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Chapter 24 Chapter Four

through death 朱秀海 7296Words 2018-03-18
"Hi, ladies and gentlemen!" As soon as he stepped onto the entrance of No. 3 cave, Jiang Tao regained his usual feeling of mighty, calm, and calm, and greeted everyone in the cave loudly. In addition to the two reporters, there was another small group of people gathered in the No. 3 cave at this time.They were the director of the political department of the regiment who was sent by the political commissar from the division's basic command post to accompany the two reporters at dusk; several staff officers who were not on combat duty, and the cooks of the two regiment command posts.The director of the political department with a beard was beaming and telling a joke.He noticed it at a glance: Although everyone listened with interest, the momentum in the cave showed that what they really cared about was the war that was just starting; So to hear that joke, it's all because, so far, they don't know how to spend this extraordinarily nerve-wracking night.

For a moment, his greeting made everyone in the cave turn their heads towards the entrance.The director's jokes stopped, those who were sitting stood up, and those who were standing turned around to look at him.The two reporters also stood up from their seats.Everyone's eyes became bright immediately, and they greeted him one after another: "Head Jiang is here!" "Captain!" "Leader, why do you still have time to come here!" said the director of the political department, while giving up the folding chair he was sitting on. "Let me see how the two reporters are doing tonight!" Jiang Tao said boldly, walking in with steady steps, his eyes were already attracted by another change in the cave.

The female reporter is no longer the one she was when she went up the mountain.At some point, Bai Fan took off the traveling clothes when he came, and put on a new, shiny blue silk sleeveless dress.The long skirt has a wide hem and a narrow waist, which fully and smoothly highlights the feminine curves above her abdomen, and exaggeratedly covers the lower body in a flash of dark blue; the collar of the long skirt is very low, making her The neck, shoulders, arms and most of the chest are exposed, quietly reflecting the rich, crystal-clear and sultry luster under the light, and the silver-white pearl necklace on the chest seems to hide something, but it only makes people feel that it is trying to cover up. .Bai Fan's hair was newly done, black and shiny, especially the carefully twirled small curls on her forehead and sideburns, which made her a newcomer tonight, younger, brighter and more charming than in the daytime. Wan Duan, she was set off by the shining dark blue and white together, surrounded by them, standing there motionless, her beautiful cheeks were rosy in white (this redness comes from the depths of life, as bright as a spot of fat), The big eyes are bright and moist, obviously showing special joy and excitement because of his arrival.Her whole life tonight was like two windows that smelled of spring, opened passionately and unreservedly to the outside world!

The white sails during the day are beautiful, but the white sails tonight are a famous painting, a miracle that suddenly appeared on the night before the war and may disappear in an instant. ——Jiang Tao has another feeling. The reason why this miracle happened tonight is to surprise and shake his heart, so that he can never forget her again! The white sails are beautiful tonight.Bai Fan tonight is the most beautiful and elegant woman he has ever seen in his life.Every body language of Bai Fan tonight is calling him: Come on, I love you, I want to be with you tonight, and do something bold, passionate and romantic!

Jiang Tao didn't come here for this, he walked into this cave with the heaviness and excitement of the eve of the war.But as soon as he realized the major changes in Bai Fan's body and spirit, his heart was disturbed! At such a moment, if someone told Jiang Tao that his obsession with Bai Fan was not because of love and other related emotions, but only because of the war, he would not agree.The war action had begun, and the heavy responsibility of retaking the battle on Chipanling, together with the purpose of life he was trying to achieve through it, still weighed on his life like a mountain, and he tried to forget them and thought he had partly achieved it, But in fact they have not really been forgotten.The self-confidence in his character and the feeling of winning before dark not only does not allow him to admit their existence, but also requires Jiang Tao to show his own psychology in some way to fight against this existence, and walk into No. 3 The cave and being with two reporters, especially the female reporters, became a pleasant choice.This night Jiang Tao is fragile, he needs to gain strength to fight against this fragility, the best way to face him is to temporarily forget about the war and everything related to it.Bai Fan's beauty and the call of love from there changed Jiang Tao's heart in a very short moment.Jiang Tao couldn't stop himself from accepting this call, because accepting it was also what his own life needed tonight...

