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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven Wizard Island

Sorcerer: Apprentice 雷蒙·E·费斯特 12708Words 2018-03-14
The weary procession trudged into Borodom. Around them is a troop of Natalis rangers, in their traditional gray tunics, trousers and cloaks.While on patrol, they encountered the group of travelers a mile or so from the city and escorted them all the way.Borric was annoyed that the rangers hadn't offered to let the weary traveler ride with them, but he was well concealed.They obviously didn't think this group of ragged travelers were the Duke of Kared and his entourage, but even if he really came here, the free city of Nata didn't have much enthusiasm for the kingdom. Pug looked at Broden in amazement.It was a small city by kingdom standards, only bigger than a port town, but much bigger than Kared.He looked around, and people didn't know why they were in a hurry, busy and focused.Only shopkeepers and market women occasionally cast casual glances at the travelers.The boy had never seen so many people, horses, mules, and wagons gathered in one place.A chaos of colors and sounds assaulted his senses.The wild dogs barked majesticly behind the team, and they saw at a glance that these people were outsiders, and they looked like prisoners.Pug was slightly annoyed by the rude treatment, but his attention was soon drawn away by the novelty of the city.

Bordeaux, like other cities in the land, has no standing army, but is guarded by the Natalis Rangers, who are said to be descended from the Krystalian royal family and are known as the best cavalry and tracking in the West. By.They were on the lookout for any approaching threat and quickly formed militias to drive them out.Nominally they were independent, and the rangers could deal with prisoners and traitors at will, but when they heard the Duke's story, especially the mention of Martin Longbow—the leader of the patrol they were familiar with—then, They decided to send these people to the magistrate.

They were taken to the magistrate's office, a small building in Aojin, the town square.The Rangers seemed happy to get rid of the prisoners and go back to patrolling. The magistrate was a short, swarthy man with a brightly colored belt tied around his rich belly and huge gold rings all over his fingers.The rangers departed, and the magistrate met the duke indifferently.When the Duke made it clear that he wanted to meet with Tauport Kane, the largest shipbroker in the city, and also the agent of Borlick in the metropolitan area, the attitude of the magistrate turned 180 degrees. turn.They were taken from the office to the magistrate's private quarters and served warmly with black coffee.The magistrate sent one of his servants to deliver a message to Kane's mansion and waited quietly, except for an occasional rambling exchange of pleasantries with the duke.

Kulgan leaned toward Pug and whispered, "Our master is a man of the moment; he's waiting for a reply from the merchant to determine whether we're guests or prisoners." The mage chuckled. "When you grow up, you will find that all the little people in the world are a virtue." Not long after, an angry McMur suddenly appeared at the door of the magistrate's mansion, followed by Kane's senior assistant.The Senior Assistant soon confirmed that this was the real Duke Kared, and, yes, Kane was waiting for him.The magistrate apologized miserably to the Duke and hoped he would forget all the disrespect, but in this case, at the wrong time, how could he know?His attitude is hypocritical and his smile is slippery.

Bolick said yes, he understands, that's fine.Without further greetings, they left the magistrate's mansion, where there was already a team of grooms and horses waiting outside.Soon they were on the road, Martin and his assistant leading them through the town to the huge and magnificent complex on the hillside. Tauport-Kane's house sits on the highest point of the hill overlooking the city.Along the way, Pug could see ships dropping anchor.The masts of dozens of ships sat up and down, apparently to avoid the bad weather.A few ships were sailing cautiously north along the coast to Ilys or other free cities, but most of the ports were calm.

They reached the house and entered through the open gate in the parapet, and the servants ran out to lead their horses.Just as they dismounted, the master came out of the door of the room. "Welcome, Lord Borric, welcome," he said, a warm smile breaking across his haggard face.Potter-Kane looked like a vulture in human form, with a bald head, sharp face, and small, black eyes.His expensive robes don't hide his bony frame, but his manners are reassuring, and the genuine concern in his eyes softens his unattractive exterior. Despite the man's appearance, Pug found him quite agreeable.He sent the servants away to prepare rooms and heat meals for the guests.Pay no heed to the duke's explanation of their mission.He raised an arm, "Wait a minute, sir. We have plenty of time to talk about this after your rest and meal. I look forward to having you at dinner tonight, and now the warm baths and clean beds are ready Yes. I'll have a hot meal delivered to your house. Good food, rest, and clean clothes, and you'll find yourself refreshed. We'll talk then."

