Home Categories science fiction Sorcerer: Apprentice

Chapter 6 Chapter 6 The Advice of the Elves

Sorcerer: Apprentice 雷蒙·E·费斯特 13394Words 2018-03-14
Pug leaned against the window and looked out. It started to rain early in the morning, and the courtyard was still bustling with preparations for the coming important visitors, creating a mysterious atmosphere for the coming elf visitors.Even Queen Aglaana's elven messenger was the object of attention in the castle, since few elves would venture south of the Khared after all.Elves never live in human society, and their way of life is strange and mysterious to the world.They inhabited this land long before man came from the west, and made some tacit agreement with man, not to be ruled by a kingdom, they were free men.

A cough made Pug turn to Kulgan, who sat behind the huge scroll.The mage gave the boy a wink to indicate that it was time for the boy to come back and continue his studies.Pug closed the window and went back to the desk. "You've got plenty of time, boy, hours before you go see those elves. A little study before that. You've got to learn how to use your time instead of abusing it." Fantes crawled over and rested his head on the boy's lap.Pug scratched the bridge of the eye absently as he opened the book.Kulgan assigned Pug a task: to sort out the descriptions of various spells by different magicians, hoping to deepen his understanding of the characteristics of magic.

Kulgan commented that Pug's spell against the ogre was caused by a moment of intense pressure.He hoped that by studying other mages' studies of magic, he would help the boy break through the obstacles that had hindered his studies.These writings really captivated Pug and greatly improved his reading ability. Pug glanced at his teacher, who was reading and puffing hard from a long pipe.Kulgan didn't seem to care about the bad weather today and insisted that the boy use the few hours before the visit of the Elf Queen and her retainers to study instead of lounging and wasting time.

After a few minutes, Pug's eyes starting to ache from the smoke, he went to the window and pushed back the leaves. "Master Kulgan?" "Well, Pug?" "I'd be better off studying with you if we could keep the fire warm but keep the smoke out." The room was filled with smoke from the burning fire and the mage's pipe. The mage laughed. "You're right." He closed his eyes and concentrated, waving his hands wildly, the spell whispering in his mouth. Soon he gathered a huge gray-white ball of smoke and threw it out the window, leaving only the crisp and clean room.

Pug shook his head and laughed. "Thank you, Kulgan. But I have a more traditional solution. What do you think of building a chimney for the stove?" "Impossible, Pug," said Kulgan, sitting down.He points to the wall. "It would be great if one could be installed when the tower is built. But trying to move bricks in the tower now, from here through my room, and all the way to the roof would be too difficult, let alone Said it was expensive." "I don't mean the chimneys built into the walls, Kulgan. You know the stone mantles over forges in smithies that vent the smoke and heat to the roof?" The mage nodded. "Well, if I could have a metal hood like a smithy, and a metal chimney to keep the smoke out, it would work the same way, wouldn't it?"

Kulgans echoed this opinion. "I don't see why. But where do you want to put the chimney?" "That." Pug pointed to the two bricks overhead to the left of the window.When the towers were built they were a little unstable, and now there are huge gaps between them that allow the wind to blow into the house. "The stone can be removed," He pointed to the stone brick on the far left and said. "I've checked, and it's loose. The chimney can go in up to the stove, turn here"—he pointed to the flat stone roof above the stove—"and go here. If we can cover it, That will allow the smoke to flow out with the wind."

Coulgan looked impressed. "That's a brilliant idea, Pug, and it might work. I'll go speak to the smithy in the morning and get their opinion. It never occurred to me before. Smug at the chimney idea, Pug returned to his studies.He started over from the article he had just read, and a duality bewildered him.Finally he looked to the mage and said, "Kulgan." "Well, Pug?" he replied, looking up from his book. "It appeared here again. The magician Levant used the same spell as Marthas, preventing the effect of the spell from affecting the caster and directing it to other targets." He put down the huge tome and picked it up Another one. "But here Dawkas writes that he uses this spell to hinder the spell and increase the chance of failure. How can the results of the same composition be so different?"

Kulgan stared at his student through narrowed eyes for a moment, then leaned back and took a deep draw from his pipe, exhaling the blue smoke. "It serves to illustrate what I have said before, young man. Although we magicians are somewhat vain about our craft, there really are very few common senses or laws out there. Magic is an art and skill developed from the folk. , from master to apprentice from the very beginning. Trial and error, and more trial and error is the history of its development. No one has ever tried to create a magical system with laws, rules and theorems that can be recognized by everyone ’” He looked at Pug thoughtfully. "Each of us is like a carpenter, making a table, but each of us chooses a different wood, a different saw, some use chisels and dowels, others nails, still others dovetail joints, some Some were painted, some were not... and in the end there were tables, but each one of them was made differently."

