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Chapter 6 Gemini people who are peachy

Edge of Love and Pain 郭敬明 5093Words 2018-03-18
Gemini·End Many times a thought pops into my head out of nowhere: My life is over.No matter how this idea came from, it is incredible and terrifying.Although I am not as good-looking as Pan Anyan or Song Yu in appearance, at least I will not affect the appearance of the city. Occasionally, I meet my mother’s colleagues and they say that I am very good-looking; This point should be no problem; although my pocket money is not enough to buy a computer every now and then, at least it is not a problem to deal with daily eating and drinking. Although my parents didn't hold me in their hands for fear of melting, I know they love me, I'm sure of that; although I don't have so many friends that one billboard can knock down three The point, but at least I will not be lonely.

So where does the idea of ​​"life ends" come from?I asked Yaksha, and Yaksha told me: "Because you are not satisfied." Is it?I can't figure it out.I feel quite content.I don't have high aspirations, and many times I don't even have low aspirations.Then either Yasha was wrong, or I didn't know myself well enough.And I think the latter is more likely. Momo Chengke·Yasha Yasha and I met in Taochengqi.He and I are the kind of Internet friends who are unbelievable in the eyes of our parents and tacky in the eyes of avant-garde people, but fun in our eyes. One of my original silly screen names was Asura, the god of battle who is both good and evil in Buddhist scriptures.One day a man named Yasha approached me, and I said I was not a MM and wanted to go far away with MM.This is the first sentence I meet friends on the Internet, and I am used to it.I hate guerrilla warfare in terms of gender, it's not fun for two big men to flirt.Yasha said, I know you are not a crush, where are you now?tell me.Don't be afraid that I have no intentions.I said, what am I afraid of? It's a man or a monster, you let me go, I'm in Tao Cheng Qi.Yasha said that it is simple, you just raise your hand a few times and I can see you.So I raised my hand, and we became friends.

If I didn't say it, no one would know what Tao Chengqi was.It is a bookstore, a coffee shop and an Internet cafe. Yasha calls it Three-faced Eve.I still don't know the meaning of the three characters "Tao Cheng Qi", probably it was not said by modern people.I know I'm not very talented, but there are so many Chinese classical books, and God knows which scriptures and biographies they come from.But Confucius said: Don't be ashamed to ask.So I asked the cashier who sold the books, and she said coldly that she didn't know.So I bought a book smartly, and then asked again when I checked out, and finally she smiled and said to me: Sorry sir, I still don’t know.Yasha laughed beside him until he was almost dying, and he was about to let go.

There are internet worms, book worms and slackers in Tao Cheng Qi.Many people stay here for half a day, drinking coffee, flipping through books, surfing the Internet, bragging, talking about how many flies are hitting the wall in this small world, and so on.Looking at them, you will find that Chinese people are actually quite good at living. Yasha is a third year student, and I am a freshman.According to the "three-year generation gap" theory, Yasha and I are really lucky to be friends.If he was born one year earlier or I was born one year later, then "chicken talking with duck" or "playing the piano with cow" is inevitable.

Just as I was writing this text, Yasha walked into Taochengke.I said I was writing about you.He said write it and I will not charge you money.I looked at Yasha in front of me and sighed.It is envy or inferiority. Yasha has too many things that I don't have.For example, the calmness that a man should have, such as my height of 1.85 meters, which is beyond my reach, such as a head of golden hair, such as a right hand that can only paint oil paintings, such as the stable grades of Tsinghua University and Peking University, such as others Everything that can be likened to. Also, Yasha's family is richer than mine. His family is so rich that it wouldn't be too strange even if he used the money as wallpaper to paste me.Frankly speaking, money is a good thing, and my attitude towards good things is generally "all comers are welcome".This sentence is likely to touch the nerves of some moralists. They may say that I am "vain" or something, and at the same time tell me that "money cannot buy friends, and friends are more precious than money".I agree and I admit it, but I don't see any incompatibility between money and friends.Taking a step back, the ancients said: "Money is like dung, and friends are worth a thousand pieces of gold." From this sentence, it is not difficult to derive the concept of "friends are like a thousand piles of dung", which is just like A=B, B=C in mathematics, So the conclusion of A=C is the same.

There was a girl in Beijing who wrote "I'm a Girl Who Gets into Money" and still won the first prize in the composition competition, but the author was scolded bloody.It turns out that the national passion of the Chinese people is still surging.Maybe the author will get less scolding if he changes the title of the book to "I Love RMB". I showed the written paragraph to Yasha. After reading it, he said that I have always been your idol. Gemini · The Thinker Many times I am meditating, thinking about the world, thinking about my life, thinking more and doing less.But this busy city and the world require me to do more and think less.So I often have a feeling that fantasy is beautiful and reality is cruel.