He clapped his hands, and a servant came out to show them to their room.The duke and his son were given separate rooms, while Pug and Kulgan shared another.Gadan was accommodated in Makmoth's chambers, and the Duke's soldiers were accommodated in the servants' quarters. Kulgan told Pug to take a bath while he was talking to the servant.McMur and Culgan walked out of the room, and Pug took off his dirty clothes.In the center of the house was a huge metal tub filled with perfumed, steaming hot water.He walked in quickly and drew his foot back immediately.After three days of walking through the ice and snow, the hot water seemed to be boiling hot.Gently he put his foot back again, until he felt that everything was normal, and then slowly soaked in the water.

He was sitting in the tub, lying on the curved backrest.The inside of the tub was enamelled, and Pug felt a smooth, flat feel that was different from the wooden tubs at home.He covered his body with fragrant soap and washed the dirt from his hair, then he stood up from the tub and poured a bucket of cold water over his head to rinse. He dried himself off and changed into the long pajamas he had set aside.Regardless of the time, he was already lying on the warm bed.The last thing he thought of was a grinning boy with sandy hair.Pug fell asleep, wishing that Dolgan had found his friend. He woke up once to the sound of someone humming an unknown tune, and the sound of water splashing as Kulgan lathered himself violently.Pug closed his eyes and soon fell asleep again.

He slept until Kulgan woke him up for the feast.His shirt and trousers had been washed and mended.His boots were polished black.He stood in front of the mirror and examined himself, noticing for the first time the soft shadow on his cheek.He looked closer and found that it was a faint beard. Kulgan looked at him and said, "Well, Pug, should I ask them to send you a razor to keep your jaw as smooth as Prince Arusha's? Or would you prefer to grow a gorgeous beard?" He He twitched his gray beard exaggeratedly.For the first time since leaving Mark Morden Cadel Pagle laughed. "I guess I don't have to worry about that just yet."

Kulgan smiled too, glad to see the boy refreshed.The mage had been worried about Pug's undue grief for Thomas, and was relieved to see the boy recover at last.Kulgan opened the door. "Let's go?" Pug tilted his head slightly, imitating the court bow, and said, "Of course, Master Magician. You go first?" Then he burst into laughter. They came to the dining room, a spacious hall, but not as large as Castle Kared.The Duke and Prince Arusha were already seated, and Kulgan and Pug quickly took their places at the table.When Kulgan and Pug sat down, Borric had just finished telling what had happened in Kared and the forest. "So," he said, "I decided to report the news myself, which I think is very important."

The merchant leaned back, and the servants brought in various tableware. "Lord Borric," Kane said, "when your man McMurphy first visited me, he was a little vague about your request. Of course, I believe that this method of delivering messages is inevitable." He is It refers to Coulgan using magic to contact Bragan, who in turn relayed the news to McMur. "But it never occurred to me that your reason for going to Krondor was so life-or-death to us." He paused, then continued, "I, of course, panicked at the news you brought. I was going to You were looking for a boat, but now I have decided that I must use my own boat to take you there." He picked up a small bell in his hand and shook it a few times.After a while a servant stood beside him. "Take word to Captain Abum to get the Storm Queen ready. He's leaving for Klondor tomorrow afternoon. I'll give him more detailed instructions later." The servant bowed and departed. "I appreciate you, Master Cain. I had hoped you would understand, but I did not expect to find a ship so quickly." The merchant looked directly at Bolick. "Duke Bolik, let's be frank. There is not much friendship between the free city and the kingdom. And, to be more frank, there is even less affection for the surname Kang Dongyin. That's because your grandfather died took Warinor and laid siege