Home Categories science fiction Sorcerer: Apprentice

Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Rescue

Sorcerer: Apprentice 雷蒙·E·费斯特 11791Words 2018-03-14
A dejected procession crawls out of the mine. The survivors nearly collapsed to the ground.Pug, who had been fighting back tears for hours after losing Thomas, was numb and stiff as he lay on the damp ground looking up at the gray sky.Things were even worse for Kulgan, whose spells drained him of all his energies to ward off the wraiths.Most of the distance was walked with the help of others.Except for Dolgan who built a bonfire and stood guard, everyone fell asleep exhausted. Pug woke to the sound of talking, and the night sky was full of stars.The smell of grilled food wafts through your nostrils.When Gadan and the remaining three guards woke up, Dolgan had left them to look after the others, and had caught several rabbits with traps and was roasting them on the fire.With the exception of Kulgan, who was still snoring deeply, everyone was awake.

Arusha and the duke saw the boy wake up and the prince went to where he was sitting.The Duke's young son, paying no heed to the snow, sat down next to the shuffled Pug. "Feeling all right, Pug?" There was concern in Arusha's eyes. This was the first time Pug had seen Arusha show a soft side.Pug tried to say something, but tears welled up in his eyes.Thomas had been his friend for as long as he could remember, more like a brother.He tried to speak, but there was only a painful whimper in his throat, and he felt warm, salty tears streaming into his mouth. Arusha put his arms around Pug, letting the boy weep on his shoulder.Until the initial grief had passed, the Prince said, "There is no need to be ashamed of mourning the loss of a friend, Pug. My father and I suffer as much as you do."

Dolgan came over and stood behind the prince. "Me too, Pug, he was a good boy. We are all sorry for your loss." The dwarf seemed to be thinking about something and turned to talk to the Duke. Kulgan had just woken up. He sat up like a grizzly bear waking from hibernation, stretched his joints, saw Arusha and Pagog, and immediately forgot his aching bones and joined them. Go in the conversation. Everyone was pretty much silent, but Pug felt much better under their care.He finally calmed down and got up from the prince's arms. "Thank you, sir," he said, twitching his nose. "I'll be fine."

They take part in the shortlist of Dolgan, Gadan and Duke sitting near the campfire.Bolick was shaking his head at something the dwarf had said. "I appreciate your courage, Dolgan, but I cannot allow it." Dolgan took a puff on his pipe, a friendly smile cracking from his beard. "Then how are you going to stop me, Your Excellency? Surely not by force?" Bolick shook his head. "No, of course not. But that's a really stupid idea." Kulgan and Arusha exchanged questioning glances.Pug was not interested, lost in the cold and numb world.Even though he had just woken up, he felt ready to sleep again, to return to the warmth and tenderness of the dream.

"The mad dwarf wants to go back to the mines," Bolick told them. Before Kulgan and Arusha could say anything, Dolgan said, "I know the odds are slim, but maybe the boy escaped the evil ghost and he'll get lost. Those tunnels down lead to I can't leave the boy alone in a place where even the dwarves have never set foot. Once down a tunnel, I can easily find my way back, but Thomas has no such talent. If I can find traces of him, I will find him. If he has any chance of escaping the mines, he will have to ask me to show the way. If the boy is still alive, I will take him home. This is me - the boss of Caudle Town , Dolgan Tagson’s promise to you. If I don’t try, how can I stay in my long hall with peace of mind this winter.”

Pug was awakened by the dwarf's words. "Do you think you can find him, Dolgan?" "If anyone can find it, it's me," he said, moving forward to Pug. "But don't expect too much. Thomas has little chance of escaping the wraith. I don't want what I said to hurt you further, child." Seeing Pug's tears welling up again, he immediately added, "But if I get the chance, I'll take it." Pug nodded, finding a middle ground between despair and hope.He understood the warning, but still couldn't let go of the comfort of Dolgan's promise.

