department, and it has been flooded and destroyed many times.When Banghan heard about it, it was Chen Dafu who described his suffering.Now that the governor is on tour, he invites him back and guides him to Yikan.The governor is sympathetic to his sincerity, and please exempt thousands of barren fields and tens of thousands of stones for lessons, and please reduce the rules.Zhaozhi, Yenong is overjoyed, because it is located in the Queen's Palace with water and sand, every birthday, prepare gifts to wish. After that, there was Hu Yingkui, who was also a good official.Ying Kui, styled Heqing, was born in Qu'a, Jiangsu.Taking Huikui as the professor of Luzhou, in the first year of Jiaqing, he was transferred to the county magistrate of Changhua.When Chen Zhouquan was in turmoil and the remaining parties were not settled, Ying Kui tried his best to search and arrest the refugees, and took the responsibility of revitalizing culture and education.At the beginning, there was no spring in the city, and those who drew it had to go to Hongmaojing in the eastern suburbs.Ying Kui donated his salary to buy it, named Gu Yuejing.The Taiji Pavilion was built behind the office to collect the beauty of the Bagua Mountain.After the term expires, he will be promoted to Danshui Tongzhi.During Cai Qian's chaos, he made great contributions in preventing and blocking, and died as an official. Hu Jianwei Hu Jianwei, courtesy name Mianting, was born in Sanshui, Guangdong.In the tenth year of Qianlong's reign, he became a Jinshi.In the fourteenth year, he was awarded Wuji County in Zhili, and he was promoted to Tongzhi.In the thirty-first year, he was appointed as the general judge of Penghu.Penghu is an archipelago in the sea, the land is barren and the people are poor, Jianwei devoted himself to raising them.First of all, Pengshi studied alone without a teacher. In order to build Wenshi Academy, he was a pro-school of literature and art.He also advised all societies to set up more private schools to help them fund their expenses.However, Peng Shi went to Test Taiwan County and stayed there for several months, or turned back halfway because he had no capital.I would like to invite Dafu to follow the example of Nan'ao, take the examination by the Peng Bureau, send it to the hospital for examination, and return to the county to create a test residence for Peng scholars, which is convenient for everyone.Every time it is time for farming, I will go to the countryside, ask about the suffering, and eliminate the disadvantages.Cooperate with the soldiers, become a habit of arrogance and bullying the villagers, and every time they are punished by law, if they are evil, please ask the Lord to eradicate them.Jianwei said that Penghu had been developed for a long time, but there were no documents collected. Zhou Yuren, the former general judge, only compiled one volume of "Zhilue", and the edition was lost.In the twenty-eighth year, Lifan Tongzhi of Shengbei Road.People in Penghu appreciate its benevolent governance, and they are regarded as an academy, and so far, people who talk about it call it the number one in governing Penghu. Yu Ren, courtesy name Chunzai, was born in Anyue, Sichuan.In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi's reign, he was appointed as a general judge in the eleventh year of Yongzheng.Be decisive when things happen, not afraid of strong defenses.In the thirteenth year, Fengxi Qingzhang urged the people to reclaim wasteland, opened up more than 140 mu of land, and provided cattle with farming tools. The officials did not invade fishing, and the people benefited from it.When the salary was