to Nata. He didn't stop until ten miles north of the small city, and that history still haunts many of us. Our ancestors were Krystales, but we were born free , I don’t have much respect for the conqueror.” Kane continued to the Duke who was stiff on the chair, “However, we still tried our best to accept your father, and now it’s you, you are good neighbors, fair and free city transactions, Magnanimous. I believe you are a man of honour, and am sure that the Tsurani are just as you say. I think you are by no means a man of exaggeration." Here the duke relaxed a little.Taupoport took a sip of his drink, then went on. "It would be foolish for us to do nothing and continue to leave ourselves alone and helpless if something that matters to us happened in the kingdom. After you are gone, I will call the guild legislature and merchants to agree to support in this matter Kingdom." He smiled, and everyone present could clearly see that this man was as confident in his influence and authority as the Duke. "I don't think it would be difficult for the legislature to see the wisdom in this. Just mention those Tsurani ships a little bit and make a small assumption about how our ships would react if they encountered a ship that was so fast. can convince them.” Bolik applauded with a smile. "Master of the Chamber of Commerce, I now understand that your wealth is not due to luck and fate. Your mind is as shrewd as my priest's tower. And your wisdom. I offer my thanks." Bob and the merchant talked late into the night, but Pug, exhausted, returned to his bed early.When Kulgan walked into the house a few hours later, he saw the boy lying down securely, with a peaceful face on his face. The Storm Queen rides the wind, topsails blowing to carry her through rough seas.The swirling, icy rain darkened the night, and those on deck could only see her tall mast disappear into the hazy darkness. On the after deck men cowered in heavy fur-stitched oilskin cloaks, trying to keep warm and dry in the horribly cold rain.Twice in the last fortnight they crossed the open sea, but this time it was the worst weather they had ever encountered.A cry from the rope drive told the captain that two men had fallen overboard.Duke Bolic yelled at Captain Abum, "Are we doing nothing?" "Yes, my lord. They are dead, and it would be foolish to seek them, even if it were possible, and it is impossible." Lookouts climbed perilous ropes and tapped on the icicles on the mast-sails, their extra weight crippling the ship if the ice wasn't cleared quickly.Captain Abum held onto the railing with one hand, surveying the danger, his body in harmony with his ship.But with Duke and Kulgan standing beside him, it was difficult to keep his balance on the undulating deck.A loud groan, a cracking sound came from below, and the captain cursed. After a while, a sailor appeared before them. "Captain, we have a plank broken and she's taking in water." The captain waved to the first mate standing on the main deck. "Take people down to eliminate the danger, and then report." The first mate quickly picked four people to go with him.Kulgan seemed to be in a daze for a moment, then said, "Captain, this storm will continue for three days." The captain cursed the luck the gods had brought him and said to the duke, "I can't keep her afloat in three days of storms. I must find a place to land and repair." Bao Jue nodded, and shouted in the storm, "Are you going to turn to Quill?" The captain shook his head, snow and rain falling from his black beard. "I can't drive her into Quill in a storm. We'll have to stop at Wizard Island." Kulgan shook his head vigorously, but no one paid attention. "Have we nowhere else to go?" asked the mage. The captain looked at the mage and the duke. "There's nothing around. Unless we risk losing our mast. Then, if we're not sunk, we'll be delayed at least six more days instead of three. The waves are getting bigger, and I'm afraid we're going to lose more man." He shouted new orders up the mast and made his way to the helmsman, and soon they were turning south, heading for Wizard Island.Kulgan and the duke went down together.The ship swayed under the violent waves, making the narrow gangways