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Chapter 20 Chapter 27 1964: The Third Front of Secrets

December 26, 1964 was Mao Zedong's 71st birthday.He arranged three tables of banquets in the small banquet hall of the Great Hall of the People. In his own words, he used his manuscript fee to treat everyone to a meal.He personally drew up the list of guests, and he even made the list of which guest would sit in which seat.At the head table that night, sitting next to him were some very special guests, one was "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi, and the other was Chen Yonggui, who was wearing a white sheep belly scarf. "Wang Tieren" is an advanced worker representative launched by Daqing Oilfield, and Chen Yonggui is a typical example of newly emerging farmers. Dazhai is a production brigade in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province. It was originally a poor small mountain village. Under the leadership of the village branch secretary Chen Yonggui , The members of the commune dug slopes and built terraces, which increased the grain yield by 7 times, thus becoming an advanced model of rural areas across the country.In February 1964, Mao Zedong successively proposed "learning from Daqing in industry" and "learning from Dazhai in agriculture", setting up two banners in the economic field.

There is also a soldier of the People's Liberation Army who, if he is alive, is also likely to appear in the head seat. His name is Lei Feng.He died in the line of duty in August 1962. On March 5, 1963, Mao Zedong wrote an inscription "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". "Learn from Daqing in industry", "Learn from Dazhai in agriculture", and "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng", these three very famous political slogans all appeared around 1964.Wang Jinxi, Chen Yonggui and Lei Feng are the three corresponding representatives of "workers, peasants and soldiers".They have strikingly similar characteristics of the times: they were born poor, worked selflessly and diligently in the most grassroots positions, were frugal and helpful, took pleasure in giving, and never considered their own interests.This saintly image fits a certain ideal of harmony among people. (Another example of a low-level official is Jiao Yulu, who was the secretary of the county party committee in Lankao County, Henan Province. He died of liver cancer in May 1964. Two years later, the People’s Daily published a long newsletter titled “The Model of the County Party Secretary——Jiao Yulu” and Editorial "Learn from Comrade Mao Zedong's good student Comrade Jiao Yulu".)

At the birthday banquet that night, Mao Zedong's mood was very complicated.In the world at this time, new patterns and changes are rapidly evolving. On the domestic front, after more than two years of recuperation, the Chinese economy has finally come out of desperation, showing a restorative rebound. In the three years from 1963 to 1965, the total output value of industry and agriculture grew at an average annual rate of 15.7%, basically recovering to the highest level in history. The data at the end of 1965 showed that the grain output was 389.1 billion catties, which was close to the highest record in 1957, the total industrial output value was 139.4 billion yuan, an increase of 51.5% over 1962, and the steel output was 12.23 million tons. The discovery of the Daqing Oilfield even made the oil production breakthrough 10 million tons, fully self-sufficient in domestic demand.Gu Zhun, who was being devolved to the Northeast at the time, wrote in his diary, "Industrial recovery is extremely fast. In Jilin, I witnessed that coal was transported into Jilin faster than originally planned, and the operating rate of factories was also much higher than originally planned."

On October 16, 1964, China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb, and the news caused a worldwide sensation.The nuclear monopoly of the United States and the Soviet Union has been broken, and China's military technology has attracted the attention of the world. Just two days before China's atomic bomb test, on October 14, a "palace coup" took place at the top of the Soviet Union. Taking Khrushchev's vacation to the Black Sea villa, the Presidium of the CPSU held a secret meeting and announced the removal of his Soviet Union. The post of the first secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee, and conduct isolation review.The newly appointed Brezhnev carried out the "new economic system reform", expanded the autonomy of enterprises to operate within the unified national plan, began to use more economic leverage, and emphasized profits, demand and economic benefits.Since then, the Soviet-style planned economic system began a long process of disintegration.

1964 was the year when the Japanese economy took off. On August 21, Tokyo, Japan hosted the Olympic Games. This was the first time that an Asian country hosted this sporting event. Japan's total number of gold medals actually entered the top three. On October 1, the first Shinkansen "Hikari" opened.In the same year, Japan was admitted to the Economic Cooperation Organization.Since then, the Japanese economy has opened the prelude to 26 years of rapid growth.Japan's GDP surpassed Britain and France in 1967, and surpassed West Germany in 1968, becoming the second largest economic power in the world after the United States.

The United States in 1964 was dragged into the second quagmire after the Korean War.On August 2 of this year, the American destroyer "Madox" was attacked by North Vietnamese gunboats in the Gulf of Tonkin. Washington passed a resolution deciding to launch a large-scale military operation against North Vietnam.No one expected that this would turn out to be a brutal war that lasted 12 years. The United States directly invested a total of 550,000 troops, costing more than 165 billion U.S. dollars, and 58,000 soldiers died. In the end, it ended in a disastrous defeat. Anyone who knows a little about modern Chinese history knows that two years later, in 1966, the "Cultural Revolution" broke out in China, and the national economy fell into catastrophe that lasted for ten years.In this chapter, we will review the turmoil in China's economic circles in the two years before the catastrophe.