full and returned to his hometown, the Peng people built a temple to worship him. Xue Zhiliang Xue Zhiliang, courtesy name Yunlu, was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu.He was a Jinshi in the fifty-eighth year of Qianlong.In the eleventh year of Jiaqing, he knew Taiwan County.Cai Qian’s rebellion recruited brave men to guard the city and shared the sufferings of the people, while the guerrilla Ji Ling’a was able to serve as soldiers. The folks said: “There is Xue in the text, and there is auspicious in the martial arts. If Cai Qian comes, Tucheng will become Iron." Heping, Yanjiao ordered Zheng Jiancai and Xie Jinluan to jointly compile the county chronicles.Lifan Tongzhi of Xuanzhu North Road, who also served as Haiphong, advocated the construction of Lukang Confucian Temple and Martial Arts Temple.Later, together with Yuan Bingyi, Li Shenyi, Lou Yun and Cao Jin, they worshiped the Tamsui Dezheng Temple. Bingyi, courtesy name Jiefu, was born in Xuanhua, Zhili.He was a Jinshi in the 31st year of Qianlong, and served as the Tongzhi of Tamsui in the 53rd year. At that time, Danshui was changed by Lin Shuangwen, the place was not peaceful, and righteousness came, rape and violence were removed, and gambling was strictly prohibited.He was appointed again in fifty-six years, and people fear him. Shen Yi, styled Xinzhai, was born in Weiyuan, Sichuan.In the thirteenth year of Jiaqing, he was a Jinshi and once served in Taiwan County.In the sixth year of Daoguang's reign, Tamsui Tongzhi was established, and the hall city was first built. He served with the gentlemen Zheng Yongxi and Lin Guohua with Dong Qi.In the third year of Yue, he was promoted to the general judge of Kavalan. Lou Yun, styled Qiucha, was born in Shanyin, Zhejiang.Donate to the county magistrate with the prison students, and come to Taiwan.In the 16th year of Daoguang, he served as Tongzhi of Danshui.Dan is a mountain and sea Olympic area, with Fujian and Guangdong branches competing for supremacy in the territory, and fighting with weapons every time there is a grievance.Yun Nai gathered the elders, Chen Lili, and established four regulations and eight prohibitions for them to abide by.He also advised all villages to set up social warehouses and continue to build Mingzhi Academy to teach and support.Dajia River is at the junction of Dan and Zhang. It flows westward and enters the sea. It rises in summer and autumn, and there is no limit to the horizon. However, there are many local tyrants who drive the boats.Yun raised money to set up a free crossing, donated money to promote honesty, and then persuaded the gentry and rich to lose more than 8,900 yuan.Where there are six crossings, Baishadun in the south of the moat, and Jinmencuo in the north of the moat, every autumn, floating beams are erected on each side to facilitate exchanges, and they are called good governance.Be careful not to pass on. Wu Xingcheng Wu Xingcheng, courtesy name Pu'an, was born in Huang'an, Hubei.Donate to the county magistrate with Lin Sheng, and come to Fujian Hou Committee.In the 20th year of Jiaqing, he served as the prime minister of Xiadanshui County and advocated the construction of an academy.In the spring of the 21st year, he was appointed magistrate of Changhua County.The grain is expensive, and the thieves steal the hair. They are sincere and eager to persuade the businessmen to make porridge, and the grain is cooked to feed the poor, so the hunger is harmless.There are so many real talents in ordinary courses.Built a martyr's shrine in the west gate, where Lin, Chen, and Cai died.Later, with Zhuo Yi, he was promoted to Tongzhi