Home Categories documentary report Flee to Zhongguancun

Chapter 13 twelve

Flee to Zhongguancun 汪向勇 4833Words 2018-03-14
When I left the factory, I realized that there was no one to see me off.This scene is very similar to what Ah Cheng said in the novel. When he jumped in line, he found that everyone else had been sent away by him to jump in line.Leaving the factory and going to the company is the theme of this era. It is as attractive as the educated youth going to the countryside.Someone summed up the fate of Chinese youth in different eras as going to the countryside, going to the sea, and being laid off. This is very incisive. When I left, in order to create a lively atmosphere, I played the first tape of the Red Star Production Co., "Two Days" sung by Xu Wei, "I only have two days, and I am never sure. One day is used for birth and one day for death. ...." That hesitation and grief made me soft.

Li Guolin was the only one left in the factory. He was promoted to head of the organization department of the Party Committee of the branch factory. His job was to inspect cadres.This job sounds scary, and he kept a thick account of the performance of the grassroots cadres.I once joked that I must be a good cadre with knowledge and culture, and I must not make a fool of myself, I must not...but I think it is a bit unreasonable to ask Li Guolin in this way. He is young, He didn't have a house, he didn't marry a wife, his mind was tightly entwined with life problems, and it was difficult for him to do a behavior that exceeded the goal of survival.From a certain point of view, among the college students assigned to our two dormitories at the same time, only he has achieved initial success in the factory, and this is still far from real success.

I can't imagine that in such a huge factory like ours, if a large number of college students leave because they can't get their self-worth, it will make the leaders feel guilty.I can't even figure out who will sell computers to if a large number of state-owned enterprises are in a downturn?Does it mean that every family puts a computer to watch VCD, which marks the high development of China's information technology?I've lost the ability to think about these important questions except to know very well that I don't have enough money in my pocket to buy a necklace for the girl I love...if such a girl exists.When earning money became the only value orientation of the whole society, I was unable to find out what else I could do besides earning money, or what else this society could provide me besides providing me with a place to earn money.Farming and studying cannot be your way to escape from society. If you meet an unreasonable village cadre, you will be humiliated even more.I began to have interest and courage in Beijing right now, because I really have nowhere to retreat.

I went to a public relations company. I just saw a public relations lady on TV before, and I thought PR (PUBLIC RELATION) must have a face. Now I find that’s not the case. My boss, DIRECTOR Tang, told me that I am a public relations material. .When he discovered me from the archives of Beijing Foreign Enterprise Service Corporation, he was caught by a profile marked in bold in my resume: I like creative work.He said he was too short of creative people. When I went to the company for an interview, I was almost scared back by Director Tang's attitude.This is because this is an American public relations company, which is well-known in the world, and their IT (Information Technology) group's client is the computer giant IBM that I admire very much, and the reports between them are all in ENGLISH.I think I have to voluntarily leave this company because my spoken English is very bad and...  When I saw the company's pie, I felt overwhelmed. Everyone often used embedded English and abbreviated English to talk, and the key words were often replaced by English. I could only nod pretending to understand.I know there are a lot of AGENCY (agents) in this era, and it's pretty easy to rely on face and language.But I was not born with language talent, and I couldn't speak Mandarin with a Beijing accent after a few years in Beijing.

When I met DIRECTOR Tang for the first time, he wanted to give me a BRIEF (introduction) about this company that decorates walls in red everywhere.I'm a tech guy, I don't wag my tongue, make a living off ogles and drinks, I don't have the expertise at all.The first thing I said when I met DIRECT OR Tang during the interview was: I don't think I am the kind of person you need.And guess what? DIRECTOR Tang said that I had a fundamental misunderstanding of them, and his conversation with me has completely changed my understanding of myself over the years, so that this conversation often comes back to my ears when I encounter difficulties.I think that conversation is a wonderful dialogue of my life: Me: I think I am very unsuitable for your needs.

