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Chapter 43 left

hello old time 八月长安 3206Words 2018-03-03
When Yu Zhouzhou lowered his head, he found a big footprint on the white snow boot on his left foot. It should have been stepped on by the aunt holding the child while in the car.She sighed and walked towards the crowd of people at the gate of the Normal University. It's this November again, and the leaden gray sky begins to be depressed once a year again.Yu Zhouzhou looked down at her watch, it was only 7:25, she thought she would arrive early, but after being squeezed in the rush hour bus for more than 40 minutes, she actually saw more Early people. In the city's "Xinmiao Cup" Math Olympiad, it is said that the children who win the first prize are likely to be scrambled by various key junior high schools.Yu Zhouzhou struggled in the school's Mathematical Olympiad class for more than half a year, but he was still confused.She tried her best to support herself, took notes, figured it out, and did the sample exercises in the textbook, but the answers to the exercises were only the results without the calculation process and ideas, and she couldn't understand what she didn't understand anyway.Yu Lingling is boarding in the school's senior year concentration camp, Yu Tingting doesn't learn Mathematical Olympiad, and Yu Qiao is busy rounding up the tigress, she is alone and helpless.

She could ask the teacher of the Olympiad class, but she was embarrassed.For the first time, Yu Zhouzhou experienced the mood of those so-called "poor students" in the class—when the teacher was delighted to listen to a group of geniuses express their opinions, Yu Zhouzhou stood by holding the Olympiad book, and looked down at what he was using. The questions with a series of circles drawn in red pen on the question number looked more vulgar than one. So he lowered his head and left in despair. Of course, she can also ask Lin Yang.However, after that day, Lin Yang never went to the school's simple Mathematical Olympiad class.

Maybe it's because the school's Mathematics Olympiad class is really not good. Maybe it's for other reasons. In the past, she could always meet Lin Yang, but later she could never meet Lin Yang. From that moment on, Yu Zhouzhou began to speculate vaguely whether there were no coincidences and fates in this world, and everything was man-made. At 7:40, when Yu Zhouzhou stood outside the door for a quarter of an hour and began to feel cold fingers, the big iron door opened, and the crowd rushed in. There was a row of teachers standing on the side of the playground near the teaching building. , everyone was holding a big sign with the test room number written on it, and everyone searched for their test room according to the number on the admission ticket and queued up.

Yu Zhouzhou stood at the end of the line in examination room 14, raised his head, and found a girl with a familiar hat in front of him. When everyone lined up to enter the examination room and searched for the location according to the examination number on the white note pasted on the upper left corner of the table, Yu Zhouzhou discovered that this girl was indeed an acquaintance. Ling Xiangqian was sitting at the table on her left. Yu Zhouzhou tried her best to keep her expression normal, but the slightest sound from the left could restrain her nerves.Ling Xiangqian snorted softly, Ling Xiangqian lay down on the table and yawned, Ling Xiangqian picked up her admission ticket and tossed it for fun, Ling Xiangqian squinted at her with her chin in her hands, Ling Xiangqian was laughing at her, Ling Xiangqian...

Yu Zhouzhou originally thought that he could act like the one in the cartoon, so he turned his head and said to her with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, "Whatever you look at, I will definitely defeat you, wake up!" However, this is not a basketball court, nor is it the Demon Realm Mountain. Ten minutes later, what is handed out is the Mathematical Olympiad paper, Mathematical Olympiad, Mathematical Olympiad. She had no confidence, so she could only pretend to turn a blind eye.For the first time, Yu Zhouzhou knew that the protagonists were not staged. The onlookers knew that they would explode and win in the end, they would not die, they would not be defeated.But in life, no one will pat her on the head and tell her, little girl, don't worry, you are the protagonist, so go ahead and talk big, anyway, you must win in the end.

There is another kind of role in the world called cannon fodder. They have mediocre qualifications and extraordinary efforts. They are always used to inspire and motivate the protagonist, create and resolve misunderstandings, and finally block bullets for the protagonist—only lucky people can die in the arms of the protagonist. Here, get two tears. At that time, she still couldn't figure out these confusing things, but that leaden gray morning, in the dull and dark classroom, the rustling noises from the left were engraved into her memory like needle pricks, every time Remembering, it will feel heavy and unbearable.

The invigilator held up the kraft paper bag to show that the seal was intact, then unsealed it and handed out the papers. Yu Zhouzhou took the paper from the students in the front row, took out a Winnie the Pooh ballpoint pen from the pencil case, carefully wrote the test number and name of the school on the left side, and then began to face the paper. 20 fill-in-the-blank questions and six big questions. The first question is the double difference problem, after two minutes of calculation, it is solved. Then checked it carefully, no problem. The second question was about planting trees, which went well.

Yu Zhouzhou started to get a little excited.She solved the first six questions of filling in the blanks with hope. The seventh question was a bit difficult, so she drew a circle on the question number, put it down for now, and then continued to look at the eighth question. Well, she managed to get an answer and substituted it into the original question. , seems quite reliable, not bad, continue to look at the ninth question. Twenty minutes later, Yu Zhouzhou was very embarrassed. At first, she circled the unfinished question numbers—later, she gave up drawing circles—because there were only seven questions that were not circled on the entire paper.