of Danshui, and soon returned with illness. Jiang Yong Jiang Yong, courtesy name Yiyan, was born in Huangmei, Hubei.In the seventh year of Jiaqing, he became a Jinshi and made up Lianjiang County.In the first year of Daoguang, he served as the general judge of Penghu, benevolent and loving the people, and helped each other with civil and military affairs.After the establishment of Wenshi Academy, it has been in ruins for a long time. Yong himself was the head of the mountain, and he used the repair fee to evaluate the school's literature and art, just like a teacher and a younger brother.In June of the ninth year, unloading.In the spring of the eleventh year, when it comes back, it will rain salty.In the following year, there was a great famine, so please send money to support the poor. First, donate more than 3,500 yuan from the charity storehouse to lend money to the poor.After governing Penghu for more than ten years, many establishments were established.He also compiled the book "Penghu Continuation" to make up for what Hu's family hadn't prepared.In September of the sixteenth year, he resigned.The Peng people read it, and they worshiped the academy together with Han Feisheng. Famous name Ehu, a native of Qianshan, Jiangxi, was born as a supervisor.In the second year of Jiaqing, he served as a judge, a compassionate man and a respected scholar.He once repaired Wenshi Academy and died as an official. Zhou Kai Zhou Kai, courtesy name Zhongli, was born in Fuyang, Zhejiang.In the 16th year of Jiaqing, he became a Jinshi.In the second year of Daoguang, he was awarded the magistrate of Xiangyang, Hubei.In six years, he moved to Jiangxi to supervise Liangdao.In the thirteenth year, Xingquan Yongdao was assigned to Taiwan's military preparations.After Zhang Bing's rebellion, the hearts of the people were uncertain, Kai came to supervise the search of the remaining party, and forgive those who were threatened.Among the rebels, those who planned to make troubles got their spy Lin Zhen, took advantage of the night to make a big cable, and Ming, who would camp the poultry, and learned all the methods.In September of the 16th year, he went to Taiwan.In October, Chiayi Shenzhi and others gathered a crowd to plot chaos, plundered the Qielong grain hall, killed the soldiers of Xunbian, and then joined the general army Dahong Aping.However, Chen Yan from Dapulin and Wu Fu from Gangshan had conspired to respond and also suppressed them. More than 280 people were searched and arrested, and they were all executed separately.Died in seventeen years, nine out of fifty.Kaigong calligraphy and painting, Su Aicai, and Menduo handsome.Author of "Nei Zi Xun Zhai Ji", Xiamen and Kinmen two annals. Cao Jin Cao Jin, styled Huaipu, originally named Jin, was born in Hanoi, Henan.In the twelfth year of Jiaqing, it was held in the township, and the county magistrate was selected by a large number, and Zhili was signed, and Pingshan, Quyang and other counties were registered.In the fourteenth year of Daoguang, it was selected and sent to Fujian.In the 16th year, it was assigned to Min County, and also assigned to the Haiphong Tongzhi of Fuzhou Prefecture.In the first month of the spring of the seventeenth year, I knew the affairs of Fengshan County.At that time, the soldiers in Taiwan were slack, and Da Hong'a, the general of the army, deliberately picked 600 soldiers and trained them to be elite soldiers. He was rewarded with more than 25,000 coins every year.And Yao Ying was appointed as a road patrol, and the matter of military training should be discussed by each subordinate, so I would like to make a statement.The language