Tang: Why don't you have confidence in yourself?Me: It's not that I don't have confidence, but that I don't want to do jobs that I'm not familiar with, and I hope to feel competent for the job. Tang: What is your feeling about doing technology?Me: create! Tang: You don't want to change the way of creation?And what is the future of technology?It's the project director!If a person who does IT technology cannot become a good IT technology manager in the end, his technical career will be bleak.Just imagine if a 35-year-old can still program overnight?Me: But... (Don’s words hit the most fundamental concern of a technician: age limitation. In many companies, there is no possibility to charge you at all, only to run out of your creativity. This is the same as Shakespeare wrote plays for the theater in the 16th century, fortunately he is a genius.) My English foundation is very poor. If I come here to work, I hope to adopt a way of learning first, and the salary can be lower. I don’t want to take your money. Official quota.

Tang: Well, you can work as a HELPER (hourly worker) with me. English is a practical ability. With the foundation of CET-4, you will come up soon.I'm your boss now, and I totally let you go.I will let you study for one month in each department, and then you will tell me whether you want to stay or leave.If you do a good job, I have the right to decide to double your salary or more. ...... DIRECTOR Tang’s encouraging and authoritative words made me feel confident in myself immediately, feeling that I got the respect that a person deserves to a certain extent, because a person is inherently flexible, and his system Designed for this kind of resilience again, I am very excited, and I never believed that such a company existed.I've heard that many companies' recruitment programs are designed like a panic test program, the purpose is to test whether what is written on your RESUME (resume) is true.Those examiners cross-examine you like a judge, they can't talk, they don't know what talent they need, and they don't know what the person in front of them is like.All in all, they don't have the talent of Bole, but they are the leaders of this company, so the recruitment must be done by them.It is said that the way Microsoft recruits people in the United States is mainly three conversations.And everyone who submits RESUME must first be recommended by someone inside Microsoft, and then talk. 7 people will talk to you about love, life, hobbies, technology, society...everything. It is said that the people recruited in this way are often not the ones who can talk.Microsoft's intention is not to talk, but to see a person's IQ and EQ from the talk, which is the fundamental thing of a person.

The sea of ​​people is vast, and I met DIRECTOR Tang by chance, which made me full of confidence and determined to study hard in the field of PR. This is how I started my PR (PUBLIC RELATION) career.Regarding PR, DIRECTOR Tang only gave me a very quintessential sentence: All activities are for sales!I keep this famous quote in my heart.Later, I saw this famous saying in Chinese and English everywhere on the walls of our red office, and it seemed that everyone took it to heart. In the first few days, I was very uncomfortable with the company's red color decoration, because red is not conducive to thinking. Director Tang also told me that he was also allergic to red at first, but he gradually got used to it. Red is the corporate color and cannot be changed. Matson’s offices all over the world are in this color.

Gradually I also got used to this red color.Although it is not conducive to thinking, I found that I often think blindly, and I don’t need to think at all. Many business procedures in the company are very standardized.For example, if we want to hold a PRESS CONFERENCE (press conference) for IBM, first of all, we will give it to our ASSOCIATE (client Director) or CON SULTANT (Senior Consultant) Brief (Introduction) about the activities, and then gave us a bunch of materials in Chinese and English.We have a TEAM that will complete this work, some start RESERVATION (reservation) hotel meeting rooms, some write press releases, after writing, FAX to IBM's COM MUNICATION (communication department), communication department CONFIRM (confirmation) Finally, put forward revision opinions, we will change and let them TBC (TO BE CONFIRM), they TBC and then TBC, only to OK.Sometimes we run out of ideas, and everyone scratches their heads and cannot plan an event, so there will be a BRAINSTORM (brain storm), which sounds scary. I think it is just a theoretical packaging for our Chinese group brainstorming or brainstorming.Sometimes BRAINSTORM really works. The big guys are generally sitting in a small conference room, some are drinking Coke and some are eating French fries (it is said that this can make the thinking more active). Whether it is scriptures or nonsense, it may become a spark that ignites wisdom. It is often more useful for us to say something in the middle of another TEAM.One time, a member of the TEAM who was in charge of selling health care medicine suddenly came up with a very good idea to do a tour of medium-sized servers for us.