I think anytime, anywhere, when I sleep, when I eat, and even when I walk. For this reason, I am often stunned by the sudden sound of car horns, often go the wrong way, and often hit trees, people, and electric poles.But my favorite place to think is still in the car. I'm a car person. But I don’t like to jump on all cars. I only like the big bus with wide glass and hard seats. To be precise, I like the kind of bus that bumps up and down with the car while looking out of the glass window. All living beings are running around, thinking about the feeling of life or death, and at that time, sentimental energy surges.

That kind of feeling can't be felt in the car, so my mother said that I was born to work hard.Just work hard, I still prefer huge buses. I think about a lot of things, including what I should think about and what I shouldn't think about at my age.Most of the things I think about are related to time, and I am as sensitive to time as a leafy mimosa.I think I will enter my third year of high school soon, go to college soon, go to college soon, graduate soon, work soon, get married soon, raise children soon, and grow old soon, sitting in a rocking chair Sun, my life is as simple as a few "soon".

Yasha said that you must have nine heads in your previous life.I asked him, are you saying that I was smart in my previous life?Yasha said no, I mean you only have one head in this life so you are so stupid.Everyone else knows to pack lightly, but you are thinking about everything, putting burdens on your shoulders, stuffing knots that cannot be solved in your head, and making yourself so pessimistic. Are you tired?In the future, if you can't figure something out, tell yourself: This is fate. I am indeed tired, but is this also fate? Peach Blossoms·Brave New World I have a kind of dependence on Tao Chengqi, I will take the manuscript to Tao Chengqi to write, I will take Tao Chengke to do my homework, and I will take the novel to Tao Chengqi to read, Yasha said that I will die in Tao Chengqi if I am likely to die .

Most of the time, I am alone writing and planning in Taochengqi, while others are busy drinking coffee, chatting online and dating.I was the only one who walked into Taochengji with my schoolbag on my back. I love to write things, poems, novels, diaries, letters and others.I think my previous life must have been an accomplice of Qin Shihuang's burning of books and burying Confucianism. The words destroyed in my previous life are destined to be written in this life as compensation.I write very desperately, and I often write until one o'clock in the morning before giving up.Staying up late hurts your body, my mother often tells me.The great man said: People exchange their bodies for money before the age of forty, and then exchange money for their bodies after the age of forty.It's not just black humor, there are too many people who are going down this track.Although my main purpose of writing is not for money, I can still be regarded as the locomotive running on this track.