When the national economy was slightly recovering, the country began to plan the third five-year plan (1963-1967), and a "food and clothing plan" was proposed. At that time, the shortage of consumer goods market was already very serious. From 1957 to 1963, the average annual consumption of the main means of subsistence of the national population continued to drop sharply, of which grain decreased from 406 jin to 329 jin, and edible vegetable oil decreased from 4.8 jin to 2.2 jin. Pork was reduced from 10.2 catties to 4.4 catties, and cotton cloth was reduced from 19.5 feet to 10.6 feet. The daily necessities in the store were pitifully scarce, and even the pots and pans necessary for life were often out of stock.

According to the plan at that time, the "Three Five-Year Plan" will change the strategy of giving priority to heavy industry that has been implemented for more than ten years. Daily industrial products such as basins and thermos bottles.To sum up, food and clothing come first, basic industries come second, and national defense comes third. If this plan is implemented, China's planned economic system and structure may undergo very subtle changes.However, when the "Food and Clothing Plan" was being drafted, affected by the international situation, the thinking of decision-makers suddenly took a 180-degree turn, and China's industrial and economic layout once again underwent a major strategic adjustment, and its premise Yes—"Be ready to fight at all times."

After entering the summer of 1964, the dark cloud of the situation in Asia made the central leaders worry so much that they could not sleep at night.Deng Xiaoping recalled: “In the 1960s, the Soviet Union strengthened its military installations along the Sino-Soviet and Sino-Mongolian borders. The number of missiles continued to increase, equivalent to one-third of all Soviet missiles. The number of troops continued to increase, including sending troops to Mongolia. One million people. Where does the threat to China come from? Naturally, China has come to a conclusion." (According to Han Taihua's disclosure in the book "Photographs of Some Historical Issues of the Chinese Communist Party", from October 1964 to 1969 In March, there were as many as 4,189 incidents of large and small conflicts on the Sino-Soviet border.) After the United States sent troops to Vietnam, it suddenly increased the risk of war in southern China.The judgment at that time was, "War is inevitable, and it must be based on large-scale, early, and nuclear wars." According to Mao Zedong's analysis: my country's Northeast heavy industry and military industrial bases are all located in the Soviet Union's medium and short-range missiles and strategic bombers that can carry nuclear warheads. Beijing, Shanghai and all the industrial cities along the coast are within the strike range of the US military and Taiwan aviation forces.Therefore, the industrial layout must be adjusted strategically.According to a report submitted by the General Staff of the Military Commission, about 60% of the large-scale civilian machinery industry and 52% of the defense industry are concentrated in 14 large cities with a population of more than one million in the country, which are extremely vulnerable to centralized attacks.

The turning point of economic strategy adjustment occurred in May 1964.In the middle of this month, the State Planning Commission proposed the "Preliminary Conception of the Third Five-Year Plan", which has three core contents: "First, vigorously develop agriculture to basically solve the people's food and clothing problems; second, appropriately strengthen National defense construction, strive to break through cutting-edge technology; third, to adapt to the above two, strengthen basic industries, improve product quality, increase product variety and output.” This idea was approved by the Central Work Conference.

However, at the end of the month, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting and made a major strategic decision on the construction of the third front. There is the danger of war, and we are not the chief of staff of imperialism, and we don’t know when it will go to war.” Therefore, he proposed to strengthen war preparations and implement industrial transfers.In order to express the urgency and determination of the construction, he said, "If the construction of the third front is not done well, I can't sleep. To build the third front, there is no road, and I will ride a donkey. The funds are insufficient, so I will take my manuscript fee." Since then, the "food and clothing plan" has been completely shelved, and a national campaign to prepare for war has begun. The construction of the third front is to relocate some important industrial enterprises along the coast to the west and northwest regions. (Relevant information shows that since 1958, China has successively moved some military factories in the Northeast to Sichuan Province, and the large-scale transfer began in 1964.) The front line mainly refers to the coastal and border areas.The third line is the vast interior south of the Great Wall, north of Shaoguan, west of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, and east of Wushaoling in Gansu, involving thirteen inland provinces.The area in between is the second line.According to the plan, the goal of the third-line construction is to establish a relatively complete rear industrial system in the deep areas, that is, in the southwest and northwest regions (including western Hunan, western Hubei, and western Henan), and divide it into