All this affected his expression and gaze rapidly and involuntarily.They were again keenly felt by the female reporter.Bai Fan's heart was "thumping"!Ever since she made up her mind before dark, after some elaborate dressing up, she has been sitting in the cave, waiting for Jiang Tao's arrival, ready to surprise him.The most abundant wealth in her life is beauty, and she will show this wealth in front of the Prince Charming tonight.But she couldn't grasp whether Jiang Tao would come tonight.The war operation has begun, and Jiang Tao has entered the war. It is unrealistic to imagine that he will drop everything and come to the No. 3 cave tonight.But Bai Fan still has another thought that never fails in his heart: if a man falls in love with you at first sight, he will come to see you even if there is a big event.If Jiang Tao doesn't come tonight, it means that he didn't fall in love with you from the first sight.Bai Fan believes in a very touching theory: when two people fall in love, they always start from the first sight; if they don't fall in love at the first sight, even if they become husband and wife in the future, there will be no true love.

But now Jiang Tao is here!As soon as she met his eyes, Bai Fan saw appreciation and praise from his eyes, as well as another desire and expectation that made her heart beat.In Bai Fan's feeling, this is undoubtedly his promise of love to her! "He will fall in love with me!... No, he has already fallen in love with me quietly, but he just doesn't want to say it! Men are like this!..." A stream of happiness filled Bai Fan's trembling heart, she cried secretly.From this moment on, she couldn't help but melted herself into the heat of love on her own initiative and wishful thinking.This made her more radiant and braver in later times.

"Captain Jiang, what good news did you bring us?" Before anyone else had time to say anything, she rushed forward and asked in a casual tone that made people feel slightly excited. A new atmosphere has appeared in the cave, which is formed by Jiang Tao and Bai Fan's eyes, voices, their obvious mutual attraction, and the beauty of the two most beautiful men and women on Maoerling reflecting each other in the cave. caused by itself.This makes people's emotions involuntarily bold and exciting. "There is no bad news for our regiment leader!" Realizing the new atmosphere in the cave and the aggressiveness in Bai Fan's spirit, Jiang Tao waved his hand, using a majestic but somewhat joking tone He replied, while turning a pair of bright and enthusiastic eyes to everyone present, and finally fell on Xiao Qun. "...Comrade Xiao Qun, why do I feel that you are not doing well!" He said again in that generous and bold tone, and at the same time felt that because of the existence of those fiery eyes in the cave, the game in his heart Enthusiasm rose suddenly.

Xiao Qun's eyes lit up. Xiao Qun was also waiting for Jiang Tao's arrival this evening.After dark, all he cared about was the combat operations that had begun tonight.He had thought of going to the No. 2 cave and staying with Jiang Tao so that he could keep abreast of the situation, but Yin Guocai refused on the grounds that Captain Jiang didn't like being disturbed when commanding operations.Since then he had been staying in the cave, feeling very anxious at the thought that the troops had begun to move and that he was still ignorant.Now that Jiang Tao came to the No. 3 cave in person, Xiao Qun was naturally happy.

"Regimental Commander Jiang, we all want to know how the troops are progressing?" Without any detours, he straight-forwardly asked himself - and everyone in the cave - the most concerned question. Jiang Tao grinned.A war is coming, and everyone's mood is tense and uneasy. The more chic and calm you are at this time, the more you will win the admiration of others. The effect of his smile was good. Not only did he laugh out the demeanor of a general in danger, but it also relaxed the original tense atmosphere in the cave. "I came here to inform you about the progress of the troops....Ah, you can regard this as the first press conference of the regiment commander." He said slowly, smiling solemnly, Calm, calm, and somewhat careless, "I now officially announce that from 20 o'clock tonight, our regiment has started a covert movement from each assembly point to the scheduled attack! Everything is going well so far." He paused. "...Ah, by the way, I should also introduce the B regiment. At present, the B regiment has also divided into two groups, moving to the north and south wings of the 001 highland. I guess their journey will be more difficult than ours."