"The research we have done with each of the venerable sages here is largely to gain insight as much as possible, not to formulate some kind of magic. For Levant and Marthas, the spell assists It prevents the magic from being done; with Daucas, it just gets in the way." "I understand your explanation, Kulgan, but I don't understand how these mages can use so many methods to do the same thing. I understand that each of them wanted to accomplish his purpose and find a different way, but something was overlooked in the various ways they did it. " Kulgan asked with interest. "Missing something, Pug."

The boy looks pensive. "I... I don't know. I'm just hoping to find something that will tell me, 'This is the way it has to be done, the only way,' or something like that. What's the point of that?" Kulgan nodded. "I think I know you are quite understanding. You have a coherent mind, Pug. You are more logical than most people, even people much older than you. You always look systematically at Things, not just collections. Maybe that's your problem." Pug showed great interest in what the mage had to say.Kulgan continued. "I try to teach you based on a logical system, cause and effect, but mostly it's not. It's like trying to teach someone how to play the lute. You can show them how the fingers move the strings, but only by Theories of knowledge don't make great players. It's art, not academics, and that bothers you."

"I think I understand, Kulgan." His voice was frustrated. Kulgan stood up. "Don't take it too seriously; you're young, and I have high hopes for you." His voice was easy, and Pug felt the smile in it. "Then I'm not completely hopeless?" he said with a smile. "Not really." Kulgan mused, looking at his student. "In fact, I have a feeling that one day you might be able to use your logical mind to improve existing magic." Pug was a little taken aback.He never thought he could accomplish such a great achievement. Shouts came through the window, and Pug looked out hastily.A whole detachment of guards ran to the main gate.He turned to Kulgan. "The elves must be coming! The guards are out." Coulgan said, "Very well, that's all for today. There's nothing stopping you until you see the elf. Go ahead." Pug walked through the door and the stairs.He took two steps at a time, he jumped straight down the last four flights of stairs and landed hard on the floor.He rushed into the kitchen through the door.Run around the castle to the square and see Thomas standing on top of a carriage.Pug climbed up and stood beside him.This allows for a better view than poking around among the curious crowd. "I thought you weren't coming, that you were going to be locked up with your books all day," Thomas said. "I wouldn't miss this. Elf!" Pug replied. Thomas jokingly elbowed Pug's side. "You've been excited all week, haven't you?" Pug shot him back a look. "If you're so indifferent, why are you standing in the carriage in the rain?" Thomas didn't answer, but pointed forward. "Look." Pug turned to see all the guards turning their attention to the green-cloaked riders passing through the gate.They rode through the main gate of the castle, where the duke was waiting.Pug and Thomas watched in awe as they rode on such a white horse as they had never seen before, without saddle or bridle.The horses seemed untouched by the rain, their fur glowing dimly; Pug wasn't sure if it was a spell or a mischief in the dark afternoon sun.The leader rode a particularly imposing animal, seventeen palms high, smooth as a feather, and as smooth as water.The riders on their mounts raised their hands in salute, and there was a low cry from the crowd. "Elf steed," Thomas said softly.This kind of horse is the mount in the legend of the elves.Longbow Martin once told the children that they live in the hidden, deep jungle of Ivanda.They are quick-tempered, intelligent and magical creatures, and no human can ride on their backs.Only elves with royal blood can tame them to become their own mounts. The groom ran up to hold the horse, but