three Step-by-step implementation: the first step is to spend three years or a little more to build the Chongqing area, including the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from Qijiang to western Hubei, using heavy steel as a raw material base, to be able to manufacture conventional weapons and some important machinery and equipment The second step is to build the Northwest; the third step is to build the Panzhihua Iron and Steel Base.At the same time, the construction of Chongqing Base, Panzhihua Base and Chengdu-Kunming Railway is the focus of the third-line construction in Sichuan, which is the so-called "two bases and one line". The site selection of the third-line factories is based on the principle of "mountains, scattered, and caves", that is, the factories should be built in deep valleys, and the layout should be scattered-the saying at the time was that they should be like "sheep shit". Air-raid shelters should achieve "combination of peacetime and wartime", so that production can be carried out in peacetime, and wartime can be fought in wartime. In the history of China's industry, the large-scale and secret third-line construction has multiple symbolic meanings. It is the second "industrial westward movement" after the wartime relocation in 1937, and it is an initiative with a strong plan. sex act.At the same time, it is also the most concentrated and significant industrial investment movement since the founding of the People's Republic of China after the "156 Project" aided by the Soviet Union.In the 17 years from 1964 to 1980, the central government invested 50% of the planned industrial investment and 40% of the design and construction forces in the construction of the third line, accumulatively investing 205.2 billion yuan, and built more than 1,100 large and medium-sized industrial transportation Enterprises, national defense science and technology industrial enterprises, scientific research institutes and colleges and universities have basically formed a supporting system for transportation, electric power, coal, chemical industry, petroleum, building materials, steel and other production departments, and connected with local small and medium-sized enterprises to form a production system , while forming a top-down production command system. In the construction of the third front, many slogans appeared, showing the urgency and imperative courage and vision of the time, such as "preparing for war and famine for the people", "good horses and good people go to the third front".According to incomplete statistics, at least 3 million skilled workers, engineers, and university graduates were conscripted to the third front, and in the next two decades or so, they devoted their entire youth and lives. Taking Sichuan Province as an example, 163 factories moved in from the coastal provinces, and 91 new factories and 29 research institutes were newly built. Finally, 248 large and medium-sized enterprises were formed, accounting for 42% of the large and medium-sized enterprises in the province. The industrial fixed assets formed The original value accounted for 60% of the province's total, thus decisively changing and improving Sichuan's industrial and economic structure. According to Qian Min, who served as the deputy director of the Economic Committee of the East China Bureau at the time, according to the plan, more than 250 factories and more than 100,000 people were to be relocated in East China. In fact, more than 120 factories and more than 5,000 pieces of equipment were relocated. Machinery, cotton spinning and pharmaceutical factories.For example, Qian Min said that Puling Machinery Factory in Chongqing was moved by Shanghai Pujiang Machinery Factory. Half of the people stayed in Shanghai and half went to Chongqing. in this way.There are more than 400 sets of equipment moved.The newly built factory building is completely in accordance with the layout of the Shanghai factory, where and what machines are placed, all follow the gourd. In the spring of 1965, at the age of 37, Chen Zutao was ordered to go to the third front to prepare for the construction of the second automobile factory.Over the past decade, he has grown into a top automotive specialist.Under his leadership, Changchun FAW successively independently designed and manufactured Hongqi sedans, civilian off-road vehicles and military large-scale off-road vehicles. He was also secretly sent to Cuba—in 1959, Communist Fidel Castro Seized power through an armed uprising and helped this newly born socialist brother build an auto parts factory. The planned annual production capacity of the planned Second Automobile Factory was 100,000 vehicles, and its production scale ranked third in the world at that time.Chen Zutao later recalled the process of site selection—— At that time, the central government's requirements for the layout of third-line factories were the six-character policy of "backing, dispersing, and concealing".According to this principle, Chen Zutao delineated five provinces including Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Guizhou, and Sichuan.They first surveyed Chenxi, Luxi, and Yuanling in the Wuling Mountains in western Hunan, where there are high mountains and many caves, rich in bandits. At the beginning of liberation, it was the most difficult place for the PLA to suppress bandits.Chen Zutao specially went to those caves to see. That place can be used as a hiding place for bandits, but it is not suitable for building a modern automobile factory.He saw at the Sichuan Qijiang Gear Factory