When we booked the meeting room and TBC, we had already pulled a long MEDIA LIST (media list) from our MEDIA (media) database. Like Schindler's list, these are the lucky ones, they will will be invited by us to our meetings.The media database is our wealth. We know the reporters of thousands of newspapers and magazines across the country, but the disadvantage is that this database is in disrepair. Sometimes the reporters in the database may change jobs or go abroad a few years ago, but the invitation we gave him The letter still has a lingering rhyme.Media and media are different, and their value will rise and fall like stocks in different fields. "Computer World" is NO.1 in the IT field, the most valuable media.But if we want to make a news that sensationalizes society, "Computer World" will become a dwarf, and we must find "People's Daily" or CCTV.Some activities are only aimed at professional media (IT MEDIA), such as new product releases, and some new product releases require many industry media (INDUSTRY MEDIA). "Financial Times" and CCTV, and of course the more neutral "China Business Times", because the main customers of the mainframe are in the financial, telecommunications and other industries.Mass media is most needed when we are doing IMAGE (image) promotional activities or similar notebook products. At this time, the more media is almost the better, because our purpose is to need VOICE SHARE (voice share), and more people need to know us VOICE (voice) of CLIENT (customer).It is not enough for others to know about our CLIENT. Our customers often shout in front of us, saying that they need MIND SHARE (knowledge share) and MARKET SHARE (market share).One share is more difficult than the other, so we can only mutter our CLIENT behind our backs, we have taken other people's money, and we have to do things after taking the money. MARKET SHARE is the sales performance. Finally, I will go back to what DIRECTOR told me: All activities are for sales!

The event is counting down!The press release is ready, the INVITATION is ready, the venue is ready.I started sending faxes, making phone calls, and paging on mobile phones when no one answered the phone. I didn’t care whether these journalists were writing articles, shopping with their wives, rubbing hemp, or eating. Let them give me an explanation: to come or not to come?When I was working as a helper, I became a part of the fax machine. If you want to find me in the company, you can find me at the fax machine.In addition to faxing and making phone calls, calls must be polite and orderly. Over time, everyone I see is polite and courteous, and even the "young man with moles" Xiao Han called me sick.I said that I really admire capitalism. It can really change the way you talk and dream. I have always maintained a carelessness in state-owned enterprises, but now I can’t care less. I am too busy to forget what I should maintain. After Xiao Han came to the IT newspaper, he became my God. I often invite him to our press conferences. This kid is also afraid of losing his job, so he can’t give me any special treatment. He said they are also capitalists, saying KICK (open) you can KICK (open) you, the only thing he can help me is to write a better manuscript. Soon the 3-month HELPER was over, I always felt that I just did some miscellaneous work, and I didn’t have a good understanding of the public relations industry, or I didn’t have an account of myself, so I took the initiative to ask DIRECTOR to tell me It is necessary to stay, but not as a HELPER, but as an ASSOCIA TE (customer director), and do some work that can use your brain. DIRECTOR Tang said that he expected that I would stay, because I only worked in public relations for 3 months, which means I didn't do anything.And he's already spotted my talent for people: not too much.He said that it is an absolute misunderstanding to understand public relations as procrastinating with others, which is a low level. In this way, I signed a one-year contract with Mason Company. If we work for one full year, both parties will be clean, and the contract will be automatically extended for another year.After that, DIREC TOR Don treated me to a meal.The bosses at all levels of the company said that they worked for us, so they would often treat us to dinner. It is said that at the end of the year, there was an activity called "Wei Ya" to slaughter the boss' pockets, which was written into the "Red Brigade" of our trade union organization. In the Red Book, at the end of the year, we will put posters on the doors of people sitting in huts, and the big book "Gong Xi Fa Cai Red Envelopes". DIRECTOR Tang invited me to dinner in the "Nine-headed Bird" restaurant. It seems that he knows from my file that I am from Hubei.That meal made me sweat profusely, and I was very excited. I was very moved to live up to Mason and not to live up to DIRECTOR Tang.DIRECTOR Tang gave me a definition after the meal.He said that a good PR is to use the brain instead of the mouth and hands. There is a lot of knowledge in it. PR is a knowledge of social practice. It goes up to the media, down to customers and ordinary individuals. How do you affect the whole The society's attitude towards one thing means how you have influenced the times!
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