a voice as beautiful as music said, "There is no need." The voice came from the leading knight, riding on a tall horse.She jumped down swiftly, landed lightly without any help, and threw off her hood, revealing a head of thick reddish hair.Even in the dark and rainy afternoon, it shows a dazzling golden light.She was tall, almost as tall as Duke Borik.She met the Duke who was walking towards her. Bolick greeted her with his hands outstretched. "Welcome, my lady; it is a great honor to have your presence adorning the walls of my humble abode." "You are too kind, Lord Borric," replied the Elven Queen.Her voice was rich and surprisingly clear, making everyone in the yard audible.Pug felt Thomas' hand grip firmly on his shoulder.He turned to see the fascinated look on Thomas' face. "She's so beautiful," said the tall boy. Pug turned his attention to the welcoming ceremony.He had to agree that the elf queen was indeed very beautiful, even if not by human standards.Her large clear blue eyes almost glowed in the gloom.Her face was beautifully chiseled, with high cheekbones and firm, unobtrusive lips.Her smile was charming, and her white teeth shone white between her bright red lips.She wears a simple gold headband on her forehead, her hair is pulled back, and her ears that curve upward and have no lobes are the hallmarks of her ethnicity. The rest of her escort dismounted as well, in assorted attire.Each one is brightly colored and different from head to toe.One wore a dark brown tunic, the other a pale yellow and bright green coat.Some wear purple sashes, others crimson stockings.No matter how flamboyant the clothes are, they look elegant and sophisticated, without any gaudy or gaudy feeling.The entourage of elves and their queen have similar features, tall, youthful and lithe. The queen turned from the duke and said something in a musical language.The elven steeds reared in salute, then ran out the gate through the stunned onlookers.The Duke led his guests into the castle, and soon the crowd dispersed.Thomas and Pug sat quietly in the rain. "Even if I lived a hundred years, I would never see anyone like her," said Thomas. Pug was startled by a rare feeling he felt in his friend.He had a fleeting urge to scold Thomas for his childish obsession.But his companion's expression made him feel a little out of place. "Come on," he said, "we're all wet." Thomas followed Pug out of the carriage.Pug said, "You'd better change into a dry suit, and you'd better borrow a decent one." "Why?" Thomas asked. Pug gave an evil smile, "Oh? Didn't I tell you? The Duke wants you to attend his court dinner today. He wants you to talk to the Elf Queen about what you saw on the ship." Thomas looks like he's about to break down and run away. "Me? Attending a dinner in the auditorium?" His face was pale. "Talking? With the Queen?" Pug laughed happily. "It's easy. You just open your mouth and let the words come out." Thomas threw himself on Pug, who ducked and hugged his friend as he turned.Pug had strong, if not as thick arms as Thomas, and could easily lift his friend off the ground.Thomas struggled, and then they laughed uncontrollably. "Pug, put me down." "Unless you calm down." "I'm calm." Pug put him down. "Why are you so excited?" "It's that smug attitude of yours that didn't tell me until the last minute." "Okay, I'm so sorry I'm late. Anything else?" Thomas looked a little uncomfortable, not from the rain. "I don't know the etiquette of royal dining. I'm afraid I'm going to do something stupid." "It's simple. Just watch me do it. Take the fork in your left hand and cut with the knife. Don't drink the water from the bowl; they wash their hands with it, and you have to use it often, because your hands will get greasy from the ribs. And be sure to throw the bone over the shoulder to the dog, not on the floor in front of the Duke's table. And don't wipe your mouth with your sleeve, napkin, that's all." They made their way to the Soldiers' Court, Pug teaching his friend court manners, and Thomas trying to get