is in "Military Records".Since I arrived at the post, I looked at Longmu in person, went to the Danshui River, and sighed with emotion: "It is placed by the creator, but treated by people who manage it." The drought is dry, and the grain of rice is not good.I would like to gather the gentry and call in skilled craftsmen to open the Jiuqu pond, build embankments and set up gates, draw down the water of the Danshui stream, use it for irrigation, and set up five gates for storage and discharge.In my spare time, I went on foot to watch, and mixed with jokes, so I didn't slacken my work.When it was completed in two years, the length of the town was 43,600 feet, and the length of the land was 3,150 feet.Its water flows from Xiaozhuli to Guanyin, and Fengshan Mountain overflows from the lower part of Fengshan Mountain to Chishanli, harvesting the grain to double the old.The people enjoy their careers, many houses are hidden, and there are no thieves.In the eighteenth year, Yao Ying, the inspector, ordered Xiong Yiben, the magistrate, to survey it, and named it Cao Gongzhen for his meritorious service, which was recorded on the stele.There was a severe drought and insufficient irrigation water. Zheng Lansheng, a tribute student, and Zheng Yizhi, an epigenetic student, were sent back to tell the business households to donate more money. They became a town named Xinzhen, while it used to be an old town with a lot of land. Twenty years later, I was promoted to Danshui Tongzhi, scholars and people wept, and thousands of ancestors preserved.As long as he fulfills his duties, he will be kind and beneficial to the people, and he will promote the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages.In the 21st year, the British invaded Fujian, spying on the chicken coops, guarding the roads and making every effort to prevent them.I would like to take the Danshui coast, the extension of Shashan, from Jilong to Da'an, anyone who can moor a boat will be blocked by sand, and Lianxiang will guard it bravely.Also, because the government is weak, don't build an earthen city as a vassal, but plant bamboo and chisel Hao as horns.In the 22nd year, the British fleet entered Da'an, and I would like to supervise the soldiers to guard it bravely. Weaving fishing boats, banning aid, setting up sentry boats, patrolling the sea, and successively captured three pirates.When the army is booming, I would like to think that the squadron is useless. Please stop the foreign defense funds and focus on training local bravery. Yao Ying does not allow it.However, Ying also knew that if the squadron was weak, it had to be rectified. She selected 600 elite soldiers, paid them generously and taught them a lesson.In the twenty-fourth year, people from Zhang and Quan fought with each other, and the four towns were in turmoil.I would like to hear the news, and I am interested in going to the intersection of Zhang and Dan, and staying in Dajia for more than two months.Governing the people is lenient, but the law must be punished, and the cunning local tyrants hold their breath and dare not commit crimes. ■Government five years, day by day to promote culture and education, advocating practical learning, advocating for ordinary people.Shuowang must visit Minglun Hall, preach the oracle, publish the "Book of Filial Piety", primary school, and pay Mengshu to study and recite.In my spare time, every time I invite students to take exams, I will be rewarded with bonuses.Danshui already has Xuehai Academy, but the work is not yet completed, and the salary is donated to complete it, and a rural school is added, so Dan's literary style is