Dolgan went straight to where he had left the shield and ax and picked them up. "When dawn comes, go down the trail as fast as you can, through the woodlands. It's not the Heart of Green, it's a dangerous place for such a small party. If you get lost, head east. You'll find the way to Bordeaux. The way. It's about three days' journey. May God bless you." Bolic nodded, and Kulgan walked over to the dwarf who was about to leave.He handed Dolgan a tobacco pouch. "I'll get more in the city, good dwarf. Please take this." Dolgan took it and smiled at Kulgan. "Thank you, mage. I owe you."

Bolic stepped up to the dwarf and put his hand on his shoulder. "We owe it to you, Dolgan. If you come to Kared, I will prepare the promised feast, and more. Good luck." "Thank you, honorable lord. I will go." Without saying another word, Dorgan walked into the dark Mark Morden Kadel again. Dolgan stopped by the dead mule for a while, just picking up food and water, and a lantern.A dwarf doesn't need light to guide his way underground; his people have long adapted to being in the dark.But, he figured, if Thomas could see the light it would increase his chances of finding him, but it might also attract unwanted attention.If he is still alive, he will face more dangerous situations.

Going into the tunnel where he had last seen Thomas, Dolgan found tracks left by some of the boys as they passed through.The dust was thin, but still left slight traces, probably footprints.The dwarf followed into a dusty tunnel, where the boy's footprints became clear.He followed them quickly. A few minutes later, Dolgan returned to the same cave, cursing. He felt that there was little hope of finding the boy again amidst the chaotic traces of wrestling with the wronged souls.After a brief pause, he began to examine every tunnel in the cave.An hour later, he finally found a footprint that left the cave alone, leading to the tunnel to the right of the entrance where he had first entered.Stepping forward, he found more footprints, strides so widely spaced that the boy must be running.Hurrying to follow, he saw more traces as the cave grime thickened.

Dolgan came near the lake in the cave and lost his clue again until he found a tunnel near the end of the pier.He waded through the water with difficulty, squeezed his way into the tunnel, and found Thomas again.The dim light from the lantern was not enough to reflect the brilliant light of the crystals in the cave.But even if he could, he wouldn't stop to admire the magnificent scenery, he was so anxious to find the boy. He followed all the way down without stopping.He knew Thomas had been on the run for a long time.Those marks showed that his journey was slow and peaceful: the footprints in the dust showed that he walked slowly, and the cold campfire showed that he stopped here.But below this, there are many other terrifying things besides innocent souls.

Dolgan lost track again in the last cave, only to find a protruding rock above the end where the track disappeared.It wasn't easy for him to climb that one, but he did it anyway, and he saw the black marks left by the boy's snuffed torches.Thomas must have rested here.Dolgan looked around at the empty caves.In the depths of the mountains, the air also stopped flowing.Even dwarves, accustomed to being underground, found the place unsettling.He looked down at the black marks on the rock.But how long was Thomas here, and where did he go? Dolgan saw the hole in the wall, and there was no trace of leaving the cliff. Thomas had undoubtedly gone there.He followed and climbed in, the inside was very spacious, leading all the way down, pointing directly to the depths of the mountain range. Dolgan followed the traces on the ground, as if a group of people had walked this road.The traces of Thomas were in the mix, and he was concerned that the boy might have followed the others, or walked with them.If the boy was captured by someone, Dorgan would be racing against time. The tunnel went all the way down, and soon became a