that precision equipment imported from abroad was placed in a large cave under the requirements of "mountains, scattered, and caves".As a result, because the air humidity was too high, the equipment was rusted, causing great losses.After the first round of investigation, Chen Zutao objected to the factory entering the cave.The automobile factory is a mechanical processing enterprise with tens of thousands of equipment. No matter how big the hole is, it cannot be filled, and the problem of humidity cannot be solved. Chen Zutao and his party went from Chengdu to Chongqing, and then to Guiyang, all in circles in the mountains.During this period, they learned that the country would build the Xiangyu Railway from Xiangfan, Hubei to Chongqing, Sichuan, so they decided to choose a site in the mountainous area of ​​northwestern Hubei, roughly from Xiangfan, Hubei along the Han River to the west until entering the majestic Wudang Mountains. Then go west into the Qinling area.During this road survey, Chen Zutao took a fancy to the area in Yunyang, Hubei.It is backed by mountains and close to the soon-to-be-constructed Xiangyu Railway; the rolling Han River flows by, which can provide abundant water sources, enough to ensure production and life; the Xiangyun Highway runs from the Xiangfan Great Plain to the west and leads to the mountains of Yunyang Deep, convenient transportation.So, the initial intention is here. Immediately afterwards, Chen Zutao surveyed more than 20 counties in northwestern Hubei and southern Shaanxi, visited more than 80 departments and units, and collected a large amount of information on roads, topography and geology, meteorological disasters, hydropower, industry and agriculture, etc. After a comprehensive analysis, the factory site was preliminarily determined to be Shiyan, a small town in the Yunyang mountain area, with nearly a hundred households. In his later years, Chen Zutao reflected on whether it is scientific to build a modern automobile enterprise in a large mountainous area, and whether it is built in the mountains and whether the enemy cannot attack it is a question worth exploring.Modern large-scale enterprises rely heavily on water, electricity, and transportation. Humans are social animals. Hundreds of thousands of people have to live, eat, drink, sleep, sleep, get old, get sick, die, shop, The most basic needs such as entertainment, schooling, and medical treatment must be met, but these are not available in the poor and white mountainous areas.In the past, it was emphasized that "production first, life later", but how long can his enthusiasm for production last when the minimum living needs of people cannot be met?When we realized that people’s living needs must be met in order to maintain their enthusiasm for work, in addition to building factories, we also made great efforts to build society—building schools (from primary schools to universities), shopping malls, hospitals, and parks , building roads, and even crematoriums. As a result, we still violated our original intention of entering the mountains - away from the city, we built a city. Of course, Chen Zutao's thoughts are an afterthought. After the factory site is determined, it is the relocation of personnel.The Changchun No. 1 Automobile Works divided the workers above the third level and all the technical cadres into three groups, and the Second Automobile Company selected one group.Chen Zutao singled out more than 2,000 people in one go. In October 1966, the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to establish a temporary party committee of the Second Automobile Works, which was called "State-owned Dongfeng Machinery Factory" to the outside world. In November, the equipment repair and repair plant of the Second Automobile Works Group took the lead in starting construction. The first thing China Second Automobile Co., Ltd. will produce is a 2.5-ton military off-road vehicle, which is a vehicle for towing cannons, and it must meet the needs of war.The construction target of the Second Automobile Group is 100,000 vehicles, including 45,000 military vehicles, 25,000 2.5-ton off-road vehicles, and 20,000 3.5-ton off-road vehicles. All without precedent.The remaining 55,000 are 5-ton civilian vehicles. Chen Zutao said that this kind of construction goal is absolutely wrong in today's view. Let alone whether the country can absorb so many military vehicles, it is very uneconomical in terms of economic benefits.According to the price at that time, a 2.5-ton vehicle cost one to two hundred thousand yuan. You must know that the design, construction and material selection of military vehicles are different from those of civilian vehicles. The cost is very high and it is not profitable.Can we spend a lot of money every year to fill this big hole?Our finances are originally food finances.After the completion of the Second Automobile Works Group, the 2.5-ton production line was first put into production. As a result, the army had no money to buy it, and could only buy 1,500-2,000 vehicles a year. The price of this idle production capacity is a waste of a lot of money for the country... Chen Zutao then concluded: You know, many of our military factories built on the third line have fallen into this vicious circle.At that time, everything was for war preparations, everything was subject to war preparations, and everything gave way to war preparations. No matter how much money was spent, no matter how difficult things were done, no matter how much hardship was suffered, but there was no science.The aircraft