Just like the smile just now, the effect of his words is also very good.It can be seen from the expressions of the people in the cave that if not long ago they were still worried about the combat operations that had begun tonight, now because of the regimental commander's demeanor and tone rather than the language itself, this worry does not exist at all. Xiao Qun quickly bent down, writing down something in the interview book spread out on the table.There was nothing important in Jiang Tao's words. What he wrote down was another new idea about that big article that suddenly popped up in his mind.But his actions made Jiang Tao even more excited.The female reporter's burning eyes were still there, and he realized he could turn his attention to her now. "Comrade Bai Fan is very beautiful tonight!" He turned around, looked at Bai Fan with a pair of shining eyes, and said in an exaggerated and slightly joking tone (this kind of joking is also a part of the new atmosphere in the cave. Part of it, he adapts and exploits it without knowing it), and then a bolder idea, more in tune with his rising enthusiasm for the game, pops into his mind. "Comrade Bai Fan, today is a rare night," he said, "There will be a war tomorrow. Today, you came to the front line and gathered with us soldiers, which made us feel the tenderness and happiness of women.  … In order to thank you for coming , and to commemorate this unforgettable night before the war, we should do something for you." He turned his attention to the director of the political department, "...Everyone, we have very good red wine here. How about having a drink in tomorrow's battle and having a battlefield party?!" The director of the political department took the lead in applauding.Then, there was warm applause from the others. "Thank you, Commander Jiang, for your kindness!...Since Commander Jiang has such a passion, I have no choice but to obey." Under the applause and gaze of everyone, Bai Fan's cheeks flushed even redder, and he expressed his enthusiasm in a lively way. He said in a bold, playful tone to conceal the true enthusiasm and excitement that he had leaked. A few minutes later, Liu Erzhu and a staff officer moved the half box of "Capital Brand" red wine, glass wine glasses and a tape recorder in the command tent into the No. 3 cave. Now, every wine glass is filled with crimson liquor.A blues dance music with a slow rhythm also floated out from the cassette player, echoing softly under the high dome of the cave. Jiang Tao's eyes became brighter. "Everyone, please! For tomorrow's victory, and for our destiny to spend tonight together!" He picked up a glass of wine, greeted everyone in the cave, and walked over to clink glasses with them one by one. "Cheers! I wish Regimental Commander Jiang good health!" "I wish our army a great victory tomorrow!..." For a while, the cave was filled with the "ding dong" sound of glass wine glasses colliding slightly with each other and happy toasts among people .Music and wine are two wonderful things, they quickly make people forget the war that is close at hand, and enter a slightly drunk, happy, light state. Jiang Tao was the last one to come to Bai Fan.At this moment, she looked at him so bravely and passionately that he felt that he was about to melt into her burning passion and longing. "Miss reporter, may I have the honor to invite you to dance?" He said loudly after clinking glasses.The idea of ​​dancing was not there before, but with good wine and music, there is a beautiful woman standing in front of him, regardless of her body posture, expression, and eyes. Burning like a fire in his eyes, it would be abnormal for him not to dance with this woman.No one could hear anything else from his words, his tone was still exaggerated and joking, but the woman in front of him who had been longing for this moment could intuitively hear a little bit of excitement and trembling in his voice . The two blushes on Bai Fan's cheeks became more vivid.At this moment, she also noticed the surging and irrepressible passion and impulse in her heart on Jiang Tao's face. His expression and eyes also clearly revealed to her the swelling, Audacious longings that a mature woman is unlikely to be unfamiliar with, all made his heart beat more cheerfully and powerfully.Bai Fan had reason to guess at this time: Jiang Tao came to this cave tonight because of her—just for her alone!This last thought, which lit up like lightning in the night, sent her feelings and thoughts across a river in one instant.On this side of the boundary river, no matter what, she still maintains a minimum of rationality towards him, but on the other side of the boundary river, this last bit of rationality is overwhelmed by his and her own enthusiasm... Suddenly, she realized that every pair of eyes in the cave were looking at them! "Thank you. I'm honored!" She also answered Jiang Tao in a brave and joking