long corridor of closely connected piles of huge polished bricks and stones that he had never seen before.The passage was straight and level, and Dolgan walked quickly.Traces have long since disappeared, the stones are hard and clean.High above his head, Dolgan could see crystal-carved lamps hanging from the ceiling.They are connected by a pulley chain and can be lowered to light up at any time.The sound of his boots echoed hollowly from the high ceiling. At the end of the passage was a huge wooden door, connected by iron shafts and hung with huge locks.They are slightly open and light pours from them. Dolgan came to the door lightly and looked inside.But what he saw made him dumbfounded, and he couldn't help but instinctively raised his shield and battle axe. The figure of a man sitting on top of a mountain of gold coins and jewels was Thomas, eating what appeared to be fish.However, the figure curled up opposite him made Dorgan unable to believe his eyes. A head the size of a pony was sprawled on the floor.It was covered with dark golden scales the size of a shield, and a long and soft neck was connected to the huge body hidden in the darkness behind the huge auditorium.The broad wings are folded over its back, and the tips hang down to the ground.Two protruding ears sit on the back of the skull, and between them is a sickly-looking crest speckled with silver.Under the long nose, a mouth full of sharp teeth is exposed like a wolf. The canine teeth are like giant swords, and the long and forked tongue sticks out from time to time. Dolgan resisted the strong and rare urge to run away at once, and Thomas still sat there, absorbed in eating, and beside him sat the dreadful enemy the dwarves had feared for generations, a giant dragon.He stepped forward, his boots snapping on the stone floor. Thomas heard the reputation and looked over, and the huge dragon's head was also raised.Two giant ruby-like eyes stared at the little intruder.Thomas jumped to his feet with a look of joy on his face. "Dorgan!" He scrambled down the mountain of treasure and charged at the dwarf. The dragon's voice rumbled through the great hall, echoing like thunder in the valley. "You are welcome, dwarf. Your friend told me you would not abandon him." Thomas stood in front of the dwarf and asked a dozen questions until Dolgan recovered.Behind the boy, the dragon watched their conversation silently, and it was difficult for the dwarf to keep his composure as usual.Deaf to Thomas' question, he pushed him aside so he could better observe the dragon's actions. "I came alone," he whispered to the boy. "The others don't want to leave me alone to find you, but they have to go on an important mission." "I understand," Thomas said. "What kind of witchcraft is this?" Dorgan asked softly. The dragon giggled, making the room rumble. "Come in, dwarf, and I will tell you." The huge dragon's head fell back to the floor, but his eyes were still looking down on the dwarf's head.The dwarf walked in slowly, instinctively raising his shield and axe.The dragon laughed again, echoing in a low voice, like the water of a waterfall rushing down the valley. "Put your arms down, little soldier, I won't hurt you or your friends." Dolgan lowered his shield and slung the ax to his belt.He looked around and saw them standing in a vast hall carved out of mountain rock.Huge frescoed carpets and banners, battered and faded, were visible on the walls; Dolgan gritted his teeth, they were ancient and unlike any creature he had ever known, not triangular banners of men, elves, or goblins.Huge crystal chandeliers hang from the beams across the vault.At the end of the hall, you can see the throne erected on the high platform, and there are long tables and chairs enough for many people to eat at the same time.On the table stood a crystal flagon and a plate of gold.Everything has been sealed by the dust of history. In the rest of the hall were riches: gold, gems, crowns, silver, ornate armor, precious garments, and chests carved of precious