factory has three sets, the tank factory has three sets, and the submarine factory has three sets. In the deep mountains and old forests, holes are dug everywhere.I have visited many factories. In the big caves in the mountains, there are new factories and brand-new machinery and equipment. The products are no one wants them, and finally they are in a desperate situation.These are not just one or two enterprises, but hundreds of thousands. The state invests hundreds of billions, and the result is ultimately a loss for the state. Brother workers suffer.Two or even three generations of a family have lived in the ravine, and they have really contributed their youth and grandchildren.Therefore, I believe that the policy of "military-civilian integration and the military as the mainstay" put forward at that time was based on a wrong judgment of the situation, it was wrong, and it has become a lesson of history. It is said that in 1978, China and General Motors of the United States were discussing cooperation in the development of heavy vehicles. Chen Zutao accompanied the representatives of the United States to Shiyan City, which had never been open to foreigners before.After visiting the beautiful Checheng, Americans praised Shiyan as "China's Detroit".But the US representative Edwards finally asked a question: "Mr. Chen, I don't understand why you want to build a world-class factory in such a big valley?" Chen Zutao later recalled his feelings at that time: "Technical problems are not difficult for me, but I am a little hesitant about this question... In fact, we took a big detour in the construction of the Second Automobile Works, and paid the university fees. Americans can't understand." The construction process of the Second Automobile Works showed the basic characteristics of the third-line projects.The historical evaluation of this major industrial transfer is a very complicated proposition, and perhaps there will never be a consensus on it. The construction results of the third front are very remarkable. In terms of railway construction - from August 1964 to 1980, a total of Chengdu-Kunming Railway, Hunan-Guizhou Railway, Jiaoliu Railway, Xiangyu Railway, Sichuan-Guizhou Railway, Guizhou-Kunming Railway were built, which connected the entire northwest and southwest regions. It has become one piece, and it also connects the transportation network of Southwest China, Central China, Northwest China, North China and South China.At the same time, in conjunction with the railway construction, many road networks were built, which fundamentally changed the backwardness of transportation in the western region of my country, and created transportation conditions for mineral development, product circulation, industrial construction, and national defense construction in the western region. In terms of national defense industry, a conventional weapon industrial production base was established in Chongqing, an electronic industrial production base was established in Sichuan and Guizhou, strategic weapon research and production bases were established in Sichuan and Shaanxi, and Guizhou, Shaanxi and Western Hubei were established. A production base for the aviation and aerospace industry was built, a scientific research and production base for the shipbuilding industry was built in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and a satellite test and launch center was built in Xichang.Through the third-line construction, part of the old military industrial enterprises in Northeast China and North China were relocated to the western region to build new factories, basically achieving the goal of "splitting" important military industrial enterprises into two.The relatively high-level nuclear industry scientific research and production systems are almost all located in the western region. Raw materials and energy industry—a raw material industrial system combining large, medium and small companies has been formed in the western region, and large-scale enterprises such as Panzhihua Iron and Steel Base, Chongqing Iron and Steel Base, Chengdu Iron and Steel Plant, and Guizhou Shuicheng Iron and Steel Plant have been established, and the Northwest Copper Processing Plant has been newly built. , Lanzhou Liancheng Aluminum Plant, Lanzhou Aluminum Plant, Minghe Aluminum Magnesium Smelting and Processing Plant, Northwest Aluminum Processing Plant and Chongqing Southwest Aluminum Processing Plant.In order to support the national defense industry, heavy water, explosives, resin, rubber, and pharmaceutical enterprises have also been established.The Southwest Coking Coal Base, Northwest Coal Base, Pingdingshan, Jiaozuo, Hebi and other mining areas have been built; 68 new power stations with a capacity of more than 100,000 kilowatts have been built. In terms of machinery industry - a total of 241 machinery industry factories, research institutes, and design institutes were relocated to the western region. Later, 124 large and medium-sized projects were newly built or expanded, with a total investment of 9.472 billion yuan, accounting for 53% of the national machinery industry investment in the same period.Twelve new heavy-duty machinery manufacturing plants have been newly built, which has formed a strong heavy-duty machinery manufacturing capacity in the western region.The electrical and electrical industry also developed, and Sichuan Dongfang Electric Machinery Factory, Dongfang Steam Turbine Factory, Dongfang Boiler Factory, and Dongfeng Motor Factory were established, forming an annual production capacity of 800,000 