and gangways difficult to navigate, and the squat mages were thrown from side to side, making it hard to get back to their cabins.The Duke went into his hut to stay with his son, and Kulgan went into his own.Gadan, McMur and Pug were trying to keep themselves in their rocking bunks.The boy had a rough time, and he felt very bad for the first day or two.He is basically adapted to sea operations, but he still has trouble swallowing bacon and compressed biscuits.Because of the raging sea, the galley on board has long been unable to fulfill its obligations.The hull groaned in protest against the pounding of the waves, and they could hear the hammering of the broken hull ahead. Pug rolled over to look at Kulgan. "How's the storm?" McMurphy sat up and looked at his Master.The same goes for Gadan. "It's going to last three more days. We'll be docking on an island until it abates." "What island?" asked Pug. "Wizard Island." McMur jumped out of bed, hitting his head on the low ceiling.Gadan chuckled softly. He cursed and shouted, holding his head, "Is it the island of the black magician Macross?" Kulgan nodded, steadying himself on his hands as the boat was tossed high by the waves and dropped again. "Yes. I don't like the idea either, but the captain is worried about the ship." As if to emphasize the point, the cabin creaked and groaned for a moment. "Who's Macross?" Pug asked. Kulgan pondered for a moment, as if listening to the work of the forward cabin crew, and then said, "Macros is a great wizard, Pug. Perhaps the greatest the world has ever known." "Yes," McMur added, "a demon from the depths of Hell. His art is so dark that not even the bloodthirsty priests of Remus-Crima would set foot upon him." island." Gadan laughed. "I haven't seen a wizard who can frighten the priest of the death god. He must be a powerful wizard." "That's just a story, Pug," said Cugan. "All we know of him is that Macross withdrew to this island when the mages in the kingdom were most persecuted. No one has ever been there or returned from it." Pug sat on his bunk, interested in what he heard and temporarily oblivious to the terrible storm.He watched Cugan's face flicker in the light and shadows of the hanging lamp with every swing. "Mark Rose is very old," Coogan continued. "What keeps him alive, only he knows, but he has lived for more than three hundred years." "Perhaps there are several people with the same name living there." Gadan laughed. Kulgan nodded. "Perhaps. We don't know anything about him anyway, except for the horror stories circulating among sailors. I even doubt that Macross is really a practitioner of the dark arts. His reputation is somewhat exaggerated. Maybe he just doesn't want to Be disturbed." There was a loud crack, as if another plank had splintered, and everyone fell silent.Only the roar of the storm could be heard in the cabin, "Now I hope we can stand on Wizard Island immediately." McMur said what everyone was thinking. The boat lurched into the southern bay of the island, the island they had counted on for shelter from the wind and rain to repair the hull. Kulgan, Pug, Gadan, and McMur came on deck.The weather seemed to improve slightly, with cliffs breaking the raging storm.Pug walked over to where the captain and Kulgan stood.He followed their gazes up the cliff. High above the bay rose a castle, its towering towers outlined by lightning in the gray sky.It was a strange place, with spiers and towers like claws pointing skyward.A blue, pulsating light burst from a window in a high tower on a dark castle, as if lightning, too, had been caught and served the occupants there. Pug heard McCoy's words, "There, above the cliff. It's Macross." For the next three days, the captain checked the damage assessment report after all the ordeal.Pug was on the main deck with McMur, Gadan, and Kulgan.Prince Arusha and his father stood beside the captain, awaiting a final verdict on the ship's condition.Above, seagulls hover in the air, watching debris and trash being thrown from boats into the water.With the winter storms raging these seabirds don't really have much to forage for, and the crew is always more than happy to share some with them. Arusha came down