woods, inlaid with enamel by great workmanship. Dolgan sat down on the largest piece of gold he had ever seen in his life, shifting absently to make himself as comfortable as possible.Thomas sat down beside the dwarf who was pulling out his pipe.He didn't pay attention to it, but he felt he needed to calm down, and his pipe always cheered him up.He lit a thin candle from his lantern and stuck it into his pipe.The dragon looked at him, and said, "Now you can breathe fire and smoke too, dwarf? Is it some new dragon? There are dragons this small?" Dorgan shook his head. "It's just my pipe." He explained what the tobacco was for. "This is really a strange thing. But in fact, you are a strange race." The dragon said. Dolgan raised his eyebrows at this, but he said nothing. "Thomas, how did you come here?" Thomas didn't seem to care about the dragon, and Dolgan was slightly relieved by that.If the terrible beast tried to hurt them, there was nothing he could do.Dragons are without a doubt the most powerful creatures in central Kermir.And this dragon was the biggest that Dolgan had ever heard of, twice the size of any dragon he had fought with in his youth. Thomas had just swallowed the fish he had been eating and said, "I walked a long time and found a place to sleep." "Well, I see it." "I was awakened by a sound and found a trail leading here." "I saw that too. I was afraid you were caught." "I didn't. It was a band of goblins and a couple of Dark Clans that came here. They were only concerned with what they had in front of them and didn't notice what was following them, so I was able to follow fairly closely." "It's really dangerous." "I know, but I'm lost. I tell them they might take me to the surface, and I can wait for them to leave, and then slip out. If I can get out of this mine, I can walk north to your town. " "A bold plan, Thomas," said Dolgan, with satisfaction in his eyes. "They came to this place and I followed." "What happened to them?" "I send them away, dwarf, and they are not the companions I wished for," said the dragon. "Send it away? How?" The dragon raised its head slightly, and Dorgan could see that its scales had faded and faded.The flaming light of the red eyes seemed to be covered with a thin mist, and suddenly, to Dorgon's regret, the dragon was blinded. "There has long been magic among some dragons, though it is not like other magic. My power allows me to see you, dwarf, but the light has turned its back on me. I sent those foul creatures far to the north .They won't know how they got there, and they won't remember the place." Dolgan took a puff on his pipe, thinking about what he had heard. "There are many legends and stories among my people, which mention the legendary dragon, but you are the first one I have seen." The dragon slowly lowered its head back to the floor, seemingly exhausted. "I am the last golden dragon, dwarf, and there will be no other dragons of magic. I have sworn not to take a life, but I will show no mercy to those who trespass my resting place." "Rhea was good to me, Dolgan. He let me stay here until you found me, he knew someone was coming," Thomas said loudly. Dolgan looked at the dragon, wondering about its prophecy. Thomas continued, "He also gave me smoked fish and a place to rest." "Smoked fish?" "Some elves, you call them dwarves, worship me like a god, offering fish caught and smoked from the lake of the abyss, and wealth collected from the depths of the ground." "Yes," said Dolgan, "dwarfs are too clever." The giant dragon chuckled. "True. Those elves are very shy and only hurt those who cause trouble for the deep tunnels they live in. They are an innocent race and are very happy to have a god. And I can't prey, which is indeed a good thing." arrange." Dorgan considered his next question. "Excuse my rudeness, Rhea, but unlike other dragons I've met, you treat people a little too kindly for your kind. Why are you helping this boy?" The dragon closed his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes again and looked