kilowatts of complete sets of generating sets. In terms of automobile industry, the Second Automobile Factory, Shaanxi Automobile Factory, and Sichuan Automobile Factory were newly built, and a number of supporting factories were newly built at the same time, enabling the western region to form the capacity for mass production of light and heavy vehicles combining military and civilian use. Light and textile industry——papermaking, sugar, salt, bicycles, sewing machines, watches, synthetic detergents, plastic products, leather products, cotton textiles, wool textiles, silk, printing and dyeing, knitting, chemical fiber, textile machinery and other production enterprises in Fully rolled out in the western region.Among them, there are 7 new cotton textile factories with more than 50,000 spindles, and 5 large and medium-sized vinylon factories. In addition, more than 100 subordinate reserve warehouses have been built in the western region, and a number of colleges and universities have been newly built.By the mid-1970s, the output of many industrial products of third-tier enterprises reached one-third of the national output.In the construction of the third line, more than 30 industrial cities were newly built on flat land, the famous ones are Panzhihua, Shiyan, Deyang, Liupanshui and so on. Along with the above-mentioned outstanding achievements, the problems and regrets of the third-line construction are also huge. In terms of layout, the third-line construction took "war is imminent" as the premise, and implemented policies such as "relying on mountains, dispersing, concealing, and drilling holes." The layout of "village style", "melon vine style" and "sheep shit" is adopted.The aircraft parts assembly plant in Guizhou is scattered over a huge area of ​​9 square kilometers, and there are 10 boiler rooms alone.It is conceivable that this method of guerrilla warfare and preparation for factory construction is low in efficiency and high in investment. Because the third-line construction is a product of the planned economy, it was launched in a hurry and the scale was very large. In addition to political turmoil and management chaos, the waste and loss were astonishing.According to estimates, in the 12 years from 1966 to 1978, the losses, waste, and unproductive funds for third-line projects reached as high as 30 billion yuan, accounting for more than 18% of the country's third-line funds during the same period. In the future, many senior officials leading the construction of the third front have reflected on it from different angles. Bo Yibo believes that there are four lessons. First, the threat of war is overestimated; second, the policy of "san, mountain, and cave" is seriously one-sided; Some coastal provinces have also divided important factories into two and moved them to valleys, resulting in inefficient and wasteful production and management. Fourth, the accumulation rate is relatively high and the scale of industrial infrastructure is too large, which further accentuates the contradiction between accumulation and consumption imbalance. Yuan Baohua, who served as the head of the material management department during the construction of the third line, said when talking about the site selection and layout of the factory: Some factories have improper site selection and improper layout of the factory. great difficulty.In addition, once a factory enters the mountain, it has to support itself and serve itself. A factory is a small society and has to manage everything. The burden on the factory is quite heavy and the cost is very high.After the reform and opening up, these third-tier enterprises can’t keep people at all, because the quality of schools in these places is not good. The engineers and technicians say, I just dedicate my life, and he can no longer dedicate his children and grandchildren, so he has to leave this place for his children no matter what. Education found a way out, and finally most of these factories moved out of the mountains.Yuan Baohua also took the site selection of the Second Automobile Works as an example, saying, "The most typical is the construction of the Second Automobile Factory. The workshops of this automobile factory are scattered in several ravines, and a reservoir (referring to the Danjiangkou Reservoir) is built on top of the head. It caused difficulties in production, and these processes were not so smooth, but at the time, this was the need for preparations for war." As Yuan Baohua described, after the mid-1990s, with the adjustment of the national strategy, a large number of third-line factories were abandoned, and all employees and their families moved to live in the living areas of the provincial capital nearly 200 kilometers away from the factory. In 2008, Chen Jiagang, a photographer who had participated in the construction of the third front, published a photo album "Forever Third Front". He used his lens to photograph abandoned third-front factories surrounded by dust and mist. He wrote, " These third-tier factories are located in the deep valleys of the southwest. The state invested billions of dollars in construction and thousands of people work and live there. All third-tier factories are the same, with police stations, schools, hospitals, and post offices. , It was a complete small society. But later, it was like a ghost town, only a few old, weak, sick and disabled workers guarded the dilapidated and abandoned factories. The rows of living quarters were empty, and the buildings In the past, weeds grew, and the apple and pear trees planted by the