tone, took a sip of the crimson syrup, put down the wine glass, and walked towards Jiang Tao.Jiang Tao had already handed the wine glass to Liu Erzhu. At this time, he also noticed the eyes in the cave, and continued to take a tender and slightly hot hand from Bai Fan with a generous and seemingly joking attitude, attracting attention. She walked towards the clearing in the middle of the cave.At this time, he glanced at her again—he couldn’t help but glance at her. At this moment, her beauty, her love, her boldness and unreservedness so strongly attracted and moved him—this time Jiang Tao She saw what she couldn't help seeing again, her desire and calling that she couldn't hide and didn't want to hide more and more.Bai Fan is calling him, not with words, but with expressions, eyes, and every posture and movement around her.He knew that all she had to say to him was in it, her cry: I want to dance with you, I'm yours tonight! The two stopped in the middle of the cavern clearing.The director of the political department of the regiment lost no time and shouted: "Quickly, play "Cavalry March"!" The staff officer who had been standing by the tape recorder quickly changed a tape, and immediately a dance music with strong rhythm was played under the high dome of the cave. reverberated.The director of the political department of the regiment took the lead in applauding to the beat of the dance music: "Leader, Reporter Bai, come quickly!" Everyone clapped along. "Yes, perform a Beijing dance, let us open our eyes too!" "Jump! Why don't you jump!" "..." The applause was loud.Jiang Tao looked into Bai Fan's eyes.In a strange state of mind that finally did not lose the heaviness of the war, but longed to forget or ignore it, he couldn't help being fascinated by the warm, joyous, bold and increasingly bold atmosphere in the cave, and by the extremely enthusiastic man in front of him. The woman was fascinated and entered a state of ecstasy. For the first time, she really forgot the heaviness.He can only hear the cheerful and exciting sound of "Cavalry March", and he can only feel the smiling faces, sparkling eyes, and applause with strong expectations of the people around him, as well as the enthusiasm, joy and boldness that make his blood boil. atmosphere, and in the center of consciousness, there is only this beautiful, passionate, bold and even more beautiful woman in front of her.The beautiful white neck, shoulders, and chest that Bai Fan exposed for him tonight, this beautiful long skirt in the style of a shining blue evening dress, the imaginative little curly hair on her sideburns, no... and her That face, which is as bright as the morning glow, and as shy as a flower blooms, and those bright eyes, like a flame burning true love towards him from the inside out, made him unable to resist her, nor could he resist this wonderful it's night... He didn't know that at this moment she was also feeling and admiring him closely!His aggressive masculinity, handsome and mighty face, and his bold and impulsive gaze fueled by the passion in his heart all confirmed her feeling again: he was not indifferent to her well-known beauty at the beginning, but now he is not. Almost overwhelmed by it, every look and every expression of his is admiration and praise for her natural beauty!This made the excitement and happiness in her heart more and more high, and finally completely submerged herself... All she wanted was to be with him tonight! They jump up.Although everyone tries to dance well, they don't dance well.Excessive enthusiasm, feelings, thoughts, desires hinder their performance.However, in the eyes of the people around them, this ball that started without knowing it in the forward command post on the eve of the pre-war, reached a climax from the very beginning, and only one lady participated in the ball was the happiest experience in their experience. The unbelievable ball, because it was unbelievable, and because it was caught off guard, was all the more exciting!The war is imminent, and the fact that this dance can be held is like an impossible miracle in itself! At the end of the song, the joyful, enthusiastic and bold atmosphere in the cave reached its peak.Jiang Tao stopped dancing, looked around in full view, continued to hold Bai Fan's hand, and led her to the director of the regiment's political department. "Beautiful women, like joy, are everyone's treasure and should be shared by everyone." He made an inappropriate joke, a little rashly, "Now it's up to you to ask the lady reporter to dance!" Bai Fan, who was completely immersed in happiness, did not understand this sentence.The dance music reverberated again, and she danced with the director of the political department. But this is what she doesn't want!She just wants to be with another man tonight, it's best to avoid these people and only be with him!She suddenly felt a little scared: If she jumped