blankly at the dwarf in front of him. "You know, dwarf, it has never been so. Your race is ancient, but I am the oldest, the only one left. We were here before the elves and the dark elves. We serve those who will never be spoken of Names, that's a happy race." "Lord of Dragons?" "Your legends call them thus. They are our masters, and we are their servants, as were the elves and the moredhel. When they left the land and set out on a journey of dreams, we Became the most powerful free men, before the dwarves and men came to this land. We rule the sky and everything, and our strength can conquer all." "Many years later, humans and dwarves came to our mountains. For a while, we lived together peacefully. But it didn't last long, and soon there was a conflict. The elves drove the dark elves from the forest, which is now called Ivanda, humans and dwarves. Go to war with the Dragon Clan." "We are strong, but human beings are like trees in the forest. They are countless. Soon our tribe retreated to the south, and I was the last one in this mountain range. I have lived here for many years, and I do not would give up my homeland." "With magic I can drive away those treasure hunters and kill those who have bad intentions. I am tired of killing and swore never to take a life, not even those pesky dark elves. That's why I keep them far away why should I aid this boy, he should not be harmed." Dorgan looked at the dragon. "I thank you, Rhea." "You're welcome, Dolgan of Gray Towers. I'm glad you're here too. I can't take care of this boy for long, Thomas was summoned by my magic so he could be my hospice and watch me die. " "What?" Thomas exclaimed. "The dragons know their own time of death, Thomas, and mine is near. I am old, even by the standards of my people, and have come to an end. I have no complaints about it. It is our Way." Dolgan looked a little uneasy. "Still, it's weird to sit here and listen to you say that." "Why, dwarves? Don't you measure when your people die by how long they live rather than by how long they live?" "you're right." "What does it matter if you know when you're going to die? Both. I've got everything I've ever wanted: health, spouse, youth, wealth, and rest. It's all I asked for, and it's all I have." "Knowing what one wants is wisdom, and knowing what one gets is also virtuous." Dorgan said. "Indeed. Knowing what you get is good, and it would be foolish to try harder. Our people will always be on the deathbed, but I can't summon any of my kind nearby. I can only ask you to wait for my death before leaving. Yes ?" Dolgan looked at Thomas, who slightly raised his head in agreement. "Okay, Dragon, we will. It's not something we'd like to do, though." The dragon closed its eyes; Thomas and Dorgan could see them begin to close. "Thank you, Dolgan, and you, Thomas." The dragon lay there and began to tell them of his life, soaring in the skies of Kemir, in the cities far away where the tigers lived, and in the mountains on the edge of the world.The amazing and awe-inspiring story told well into the night. When his voice began to tremble, Rhea said, "There was once a human being who came here. He was a powerful mage. With my magic, I could neither isolate him nor destroy him. We fought hard for three days and three nights." , with each other's mana against each other, however in the end, he was stronger than me. I thought he was going to kill me and take my wealth, but he didn't, he just wanted to learn my magic so that when I passed away they wouldn't will be lost." Thomas sat up in amazement, and even he, who knew only a thing or two about magic from Pug, realized that it was a remarkable thing.He could imagine the mighty confrontation and the unparalleled strength. "He was a strange creature, much like a goblin, but upright and honest, and had a remarkable countenance. He stayed with me three years, until his servants came and went. He studied what I I couldn't refuse him all that could be given. But he also taught me, and his wisdom gave me great comfort. Because