every word Pug said firmly in his head. Thomas seemed to be struggling with discomfort and pain.Whenever anyone looked at him, he would feel uncomfortable as if he had committed some crime against etiquette.And whenever he looked towards the top of the table, and the Elf Queen entered his field of vision, his stomach was full of pain like a knot. Pug seated Thomas next to him at the table furthest from the Duke's.Pug usually dined at the same table with Lord Bolic, sitting next to the princess.But he was glad to avoid her, for the princess was still very much vexed.Normally she would gossip with him about the countless amusing gossips of the ladies of the court, but last night she ignored him and turned her attention dramatically to an overwhelmed Roland.Pug was also somewhat confused by his own reaction, which was a mixture of relief and great anger.It wasn't until he discovered that the princess was indifferent to Roland's flattery that he felt completely relieved of his anger. Pug was troubled by the recent hostility Roland had been hiding behind blunt decorum.Like Thomas, he had no friendship with Roland at all, but he never had a problem.Roland was the same age as Pug.When he disagrees with other commoner boys, he never hides behind his title class, but always bravely stands up and solves the problem by the necessary means. And when he came to Kared, he was already an experienced fighter, and he was not the kind of person who was afraid of fighting.Now that there was a dark tension between Pug and Roland, Pug wished he was as good at fighting as Thomas; Thomas was the only boy Roland couldn't beat with his fists, and they had a brief fight and It ended with Roland's crash to the ground.Just as the sun must rise in the morning, Pug knew that the time to face this young and impulsive jazz was not far away.He was a little scared, but he also looked forward to the relief brought by this moment. Pug glanced at Thomas to see that his friend was lost in his troubles.He turned his gaze to Karin.Feeling captivated by the princess, but the attraction turns to strange discomfort as soon as she gets near.She was still as beautiful as when he first saw her—black curly hair and blue eyes that ignited uneasy fantasies—but the fantasies were always somehow empty, viscerally uninteresting, lacking in what Karin meant to him. It is still indifferent, unapproachable, magnificent and crazy enthusiasm in daydreams when it is full of unknowns and mysteries.After getting close to her, I gradually found that those idealized imaginations were impossible.The princess annoys him, but when he sees her with Rolande he forgets the conflict in his heart and becomes irrational driven by the most basic emotion, he is jealous.Pug sighed, shaking his head at his pain and trouble, ignoring Thomas.At least, thought Pug, I'm not alone.Roland is also visibly uncomfortable, and Karin is engrossed in conversation with Prince Ivanda Kellern, Agraana's son.The prince looked about the same age as Arusha or Lane, but just as his mother looked no more than twenty.All the elves looked very young, even the queen's oldest advisor, Taseer, was not as old as the duke looked. When the meal was over, most of the nobles dispersed.The Duke stretched out his arms to invite Agraanna and her entourage to the conference hall that had been arranged.This was the third time in two days that the boys were in the duke's conference room.Pug was less nervous, thanks in part to the good dinner, but Thomas had never looked so bad.The tall boy was so embarrassed by the elf queen before the meal, and now he was so close that he didn't even dare to look in her direction.Pug thought Agraana had noticed Thomas' discomfiture and smiled at him, but he couldn't be sure. The two elves who had accompanied the Queen, Kelen and Tasel, immediately came to the table to take the bowl and the artifact they had found from the Tsurani soldiers.They examine it closely, obsessing over every detail.The Duke announced the opening of the meeting, and the two elves