and came to the main deck where the others were waiting. "Repairing the damage will take a full day today and half a day tomorrow, but the captain thinks we can hold out until we reach Krondor. We needn't worry." McMur and Gadan looked at each other meaningfully.Not wanting to miss his chance, Kulgan said, "Can we go ashore, sir?" Arusha stroked his smooth chin with a gloved hand. "I agree, but no sailor is going to ship us." "Us?" the mage asked. Arusha smiled mischievously. "I've had enough of being in the cabin, Kulgan. I want to stretch my legs out on hard ground. Don't worry about me, you've got all day to go wherever you want." Pug looked up at the Castle, his gaze reminded the mage. "There is no doubt that we will avoid that castle and follow the road along the coast. Those terrible legends about this island are only for people with malicious intentions who try to enter the wizard's hall." Arusha gestured to one of the sailors.A boat was ready, and four men and boys got into it.The boat was slowly lowered from the side of the hull, soaked in sweat despite the cold wind still blowing after the storm.Their eyes were on the cliff top, and Pug knew they weren't sweating from work or the weather. As if reading his thoughts, Arusha said, "Perhaps some Mekemians are more superstitious than sailors, but I cannot tell you who." When the skiff was in the water, McMur and Gaddan untied the ropes from the davits.The two paddled awkwardly toward the shore.The pace is chaotic at first, but the boat eventually finds its way as the prince looks disgruntled and questions how a man can waste his life in a seaside town without knowing how to row a boat. They paddle all the way up to the sandy beach that stretches out and slightly covers the cliff shore.One path goes straight to the castle above, and the other path crosses the whole island. Pug jumped out of the boat and helped pull the boat ashore.When it ran aground, others jumped out and stretched their legs. Pug felt as if they were being watched, but whenever he looked around he saw nothing but rocks and a few seabirds that had wintered in the rocky crevices of the cliffs. Kulgan and the prince looked at the two paths along the coast.The wizard looked at the road away from the wizard's castle, and said, "It's probably safer to go that way. How about it?" The boredom and depression of the past few days have made them impatient.Everyone nodded enthusiastically.Arusha led everyone along the path. Pug came last, behind McCoy.The broad-shouldered squire rests his hand on the broadsword at his waist.Pug held his sling too, and although Gaddan had taught him as much as he could, he still didn't like to use a sword.The boy fiddled with the sling absently, his eyes flicking back now and then. Along the trail, they startled some of the natives: turnstones (sexually fond of turning rocks for food) and plovers, which screamed and flew as the procession approached.It hovered near the habitat and croaked in protest, until the traveler passed by, and then flew back to the hillside with a little comfort. They climbed the first hill, and the path led away from the castle to the back of another hill. "It's got to lead somewhere. Are we going to continue?" Coogan said.Arusha nodded, but the others said nothing.They continued their journey until they came to a depression, little bigger than a small valley, between two low hills.On top of the depression sit several buildings. "What do you think, Kulgan? People live here?" Arusha said softly. Cugan looked at them for a while, then turned to McMur who was walking ahead. The squire inspected the street scene below, his gaze swept from the bottom of the valley to the surrounding hillsides. "I don't think so. There isn't any smoke or fire here, and there's no sound or workman." Arusha continued to walk towards the valley, and the others followed.McCoy turned to look at Pug for a moment, noticing that the boy had no weapons other than the slingshot.The squire drew a long hunting knife from his belt and handed it to the boy without a word.Pugken first expressed his gratitude and took the knife silently. They came to a plateau above the complex, and Pug could see a strange