from him, I learned to respect life, no matter how lowly that life may be to me. He also suffered for others, like my war with human beings, I lost a lot of things that are dear to me. This man had the art of healing the wounds of the heart and mind, and when he left, I felt like a winner, not Conquered." It paused and swallowed, and Thomas could see its voice change very differently, "If no dragon could attend my death care, I'd be more than happy to have him sit here, he's the first Someone like you, someone like you who I consider a friend." "Who is he, Rhea?" Thomas asked. "His name is—Macros." Dougan was thoughtful. "I've heard his name, one of the most powerful wizards. He's almost a myth. He lived somewhere in the east." "He's not a myth, Dolgan," Rhea stammered. "Don't worry, maybe he's dead. It's been a long time since he met me." The dragon paused for a while. "I'm running out of time, so I must finish. I have one more favor to ask you, dwarf." It said, moving its head slightly, "In the box over there is the mage's gift, made for For this hour. It is a staff. Macross keeps it so that when I die I don't leave my bones to the scavengers. Can you fetch it for me?" Dolgan walked to the indicated box.He opened it to find a black metal cane lying on blue velvet material.He picked up the cane and found it surprisingly heavy for its size.He carried it up to the dragon. The dragon spoke, its tongue swollen and its voice almost unintelligible. "Wait a while, touch me with that staff, Dolgan, and then I will be finished." "Understood," said Dolgan, "though I grieve at your end, Dragon." "I have one last thing to say before that. In that chest next to the others is a present for you, dwarves. You may take anything here, it is of no use to me. But in this The whole hall, I want you to have what's in that box." He tried to move its head toward Thomas, but it didn't work. "Thomas, thank you for spending my last days with me. There is a gift for you in the dwarf's box. Whether you like it or not, please accept it for your kindness." It took a deep breath , Thomas, their rushing sounds in its throat. "It's now, Dolgan." Dolgan stretched out his cane and gently touched the dragon's head.At first there was no response. "This is Macross' last gift." Rhea said softly. Suddenly, a soft golden light radiated from the dragon's body.A faint hum sounded, as if the walls of the entire hall were resonating with death.The sound intensifies and begins to infuse energy as the light gradually increases.Thomas and Dolgan watched Rhea's faded scales gradually regain their luster.Its skin glowed with golden light, and the mist that covered its eyes faded.It raised its head slowly, and they knew it could see its surroundings again.Its crown was erected, and its wings spread, radiating power.Its belly shone with silver, and its yellow teeth became gleaming white, and it stood up, its faded black talons like polished ebony, and it held its head high. "This is the most spectacular sight I have ever seen." Dolgan said softly. Slowly the light became brighter, and Rhea seemed to regain her youth and vitality again.It stretched its body and raised it to astonishing heights, its crown dancing with silvery light.The dragon swung its head back, a movement full of youth and vitality, and then a cry burst out a powerful flame that shot straight at the vault.With a growl like a hundred elephants roaring in unison, "I thank you, Macross. This is a truly noble gift." Then the strange chords in the stone changed, became sharper and louder.For a moment, Thomas and Dolgan seemed to hear a low, hollow voice echoing at the same time: "You're welcome, my friend." Thomas felt his face wet.Tears of joy at the dragon's sheer beauty streamed down his cheeks.The shimmering light became so blinding that Thomas and Dolgan could barely stand and watch, but neither could they close their eyes at the sight.The noise in the room grew louder, shaking the dust from the vaults onto their heads, and they could feel the