returned to the Queen and sat down on the left and right chairs.Pug and Thomas were still standing by the door. "We have told you what happened to the best of our knowledge, and now you will see it with your own eyes. If you think it necessary, these two boys can tell what happened on board," said the Duke. The queen tilted her head slightly forward, Tassel replied. "I hope to hear what happened from the person involved." Bolick motioned for the boys to come over.They stepped forward, and Taseer asked, "Which of you found these outsiders?" Thomas gave Pug a wink, beckoning him to answer. "Two of us, sir." Pug didn't know what to say to the elf.But Taseer seemed content with the usual honorifics.Pug recounted what happened that day, leaving out nothing he remembered.When he had finished, Tassel continued with several questions, each of which touched Pug's memory and brought back long-forgotten details.When he finished, Pug stepped back, and Tassel repeated the same process with Thomas.Thomas hesitated, visibly confused, and the Elven Queen shot him a reassuring smile.But that only made him more flustered, and the questioning was quickly over. Tassel's question provided more information about the ship, some tiny details the boys had forgotten: the mud-filled firebucket rolling on the deck, the empty weapons rack, it all confirmed Contrary to Arusha's guess, it was a real warship.Tassel leaned back. "We've never heard of such a vessel. We know of many other vessels, but nothing like this. We're sure of that." Kellern broke the omen of silence. "Since the death of my father, I have been Ivanda's military commander. My duty is to patrol and defend our territory. Sometimes we find strange things in the big forest, the southern forest. Many times our messenger (runner) found the tracks of man, in an isolated swath, on the border of Ivanda, far from the northern pass near the Rock Mountain. "Our scouts searched for those people for weeks, but found nothing but the traces they left behind. There isn't any concrete evidence for them.Those people take great care to hide their existence.If they hadn't been near Ivanda, they might never have been found, but no one can come near our homeland without being noticed. "A few days later one of our scouts saw a party of strangers crossing the river, infesting near our woods, and heading for the northern pass. He followed them for half a day, and then lost sight of them." Vannon raised his eyebrows. "An elf-stalker lost them?" Caleon tilted his head slightly. "It wasn't his fault. They simply entered a thick woodland and never came out the other side. He followed their tracks to where they disappeared." Ryan asked, "I think we know where they went now." He was uncharacteristically melancholy, more like his father than usual. Kelly continued. "Four days before your news came, I led a patrol and saw the men again near where they were last seen. They were stocky men with no beards. Some were fair and beautiful and others were dark and gloomy. There were ten of them, moving lightly through the thick cloth; the slightest sound would have alerted them. But even so, they still did not realize that they were being followed." Except for one person in a black robe, the others were dressed in Shining Girl Poke colored armor, red and blue, some green, others yellow.The longswords they carried looked like the one on the table without the serrations, round shields, and strange bows, short and disproportionately curved. Organ leaned forward. "A bow bent like the one used by the bastard soldiers of Kerrs." Kellern spread his hands. "The Kerrs have long since disappeared from this continent, and as far as we know, they use bows made of simple yew or ash trees." Orgen interrupted him excitedly. "They have a kind of bow, secret, made of wood and animal horn. Small in size, but extremely powerful, although not comparable to longbows. But their range is amazing—" Bolick cleared his cough, not wanting the equestrian master to change the topic to weapons. "Can you let Your Highness