Home Categories social psychology The world is so dangerous, you have to be strong 2

Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Reduction to a Psychological Animal

Once upon a time, there was a mountain in ancient Greece called Mount Olympus, and there was a temple on the mountain called the Temple of Delphi. On this temple was engraved an eternal motto: Know yourself! Philosophy is to let us "live with wisdom".One of the major things it wants to do is to let people know themselves.So Socrates even uttered a cruel sentence: "The unreflected life is not worth living." Teacher Su's words travel through ancient and modern times and are deafening. Indeed, what's the point of being a stranger to yourself, or thinking you know yourself, but just taking a false "self" as yourself, reaping endless troubles and pains, living a wrong life, and having an absurd life? ?

But I also want to let out a harsh word: the problem is not that a person does not want to know himself mentally, but that he must prevent himself from doing so psychologically—in psychology, many times you want a person to know himself, It's like killing him! On the road of knowing oneself and knowing others, philosophy needs to walk side by side with psychoanalysis. When a person is afraid, that kind of helplessness is like a child psychologically. And when we are jealous, narcissistic, inferior, resentful, venting, and doing stupid things for no reason... psychologically, what is it like?

Let's take a look at the true story of a 17-year-old girl. This girl has a little money in her family, but she likes to be a "little three", and she does it in a different way: she takes the initiative to seduce middle-aged men who have a lot of money, and deals with several men.She is not interested in unmarried men, rich or poor. Before the story was over, I blurted out: "She must hate her father!" The insider suddenly remembered: "Her father has women outside, and has more than one 'mistress'." I was silent.Suddenly, like Teacher Benhua, I felt the tragedy of life.

She hated her father, but was powerless against what he did.So, imitating her father's way of having a "mistress" and turning herself into a "little three" to revenge and punish her father psychologically.There was a faint voice in her heart telling her: the more she behaved like this, the more her father would feel double guilt—because it was his fault that her daughter made this happen; and being a "mistress" is psychologically like making a fool of herself. Like my daughter! This is like revenge on his father in a "suicide" way. I really want to say: Girl, you can’t use this kind of healing method!

Remember my description of "psychological structure overwhelms intellectual structure" in ? A rule of inner strength is: Don't let your mind replace your existence to deal with the world! We can actually go further. After listening to the story of the 17-year-old girl, I was immersed in the imagination of her inner struggle.The intuition of psychoanalysis tells me that she never wants to be a "little three" in her heart, but this voice is already very weak, even if she hears it, she can't listen to it. In order to protect her weak heart, she has been controlled by some mysterious psychological law - just like when we are jealous, narcissistic, inferior, resentful, and venting, we do something inexplicably. It's like being controlled by some kind of psychological law when doing stupid things.

If I can visualize it, I would like to call people in this state "psychological animals". Why is it easy for a person to become a "psychological animal"?After getting to the heart of a psychological problem in Chapter 2, I will describe it.What I want to say now is: when we become psychological animals, the kind of life that Schopenhauer said may have begun, because the control of self and destiny is no longer in our hands. Although the situation is different, this 17-year-old girl reminds me of a young man who failed to perform on a dating show. There are differences between people, but psychological laws do not recognize people.

On the VCR (camera) and on the stage, this young man tried his best to act like a fashionable young man, and was intoxicated by his various postures. He thought that his performance with such personality would surely win the favor of female guests, but he did not expect that after a hard performance, , the lights went out in front of him. When he left the stage, he stopped playing with fashion styles, his eyes showed loss and fear, and repeatedly argued that "in fact, everyone doesn't understand me" and "the real me is not like that". Very innocent?Sadly, at that moment all I saw was a psycho animal.

The young man's unique inner language is as follows: "I think playing fashion young people has characteristics and personality, so they will definitely be appreciated by female guests." So, he played like this, but he didn't expect that what he was facing was not an ignorant girl, but a group of female guests with countless men, and he would only look childish and ridiculous by pretending like this! After the lights went out, he knew he had screwed up (unless he had a sudden insanity to deny it), but replaced his faux pas with the fact that he wasn't really him who was playing the hipster kid on the VCR and on stage.The motive was an attempt to save face.