down with all the people in the cave tonight, when would she be able to return to him? No…… After dancing this piece, she played a trick - she drank the glass of wine, staggered on her feet, two real paleness appeared on her face, and grabbed Jiang Tao's hand. "Captain Jiang, it's too hot in the cave, and I feel a little dizzy....Can you accompany me for a walk outside the cave? I want to see the moonlight on the night of the southern battlefield!" She said the above words in a cuddly but bold tone, realizing that this tone actually matched the warm, bold, and somewhat playful atmosphere in the cave, so there was no One feels that her demands are excessive! For a tenth of a second after that, she watched Jiang Tao nervously, feeling a spark shining brightly in his eyes. "I am very glad to have the opportunity to accompany Ms. Bai Fan to go outside the cave and enjoy the bright moonlight on the night of the southern battlefield!" he said. But he didn't take her out of the cave right away.He cast his eyes on the other men in the cave, and said loudly in that generous, joking tone: "Everyone, Ms. Bai Fan said she was feeling unwell and asked me to take her outside the cave to watch the moonlight in the battlefield. Since there is only one lady here, I think I should ask for your opinions——would you like me to take her from here? Walk?" "We agree!" shouted the others, laughing. Bai Fan's face turned redder.Jiang Tao turned his head, extended an arm to her in a gentlemanly manner, and said: "Miss reporter, please!" The two walked out of the cave arm in arm. ... There was indeed a bright moonlight outside the cave.Up and down the mountain, the boundless subtropical rainforest is coated with a layer of dazzling silvery white by the moonlight, but where the moonlight cannot reach, it is still dark.The sky and the earth have become a huge, vivid, three-dimensional black and white woodcut, but it has an exciting breath of life compared to the real woodcut. The two of them walked through the open space in front of the command tent, followed a small path, and walked towards the dark forest behind the command tent, with bright edges outlined by the moonlight. Bai Fan's heart was "thumping"! ——This is a magical moonlit night, a moonlit night that is of great significance to her life.She must tell Jiang Tao what she wants to say tonight! ——But all of this happened too fast, so fast that she had no time to prepare and brew her own words.Ever since she came to Maoerling, she fell in love with Jiang Tao at first sight, but if she were to say the word "love" to the man beside her now, she would feel a little awkward and a little unnatural! ——Maybe they should just walk around like this tonight, shoulder to shoulder, arms bent, in the forest where the moonlight can't reach, let each other feel each other and themselves closely, so as to understand each other's unspoken, temporary An unspeakable oath of love! —No, perhaps something else will happen tonight!If so, she will never refuse! ...Ah no, tonight she is looking forward to Jiang Tao's passionate and unrequited kiss! Her feelings, consciousness, and thoughts were positioned at this last point. She walked silently with Jiang Tao in the moonlight-dappled forest, immersed in incomparable happiness and excitement.His steps had slowed down and he finally stopped.Her breathing became tense... However, Jiang Tao's enthusiasm in his heart was hindered by another thing, a heaviness that he had temporarily forgotten suddenly came to his mind! --war! "What am I doing?..." He asked himself sternly, clearly aware of the absurdity of his behavior. "How can I go out into the woods on a night like this, when the war action is already underway, with a woman I've only known for half a day?! ... Am I really in love with her? ... I'm going to develop a serious relationship with her Is it related to you?...No!" Without hesitation for a second, he gave a negative answer. "The most important thing now is not love, women, but war. Your duty is to lead the A regiment to recover Qipanling in tomorrow's war!... Tonight you are a professional soldier first!..." Suddenly he withdrew his arm from hers, and said in a composed, icy tone: "Comrade Bai Fan, let's go back!" She looked at him in surprise.The forest was dimly lit, and she couldn't see his face clearly, but one thing was clear: the thing that had once existed between them and just now made her dreamy and dizzy with happiness was gone! ... "Leader! Where is the leader?!" Yin Guocai came out from the entrance of the No. 2 cave, and shouted eagerly to someone.Jiang Tao heard it, and he hurried out of the woods and went back to the No. 2 cave. Bai Fan stood alone in this forest for a long time, tears streaming from his eyes.She now understands that what she experienced just now was just an illusory dream that made her feel humiliated!
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