continue first?" Organ blushed and sat back, and Kellern continued, "I followed them for two days. They stopped and camped at night to rest, but they were still unrelenting, alert to any noise. All food scraps and human bodies Their excrement was collected in a large bag and carried by one of them. They moved cautiously, but we could easily follow them." When they reached the edge of the forest, near the northern pass, they Marking on paper is like so many times while traveling.Then the one in the black robe ran some kind of strange device, and they disappeared. There was a commotion among the Duke's officials. Kulgan looked particularly disturbed. Kellern paused. "It is a very strange thing indeed, and at any rate they conversed in a language unknown to us. They spoke very quietly, but we could hear every word they said but could not understand it." the Queen continued. "When I heard the news, I became alarmed. Those outsiders were obviously drawing a map of the West, crossing the Great Forest, the Rocky Mountains, and now the Kingdom's coast. Just when I was replying to your letter, these people from the other world Reports are becoming more and more numerous. More such groups have been spotted around the northern pass." Arusha sat forward, resting his arms on the table. "If they pass through the northern pass, they will find the way to Aben, and then the Free City. The snow will fall on the mountains, and they may find us isolated and vulnerable for the winter without effective aid." A trace of panic flashed across Bao Jue's face, betraying his indifferent demeanor.But he immediately regained his composure and said, "It's still at the northern pass, and they may not map that far. If they were there, the dwarves would find them, and the villages of Gray Tower City are scattered throughout the Giant Rock Mountain Range. " "Lord Arusha," Agraana said, "if I didn't think the situation was very critical, I wouldn't risk leaving Ivanda. The alien world empire you described, if they are really what you said Strong, then I worry for all the free men in the west. The elves have some love for the kingdom, we respect Kared, you are a worthy man and never tried to expand your territory and invade our homeland. If these aliens come for conquest, we can form an alliance to fight." Arusha sat quietly for a while. "I am grateful to you and your people for your assistance and appreciate your advice. Now we have to act. We don't know what happened in the Great Forest, but I'm afraid we have given these outsiders too much More time to prepare." He paused, as if considering his words. "Now I am sure that these Tsurani are planning to threaten us. I can think that they are exploring a strange continent, trying to determine the nature and temperament of the people who live there. Prelude." Kulgan said in a weary voice, "Their large army may come with a powerful leader." Terry shook his head. "Probably not." All eyes were on him, "I'm not sure. Most of what I've seen out of Ormis's mind is muddled, but there's something there about this Tsurangani empire. The situation is unlike any nation we know, their idea of ​​duty and alliances is very weird. I can't tell you how I know, but I suspect they might test us first, with a small force. Their goal Seems to be elsewhere, and we're just secondary." He shook his head in bewilderment. "I just feel that way, that's all." Bao Jue sat up, his voice full of commanding majesty. "It's time for us to act. I will send a message to Duke Balkor of Abon, and contact the Rock Mountain and Gray Tower City again." Aglaana nodded. "It might be helpful to hear what the dwarves know about this." "I hope to hear it soon, but our messenger has not returned, and no pigeon has brought an answer," said the duke. Lane worried, "Maybe it's the hawk, the dove isn't always reliable, or maybe the messenger didn't reach the dwarves at all." Bolic turned to Kellern. "Since the siege of Kaith forty years ago, we have had little contact with the dwarves. Who is the leader of the dwarves