But this move was almost suicidal, and he put himself in it.He is equivalent to voluntary confession: "Actually, I am stupid. You see, I actually acted as a fashionable young man, thinking that I would be appreciated. After being wiped out, I said the truth for the sake of face. I am not like that. It shows how much I am. weak!" After the confession, he called out affectionately to the audience: "Since I am so weak and stupid, what are you waiting for? Please feel free to despise me!" Why did he mess up?It's very simple, what he thinks is "I play like this, others will like it", but he doesn't have the consciousness of "Will I look naive if I play like this".What he sees is only the reaction of others that he has imagined in his mind. In essence, what he sees is actually only himself.Therefore, on the field, half of him was performing for himself!

Originally, if he screwed up, he screwed up. In this "one-time game" situation, the correct way for him to do it is to continue pretending when he exits, so that even though he screwed up, he can still maintain a kind of "self" identity . Please note that I want to talk about a common sense of psychology: in situations where there is a psychological game, do not underestimate this "self" identity.A "consistent" stance is psychologically deterrent.Why?Because it symbolizes a kind of firmness, and there is a strong psychological force behind it.If this young man really plays like this, even though the female guests who hold the power over his life and death, as well as the audience, think he is naive and ridiculous, they are not really convinced in their hearts whether they can really despise him due to limited information. .