naturally flourishing.In twenty-five years, he died with illness.The Dan people remember their last love and worship the Dezheng Temple.And the Feng people also built a shrine in Fengyi Academy, Chunqiu Zudou, which has not been replaced until now.In the second year of Guangxu, Ding Richang, the governor of Fujian Province, sacrificed to the temple of famous eunuchs, which was ordered. Cao Shigui Cao Shigui, styled Futang, was born in Wenshan, Yunnan.In the second year of Daoguang, it was held in the township.The heir selected magistrates with a large number, signed Jiangxi, and signed Xing'an, Longnan and other counties.In the twenty-fourth year, to donate rice and stone, and discuss with the Ministry of Consultation.In October of the twenty-fifth year, he was promoted to Lugang Tongzhi, and in the first month of the second year, he began to take office.In the third day of the Xuanshu Office, there was a battle between Zhang and Quan in Dajia, and they went there in the rain to inform the people of Zhuang that the matter began to end.He is good at listening to lawsuits, and if there is a prison, he will be judged. There is no case, and he has never punished a person.Tranquil in nature, no official habits, self-satisfied with vegetables, and the inherent bad rules of the Dantang, do not take it.In the ninth month of the appointment, due to overwork and illness, he still tried his best to see things, so he died in office.Dan people read their benefits and worship the Dezheng Temple.In the sixth year of Tongzhi, Chen Weiying, the gentry of the hall, and others asked Cao Jin to worship the temple of Ming Huan, but it was not allowed. Yan Jinqing Yan Jinqing, courtesy name Ziqing, was born in Jinkui, Jiangsu.Donate to Nazhi County with Jiansheng.Tongzhi five years, Department of Tamsui Tongzhi.At that time, the government affairs were slack and many things were tolerated. Jin Qing tried his best to rectify and act bravely when things went wrong.Since the establishment of the school, there is still a shortage of rituals and music, fundraising for purchases, and sacrifices to Kong Ming.To donate a thousand pieces of gold again, to advocate for the gentry and the rich, Mingshan halls were set up in Zhuqian and Mengka as righteous warehouses, with free schools attached as funds for education.First of all, there is a Yizhong area under the jurisdiction of the hall, which has been occupied by powerful people for a long time. Jin Qing heard about it and went to investigate, restore its site, and prohibit harassment.If the people have lawsuits, the verdict will be straight and straight, and the case will not be accumulated, which is convenient for everyone. Chen Xingju Chen Xingju, styled Yaotang, was born in Linying, Henan.In the twenty-ninth year of Daoguang, it was held in the township.In the chaos of the Nian Party, the governor led the township regiment and awarded the magistrate with meritorious service.In the tenth year of Tongzhi, he was promoted to Tongzhi of Tamsui.Danshui is vast and stretches for hundreds of miles, while Tongluowan, Triangle Chung, Daqiankan, etc. are all secluded in the inner mountains.Xingju offered a reward for his arrest, and went to Nanxiang in person, where he was punished by the bandit leader Wu Alai, and he was purged one after another.During his five years in office, he has done a lot of good governance.In the fourth year of Guangxu, Taipei was established, Tongzhi was dismissed, and he was transferred to Zhonglu. After a few months, he was awarded the prefect of Taipei.Everything is created at the beginning, let it be difficult, but the city workers are especially huge, and