house, with a central building surrounded by a large courtyard and several outbuildings (garages, barns, etc.).A low wall not more than four feet high surrounds the building. They went all the way down the hill into the gate of the wall.A few barren fruit trees stand alone in the yard, and weeds are overgrown in the garden.In front of the central building sits a fountain topped with statues of three dolphins.When they came to the fountain, they saw that the carvings around the low pool floor were covered with blue tiles, faded and faded with age.Kulgan scrutinized the shape of the fountain. "It's a brilliant design. I believe water is supposed to come out of a dolphin's mouth," agrees Arusha. "I've seen the fountains of King Ruilan Dragon, they are similar, but not as elegant." There was little snow on the ground, as if the valley had been sheltered in some way, although the island as a whole seemed to be spared the harsh winter.But it's still cold here.Pug wandered around the house to inspect it.It had only one floor, with windows every ten feet along the walls.He was standing in front of the gate, one of the two fronts was open, although the hinges to keep them were long gone. "Whoever lives here seems carefree." Pug turned to see Gadan standing behind him, staring intently at the house. "There are no watchtowers here," continued the sergeant, "and the low walls look more like keeping livestock in than keeping enemies out." Hearing Gadan's final conclusion, Mike Mo also intervened. "That's right, there's no defense here. It's the lowest point on the island, except for the stream behind the house that we saw as we descended." He turned and gazed up at the castle, which could be seen even from this valley Its high top. "That's what was built to avoid trouble. This place," he said, gesturing to the low building and waving his arm, "was abandoned when the people who lived here got into trouble." Pug nodded and walked away.Gaddan and McMur went in the other direction, to the abandoned stables.Pug went around the back of the house and found several smaller buildings.He walked into the nearest one with the knife in his right hand.It was exposed to the sky, and the roof had already collapsed.The crumbling and faded red roof tiles lie on the floor.There are huge wooden frames on the walls on three sides, which seems to be a warehouse.Pug surveyed the other rooms and found that they were all similar in structure.The whole building is composed of many storage rooms. He walks into a nearby building and discovers it's a huge kitchen.A stone hearth sits in the corner and is big enough to cook multiple cauldrons at once, with a fire pit in the back big enough to grill a rib of beef or a whole lamb.A magnificent chopping stone stands in the center of the room, with countless marks of knives and axes on it.Fascinated by an eerie bronze pot covered in dust and cobwebs in a corner, Pug turned it upside down and found a wooden spoon.He looked up and thought he saw someone at the kitchen door. "Maike Mo? Gadan?" He asked and walked slowly towards the door.When he walked out of the room, there was no one outside the door, but he still caught a glimpse of a figure behind the door of the main house. He hurried towards the door, taking it for granted that his companion had gone inside.No sooner had he entered the main room than he saw another figure enter the wing corridor.He paused for a moment, examining the strange house. The gate was open ahead of him, and one had fallen from the rail that had once held it in place.Through them he could see the vast central courtyard, exposed to the sky.The whole house is actually a hollow "mouth" shape, with huge pillars supporting the roof.In the very center of the yard stands a small fountain.Much like the one outside, the fountain is broken and the garden is equally overgrown.Pug walked in the direction of the figure he had just seen.He stepped through a low side door into a dark corridor.Here the roof had lost some tiles, and occasionally sunlight poured down from above, allowing the boy to see his way easily.He walked through two empty rooms; the bedroom he suspected was sleeping in then. Turning a corner he found himself