The tragedy is that he actually denied his performance, thinking that the effect is only: others will follow his excuse and think that this is indeed not the real him.He didn't expect that once others thought he was naive and ridiculous, and gained a psychological advantage, they would not stop, and they tended to hope that he would act more naive.And he was quite cooperative, fully exposing his weakness and sudden stupidity! Yes, one is bound to answer his affectionate call with ardor—safely despise him! You may say that some people may be hinted by him and feel that the real him may not be so naive. I would like to say that of course there are such people, but unfortunately, they not only lack insight, but also do not know what is going on inside their own hearts. Here's what happened: The "innocence" displayed by the youth created a moral pressure that made these people stop themselves from continuing to beat the dog in the water to show psychological superiority.They have the idea of ​​"as if the real him is not like that", the essence is just to relieve the psychological burden caused by moral pressure! This is falling into the same state of "psychological animal" as this young man, but what if the brain works—especially when there is a game of interests with this young man? Think about the consequences! Here, I want to reveal a huge weakness of human psychology: In fact, not many people are really sure what he believes or does not believe. If he chooses to believe or not, he must need a reason outside his head. Note, the reason is out of mind. Adolf?The greatest charm of His Excellency Hitler is his paranoia and fanaticism. He absolutely believes that he has the truth, just like God appearing in the world.Countless "religious leaders" and "political leaders" who hold the keys to the "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Elysium on Earth" will also swear by their teachings. This kind of sacred posture of "definitely" and "absolutely" has too much psychological power, and it is almost irresistible to the public who are not sure about "is there". Similarly, Comrade Zhang Wuben, a former fraud performance artist, was able to fool many people. The most important reason is that people cannot be convinced from the beginning that his "health diet therapy" must be a lie or must not be a lie. human.And if they believe it is a lie, they will gain nothing; if they believe it is not, a miracle may happen.Therefore, they are willing to believe in their hearts. The highest state of masters who like to pretend to be gods and ghosts is not to persuade you at all, but to let you persuade yourself! When a person appears to you, it is not just with a mind, or not with a mind.If you want to persuade him, it depends on whether he is listening with his head or his heart. If he is going to listen with his head, you must resort to reasoning at this time and use powerful logic to make him accept it. If he is going to listen psychologically, your reasoning with him is tantamount to playing the piano against a cow. All you have to do is to induce him, hint him, let him Mental hopes, fears, stress—that's all his mind has to offer! Having said that, I want to divert a bit and teach you a powerful method.When a person talks to you about something related to a certain person or group of people, such as telling you that someone is going to screw you behind your back, pay attention to his eyes and expression! If he looks directly at you, with firmness and serious expression, it is probably true, because it shows that he is making a judgment in his mind, and his attention is on organizing and transmitting information in his mind.If his eyes are wandering and his expression is a little unnatural, please believe me, his focus is not to make judgments in his head, but to have a certain purpose in his mind and want to say something to you! Just imagine the eyes and expressions of those gossiping, gossiping people behind their backs! Continue talking about the young man just now.The glorious image of the brother still lingers in my mind long after the TV show is over. He made such a stupid mistake, which can be said to be an inevitable result of his own psychology, and it often becomes the cause of future mistakes.What we never thought of was that when the mistake happened, the seed had already been planted in his previous life, and this mistake is often the source of some stupid things we do in the future. I especially noticed the brother's classic line: "I feel..." Here, I want to learn from Teacher Yu Qiuyu, and advise everyone with tears in my eyes: When speaking, unless it is for perfunctory, game, or self-protection, you should be more ruthless to yourself, and be more straightforward to those who are full of expectations for you. Use the "I feel..." sentence pattern! The youth becomes a psycho-animal, and "I feel..." is one of the symptoms. Are the consequences of playing "I feel..." serious? Yes, sir! On the one hand, you are not describing a thing itself, but just describing your opinion on a thing. The "I think..." sentence pattern has a kind of self-protection psychologically, and you are afraid of making mistakes.When someone expects you to accurately describe and judge something, rather than how you "feel" about it, you will be subtly disappointing by doing so, and he will definitely think that you have no thought at all. Clear, unsure, incapable of controlling something—or, he already trusts you enough, and you're still hiding it from him! Please pay high attention to this hard truth: "I think..." sentences will let many opportunities slip away from you! On the other hand, it is also deadly. It is a very bad psychological habit, and if you use it for a long time, you will kill yourself. From the perspective of the relationship between language and psychology, when a person says "I think...", in fact, deep down in his heart, he is giving himself a reason to prevent himself from figuring out the problem and preventing himself from mentally responding to certain problems. Things are under control.If things go on like this, your insight and analytical ability will inevitably become more and more sluggish, and your mind will also lose its ability to resist blows. For thousands of years, philosophers and psychologists have been discussing from different perspectives why the gloomy and gloomy life described by Mr. Benhua occurs and how to avoid it. Socrates earnestly taught us that we should get out of the "cave" in our minds, don't take images as real, and be a rational person instead of a person who lives by self-deception. Kant looked up at the starry sky, meditated for a long time, and wrote a paragraph in the book, asking us to remember "the starry sky above our heads and the moral law in our hearts", because if a person wants to avoid madness and psychological deformity, he must be in awe. When Heidegger waded through the "river of existentialism", he suddenly saw the truth of human "existence".He said that language is the home of "existence", and "existence" is our home, and we must not forget our "existence". Fromm took up Heidegger's words and said that love and creative work are the two paths by which we overcome our separation from the world.If we sold ourselves, we would be an "existential failure", and we are not supposed to be in this world. In Vienna, the capital of Austria, Freud was suddenly full of compassion. He said that "repression" is the source of our pain, and psychologically, people always need the protection of a "father".If we really want to bid farewell to the stage of psychological underage, then please learn to live alone psychologically. ... If the mind and psychology are the "inner existence" of a person, then his situation and destiny will always be affected by both the "inner existence" and the "external existence" (external world).In a sense, the state of his mind and psychology affected his situation and destiny. That is to say, what level a person is in mind and psychology often corresponds to his situation and destiny, and corresponds to his level in society! And behind the behavior, there are hidden secrets of the mind and psychology. Fortunately, we have been able to see such a secret. From here, I will stand on the shoulders of the predecessors of philosophy and psychoanalysis, and tell this secret where they saw and did not see.
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