ground trembling.The dragon spread its wings and soared upwards, before disappearing in a blinding white light.Suddenly all sound in the room disappeared. The dragon was gone, leaving the empty room feeling oppressive, and Thomas looked at the dwarf. "Let's go, Dolgan. I don't want to stay a minute longer." Dougan was thoughtful. "Yeah, Thomas, I want to leave right now too. But here's the dragon's gift." He went straight to the box the dragon pointed out and opened it. Dolgan stared inside with his eyes wide open, and then took out a dwarven warhammer.He holds it up in front of him and looks up in awe.The hammer head is made of silver, and under the dim light of the lantern, it emits a light blue light.The dwarven mark is carved on one side.The handle is made of oak, and the carving of the vine leaf pattern runs through the entire length.It's so beautiful, so ingenious. "This is the Hammer of the Throne. My people lost it long ago. Its reappearance will once again seat the dwarves of the West in the Great Hall. It is the mark of our last king, long ago ’” Dorgan said softly. Thomas came over to see what else was in the box.He squeezed in front of Dolgan and took out a large white cloth package from it.He opened it and found that it was a white coat with a golden dragon on the chest.Also inside is a shield with the same pattern and a golden helmet.What surprised him most was a golden long sword with a white handle.Its scabbard is carved from a smooth white material, but it doesn't look like ivory, it seems to be some kind of metal.At the bottom, lay a piece of golden mail, he took it out and couldn't help but let out an "ah" in surprise. Dolgan looked at him and said, "Put them on, boy. The dragon said it was a gift for you." "They are too precious to me, Dolgan. They look like they belonged to some prince or king." "I don't think their previous owner needed them anymore, boy. They're for you now, so take them, but I think there must be something special about them, or they shouldn't be with this hammer." In the same chest. The Hammer of Thugs is a powerful weapon, forged in the furnace of ancient Makkamenor, the oldest mine in the mountains. It contains the most powerful magic in the history of the dwarves .So does this gilded armor and sword. It wants you to have them." Thomas thought for a moment, then quickly took off his baggy cloak.His tunic wasn't leather, but gold mail slipped on easily, and it seemed sized for taller men.He pulled his white coat over the top and put on his helmet.Picking up the long sword and shield, he stood in front of Dolgan, "Do I look like a fool?" The dwarf studied him carefully. "They're a bit big, but there's no doubt you'll grow some." He seemed to see something in the boy with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. "No, Thomas, you don't look like a fool yet. A bit flamboyant maybe, a little big, but not stupid. They're a little flamboyant, and you wear them till they're worth it, I suppose." Thomas nodded, picked up his cloak, and turned to the door, raising his sword.Kaijita is surprisingly light, much lighter than the ones he passed through in Karide. "I don't want to take any more stuff, Dolgan. I think it sounds a little strange." Dorgan walked up to him. "No, boy, I don't want to take any more dragon wealth." Looking at the shadow on the wall, he added, "Although in the future I may be surprised by the decision now. Maybe one day I will Come back, but I doubt it. Now let us find our way home." They departed and quickly returned to the familiar tunnels of Dolgan, heading for the surface. Dolgan grasped Thomas' arm tightly to signal him to be quiet.But the boy has figured out when to shut up.He also felt the omen he felt before being attacked by the wraith.But this time it was almost entirely physical.The undead creature is nearby.Thomas covered the lantern to block the flames.His eyes widened in surprise, unlike the expected thick darkness, he could vaguely see the figure of the dwarf moving slowly in front of him.He