standing at the door of a strange room, which he entered.The walls are inlaid with various patterns, various sea animals and almost naked men and women play together.The style of painting was very new to Pug.Neither woven on tapestry nor painted in paint, the frescoes in the Duke's Hall are very realistic, done with silent paint and fine detail.But these mosaics endow animal and human associations without any detail.The floor was sunken deeply, like a pool, and a flight of steps stretched out in front of him.On both sides of the wall protruded a copper ornament like a fish head, hanging above the pool.Pug had never seen a room like this. As if someone read his thoughts, a voice came from behind him, "This is a warm bath room." He is of medium height, with a high forehead and deep-set black eyes.His black hair has a few strands of gray at the temples.But his beard was black as night.Wearing a brown coarse cloth robe, with a whip rope tightly tied around the waist.In his left hand he holds a stout oak staff.Pug tensed his nerves, and put his hand clutching the hunting knife across his body. "No, buddy. Put your knife down, I don't want to hurt you." He smiled, which made Pug relax a bit. Pug put down his knife. "What do you call this room?" "Temperature," he said, entering the room. "Here the hot water flows into the pool, and bathers can put their clothes on those racks." He pointed to some racks hanging on the wall. " "When they bathe the servants wash and dry their clothes and prepare meals for the guests." Pug thought it a novelty for party guests to bathe together in someone's house, but he said nothing.The man continued, "Through that door," he pointed to a door next to the pool—"there is another pool filled with boiling hot water, and that room is called the boiling water bath. On the other side there is a pool of ice water The first room is called the cold bath room. The fourth room is called the massage room, where the servants will massage and rub sesame oil on the bathers. They can also scrape the skin with short wooden sticks (vampire: scraping sand??). That way they don't need to use soap." Pug was confused by the different bathrooms. "Sounds like spending a lot of time in the shower. That's really weird." The stranger tipped his cane slightly. "Only you, Pug. I do hope, however, that this house will feel strange to you." Pug froze. "How do you know my name?" The man smiled again. "As you approached the building I heard the tall warrior call your name. I watched you, keeping out of your sight until I was sure you were not treasure-hunting pirates. Few pirates are so young, So I thought it would be safe for me to talk to you." Pug looked at the man.There seemed to be some hint hidden in his words. "Why are you talking to me?" The stranger sat on the edge of the empty pool.The folds of his robe were pulled back slightly to reveal sandals, woven in some sturdy construction. "I'm always alone, and it's rare to have a chance to talk to a stranger. So I want you to be alone with me for just a little while, and then you can go back to your boat." Pug sat down too, but still kept a proper distance from the stranger. "You live here?" The man looked around the room. "No, but I lived, a long time ago." His voice was slightly thoughtful, as if opening up a long-buried memory. "Who are you?" The man laughed again, and Pug felt his nervousness go away.There was something in his air that made Pug understand that he wasn't going to hurt him. "Most of the time, I'm called a traveler, and I've been to many continents. Here, people like me are called hermits. You can call me whatever you like. It's all the same." Pug moved closer and watched him. "Don't you have an exact name?" "There are many, more than I can remember. When I was born I was given a name, like you, but in our tribe that name is known only to fathers and mage-priests." Pug thought for a moment. "It is very strange, as strange as this house. Who are your people?" The man called the Traveler laughed, a good-natured chuckle. "You've got a curious mind, Pug, full of questions. That's good." He paused, then said, "Where did you and your mate come from? Natalis is on the boat docked off the