I am very conceited about what I write, and it is okay to say that I am self-admired, because the teacher doesn't like it.At the beginning of each article, I said to myself that this must be a work handed down from generation to generation, but I am naturally impatient, and it doesn’t matter if it is passed down or not, and it ends hastily.So in the first half of the novel I wrote, the characters appeared one after another, and the easiest way to stop writing later is to let them all die, leaving only one person to finish.The biggest advantage of writing novels is that you don't have to pay for your life if you kill someone. It is inevitable that things written in this way will be top-heavy.Yasha asked me after reading my novel, did you feel anxious when you wrote the last part? Tao Chengqi’s environment is moderate, neither too quiet nor too noisy, the music is neither painful nor itchy, and the lighting is neither bright nor dark. This environment can give me the greatest freedom. I think this is the Brave New World that is most suitable for my writing. . Gemini Lost I was born into this world for seventeen years, and lost my way for sixteen years.The rest of the year I stood still and wondered why I got lost. I wanted to go to an ordinary high school, but I was sent to the provincial key. I wanted to study liberal arts, but by accident I got into science. get lost.get lost.get lost. It is said that a long-term illness becomes a cure, but I have been lost for seventeen years, and I am not recovering from a long-term illness. I'm afraid the reason I've been lost all this time comes down to the fact that I'm a Gemini with a dual personality.Some of my friends said I was a complete hopeless little lunatic, while others said I was like a suave bookish student.Either I was terribly contradictory, or they were terribly dialectical.And I think it's mostly the former."I'm a Gemini" can explain many things, but "many" is not "all".For example, if I can't solve a physics problem, I can't say: This is normal, because I am a Gemini. The horoscope book says: Geminis are always restless and eager to play different roles. True, but no one knew what I wanted to play.Yasha has a catchphrase: I can't think of it even if I kill him.I believe that no matter how many people are killed, it is unimaginable. Wandering writer, little eunuch, beggar.This is the life I yearn for. I have always liked the vaguely narcissistic temperament of wandering writers.Yasha said that "narcissism" is a comparative of "self-confidence".Most writers are narcissistic and regard literature as sacred as chastity.But in the age of material needs, spiritual attachments often take a backseat.I've also heard of well-known authors being forced to write ghost stories for a living.And wandering writers don't care about money at all, a travel bag and a pen are enough.I ran out of money on the way, so I continued on the road after working in a restaurant for a while.Sanmao will go to the Sahara for money?Weird thing! I believe that the little eunuch will surprise everyone or even break their glasses, right?In fact, I mainly like the ancient atmosphere.When the sky was slightly bright, the little eunuch was holding a golden basin, and walked through the corridor of the rich and red pillars. He walked hurriedly, fearing that the water in the golden basin would cool down, and the master would be angry.This is the pure and quiet life I yearn for, without sine functions and school rankings.Yaksha said it reflected the slavishness in your blood.I disagree. In fact, it reflects my fear of this society, a kind of concession. A more thorough retreat is to be a beggar.Because the beggar's desire has been reduced to only the word "survival".Beggars wander in every corner of the city, observing the world more keenly than anyone else.In their eyes, all the people who run for fame and fortune are just clowns.Beggars are another form of enlightened monks.To see through the world of mortals, one must first look down on the world of mortals.Ubiquitous competition has trained people into all kinds of machines. It is no longer a new thing for six or seven-year-old children to compete for key primary schools. There are also baby crawling competitions in nursery schools.I can't express how I feel about a beggar. In a word, it's like the catcher in the rye sings: he has no money, he's lonely, he's a vagabond, but I like it. It's not how noble, pure, or enlightened I am, I'm also persevering in the mundane world, hanging on to my future fame, fortune, and power.So the gap between reality and ideal makes me feel lost and lost, just like Faye Wong sang: red light, green light, red light. So when I see Jackie Chan yelling "who am I" from the rooftops, my eyes get a little watery. Tao Chengqi·Quiet Night Thoughts I'm a weird person, since 8:00pm I'm not getting more and more tired but more and more awake, I think I'm in America. The book says: "The person who persists in waking up in the dark represents the last perseverance of the human soul." I am not that great.And I know that high school students are not qualified to stick to something, that is not within our scope of responsibility.The whole meaning of our existence lies in the college entrance examination, and the whole meaning of the college entrance examination is to live a better life in the future, and to live a better life is to die comfortably in the future. But if I die now, I can still die comfortably and beautifully.The only thing I need to do is jump out of this window.My family lives on the twentieth floor, sixty meters above the ground, and through the formula of free fall, I can calculate that I can enjoy the feeling of flying for three to four seconds before I die, and then the whole city wakes up with a "bang". In the bewildered lights of my home, I spread out into a red rose in the middle of the street, and then amidst the screams of the crowd, my soul smiled and ascended to the kingdom of heaven, chatting with Marx and Zhang Ailing. So what is the point of studying so hard now?I am confused.No one gave me pointers.The elders always tell us to cross the river by feeling the stones, but there are no stones in the river for us to grope for, and suddenly we will touch a sharp dagger. On Saturday nights, I often ask Yasha out, sit on the railing of the overpass, look at the car, drink Coke, whistle to the beautiful women passing by, just like a ruffian.There are also many types of ruffians. Internet heroes like ruffian Cai are destined to be far away from us, and we can only be the kind of school ruffians that everyone hates. At such times, Yasha and I tend to discuss some heavy topics. Maybe adults think that "heaviness" should not appear on us.They think that we should always be sunny, and we should never be afraid to shout like Sanmao: How far is the distance?please tell me.But they will never know that we no longer have the time and mood to ask such romantic and worthless questions. If we are asked to ask, we will definitely ask: What is the college entrance examination?please tell me. We have changed the theme song of the World Cup to "Ah Tired Tired Tired", but the elders are still saying: "You have played so well." A lie repeated a thousand times is also the truth, so we went deeper into the sea of ​​questions fiercely. I told my deskmate that apart from taking Chinese, math, physics and chemistry, I was answering letters for the rest of the class. Isn’t that depraved?The same table said: I am sleeping except for physical education class, so am I depraved?I thought it was too hurtful to say yes, and too hypocritical to say no, so I just shook my head at a forty-five degree angle.I asked Yasha this question, and Yasha said that I also often write letters in class.I asked, then why are your grades still so good?After asking, I think this is a silly question.Not all top students pay attention in class, just as not all top students pay attention in class. People are not equal. Both the teacher and the priest in the church said that the good life in the world is precious, you have to believe in people and love, there is nothing unforgivable. Only Zhang Ailing said that life is a gorgeous gown, which is full of lice. Gemini·Start Yasha was successfully admitted to his ideal university, and I watched his train go farther and farther, and finally fell below the horizon.Stars grace the night sky, providing a nice backdrop for Yasha's departure.The last sentence Yasha said to me before he left was: You have to believe that your life has just begun. On the way home, there was a neon sign.I said to myself: your life has just begun, your future is bright, the frog comes back to life, the mermaid sings, the prince and princess live happily. A face that is not sad is my youth / Unscrupulous eyes wait for the changes of the years / The street that is most familiar with you and me is already people go to the sunset / People and people say goodbye on the side of the street / Whose voice is singing our song / Yes Whose strings pluck my heartstrings / After you leave, the street still has the same youthful song / There are always people who keep repeating our things.
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