Yu Zhouzhou tried for a long time, but finally he still leaned on the table and listened silently to the ticking sound of the hands of his wrist watch. She really worked hard. She practiced the piano and took the grade test. At the same time, she never missed classes in the Mathematical Olympiad class. She has participated in Mathematical Olympiad training since she was a child, and she really finds it very difficult to compete with smart children. In fact, she knew that she was too eager and too timid.Too much hope, and too much care. However, Yu Zhouzhou still sat up—not because he wanted to make persistent efforts to continue searching for ideas.She just held the pen stubbornly, writing half and half meaningless calculations on the calculation paper in vain.

Because the girl on the left was doing the questions smoothly, the pages of the calculation paper were flipping, and the clear voice was like a cruel and happy song. When Ling Xiangqian finished the paper, she stretched her waist, and then turned her face to look at Yu Zhouzhou, with an unclear smile on the corner of her mouth. Yu Zhouzhou tried his best to cover his test paper with calculus paper—the blankness of the six big questions was too glaring anyway. 3X7=21 When the bell rang for the end of the exam, Yu Zhouzhou realized that there were countless such two-digit additions and subtractions on his calculus paper.

3X7=21 Things in the world that can be successful if you risk your life regardless of the situation may only exist in cartoons. She handed the paper to the teacher, lowered her head, pretended not to see Ling Xiangqian's smiling eyes, and put the ballpoint pen into the pencil case carefully, with a pious expression, as if she was holding a royal seal in her hand. The little vanity of this age often wears a face of self-esteem. After Yu Zhouzhou walked out of the classroom, he ran to the women's toilet.She didn't want to go to the toilet, but just hoped to take advantage of the time difference to smear Ling Xiangqian's back. But when the sparse crowd walked out of the gate, I saw three cars parked on the left side of the gate at a glance, and several adults surrounded four children, greeting each other there without knowing what to say. Yu Zhouzhou lowered his head, chased after the green light, ran across the narrow road, and then stood beside a blind old busker wearing sunglasses and playing the erhu under the opposite overpass. He pretended to listen carefully, but in fact his eyes couldn't help aiming To the few families not far from the opposite side. Lin Yang's mother touched his head, smiling and talking to the two parents opposite, Jiang Chuan was kicking Lin Yang's ass with his head down, Lin Yang turned around and kicked Jiang Chuan back, Ling Xiangqian stood aside laughing, and Zhou Shen Ran put on an impatient expression towards his mother who was squatting down and telling him something. Against the gray background, this group of people and the three black cars behind them formed a powerful barrier, with a full sense of oppression. Yu Zhouzhou stared blankly for a long time, not knowing what it was like in his heart. "Girl, you didn't listen to me playing the piano well." Yu Zhouzhou was taken aback. The old man lowered his head and rolled his eyes at her through the gap above the sunglasses. His hoarse voice echoed for a long time under the empty bridge hole. Yu Zhouzhou replied in an awkward manner, "You are not blind." The old man was so angry that he rolled his eyes several times, "Did I say I'm blind?" Yu Zhouzhou thought of A Bing, and just wanted to say "Only the blind can play the erhu", suddenly felt that he was an idiot, so he laughed and scratched the back of his head, reached out his hand and took out a five-cent coin from his trouser pocket, bent down and gently Put it into the dirty tea mug in front of the old man. Turning around to look at the group of people standing at the school gate, I found that they were all looking in my direction—they must have been attracted by the old man's yelling just now. She froze all of a sudden, like a little fox whose tail had been stepped on. She froze there, not knowing whose eyes she should meet. The seven or eight people formed a whole, but Yu Zhouzhou's eyes could only be distracted. At this moment, the erhu sounded loudly from behind, as if to compose an absurd background music for this embarrassing scene.Yu Zhouzhou was awakened with a start, and when he turned around, the old man stopped hastily again, and the ending ended abruptly, making it uncomfortable. "Grandpa, you..." "This is fifty cents. If you give me more, I will continue to play the piano." Yu Zhouzhou knew that this was just a joke from the old busker, and it was even possible that the other party was trying to save her on purpose, but she still solemnly took out five yuan, bent down and put it into the tea mug again. "Is five dollars enough?" The old man grinned, and resumed his posture without saying a word.The interpretation of the barren accent floated into the distance under the empty bridge hole accompanied by the cold wind.Yu Zhouzhou stood in place, staring at the waves of snow-white rosin falling with the strings of the erhu, his mood gradually calmed down, and even a melody more absurd than the sound of the erhu echoed in his heart. At the end of the song, the old man raised his eyes and took off his sunglasses, revealing big bags under his eyes. "I composed this piece myself, isn't it nice?" Yu Zhouzhou was expressionless, "Do you want to hear the truth?" The old man rolled his eyes again, and Yu Zhouzhou turned around. The school gate was already empty at this time, and she happened to see the half of the buttocks of the last car turned at the intersection, and a stream of black smoke. She smiled at the old busker and said, "Thank you, grandpa." Then I put on my hat and stepped out again under the leaden gray sky.
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