coast." Flags, but your accent and dress are of the kingdom." "We come from Karid," said Pug, and outlined the journey to the man.The other party just asked a few simple questions, and before he knew it, Pug found that he had told the whole story of coming to the island, as well as his plan for this relaxing trip. When he was done, the Traveler said, "What an amazing story. I imagine there will be more surprises before this strange intertwining of worlds ends." Pug looked at him suspiciously. "I don't understand." The traveler shook his head. "I don't expect you to understand, Pug. We say that only when something becomes a fact, and the participants have a period of disengagement from participation, can they really understand how it happened." Pug scratched his knee. "You talk like Kulgan is trying to explain how magic works." The traveler nodded. "A good analogy. But sometimes you have to work magic to understand how magic works." Pug's eyes lit up. "Are you a mage too?" The traveler stroked his long black beard. "In a way I am, but I doubt Coogan and I can agree on that." Pug's expression indicated that he found the answer as unsatisfactory as no answer.The traveler leans forward. "I could cast a spell or two, if that's the answer you want, young Pug." Pug heard voices calling his name from the yard outside. "Come," said the traveler, "your friends are calling for you. We'd better go out and reassure them." They left the tepidarium across the open courtyard of the central garden.A large vestibule separates the garden from the front rooms, through which they pass directly to the outside.当其他人看到牵引着帕格的旅者,不由得迅速地四处张望了一下,武器出鞘。库甘和王子穿过庭院站到他们面前。旅者将举起双手表示他没有武器。 王子首先说话了。“你的同伴是谁,帕格?” 帕格介绍了一下旅者。 “他没有恶意。他藏在这里直到确定我们不是海盗。”他握着麦克莫的刀。如果这个解释并不能令人满意,阿鲁沙也没有再表示什么。 "What are you doing here?" 旅者伸开双手,手杖夹在他的左臂下。“我住在这里,卡瑞德的王子。我想这个问题应该由我问。” 王子被反驳得一时愣住了,但又马上恢复过来。“如果是这样,你说得对,我们才是侵入者。不过我们只是想从单调的海上生活中放松一下。别无其他。” 旅者点点头。“那么圣女庄园欢迎你们。” “什么是圣女庄园?” 旅者用他的右手挥舞了一下。“这所房子就是圣女庄园。在建造者的语言中,意为'赐福之所',但那是很久以前了。正如你们所见,它也有过辉煌的日子。” 每个人都对旅者放松下来,他们同样为他亲近的气质和友好的微笑所感染。“这个奇怪地方的建造者呢?”库甘问。 “死了……或是走了。当他们第一次来到这里,他们认为这是圣女岛,或是赐福之岛。他们为了逃避一场澳变他们世界历史的战争。”他黑色的双眸笼罩上了一层迷雾,好像是记起了某些痛苦的回忆。“一个伟大的君王逝去……或被认为逝去了,有人说他还会回来。那是一段可怕而悲哀的日子。在这里,他们寻求平静的生活。” “他们发生了什么?”帕格问。 旅者耸耸肩。“海盗,或是地精?疾病,或是疯狂?谁知道?我看到这所房子的时候就像你们看到的一样,住在这里的人已经离去了。” “你说的事情很奇怪,友好的旅者。我对此一无所知,但是看起来这个地方已经被荒废了很久了。你是怎么知道那些居住者的事情的?” 旅者微微一笑。“并不像你想象的那般久远,卡瑞德的王子。而我也并不像我看起来得这般年轻。这要归功于良好的饮食和规律的洗浴。” 麦克莫一直在仔细打量着陌生人,他满脸狐疑。“那个黑暗之人呢?他没有找你的麻烦嘛?” 旅者抬头望向远方的城堡。“黑魔法师马克罗斯?我和那个法师达成了小小的共识。只要我不打扰他的工作,他就可以容忍我在岛上跑来跑去。” 帕格的脑中闪过一丝怀疑,但是他什么也没说,旅者继续道。“一个如此强大可怕的巫师怎么会害怕一个小小的隐士呢,你不这样认为吗。”他向前倾身,声音中带着阴险的语调,“此外,我想他的名声多半是言过其实的自夸,为了吓跑入侵者。我对他所自称拥有的能力十分怀疑。” “或许我们该去拜访一下这个巫师。”阿鲁沙说。 隐士看着王子。“我不认为你在城堡会受到欢迎。那个巫师经常忙于他的研究并很恼怒被无礼的打断。他可能没有那些神话作者杜撰出来的那般邪恶,但你要去见他依然可能是件不值得回票的事情。简单的来说—他是个不善交际的家伙。”他的话语里隐藏着一丝讽刺和幽默。 阿鲁沙看看四周然后说,“我想我们已经看到了所有我们感兴趣的东蚊此。或许我们该回到船上去了。” 看到没有人反对,王子又说,“那么你呢?友好的旅者。” 陌生人张开双手酌此个大致的手势。“我将继续我独处的习惯,阁下。我非常喜欢这次小小的相遇,男孩为我带来了外面世界的新闻。不过如果你们明天来寻找,我怀疑你们是否还能找到我。” 很明显他并不准备再提供更多信息了,阿鲁沙感到自己对这人闪烁其辞的回答有些恼火。“我们不会再打搅你了,旅者。愿神保佑你。” “也祝您,卡瑞德的王子。” 他们刚要起身离开,帕格感到什么东西绊住了他的脚踝,他和库甘跌倒在一起。两个身体混乱地倒在地上,旅者帮助男孩站了起来。麦克莫和迦旦搀扶起矮胖的法师。但库甘在脚上刚一用力就又跌倒下去。阿鲁沙和麦克莫忙拉住他。“看起来你的脚踝扭伤了,友好的法师。给。”旅者说着递过他的手杖。“我的手杖是用结实的橡木做的,可以支持你的体重回到船上。” 库甘接过手杖然后支撑着站起。他试着走了几步发现在手杖的协助下可以行走了。“谢谢你,但是你自己呢?” 陌生人耸耸肩。“只是一根手杖罢了,我可以再换一个,友好的法师。或许有一天我会有机会要回来。” “我会把它保存到那一天的。” 旅者转身离去,“好,那么到那天再见吧。” 他们看着他走回到房中,而当他们转过身面面相窥时,脸上都露出惊奇的表情。阿鲁沙第一个说话了。 “这个旅者,真是个奇怪的人。” Kulgan nodded. “比你想的还要奇怪,王子。当他离开时我感到某种魅惑术的影响消退,他可能给我们施了法术,让我们都轻易地相信了他。” 帕格转向库甘。“我想问他很多问题,但是我却没法让自己说出口。” “没错,我也是。”麦克莫说。 迦旦说道,“我有种感觉。我觉得我们刚才是在和巫师本人交谈。” “我也这么想。”帕格说。 库甘依在手杖上说,“或许吧。如果是这样,他有理由掩饰身份。”他们一边交谈一边沿小路离开山谷。 当他们回到小船停靠的小湾,帕格感觉什么东西轻触他的胸膛。他把手伸进衬衫里面发现一张小小的折叠起来的羊皮纸。他抽回手,大为惊讶。他不记得曾收起过这样的东西。旅者一定是乘着帮助帕格站起来的时候塞进去的。 库甘正要上小艇,回头看到帕格的表情,“你怎么了?” 帕格将羊皮纸递过去,其他人都围拢在法师身边。库甘打开羊皮纸。读了出来,满脸惊讶之色。他又读了一遍,大声地。“我欢迎那些不存恶意于心之人。有一天,你会明白我们的见面并非偶遇。直到我们再次相见,保管好隐者之杖,它代表友谊与良好的祝愿。直到约定之时到来,不必来找我,因那也是命中注定。——马克罗斯” 库甘把字条还给帕格,后者又仔细看了一遍。“那么隐者就是马克罗斯。” 麦克莫摸着他的胡子。“这里面有些事我还是不明白。” 库甘抬头望向城堡,闪电依然在那孤零零的窗户里闪动。“我也是,老朋友。但是无论这是什么意思,我想巫师都是在祝福我们,我觉得这是件好事。” 他们重新回到船上,回到各自的船舱。经过了一个夜晚的休息,他们发现大船已经准备好乘着正午的潮汐离开了。当他们起航时,他们受到了阵阵不合时令的微风的问候,吹拂着他们朝克朗多驶去。 【注一:这里的原文是'bloody Priests of Lims-Kragma','Lims-Kragma'为美凯米亚诸神中的下位神-死亡女神的名字。也被称作'收网者'。 】
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