third-tier people were completely neglected, and they were left to fend for themselves.” Gu Mu, who was the director of the National Capital Construction Committee at the time, described such a thing in "Memoirs of Gu Mu": By the end of 1965, the central leaders in charge of economic work had realized some disadvantages of the third-line construction, and Deng Xiaoping, Li Fuchun (then Vice Premier of the State Council and Director of the Planning Commission) led a team to inspect several important construction bases. On December 4th, a seminar was held in Kunming. Gu Mu prepared a detailed speech outline and put forward several propositions for discussion, including, " What kind of factories are there in the first and second tiers, and the third tiers should also have them." How to implement this requirement?How big is the factory built in the third line? To what extent is the "backing" and "dispersion" divided?Which projects to "go into the hole"?How to control the proportion of light and heavy industries in the third-line construction?How to arrange for the family members of employees and how to maintain a stable team?etc. Gu Mu recalled, "I was fully expecting that after discussing these issues, I would get clear instructions for specific handling. Unexpectedly, the meeting was only held for half a day and stopped in the afternoon." The reason for the suspension was that Deng and Li were An emergency call was made to Hangzhou for a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. General Luo Ruiqing, Vice Premier of the State Council and Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, was suddenly "downed". The political atmosphere became tense.After returning to Beijing, Gu Mu went to see Li Fuchun and said, "When will the meeting in Kunming be held again? There are many problems waiting to be resolved!" Li was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "This matter may not be taken care of for a while. .” It turned out that "this matter" was never taken care of again. When conducting a historical review of the third-line construction, there is another very important comparative phenomenon that deserves attention. Since 1964, the state has invested a large amount of funds in the third-tier regions, thus basically giving up investment in the southeastern coastal provinces.According to Gu Mu’s recollection, at the Central Work Conference at the end of May 1964, it was decided that “all projects that can be moved along the coast will be relocated, and the scale of continued construction projects that cannot be effective within two years will be reduced; the requirements for increased construction investment in the coastal areas will all be withstood. Since then, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Fujian have been regarded as "the frontline areas of the Taiwan Strait War" and there have been no major industrial construction projects.Before 1978, these three provinces received a total of less than 10 billion yuan in central industrial investment. In comparison, Gansu alone received 15.553 billion yuan in investment during the third-line construction period.As a result, the state-owned industrial economy in the southeastern provinces has stagnated for a long time, the state-run control capacity is weak, and the proportion of private economy is slightly heavy. Taking Zhejiang Province as an example, in the ten years from 1964 to 1978, the average annual growth rate of industrial added value was only 1.8%, and the proportion of industry in national income only increased by 2.7 percentage points. Among the total industrial output value, the central government The proportions of enterprises and large and medium-sized enterprises are only 2.6% and 16%, which are 4.2 and 27.4 percentage points lower than the national level respectively. By the beginning of 1978, non-state-owned industries in Zhejiang had accounted for 38.7% of the total industrial output value, ranking first in the country. Lu Guanqiu, who was driven back to his hometown in Xiaoshan in 1961, is a typical case of grassroots entrepreneurship.He later recalled his experience during that period: The business of repairing bicycles was very slow. He saw that every family had to peel the outer shells of barley and wheat, so he teamed up with several people to set up a grain processing factory.Although they were members of the Rural Processing Service Cooperative, the individual economy was very difficult at that time. The factory needed electricity, but no one connected it.Just plugged in here, unplugged there again.In six years, his factory changed seven places.When the grain processing was not done well, he went to repair bicycles, but when the repairs could not continue, he went to make equipment for popcorn for farmers. Later, personal business was not allowed, so Lu Guanqiu had a total of 1,150 yuan in all his wealth.After counting, hand over all the ledgers and seals to the brigade, and then bring back a signboard of the commune brigade's agricultural machinery repair factory. This can be regarded as a collective industry.After the assets were returned to the public, he did more things than before, and began to serve the Qiantang River Engineering Administration, producing parts for small tracks on the railway.This is another three years. One day in 1969, a neighbor who was a cadre in the county told him that the central government issued a document saying that each brigade could set up a people's commune agricultural machinery repair factory.Lu Guanqiu immediately made a report, joined the people's commune, and the factory was renamed Ningwei Commune Agricultural Machinery Repair Factory.At this time, he already had more than 4,000 yuan.Many years later, Lu Guanqiu set his own entrepreneurial year in 1969. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, small factories and workshops like Lu Guanqiu's were not uncommon. They fend for themselves like weeds, which was insignificant at the time.Who would have expected that when the reform and opening up came, they unexpectedly became the system superiors.In order to develop the local economy, the governments of the coastal provinces with "no rice in their hands" are forced to rely on private forces, and the weak state-owned capital has reserved gaps for the growth of private enterprises.On the contrary, Northeast China, North China, and even the third-tier provinces, where large state-owned enterprises are concentrated, must first resolve the problems in the system, and the former "investment focus" has become the "burden" of reform.One ebbs and another, star shifts, this kind of dramatic transformation of advantages and disadvantages is very intriguing. If it is said that the strategic transformation from the “Food and Clothing Plan” to the construction of the third front caused changes in the structure of China’s industrial economy again, then, even in 1964, there was a trend of thought in the theoretical circles to re-understand the law of value.This seems to mean that although the experiment of contracting production to households was suppressed at the end of 1961, the reflection on the planned economy never stopped. The first one was Zhang Wentian (1900-1976, formerly known as "Luo Fu"), one of the early top leaders of the Communist Party of China. He was a veteran party member who joined the party in 1925 and was the chairman of the People's Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic in the 1930s. He once presided over the daily work of the central government.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the ambassador to the Soviet Union, but was dismissed from office and became a "special researcher" at the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In February 1964, at the age of 64, Zhang Wentian wrote the article "On the Socialist Commodity-Currency Relationship and the New Content of the Law of Value", which clearly proposed a new law of value—actively advocating free competition in a socialist society. Zhang Wentian's article clearly encouraged other thinkers. In May, Xue Muqiao, then director of the National Commodity Price Committee, wrote three papers on price issues. He raised the problem of the inversion of grain prices, and proposed to increase the sales price of resold grain in rural areas until the level of purchase and sales was leveled. Shun has shown a rigid price system.他日后回忆说,“我一直认为,在物价的计划管理体制下,价格往往背离价值,不利于调节各类产品的按比例发展,达到供求平衡。我主张必须对物价进行调整。”6月,薛暮桥的论文在经济所进行了讨论,会上,孙冶方和顾准都赞同他的观点,顾准还专门写作了《粮价问题初探》一文,鼓吹提高粮价和煤价,降低人民币对外汇率。此外,杨坚白、张卓元及何建章等人,也纷纷发表论文,主张以资金利润率作为评价社会主义经济活动的标准,以生产价格为基础订价。这些思想都聚焦于生产和流通领域的计划性弊端,市场和价格的自由化成为焦点。 进入秋天,这股市场化的思潮受到了批判,极左理论家陈伯达、康生(时任中央书记处书记)组织了多场座谈会,对这些观点进行清剿。在这一过程中,孙冶方被锁定为最主要的批判对象,他是经济所的所长,而自由化言论大多出自该所。在过去的几年里,孙冶方不但保护了顾准、张闻天等人,还先后写作了20多篇论文,论述计划经济与价值规律的关系,如《要用历史观点来认识社会主义社会的商品生产》、《论价值》、《社会主义计划经济管理体制中的利润指标》等等。1962年,孙冶方与陈伯达就一些经济概念发生了书面争执,孙认为,不应该在计划供应与凭证供应之间划等号,不要把集贸市场叫做“自由市场”。1963年底,孙冶方还在中科院哲学社会科学部委员会扩大会议上,专门做了一次关于利润问题的演讲。据经济学家刘国光的回忆,在演讲前,有年轻学者劝孙冶方别讲了,提醒他说,“你讲利润,人家会说是修正主义。现在还是不讲为好,风声已经这么紧了。”孙淡淡地答,“风声是什么?我不是研究气象学的。” 双方矛盾在《红旗》杂志社组织的一场座谈会上全面激化。 在这次会议上,杨坚白、张卓元撰写的《生产价格论》等两篇论文遭到点名批判,发言者的调子越唱越高,帽子越扣越大,气氛十分紧张。孙冶方被点名务必参会,但没有安排发言,这时,坐在一角的他实在按捺不住,站起来大声说:“不要再批他们了,文章观点是我的,我来承担责任!我应战,我喜欢赤膊上阵。” 接着,孙冶方操着一口浓烈的苏南口音论述自己的观点,“许多国家,包括中国,从苏联承袭了一种观点,这种观点认为,价值规律与社会主义计划经济是对立的,相互排斥的,这种观点几乎已经形成了一种规范模式,严重束缚了人们对客观经济规律的认识和探索……” 有人当即质问:“请问,你宣扬的规律是什么?” 孙答:“千规律,万规律,价值规律是第一条!” 会后,杨坚白与孙冶方一起出门,杨悄声说,“这是批我嘛,你何必站起来报名呢?”孙说,“他们是醉翁之意不在酒,文章观点是我的,我来承担责任。” 10月,陈伯达和康生派出70人组成的工作队进驻经济所,以“张(闻天)、孙(冶方)反党联盟”的罪名对孙冶方进行批斗。孙冶方被批判的观点主要有两个,一是反对无产阶级国家统一管理经济,主张企业独立自治,二是反对按社会需要调节生产,主张以利润调节生产。因此,孙冶方的经济观点的实质就是“使社会主义和平演变为资本主义,是彻头彻尾的修正主义理论”,他被判定是“中国最大的修正主义者”,撤销党内外一切职务,每天打扫厕所,刷洗痰盂,在其后的一年内被批判39场。 孙冶方因此成为建国后第一个被公开点名批斗的著名经济学家。这个倔强的苏南人却不肯低头认罪。他写出了一份又一份的检查材料,进一步清晰地阐述自己的观点,工作组对他的评价是“抗拒党和群众对他的原则批评,态度十分骄横”。1965年9月,他被下放到北京城郊的房山县周口店公社大韩集大队进行劳动改造。 孙冶方的朋友们也纷纷遭殃,杨卓元、桂世镛等人被认定是“张、孙反党联盟”的“八大金刚”,一直受到他庇护的老右派顾准这次自然也是在劫难逃,他被隔离审查,挂牌批斗,然后同样送到周口店劳动改造。在日记中他很内疚地写道,“我更进一步猜测,孙冶方的问题是任用我这个右派分子而引起的,我这个人,到那里都要害人,这回又害了这个老朋友,觉得很对不起他。”顾准的爱妻汪璧为了替五个子女着想,提出与他离婚,在给顾准弟弟陈敏之的信中,她说,“只要顾准有一天脱掉右派帽子,就可立即复婚。”可惜,她与顾准都没有等到那一天。 发生在1964年的这场关于价值规律的思潮,是1978年之前的最后一次“反光返照”,它很轻易地被击溃了。而随后展开的批斗,事实上也成为即将拉开序幕的文化大革命的前哨战。 1965年11月10日,正在周口店公社的菜地里一起浇粪抬土的孙冶方和顾准从上海《文汇报》上读到了一篇题为《评新编历史剧〈海瑞罢官〉》的长篇评论,作者为姚文元。它十分罕见地点名批评北京市副市长、历史学家吴晗。这是一篇充满了不容辩驳的“革命”口吻的讨伐性雄文,而批判海瑞的首要事实就是一个经济话题——退田。 吴晗在《海瑞罢官》一剧中,主要讲述了明代清官海瑞在出任应天巡抚期间,针对当时豪强地主大肆兼并土地,佃农深受剥削的现状,采取了退田分耕的政策,此举受到豪强抵制,海瑞以“罢官”来推动改革。姚文元写到:戏剧冲突围绕著“退田”展开。虽然吴晗同志在序言中自称剧本“改以除霸为主题”,但实际上冤狱是从占田开始,“除霸”、“平冤狱”的行动也是围绕著“退田”进行。“退田”被写成是“帮助穷农民办法的一种”,作为戏剧冲突最高潮的“罢官”,就是罢在“退田”这件事上……海瑞一道号令,“发出榜文,限令各家乡官,十日内把一应霸占良民田产,如数归还”。退田以后,尖锐的阶级矛盾忽然都不起作用了,“众乡民”向海瑞叩头道:“大老爷为民作主,江南贫民今后有好日子过了!” 姚文元用大量的“史实”证明,吴晗对“退田”的描写是虚假的,海瑞的改革政策只对小地主和富农有益,是“地主阶级内部的矛盾”。紧接着,他的笔触很快衔接到了几年前的包产到户:大家知道,1961年,正是我国因为连续三年自然灾害而遇到暂时的经济困难的时候,在帝国主义、各国反动派和现代修正主义一再发动反华高潮的情况下,牛鬼蛇神们刮过一阵“单干风”、“翻案风”。他们鼓吹什么“单干”的“优越性”,要求恢复个体经济,要求“退田”,就是要拆掉人民公社的台,恢复地主富农的罪恶统治。……《海瑞罢官》就是这种阶级斗争的一种形式的反映。如果吴晗同志不同意这种分析,那么明确请他回答:在1961年,人民从歪曲历史真实的《海瑞罢官》中到底能“学习”到一些什么东西呢?我们认为:《海瑞罢官》并不是芬芳的香花,而是一株毒草。 在这篇当时十分轰动、日后非常著名的文章中,姚文元创造了一种判断方式:任何对计划经济的反思或推敲,都是阶级斗争的新动向,是反革命的行为。这样的霸道逻辑,让崇尚理性的孙冶方和顾准不寒而栗,直觉告诉他们,此文来头不小,绝非偶然。一场史无前例的暴风雨正在剧烈而可怕的酝酿中。
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