they are conquered by legal persons just after they are completed.Gather the gentry and the people to prepare for the defense, and the people also actively serve their orders.After the peace negotiation, he died as an official with labor. Lian Heng said: "Since my life, I have heard of the officials who governed Taiwan, such as Xia Xianlun and Cheng Qi'e, all of which have been in my mouth."But the remaining years are still young, so I can't go into details about it, and I can't get his deeds to pass on, what a pity!Xianlun Xinjian is a newcomer, and he was known by Zuo Zongtang, a great scholar.In the twelfth year of Tongzhi, he served as a Taoist in Taiwan, organized officials, suppressed wealthy families, and had many counselors in the battle of Peony.A native of Qi'e Shanyin, he served successively in Taiwan and Tainan.That's all I've heard of.However, it has been more than 200 years since the establishment of officials in Taiwan, and there are no more than a dozen officials in the old annals, and they are greedy and contemptuous.Alas!It is not difficult to govern, but it is really difficult to govern.The past and the present are like the same raccoon dog. (2) Residence Yu Yonghe Yu Yonghe, whose style name is Canglang, is also a member of Renhe Zhusheng in Zhejiang Province.Like to swim, traverse the mountains and rivers of central Fujian.In the winter of the thirty-fifth year of Kangxi, the provincial gunpowder bureau suffered a disaster, destroying more than 500,000 catties of medicine.Dian Shou paid for it. He heard that there was sulphur in fresh water that could be used to cook medicine.Zheng's exile sinners, no one dares to come, Yonghe generously asks for it.In the first month of the spring of the thirty-sixth year, I set off to Xiamen, took a boat, and arrived in the county in February.On the 7th day of the fourth lunar month, I headed north and passed through various communities. From Douliumen onwards, everything was barren, the forest covered the sky, and there were herds of elk.Fan is also docile and gentle, he does not kill people, so he offers food for embarrassment, drives the negative arrow forward, and is the left and right guards.Because at that time the Han people rarely arrived, they did not invade wantonly, and nothing happened, so there was no enemy and a sense of hatred.As soon as he arrived in Danshui, Zhang Daxian, the general manager, was ordered to go to Beitou to build a house.On the second day of the fifth month, he led his servants to enter by boat.The two mountains are facing each other, and a river is opened in the middle, which is Gandamen, and then Guandu also.The waterway is very narrow, and the entrance is suddenly wide, like a big lake, boundless and indistinct, and it starts to arrive after a journey of about ten miles, and those who come from the seaway also come from kung fu, grain rice cakes, and cauldrons.Zhang Daji came to drink with the chieftains, told him about picking sulphur, and made about a basket of Yibu seven feet.Fanxi, each transported sulfur, ordered the workers to cook it.The place where sulphur is produced is Neibeishe. When you explore in Yonghe, you enter the deep forest. Suddenly there is a big stream. The water is like boiling. The stone is indigo color. The hot air is fumigated. fall.Now the workers are often sick with dysentery, and the cooks are also sick, so that there is no one to hold the cooker, groaning in the small room.Yonghe was not discouraged, and sent him back by boat.Poisonous snakes and evil mosquitoes come and go from house to house, vying to devour people. They are bitter and hot, and newcomers also get sick