couldn't help but blurted out, "Dorgan—" The dwarf turned, and suddenly a black shadow loomed behind him. "Behind you!" Thomas shouted. Dolgan spun around against the wraith, raising his shield and Hammer of Thugs aloft.The undead rushed towards the dwarf, but Dolgan's combat instincts, honed through battles in the dark, saved him, and he instinctively raised his spiked shield.The creature howled angrily as it struck the steel.Dolgan immediately swung the legendary weapon of his ancestors, and the monster screamed with the blow of the hammer.A blue-green light flashed on the warhammer's head, and the monster retreated, wailing in agony. "Stay behind me," Dolgan yelled. "If steel makes it angry, then the hammer of the stern will make it painful. I can drive him away." Thomas obeyed the dwarf's command, and found that his right hand had drawn the golden sword from its sheath on the left.The somewhat bulky mail armor suddenly seemed to shrink, wrapping his shoulders just right, and the shield was firmly fixed on his arm, as if he had been wearing it for many years.Without thinking, Thomas came behind Dorgan, walked past him, and raised the golden sword. The creature seemed to hesitate, then rushed towards Thomas.Thomas raised his sword, ready to strike.With a frightening sound, the ghost turned and fled.Dolgan glanced at Thomas, and he saw that Thomas looked as confused as he was, holding the sword as if he had just regained consciousness. Dolgan picked up the lantern and asked, "Why did you do that, boy?" "I...don't know," Thomas said, as if he had just realized he hadn't followed the dwarf's instructions, "but it worked, and the thing went away." "Yeah, it worked," Dolgan agreed, removing the lantern's lid.Watching the boy in the light. "I think it's really afraid of your ancestor's hammer," Thomas said. Dorgan was silent, but he knew that was not the reason.The creature fled after seeing Thomas' platinum and gold armor.Then the dwarf suddenly thought of another thing. "Son, how do you know that monster is behind me?" "I saw it." Dolgan turned and looked at Thomas in surprise. "Did you see it? How do you see it? You covered the lantern." "I don't know, I just saw it." Dolgan covered the lantern again and stood up.He moved a little. "Where am I now, boy?" he said. Thomas walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "This!" "What—?" the dwarf exclaimed. Thomas touched the helmet, then looked at the shield. “你说过它们很特别。” “是呀,小子,不过我没想到它们会这么特别。” “或许我该把它们脱掉?”男孩担忧地问。 “不,不。”抛弃了地上的提灯,道尔甘说,“如果我可以不为你能看到什么和看不到什么而操心,我们可以走得更快一些。”他努力让他的声音显得很高兴。“无论我们是多么优秀的战士,最好也不要让灯光暴露我们。龙说那些暗精灵到我们的矿井来了这让我很不安。如果有一队已经敢于挑战我族人的怒火,那么还可能有另一队。或许冤魂怕你的金剑和我祖先的战锤,但十二个暗精灵恐怕就不会这么容易打发了。” 汤玛士无话可说,他们继续在黑暗中前进。 有三次,他们停下来多避开匆忙通过的地精和暗精灵队伍。占据了黑暗的优势,可以看到它们在黑暗中跌跌撞撞或是互相搀扶着艰难行进。直到最后一个队伍走过,道尔甘转身对汤玛士说,“历史上还从来没有过这么多地精和暗精灵进到我们的矿井中来呢。这么多人,它们一定怕死我的族人了。” “他们看上去落魄的很,道尔甘,他们中有女人和孩子,还带着包裹。他们好像在逃避什么。”汤玛士说。 矮人点点头。“它们都是从灰塔城以北的村落来的,朝着绿色之心去的。也有一些朝南去了。” “是因为簇朗尼吗?” 道尔甘点点头,“我想是的。来吧,我们最好尽快回到考德尔去。” 五天后当他们到达了考德尔都精疲力竭了。山中的风雪很大,前进缓慢。当他们接近城镇的时候,他们看到了守卫匆忙地进镇子,转而跑出来迎接他们。 他们就寝于镇长厅之中,汤玛士也有了一件屋子。他太累了以至于立刻就睡着了,甚至是坚强的矮人也疲惫不堪。矮人们决定第二天再召开镇里的长老会,来讨论他们获得的消息。 汤玛士醒来感到饥饿难忍。他伸展着站起身惊讶于竟然一点不觉得僵硬。他穿着金锁甲就睡着了,往常这样穿铠甲休息醒来时总会感到腰酸腿疼。而他现在感觉休息的非常好。他打开门走进大厅。直到长厅中央的房间之前他都没有看到一个人。几个矮人围坐在巨大的桌子前,道尔甘坐在最前头。汤玛士还看到了韦林,道尔甘的儿子。道尔甘示意给男孩一把椅子并将他引荐给大家。 矮人们向汤玛士致意,他也礼貌地回礼。但桌上丰盛的食物吸引了他的全部注意。 道尔甘笑道,“请便吧,小子;这些基本都是为你准备的。”汤玛士取了一大盘牛肉,奶酪还有面包并拿了一壶啤酒。他快速地消灭着盘中之物并不停地添加,并注意是否有人表示异议。大部分的矮人都在忙于讨论汤玛士所不清楚的事情,诸如镇子里各地的冬季物资的储备。 道尔甘打断了讨论,“现在汤玛士和我们在一起,我想我们最好谈谈那些簇朗尼。” 听到这话汤玛士的耳朵竖了起来,并将注意力全部转向了发言者。道尔甘继续道,“自从我离开这里巡视,我走过了伊万达和巨岩山。在北部通道那里有很多这些异族的踪迹。他们在巨岩山的南部安营扎寨。” “那是巨岩山的事情,除非他们向我们求助。”一个矮人说。 “没错,奥比,但是也有消息说看到他们离开了那里的城镇朝着通道以南来了。他们已经侵入了我们祖传的土地,这就事关灰塔城了。” 那个被称作奥比的矮人点点头。“是的,但是在春天来到之前我们什么也做不了。” 道尔甘将双脚翘到桌子上,点燃烟斗。“这也没错,不过谢天谢地簇朗尼在春天之前也同样动弹不得。” 汤玛士努力咽下嘴里的牛肉插嘴道。“暴风雪来到了吗?” 道尔甘看着他,“是的,老弟,整个通路都已经被大雪封死了,第一场冬季风暴是在昨晚。没有什么东西可以过来,更别说军队了。” 汤玛士看了看道尔甘。 "So……" “是的,这个冬天你将和我们待在一起,最强健的人也无法穿过这些山脉到卡瑞德去。” 汤玛士坐了回去,尽避和长厅的矮人们待在一起让他很安心,但是他还是希望能回到熟悉的家乡去。不过,既然他对此无能为力,也就只能听天由命了。他从新将注意力放回到他的食物上。
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