now?" "Just like at that time, the descendants of Hugh, the village of Demorel in the Giant Rock Mountain, are under the rule of Hasen, and the descendants of the descendants of the city of Calder, the city of Gray Tower, are all under the banner of Dorgan." The elf prince replied, "I know They, even though I was a boy when they resisted the Dark Clan's siege of Kaith," said Borik, "if trouble comes, they will be great allies." "What about the capital of freedom? And the prince of Kenodo?" Arusha asked. Bolick sat back. "I have to think about it. The East is troublesome. Maybe I should say hello. I'll think about it tonight." He stood up. "I thank you all for this meeting. Go back to your residences and take a good rest. Tomorrow I will be discussing with you about the plan to fight the aggression, if they really want to fight." The Queen rose slowly, and the Duke held out his arm, escorting her through Thomas and Pug to open the gate.The boys were the last to leave.Kulgan stood outside the hall with Tarry and the two elf advisors, while Vannon led Thomas back to the barracks. The magician turned to his apprentice. "Pug, Prince Celeon is very interested in your little library of magic books. Would you like to show him?" Pug replied that he would, and opened the door for the prince before leading him upstairs to his room.Caleon walked in, followed by Pug.Fantes was awakened from his sleep and cast a suspicious look at the elf. Kellern walked slowly up to the drake and spoke softly in a language Pug couldn't understand.Fantes relaxed and stretched its neck to allow the Prince to stroke its head. After a while, the drake looked at Pug expectantly. "Oh, yes, dinner's over. The kitchen is full of leftovers," said Pug, and Fantes walked up to the window with a jackal grin, and pushed open the window with his mouth.Flapping his wings, he jumped out and glides towards the kitchen. Pug offered to move a stool for Kellern, but the Prince refused, "Thank you, but your chairs and stools do not provide us with comfort. I'll just sit on the floor if you please. You have A very unusual pet, Ser Pug." He smiled at Pug.Pug was a little uncomfortable with having the prince banging him in such a humble room, but the elf's politeness made the boy much more at ease. "Fantes is not so much a pet as he is a long-term visitor. He has a mind of his own. It is common for him to go missing for weeks at a time, but most of the time he stays here. Now McMur is gone. No, he must often forage outside the kitchen." Kellern asks who McMur is.Pug explained, adding, "Kulgan sent him with the Duke's guards across the mountains to Borodon before the northern pass was blocked by heavy snow. He didn't say why, Your Highness." Kellern looked at the boy's book. "I'd rather you call me Kellern, Pug." Pug nodded in relief. "Kellern, what do you think the Duke is thinking?" The elf smiled mysteriously. "I think the Duke will show his plans. I guess McMur is spearheading the Duke's journey north. You'll probably know all about it tomorrow." He closed the book he was reading. "Did you find this interesting?" Pug looked at the title. "Daucas's treatise on the motion of bodies? Yes, although it is difficult to understand in some places." "To be fair. Doucas is a difficult guy to understand, at least when I met him." Pug was taken aback. "But Daucas has been dead for thirty years." Caleb grinned.There was a dim light in the dim eyes. "So you know very little about elves?" "A little bit," Pug nodded. "Although I may have met another elf once, when I was very young, I'm not sure. But you were the first elf I talked to..." Kellern threw the book aside. "You can talk to animals and goblins. You live in Ivanda and the surrounding elf forest. You generally only stay with your own people. All I know is what Longbow Martin told me." The elf smiled softly, and his voice was like music. "That's about it. Knowledgeable longbow friend, I bet some legends are more interesting, he is not a liar, he has an elf humor." Pug looked puzzled. "Our