from time to time.There is nothing to live in, the wind and rain come suddenly, the house is destroyed, and Yonghe cuts wood with his own axe.But the mountains and rivers erupted, making it uninhabitable. He called for the python armor urgently, waded three or four miles, and arrived at the Yanxiafan family.At dusk, when there is nothing to eat, I take off my clothes and take Panyi chicken, boil and eat it.When the water receded, workers were gathered again to build houses and boil sulfur, and then the matter was completed.On the seventh day of October, Naigui returned to the province and returned to his life.Yonghe lived in Taiwan for half a year, and wrote "Journey to Barnyard Sea", "Supplement to Fanjing", and "Sea Chronicles", and those who want to write about Taiwan are fully funded. Lan Dingyuan Landing Yuanzi Yulin, nicknamed Luzhou, was born in Zhangpu, Fujian.Less lonely and poor, study hard.In the seventeenth year of the year, I saw the sea in Xiamen, went boating across the islands of Fujian, and went to Zhejiang and Guangdong, thinking that I had gained a lot from this trip.After entering Yixiang, he studied in Aofeng Academy and returned to his heir.In the 60th year of Kangxi, during the battle of Zhu Yigui, Tingzhen, the elder brother of the family, was the commander-in-chief of Nan'ao Town.Ding Yuan then joined the army, and made many plans, including all the documents and books.He wrote three volumes of "Dong Zheng Ji", which discusses the opportunity and manages the aftermath, especially pertinent.Things are back to normal, and I wrote "Platform Chronicle", and said: "Taiwan's overseas natural dangers are more unstoppable than those in the mainland. Today's Taiwan is even more unstoppable than it was ten or twenty years ago. Previously, Taiwan was only The mansion is more than a hundred miles away, and Fengshan and Zhuluo are all poisonous and miasma-like land, so that those in the town dare not come. Today, Langjiao is exhausted in the south, fresh water is poor in the north, and the chicken coop is more than a thousand five hundred miles away, and the people are flocking to it. .At the foot of the mountain before, no one dared to approach them, thinking that wild animals were bloodthirsty. Today, groups of people enter the deep mountains and cultivate the land. Although they are not afraid of killing. , There are also Han people who dare to go to their land and trade with them. The population gathers day by day, and gradually spreads farther and farther away. Although repeated prohibitions cannot be stopped. The land is large and the people are large, so it is necessary to prepare carefully. There are more than 5,000 land and sea soldiers in the county. There are enough people for dispatch. The first battalion on Fengshan South Road is a place where the people of the Shanhaiao District are mixed with four to five hundred miles away. Xiadanshui and Langjiao are places where thieves are infested. A battalion of 890 soldiers will be appointed. It is already difficult. The land of Zhuluo is more than a thousand miles away, and the Danshui camp is guarded in a secluded place at the end of the day. It is eight or nine hundred miles away from Balidong. When guarding against floods, there are wild birds infested near the mountains. With eight or nine hundred miles of dangerous borderlands, the 890 soldiers of the Weizhi North Road Battalion are not enough to gather far enough to establish prestige. People worry all night and can't sleep. From a fool's point of view, Zhuluo counties are divided into two, and another county is set up above the half line, covering 600 miles. Although