lives are long by your standards. We learn how to appreciate the humor of the world, we find joy in where we live, and we see life simply differently. I think Martin learned that from us. " Pug nodded. "Mocking eyes." Caleb raised her eyebrows suspiciously.Pug explained, "A lot of people think Martin is different, somehow, just different. I once heard a soldier say he had mocking eyes." Caleb sighed. "Life was very different for Martin. He was uprooted at a very young age. Friar Saban was a kind and good man, but not very good at raising a boy. Before he could feel the warmth of his family, Martin was like a A lost animal living in the forest. One day I saw him fighting with our two children - we were not much different from humans when we were young. In the years since, he was one of the few who could自由出入伊万达并在那里生活的人类。他是一个真正的朋友。但是我想他承受了巨大的孤独,这并非是一个精灵或人类的世界,但在有的地方是这样的。” 帕格从一个全新的角度了解了马丁并决定将去更深地了解这位崦丛大师。“他说的那些都是真的吗?”帕格问,将话题回到了开始。 凯勒恩点点头。“由于某种原因,我们不仅可以像人类一样与动物沟通,用声音让他们放松,当然我们做的要比大部分人类优秀,但我们更愿意直接触摸它们的心灵,马丁也懂得一些这方面的诀窍。我们不能与妖精交谈。我们知道人类如何看待这些妖精——森林女神,仙子,小精灵——但它们实际上是一种与我们的魔法共栖的生物种族。” 帕格感兴趣地问。“你们的魔法?” “魔法是我们存在的一部分,凝聚于伊万达。这是代代相传的,让我们能与森林和谐相处。我们像其他人一样工作,打猎,照料我们的花园,收获我们的喜悦,教育我们的孩子。在伊万达时间流失的很慢,那是一个永恒之地。那就是为什么我能记得我曾和道卡斯交谈过,在我年轻的外表下的灵魂,我已经超过一百岁了。” “一百……”帕格摇了摇他的头。“可怜的汤玛士,听到你是女王的儿子已经让他伤透了心。现在听到这个他将彻底绝望了。” 凯勒恩向前探去,脸上闪过一丝微笑。“那个和我们一起在会议大厅的青年?” Pug nodded.凯勒恩说道,“这并不是我的母后第一次显现她对于人类的吸引力,尽避年长些的人可以很好的隐藏这一点。” “你不介意吧?”帕格问,希望能维护他的朋友。 “不,帕格,当然不。整个伊万达都爱戴女王,她的美丽超凡是公认的。我并不吃惊你朋友的反应。自从我的父王去世,不止一位你们族人的贵族前来探访。现在她的悲痛已经过去,如果她愿意她将会寻找另一伴侣。但不太可能是你们的族人,过去曾有过这样的结合,很少,并最终多以悲剧而结束。她的生命将比人类长久得多,如神灵一般永恒。” 凯勒恩环视了一下房间,然后补充道,“我想随着我们的朋友汤玛士的成长会逐渐忘却她对精灵女王的感觉。就像你的公主将改变她对你的感觉。” 帕格感到困窘。他非常好奇在晚宴上卡琳与精灵王子说了些什么,但不好意思问。“我注意到你和她谈了很长时间。” “我本来期盼能见到一位七英尺高,肩上缠绕着狂舞的闪电的英雄。但看来是你只手干掉了一打食人魔。” 帕格涨红了脸。“两只而已,而且基本上是个意外。” 凯勒恩的眉毛抬得高高的。“两只也非常的了不起。我还以为,那不过是一个受惊吓女孩的幻想。我很想听听这个故事。” 帕格向他讲述了发生的一切。当他说完,凯勒恩说道,“这真是一个不同寻常的故事,帕格。我对人类的魔法略有所知,但是我不能明白你怎么能像库甘说的一般强大。精灵的魔法完全不同于人类,但我们对我们的魔法的了解远比你们对自己的了解透彻。我从没有听说过这样的事情,但是我可以告诉你我的看法。有时候,危急的时刻,将会唤醒埋藏在你内心深处的潜力,激发出你未开发出的力量。” 帕格说道,“我也这样想过,尽避还是无法知道究竟是如何发生的。” “它来的总是很及时。” 帕格望着他的客人深深地叹了一口气。“我希望我能了解卡琳。” 凯勒恩耸肩一笑。“谁又能真正了解另一个人的想法?我想有时候你吸引了他。然后,可能,另一个人会转移她的注意,或许,就是年轻的若兰德爵士。他看上去正在讨好她。” 帕格哼了一声。“若兰德!那个……讨厌鬼。” 凯勒恩露出欣赏的笑容。“那么你是喜欢公主的喽?” 帕格向上望去,似乎在高处寻找着指引。“我喜欢她,”他深深地叹了一口气承认道。 “但是我不知道我是否真的喜欢她。有时候我觉得我是的——特别是当我看到若兰德讨好她的时候——但有时候我又不这么认为。她让我捉摸不透,而且我总是在她面前说错话。” “不象若兰德爵士,”凯勒恩插嘴道。 Pug nodded. “他是一位贵族。他知道该如何做。”帕格向后靠去期望地叹息道。 “我想我觉得他讨厌只是因为我又嫉妒又羡慕他。与他相比我就象个笨手笨脚的傻瓜。” 凯勒恩点头表示理解。“我不认为我很了解你们人类,帕格,但我和人类相处了很长时间,我能理解你的感受;若兰德让你相形见拙只是因为你自己这样看。 “我敢说年轻的若兰德可能对你也有同样的感觉。有时候我们自认为的缺点在别人看来可能完全不是。若兰德很可能就羡慕你的直率和忠厚。 “无论如何,你和若兰德将影响到公主做出她的选择。她对你的浪漫就象是你的朋友对我们的女王。短暂而渺茫,但在她成熟之前她不会对此动摇的。我想她把你当成了未来的伴侣。” 帕格打了个呵欠,然后说道,“伴侣?” 凯勒恩微笑着。“年轻人总爱过多地考虑未来。我想她这样的想法很大程度上是由于你的拒绝。她,就象大多数的孩子们一样,越是得不到的就越想拥有。”他的声音中充满友善,“时间将会验证结果。”帕格向前探去,脸上露出担忧的表情。“哦,我,我乱极了。城堡里一半的男孩都幻想着与公主的爱情。如果他们知道这实际上有多恐怖。” 他用力的合上双眼,紧紧地闭上呆了一会。“我的头都疼了。我想她和若兰德……” 凯勒恩说道,“他可能只是公主为激起你注意的道具。遗憾的是,这种做法给你们之间带来了不好的影响。” 帕格缓缓地点点头。“我想是的。若兰德总的来说是个不错的人;在大部分情况下我们的关系还可以。但自从我升为贵族后,他就开始公开地表示敌意。我试图忽略它,但是已经越来越严重了。或许我该和他谈谈。”“英明的决定。但是如果他不接受你的话语也不要吃惊。他已经完全被她迷住了。” 帕格感到他的头又痛了起来,一种魔法的直觉让他问道,“你能告诉我有关精灵魔法更多的事吗??” “我们的魔法来自远古时代。它是我们的一部分、是构成我们存在的一部分。精灵之靴可以让任何一个人类安静地潜行,精灵之弓能更精准地射向目标,那些是我们天生的魔法。它是我们自己,我们的森林,我们的动物赋予的。有时它可以被控制,我们精通于此……就像塔瑟尔那样的咒术师。但这并不容易掌握,我们的魔法会抵抗对它的操弄。 就像空气,总是围绕着我们,却看不见。但又不同于空气,它不会随风而逝,它是物质的。我们的森林被人类称作'魔法笼罩的',那是因为我们长时间的居住在那里,我们的魔法造就了神秘的伊万达。所有住在那里的人都和谐相处。没有人能够未经邀请而强行进入伊万达,也没有人能抱着邪恶的念头踏进精灵森林的边界,那会让他痛苦。但也并非总是如此;很久以前我们与暗精灵分享我们的一切,你们称他们为黑暗的氏族。自从巨变之后,我们将他们赶除了我们的森林,伊万达改变了,变成了我们的领域,我们的家,我们的精髓。 " “那黑暗氏族真的是精灵的近亲?” 凯勒恩闭上双眼,停了一会,然后说,“我们很少谈论这些事,真希望这不是事实。我只能这样告诉你:我们与魔尔欧有一定的联系,你们称这为兄弟关系,而我的人民,尽避已经过去很久并被淡漠。我们还是希望不是如此,可他们确实是我们的表亲。很罕见的,偶尔一个暗精灵会回到我们身边——我们称此为回归。”他看上去对这个话题相当的不舒服。 帕格说道,“我很抱歉,如果——” 凯勒恩打断了道歉。“求知的好奇心不需要道歉,帕格。但我不想多说这些了。”他们一直聊到了深夜,无所不谈。帕格被精灵王子所吸引,同时也很高兴自己的故事能引起凯勒恩的兴趣。 最后凯勒恩说,“我该回去了。尽避我不需要长时间的休息,但还是要有一些的。而且我认为你会更需要。” 帕格起身说道,“谢谢你和我谈了这么多。”然后他笑了,带着一丝困窘。“还有关于公主的话题。” “你需要谈谈。” 帕格领着凯勒恩一直走到长廊,一个仆人正在等候他。然后帕格回到他的房间然后躺下,冒雨飞回来的范特斯湿漉漉地爬了上来,并且很快睡去。帕格,凝视着天花板上悬挂的吊灯,忽明忽暗的火光舞动着,无法入睡。他试图将那些陌生战士的传说赶出他的脑袋,但那身着闪亮铠甲的战士穿越西部大陆森林的景象让他根本无法入眠。
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