there is not much money and food, the annual salary of Taiwan Eighty-nine thousand taels of silver were levied, Caolai was set up, tributes increased day by day, and the city was a majestic city in a few years. The half-line county government set up a garrison battalion with five hundred soldiers, and a patrol inspector in Danshui Bali, serving as the county magistrate's office Inadequate. The Arhat Gate has always been a thieves' haunt. In the inner gate, there is a thousand generals with three hundred soldiers, and a garrison battalion in Xiadanshui Xinyuan, with five hundred soldiers. Langjiao is extremely remote in the south, and there is also a thousand generals with soldiers Three hundred. Make it more than a thousand miles long, so that the voices and voices are connected. And choose solid staff to cultivate the vitality of the people of Taiwan, but don't cut it. It can be restored in two or three years. All taxes and labor, flat litigation prisons, and free schools,兴教化。奖孝弟力田之彦,行保甲民兵之法,听开垦以尽地力,建城池以资守御,此亦寻常设施尔。而以实心行实政,自觉月异而岁不同。一年而民气可静,二年而疆圉可固,三年而礼让可兴,而全台不久安长治,吾不信也。台湾山高土肥,最利垦辟,利之所在,人所必趋。不归之民,则归之番,归之贼。即使内贼不生,野番不出,又恐祸自外来,将有日本、荷兰之患,不可不早为绸缪者也。平居无事,燕雀处堂,一旦事来,噬脐何及。前辙未远,可不为之寒心也哉!”其后增设彰化县及淡防厅,升澎湖通判为海防同知,添兵分戍,皆如其言。雍正元年,贡成均。三年,分修《大清一统志》。六年,授广东普宁知县,有惠政,因忤上吏褫职。闽督鄂尔准谂其才,延入幕府。时台番作乱,陈治台十事。十年冬,尔准为申被诬始末,召见,命署广州知府。未几卒,年五十有四。鼎元著书多关台事,其后宦台者多取资焉。 陈梦林 陈梦林字少林,亦漳浦诸生。多从名士大夫游,驰驱楚、越、滇、黔间,戎马江湖,俯视一世。康熙五十年,诸罗知县周锺瑄初修邑志,聘任笔政,志成,称善本焉。当是时,清人初得台湾,不事经理,文恬武嬉,偷安旦夕。梦林忧之,乃著论曰:“天下有宏远深切之谋,流俗或以为难而不肯为,或以为迂而不必为。其始为之甚易而不为,其后乃以为不可不为而为之,劳费已什百千万矣。明初漳、潮间有南澳,泉属有澎湖,尔时皆迁其民而墟之,且塞南澳之口,使舟不得入,虑岛屿险远,劳师而匮饷也。及嘉靖间倭人入澳,澳人复通巨寇,吴光、许朝光、曾一本先后踞之,两省疲敝,乃设副总兵以守之,至今巍然一巨镇矣。澎湖亦为林道乾、曾一本、林凤之巢穴,万历二十年,倭有侵鸡笼、淡水之耗,当事以澎湖密迩,不宜坐失,乃设游击以戍之,至今巍然重镇矣。向使设险拒守,则南澳不惫闽、粤之师,澎湖不为蛇冢之窟,倭不得深入,寇不得窃踞,漳、泉诸郡未必罹祸之酷如往昔所云也。今半线至淡水,水泉沃衍,诸港四达,犹玉之在璞也。流移开垦,舟楫往来,亦既知其为玉也已。而鸡笼为全台北门之锁钥,淡水为鸡笼以南之咽喉,大甲、后垄、竹堑皆有险可据,乃狃于目前之便安,不规久远之计,为之增置县邑防守,使山海之险,弛而无备。将必俟亡羊而始补牢乎?则南澳、澎湖之往事可睹矣。”闽浙总督觉罗满保闻其才,延入幕府。及朱一贵之役,南澳镇总兵蓝廷珍奉命出师,满保命参戎幄,与鼎元日夜筹画,不辞劳瘁。中宵闻警,拥盾作书,顷刻千言,其所襄助不亚鼎元。事平归里。雍正元年,复游台湾,数月乃去。著《台湾后游草》,鼎元叙之。后卒于家。 洪寿春 洪寿春字士晖,同安人。来台,居彰化二林堡,为糊纸匠以自给。得钱辄购书,旦夕讽诵,饔飧屡空,晏如也。有《集古串律诗》四卷,知县杨桂森见之,赋诗赠,并为制序。又有所作若干卷,稿失不传。 蔡推庆 蔡推庆晋江人,或曰某总戎之第六子也。来台,居彰化县治。洒落不羁,尝学画,不得其趣,刻意覃思。一日风雨大作,只身走山崖间,会意烟景,逼肖入神。有大宪募致千金,一语不合,拂袖竟去。居恒独处斗室,咏歌自乐,寒暑唯著一袍。没后,邑人葬之八卦山上,题曰“处士蔡推庆之墓”。 查元鼎 查元鼎字小白,浙江海宁州人。少好学,文名藉甚,以岁贡生屡试秋闱不售。道光间,游幕台湾,当轴争延致之。性耿介,懒于征逐,稍拂意,辄去不可留。同治元年,彰化戴潮春起事,淡水同知郑元杰礼聘之。道出后垄,被掳,几罹于死,平生著作尽没。元杰与厅绅林占梅、郑如梁遣人分道求之,卒免于难。绘竿笠跨犊图,征诗纪事。晚年侨寓竹堑,境益穷,守益坚,日与占梅辈以诗酒为乐。著有《草草草堂吟草》四卷,今存三卷,未刊。卒年八十有三。子仁寿字静轩,能诗,工篆刻,亦卒于竹堑。著《静轩诗稿》二卷,今亡,闻有《百寿章》,为竹人士所得。 吕世宜 吕世宜字西村,泉之厦门人。博学多闻,富阳周凯任兴泉永道,见而奇之。居于玉屏书院,与庄中正、林混煌等有名庠序间,嗣举乡荐。性爱金石,工考证,精书法,篆隶尤佳。家藏碑版甚富,见有真迹,辄倾资求之。当是时,淡水林氏以豪富闻里闬,而国华与弟国芳皆壮年,锐意文事,见世宜书慕之,具币聘。且告之曰:“先生之志诚可嘉,先生之能亦不可及。今吾家幸颇足,如欲求古之金石,敢不唯命是从。”世宜遂主林氏,日益搜拾古代鼎彝,汉唐碑刻,手摹神会,悠然不倦。林氏建枋桥亭园,楹联楣额,多其书也。又求善工刻所临篆隶,未竣而卒,归葬于里。是时诏安谢颖苏亦主林氏,以书画名。 Lin Hao 林豪字卓人,泉之厦门人。博览史籍,能文章。咸丰某年领乡荐。同治元年秋,至台湾,居艋舺。时彰化戴潮春起事,林占梅奉檄办团练,见而礼之,延主潜园,相与讨论文史。及平,豪游府治,因就见闻所及,撰《东瀛纪事》二卷,以志此役始末。六年,淡水同知严金清聘修厅志。淡自开设以来,尚无志,前时郑用锡曾辑志稿二卷,多疏略,豪乃与占梅商订体例,开局采访,凡九月,成书十五卷,未刊。而陈培桂任同知,别延侯官杨浚修之。浚文士也,无史识,多方改窜,豪大愤,撰《淡水厅志订谬》以弹之。嗣就澎人士之聘,主讲文石书院。又辑《澎湖厅志》,稿存台南。光绪十八年,台湾议修通志,各厅县皆有采访。而澎自法役之后,建设尤多,通判潘文凤乃再聘豪成之,凡十四卷,上之大府。豪以厦门人久游台湾,凡夫国计盈虚,民生利弊,皆有所论,而于澎事尤关切。豪之论曰:“闽海四岛,金门、厦门、海坛、澎湖,旧有富贵贫贱之分,则以厦富金贵,而澎湖独以贫称也。澎湖硗瘠无水,所种者地瓜花生而已,中稔之年,不免拮据,若咸雨一下,则颗粒无存。至海滨渔利,亦必风平浪静,始能下网,而澎之狂风,往往兼旬不息。则所谓以海为田者,亦强为之辞,非真如耕者之按候可获也。夫澎湖斥卤,处处可以晒盐,而民间皆食官盐,每斤十数文,或以七八十斤为百斤,所获之鱼每不足抵盐价,此外别无利可取,民安往而不贫乎?若能听民晒盐自食,征其正课厘金,既可裕国,而民间又日日获利,每岁骤增数万金之益,乃抽其余利,以为书院诸生膏火,则人竞于学,而科第可兴矣。若能戍兵撤回,而招募澎人,则每岁骤增饷米数万金,互相挹注,其材武者有进身之阶,而武途可兴矣。是一转移之间,民风不变,即未能方驾内部,而已顿改旧观矣。胡文忠公有言,以官养民,不如使民自养。是故就地招募,以官养之也;听民晒盐,则使民自养也,是皆万世之利。不然民自有可富可贵之资,而不为经理,地瓜花生,仅足??口,并无富强之业,年复一年,则亦终跼蹐于贫苦而已。”豪归后,居于金门,著书以老。
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